Klaus Schwab

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 27, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 5). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 26, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 4). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 25, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 3). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 21, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 2). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Who Influences the Influencers? Meet Klaus Schwab’s Chief Adviser

    People often ask me, where does Klaus Schwab get his bizarre, indeed frightening ideas about transhumanism, globalism and technocracy? Who shapes his worldview? Let’s start off by stating upfront that every Western leader you see on the world stage right now is a puppet of the New World Order. His ideas are not his own but are coming from Satanic inspiration.
  • Brannon Howse: February 25, 2021

    The Great Reset and The Coming Global Fascism of Big Government, Big Business and the Social Sector. (Part 1) Topic: Today you will hear Klaus Schwab from the Great Reset conference of the World Economic Forum in which Schwab is discussing stakeholder capitalism and what it really is all about. Schwab admits the goal is to punish businesses that do not comply with the global social credit scores metrics. Topic: Remember when Obama told people they did not build that business? Listen as one of the speakers at the Great Reset conference repeats this lie to justify collective redistribution of wealth as part of the strategy of stakeholder capitalism. Topic: Listen as the CEO of MasterCard and the CEO of PayPal call for the joint partnership of big government and big business. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Global corporations rolling out ‘digital passports’ tying vaccine history to personal IDs: What’s coming next under ‘Great Reset’?

    Global power elites are using the fear of COVID-19 as an excuse to create a digital ID that will divide people into classes based on their medical history, in essence creating a new caste system of the vaccinated and non-vaccinated. The new system will debut as nation and industry-specific, with airlines being the first to roll out the new phone-based apps. But over the next two to three years this system will likely become global and applied across all industries, to the point where non-vaccinated persons will be left to fend for themselves in a world ruled by technocrats who hate America and what it stands for – individual freedom and liberty for all.
  • Brannon Howse: December 4, 2020

    The Tipping Point for America Has Arrived and We Must Honor and Model The Sacrifice of America's Fallen. Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: Brannon begins the program by calling on Americans to remember the sacrifice of past Americans to found and preserve our freedoms and liberties. Brannon calls on Americans to honor the thousands of white tombstone markers that dot the green, rolling hills of Arlington National Cemetery. These men fought the “ISMS” of tyranny overseas so we would not have to fight it here. Yet, today the battle is here and we must honor their service and sacrifice by standing up, speaking out, and resisting.