Worldview Report Audio

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 2, 2023

    Kurt Olsen on Kari Lake AZ Supreme Court Case Set For Conference. Brannon Howse Interviews Mother After Joe Biden Chuckled Over Report Her Sons Passed Away From Fentanyl Overdoses. Should States Consider Separating From Each Other and the Federal Government? Former Border Patrol Agent Gives First Hand Report of Massive Threat Facing America. Dr. James Thorpe on Preserving in the Face of Growing Medical Persecution.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 23, 2022

    Terrorists are entering the U.S. through its porous southern border. We’ve got some of the most disturbing numbers yet related to the border crisis. Vladimir Putin is calling up tens of thousands of fresh troops to serve in Ukraine as the war of words heats up between Russia and the U.S.-led NATO powers. The threat of world war has never been more real, says a European leader. We also take a look at the growing homeless crisis in America’s cities. And a doctor at a major university hospital in Tennessee admits the biggest reason a hospital should perform mutilating transgender sex-change surgeries is because “they make money for the hospital.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 22, 2022

    We have a blockbuster exposé tonight from an FBI whistleblower who has come forward to shed light on the abuse of power within that federal law enforcement agency. This is a shocking report that you won’t want to miss. Also, a renowned oncologist is sounding the alarm about the Covid mRNA vaccines and what they can do to you and your children, even the ones not yet born. We also have more warnings for parents about that Chinese video app, TikTok. A former high-up Trump official who served at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is coming clean about the Covid vaccines. They’re “like a bio
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 21, 2022

    A whistleblower comes forward with evidence that he was offered money to post false statements on social media about President Trump and his supporters. One of Philadelphia’s most notorious drag show performers suddenly collapses and dies of a heart attack during an on-stage act. A major airline company is getting ready to roll out electric planes, as the green propaganda blitz continues to run wild. And should the U.S. Department of Agriculture be allowed to label GMO foods with only a QR Code? A federal court has weighed in with a verdict.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 20, 2022

    We’ll take a look at Joe Biden’s creepy executive order promoting a new “bioeconomy.” What does it say and why are some predicting it will open the flood gates to transhumanism? Dr. Anthony Fauci is back up to his old tricks, admitting the Covid vaccines failed to offer any protection beyond a few months but now he wants you to get vaxxed for Monkeypox. He is the science, remember, so don’t ask questions. Just roll up
    your sleeves and shut up. We’ve got a report on Biden’s failed border, with some rather stunning video, and the impact it will have for years into the future. And more corruption at the CDC regarding lies told about the Covid vaccines, while one nation in Europe is now banning all mRNA vaccines for people under 50.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 19, 2022

    Something strange is going on, on Florida’s highways. A special report that might make you a little wary on your next trip to the sunshine state. Also tonight, two George Soros-funded groups have infiltrated federal agencies and are sowing hatred among federal workers, teaching them a skewed version of history and indoctrinating them to believe white people are racist oppressors. Are robots poised to take over the world, replacing most people in the everyday functions of society? Some of the most informed scientists on this subject are starting to voice real concerns.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 12, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Breitbart News reports that several electric vehicle makers have announced recalls of their newest cars. Ford and Rivian are both undergoing fresh recalls, but they have quite a way to go before they catch up to Tesla, which has issued 13 recalls impacting 2.3 million vehicles. Barrons reports that both Ford Motor and Rivian Automotive have announced the recall of various electric vehicles. On Monday, a recall notice for 1,175 Ford Mustang Mach E electric vehicles was posted on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 8, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Disney’s new FX series “Little Demon,” which features a woman who is impregnated by Satan and gives birth to an Antichrist daughter and carries graphic violence and nudity, “makes light of hell and the dangers of the demonic realm,” says One Million Moms says in an online petition. Due to the show's content, the group is issuing an “urgent warning” to parents. Through its adult animated sitcom series, which debuted last week on FXX, “Disney is introducing viewers, including children who might stumble across this series, to a world of demons, witches, and sorcery,” the Christian conservative group said in the petition, which had been signed by over 17,200 people as of early Monday, according to The Christian Post. The petition cited the Hollywood online news source Deadline as stating: “Among other shenanigans, the comedy … shows Laura [the mother] nude with no pixilation. She strips down in the first episode to perform a ritual, while there are multiple instances of nudity throughout the series.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 6, 2022

    INTRO: Forces of good and evil appear to be headed for a confrontation as Joe Biden’s attorney general warns employees of the DOJ and FBI not to cooperate with members of Congress seeking to investigate corruption in federal law enforcement agencies. An investigative reporter attempted to find out where all the U.S. aid and military hardware is ending up once it’s sent to Ukraine. We’ll show you what he found. Just days after California announced plans to phase out the sale of all new cars that aren’t electric, it puts out a notice warning residents not to charge their electric cars during a recent heat wave.
    And more concerns are coming to light about the Chinese video app TikTok. What, exactly is the Chinese Communist Party up to by luring American youth into using this app?
    All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 1, 2022

    INTRO: With illegal immigration booming at the wide-open U.S. border, House Democrats are floating a bill that would make sure those illegals stay well-fed and happy. And they’re hoping you won’t find out about it. You’ve heard about the plethora of drag queen shows targeting children of late, but this latest twist on the bizarre story will really make your blood boil. Has Antifa been hired to guard the drag queens? Yes, and you won’t believe what they’re using to intimidate pro-family protesters. And we’ve got breaking news from the field of science. A team of researchers in the United Kingdom have announced a startling development that puts the world on the brink of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Another round of Covid boosters is ready for release, and this time the FDA isn’t even pretending to test the safety and efficacy. And we’ve got an update on the latest attempt by the Democrats to disarm American firearms owners, coming at them in a dual approach that’s nothing short of diabolical. All these stories and much more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 13, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Queen Elizabeth III has passed away after 70 years on the British throne, making her the longest-reigning monarch in the nation’s history. Her son, Prince Charles, is now King. This is significant because when the Covid bioweapon was released on the world, Charles was one of the first world leaders to jump at the chance to support the World Economic Forum’s so-called Great Reset, which seeks to transition the world into a digitalized one-world system based on the elimination of fossil fuels, forced vaccines for all and new restrictions on the lives of people everywhere. Here is Prince Charles speaking in 2020 after the onslaught of Covid.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 9, 2022

    INTRO: We have an eye-opening report tonight about China’s involvement in the American market for aborted baby body parts. Also, another major Western country decides that Covid vaccines are too risky to be given to children and teens. Meanwhile, new data emerges on the shocking toll these vaccines are taking on working-age adults. Also tonight, we take a look at the impact of the green-energy movement in Italy, where utility bills have now skyrocketed by 500 percent and businesses are resorting to candles their light. And the Biden administration is ready to spend $3.6 million to deploy vending machines filled with drug supplies in rural Kentucky – pot pipes, syringes for shooting up deadly drugs, condoms; it’s all part of the package in what they call “harm reduction kiosks.”
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 7, 2022

    We lead off tonight with a story that should be seen as a harbinger of things to come. Nearly 23,000 Colorado customers with smart meters enrolled in the AC rewards program to get money back on their utility bills, but in return they give up some control over their home thermostat. It’s all for the “greater good.” This is how these coercive programs start. They begin as voluntary, with an incentive offered, usually of lower rates, and it later becomes punitive. If you don’t participate, you get slapped with an extra fee, and eventually you won’t be able to get a gas or electric service connection at all if you don’t acquiesce.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 2, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. There’s a whole lot more going on in Iraq than just Shiite-Sunni inter-rivalry squabbles, which is what you’ll hear from the mainstream corporate media. Iraq is an oil rich nation and that’s what various factions are fighting over, says Michael Yon, a former Iraq War veteran and national security expert. Take a listen to his interview with Steve Bannon of the War Room podcast. Thank you, Michael Yon for your service and for now keeping us up to date with what’s really going on in Iraq.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 29, 2022

    We have disturbing reports tonight that nations throughout the Western world are starting to arm and weaponize what they are calling the “climate police.” Are they taking their cue from Joe Biden’s plan to hire thousands of armed IRS agents?Meanwhile the World Economic Forum, which has by its own admission infiltrated the cabinets of many nations, is calling for the normalization of microchip implants, in adults and children. Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes the latest conservative figure to be “swatted” and she’s not happy about it. The state of California is phasing out the sale of gasoline-powered automobiles. And more bad news about those mRNA Covid vaccines that you won’t want to miss. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 25, 2022

    More dead and injured athletes to report tonight. And again, no cause of death is given as an unknown silent killer continues to ravage America’s youth, but the mainstream media is still not asking questions. Parents are removing their children from public schools in droves. We’ve got a report on the numbers, and where they are opting to send their kids as an alternative to public school indoctrination centers. The Episcopal Church has come out publicly in favor of “gender affirming care” for people of all ages. The latest in our series on apostate churches. USA Gymnastics has put out a statement saying it will boycott every state that fails to toe the liberal line on abortion.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 24, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A historically black church in Charlotte, North Carolina, will host the city’s annual gay pride interfaith service. St. Luke’s Missionary Baptist Church was originally a conservative church founded in 1950. Now, the church’s lead pastor, Clifford Matthews, is a leader in the woke movement known as “equity, diversity and inclusiveness.” For more than a decade, St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church has welcomed members of Charlotte’s LGBTQ community. So, when Pastor Matthews was asked to host this year’s interfaith service to kick off Charlotte Pride, his response was simple.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. We lead off tonight with an exclusive, special report from The Federalist that you won’t want to miss. Joe Biden is looking northward to Canada for critical mineral supplies to meet government-inflated demand for green-energy initiatives while his administration shuts down major mining projects on American soil. The Federalist reports that, in March, Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to expedite the expansion of U.S. mining operations for lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese as demand rises for the raw materials. Not only are these critical minerals central to the administration’s subsidized wind and solar farms, but they are essential for defense technologies and popular products from cell phones to laptops.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 17, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Reports have been coming in that the FBI took documents that are protected by attorney-client privilege as well as separate documents protected by executive privilege during their raid last week of Mar-a-Lago, reports journalist J.D. Rucker at The Liberty Daily. If true, Rucker writes, it would be a tremendous breach of protocols, not to mention breaking the law, adding: “But the lawless Department of Justice under Merrick Garland has refused to allow a special master to be assigned to go through the documents and determine what is privileged and what isn’t. If indicted, Donald Trump can use this in his defense; we’ll discuss further if it comes to that.”
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 16, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. China's military exercises surrounding the self-ruled island of Taiwan were scheduled to wind down and end on Sunday, August 7th, but on Monday, August 8th, Beijing announced it is extending the military drills which Taipei officials have blasted as an outright blockade and simulation for a future invasion. The drills were originally set for four days, but have now been extended by at least another week. According to a report by Zero Hedge, not only have the drills launched in the wake of last week’s visit to Taiwan of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, disrupting surrounding air traffic and shipping lanes key to global trade, but they've upped tensions with Washington, which was clearly by design. The stage is being set for war in the Asian theater. Pelosi gave the Chinese what they needed and wanted, a pretext to launch their war games in a tit-for-tat escalation.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 15, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. French lawmakers have approved a plan to launch a biometric digital health card, reports Ken Macon for the Activist Post. The project was pushed as part of the financial aid package to address the cost-of-living crisis. France has a health card called Carte Vitale, which allows those registered in the country’s health system to get reimbursements for medical costs. The payments are made automatically because the card is linked to the user’s bank account.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 12, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with an exclusive analysis by Revolver News that appears to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th. This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of congressional inquiry as to why the FBI has stonewalled release of the footage. Revolver News released an executive summary of the missing footage, condensed in this video.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 11, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with an exclusive analysis by Revolver News that appears to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th. This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of congressional inquiry as to why the FBI has stonewalled release of the footage. Revolver News released an executive summary of the missing footage, condensed in this video.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 10, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. China's military exercises surrounding the self-ruled island of Taiwan were scheduled to wind down and end on Sunday, August 7th, but on Monday, August 8th, Beijing announced it is extending the military drills which Taipei officials have blasted as an outright blockade and simulation for a future invasion. The drills were originally set for four days, but have now been extended by at least another week. According to a report by Zero Hedge, not only have the drills launched in the wake of last week’s visit to Taiwan of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, disrupting surrounding air traffic and shipping lanes key to global trade, but they've upped tensions with Washington, which was clearly by design. The stage is being set for war in the Asian theater. Pelosi gave the Chinese what they needed and wanted, a pretext to launch their war games in a tit-for-tat escalation. The Biden administration then ordered the USS Ronald Reagan carrier strike group to stay in waters near Taiwan for longer than planned.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 9, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that society is on the precipice of “nuclear annihilation.” The head of the U.N., while speaking at the opening of the 10th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on Monday, said, “Today, humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.” Participants at the meeting met to review the 52-year-old treaty designed to prevent the development of nuclear weapons, which Guterres says needs to be changed in a way that bans all nuclear weapons. Which of course is a pipe dream.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 8, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Leading off tonight, the state of Israel is leading the way into the cashless society. A new Israeli law went into effect Monday prohibiting cash payments to businesses of over $1,760, the equivalent of 6,000 New Israeli Shekel or NIS. Previously, the use of cash up to $3,200 could be used in business deals. The ceiling for transfers between private individuals will be $4,400, a decrease from the current limit of nearly $14,700, according to a report by Israel 365 News.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: August 3, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We have more government data coming out of the U.K. and the results are shocking. This data reveals that the vaccinated population has a higher mortality rate per 100,000 people than the unvaccinated population. The figures show that it takes an average of about five months from the time one receives the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realized, The Expose reports. As a result, the mass “booster” campaign that took place in the winter began to kill off the recipients in the spring. This explains the sudden rise in weekly deaths across England since the end of April 2022, the article reports.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 29, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We have a lot of news to get through tonight so let’s get right to it. Breaking this week in the nation’s capital, it looks like the globalist insiders who took full control of this country in January 2021 are finally going for the jugular in their long-coveted attempt to take down Donald Trump. The U.S. Department of Justice has opened a formal investigation into the former president for allegedly attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In other words, the exact crime that the Democrats committed, they are trying to pin on Trump.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 28, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. A poll conducted by University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics shows nearly one-third of American voters believe they may have to take up arms against the United States government. Republican pollster Neil Newhouse and Democratic pollster Joel Benenson, with input from students at the Institute of Politics, conducted the survey. On July 24, the Hill reported the pollsters found that 28 percent of all voters, including 37 percent of gun owners, agreed that “it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government.”

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 27, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. News Channel 3, the local CBS affiliate in Southeast Michigan, published the results to the Republican primary election and guess what? Tudor Dixon, the candidate who has accepted the most funding from establishment sources, has been declared the winner. There’s only one problem with this. The election was still a week away at the time New Channel 3 published its results!

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 26, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Lower Township Police in New Jersey arrested two pro-abortion militants in connection to an act of vandalism at the St. John Neumann Catholic Church in North Cape May, N.J. So what, you ask. What’s the big deal? These militants are committing vandalism, and much worse, at pro-life facilities across the nation. Well, what makes this case different is that the two pro-abortion perpetrators are openly and provably motivated by satanic influence. Patrick Rosenkrans, 33, and Jennifer Paul, 36, both of Villas, New Jersey, allegedly wrote a Satanic message and symbol reflecting abuse of babies on the church property. They've been charged with criminal mischief.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Well, it was exactly one year ago, on July 21, 2021, that Joe Biden said, “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” That was just one of many lies Biden told about the vaccine as he pushed it relentlessly on the American people.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 22, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The Gateway Pundit reports that Washington State Democrats are furious after Republican activists announced they are organizing surveillance teams to record ballot drop boxes in the state. For years since Washington state, like its neighbor Oregon, started their mail-in ballot schemes, NO REPUBLICAN has won statewide office.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 21, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The Biden administration is expected to seize “emergency” powers by the end of the week with an announcement that the “climate crisis” demands immediate executive action, according to a report by Kyle Becker of Becker News. Becker cites a Washington Post report on the White House’s intention to invoke a national emergency over climate change. The Post reported:

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 20, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Trust in the federal government has never been lower, according to a new Gallup poll. The president has a trust factor of only 23 percent while the Congress has an even more dismal level of trust at just 7 percent of the American public. The military, which has the highest level of trust at 64 percent, is controlled by the very people hardly anyone trusts, that being the Congress and the President.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 19, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with a shocking story being reported by Breitbart News. The Centers for Disease Control is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex-change surgeries, and political activism, and the chat rooms are specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. The secret CDC chat rooms also mix LGBTQ adults and children and are run in part by Planned Parenthood.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 15, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. We know where the Covid pandemic came from, we know where the PCR testing kits come from, and where even many of the masks and other protective medical gear comes from. China is the dominant supplier of all things Covid. But what about the vaccines? Who is actually in charge of manufacturing them? Naomi Wolf recently broke that story down for Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 14, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A father shot and wounded two teenage boys who tried to rob his SUV while his wife and baby were inside.
    Newsweek reports that the incident occurred just after midnight on Monday, July 11, in Harris County, Texas, outside of Houston. Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said the robbery suspects were both 16-year-old males. The two teens allegedly walked up to the SUV and opened one of the vehicle’s doors near where the baby was sitting:
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 13, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. A whistleblower has leaked a treasure trove of documents and text messages, some marked “Highly Sensitive,” to The Gateway Pundit, containing incredible evidence proving the Department of Justice was aware that a group of indicted Proud Boys were innocent, yet the government is prosecuting them anyway. The documents handed over to The Gateway Pundit include hundreds of pages of transcripts of audio-recorded interviews with an Assistant United States Attorney, FBI Agents and their “Confidential Human Source.” The Confidential Human Source, or CHS, infiltrated the Kansas City Proud Boy Group for over a year and a half before the January 6th event and provided regular updates to the FBI on the group’s activity.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 12, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a ruling on Friday that deems unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes illegal under Wisconsin election law. The high court said in the 4-3 decision: “An absentee ballot must be returned by mail or the voter must personally deliver it to the municipal clerk at the clerk’s office or a designated alternate site. The record evidence [the Wisconsin Elections Commission] cited does not support its argument that ballot drop boxes have been in common and longstanding use in this state.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 11, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Leading off tonight, we bring you a shocking story about just how far the U.S. military has been degraded and debased under the presidency of Joe Biden. An Army training slide obtained by Breitbart News instructs soldiers to shower with transgender members of the opposite sex.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 8, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host Brannon Howse. Joe Biden allowed more than 5 million barrels of oil to be drawn from the U.S. Strategic Oil Reserves and exported to Europe and Asia last month. This despite record-high gas and diesel prices here at home. The news of the export to other nations was reported by Reuters and raised concern over the continued mismanagement of resources by the Biden Administration.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 7, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The United Parcel Service, better known as UPS, is terminating the accounts of gun dealers across the country. In a letter sent to one Florida gun dealer, Ghost Firearms, UPS said they were terminating the account because they “may be violating” laws concerning homemade firearm parts.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 6, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was booed and jeered off the stage by 10,000 Somali-Americans at a concert in Minneapolis Saturday night celebrating Somali Independence Day. The concert featured Somali singer Suldaan Seeraar who can be seen in a video trying to tell the crowd to stop booing, but they did not even listen to their popular native singer. The audience at the Target Center booed and cursed Omar for ten minutes straight. Cries of, “Get out!”, “Get lost!”, “Get the (bleep) out of here!” and “Shut the (bleep) up” could be heard. They would not even let her speak.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 5, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. We’re loaded with news tonight so let’s get right into it. People like to characterize the Biden administration as incompetent. But that doesn’t reflect the intention with which they’ve gone about destroying things. They’ve intentionally spent and printed trillions of dollars, leading to the highest inflation rates in over 40 years; and they’ve intentionally opened the border and invited human traffickers to smuggle in drugs and human bodies like so many units of cattle, leading to the rapes and deaths of so many of those migrants. And now we have proof that they’ve intentionally gone about destroying our nation’s energy independence.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 30, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with that horrifying story of human trafficking in Texas as people are still looking for answers on how and why this happened. The grizzly scene was discovered Monday evening on a highway in San Antonio. Fifty people were found dead inside an abandoned tractor-trailer on the side of a road in the sweltering Texas heat. They were the victims of an attempted migrant smuggling operation, according to authorities.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 1, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The children's propaganda outlet known as Sesame Street is using its Elmo character to promote gene-therapy jabs for little kids, toddlers and babies as young as 6 months old. First it was Big Bird shilling for the vax, but now Elmo is getting into the act. Elmo is apparently younger than 6 because he's just now getting his first jab, right on cue after the CDC and FDA announced last week that it’s OK for kids as young as 6 months old to get the experimental gene-based injections, the same injections that many believe are causing teenagers and young adults to die mysteriously in their sleep and during sporting competitions.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 29, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. An abortion activist from California was arrested and charged with attempted murder for his actions during a violent pro-abortion protest in the wake of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Since the Dobbs decision came down last Friday, radical pro-abortion militants have engaged in violence and terror across the nation — burning pregnancy centers, vandalizing a Fox News studio in New York and terrorizing state legislators at a state Capitol. During the protests in Los Angeles, members of the crowd began “throwing fireworks and other makeshift weapons” at the officers.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 28, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. A total of 14 states have laws in place that will ban abortion either immediately or within 30 days of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Several others ban abortion after a certain point, such as six weeks in Georgia and 15 weeks in Florida, while at least 20 states guarantee the so-called right to an abortion via laws or constitutional amendments. The last category are a handful of states in legal limbo with neither abortion restrictions nor prohibitions on the books or in their constitutions. Here is where abortion laws stand in each state, according to the left-leaning Guttmacher Institute and other sources.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 28, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. A total of 14 states have laws in place that will ban abortion either immediately or within 30 days of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Several others ban abortion after a certain point, such as six weeks in Georgia and 15 weeks in Florida, while at least 20 states guarantee the so-called right to an abortion via laws or constitutional amendments. The last category are a handful of states in legal limbo with neither abortion restrictions nor prohibitions on the books or in their constitutions. Here is where abortion laws stand in each state, according to the left-leaning Guttmacher Institute and other sources.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 27, 2022

    Even as the U.S. Supreme Court was upholding Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms across all 50 states on Thursday, 15 Republicans joined all 50 Democrats in voting to undermine those very same Second Amendment rights. The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot arbitrarily refuse a person the right to carry a firearm if they pass a criminal background check. On the same day that ruling came down, the U.S. Senate voted to curtail Second Amendment rights, subjecting law-abiding Americans to red flag laws, enhanced background checks which will serve as a national gun registry, and other restrictions. MTG was followed by Congressman Bob Good, Republican of Virginia, who also could not help but notice the irony.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 24, 2022

    Polio is spreading in the UK for the first time in decades, officials claim. The Sun is reporting that health bosses urged Brits to check that their children's jabs are up to date after picking up signs of the virus being passed between individuals. Experts have detected the same bug in London sewage samples since April – a clear signal of a community outbreak. No cases have yet been confirmed in the UK and the UKHSA said samples were found in East and North London. This, chiefs say “suggests it is likely there has been some spread between closely-linked individuals.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 23, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. In a major first for globalist one-world order types, Emmanuel Macron, who is a shill for Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, has declared a climate lockdown in France. According to a report by the RAIR Foundation, the French citizenry is no longer allowed to think and decide for themselves but need an all-powerful, all-knowledgeable state to tell them whether it’s safe to go outside. RAIR Foundation writes: “In France, WEF Young Global Leader Macron was recently confirmed as President in an allegedly fair and democratic vote. Undeterred, he continues with Klaus Schwab’s globalist agenda.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 22, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Leading off tonight, a new poll by Yahoo News/YouGov shows that 55 percent of Democrats and 53 percent of Republicans now believe it is “likely” that America will “cease to be a democracy in the future.” Even the far-left Yahoo News saw the significance of the poll’s findings, calling it “a stunning expression of bipartisan despair about the direction of the country.” Only 25 percent of those polled said they consider the end of U.S. democracy unlikely and another 25 percent said they’re unsure.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 21, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Starting off tonight, the Children’s Health Defense and its website, The Defender, are reporting that new studies suggest a link between an incurable and fatal prion disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and COVID-19 vaccines. Researchers believe the prion region from the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant’s spike protein was incorporated into the mRNA vaccines given to hundreds of millions of humans — and that it can cause a new type of aggressive CJD brain disease. According to Mayo Clinic, CJD is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death. There is no cure.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 20, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with a story from the Post Millennial which reports that Joe Biden is considering using executive orders to declare a “public health emergency” if Roe v. Wade gets overturned by the Supreme Court. Biden is threatening, essentially, to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court in order to keep abortions on the table. The article is based on sources quoted by the New York Times, which often quotes deep state sources in the government because it is part of that same apparatus.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 17, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The far left, militant pro-abortion group "Jane's Revenge" has claimed responsibility for a Molotov Cocktail attack against a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin, and it has also vowed to continue more acts of violence, stating “we are literally fighting for our lives.” But as of yet, none of its leaders or those funding the group have been arrested by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. A "first communique" was sent to far-left activist journalist Robert Evans last month, reports the Post Millennial.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 16, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Fox News’s Sean Hannity is under fire from conservative commentators for reportedly asking former president Donald Trump to consider a pardon for Hunter Biden to control the fallout from the January 6 Capitol protests. Last Thursday, the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot released text messages between Hannity and former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who told him President Trump was “intrigued by the pardon idea!! (Hunter),” according to an article in the Independent, a British newspaper. Mr. Biden’s son has been in the crosshairs of Republicans because of his alleged corrupt business dealings in Ukraine and China.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 15, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Back in March, RINO globalist Senator Mitt Romney accused anyone talking about biolabs in Ukraine of “treasonous lies” and “spreading disinformation.” The so-called lies and disinformation claim was based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland, who admitted during testimony before a U.S. Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine. Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 14, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with an insider’s view on Google’s new artificial intelligence module. A senior software engineer at the company who signed up to test Google’s artificial intelligence tool called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), has broken the silence and gone public with a warning to the world. If this AI robot is indeed sentient as described by the engineer, then it would have the ability to have thoughts and feelings of its own, and they’re clearly not friendly toward those with a biblical worldview.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 13, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A national red flag gun seizure law passed the House Thursday with five Republicans voting with the Democrats. It now goes to the Senate where Chuck Schumer will need to recruit ten Republicans to get the bill passed. The five turncoats among House Republicans were Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton of Michigan, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Chris Jacobs of New York. This bill, if passed in its current form by the U.S. Senate, would allow judges to order the seizure of Americans’ firearms on the word of practically anyone with no due process. A former spouse, a disgruntled former employee, that liberal neighbor you never saw eye to eye with, any of them could simply call up law enforcement and say that you pose a danger to them and that would make you the target of an investigation. This could even be used to strip away the weapons of conservative journalists, podcasters, and simply people who have broadcast their conservatism on Facebook or some other social media platform.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 14, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with an insider’s view on Google’s new artificial intelligence module. A senior software engineer at the company who signed up to test Google’s artificial intelligence tool called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), has broken the silence and gone public with a warning to the world. If this AI robot is indeed sentient as described by the engineer, then it would have the ability to have thoughts and feelings of its own, and they’re clearly not friendly toward those with a biblical worldview.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 14, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with an insider’s view on Google’s new artificial intelligence module. A senior software engineer at the company who signed up to test Google’s artificial intelligence tool called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), has broken the silence and gone public with a warning to the world. If this AI robot is indeed sentient as described by the engineer, then it would have the ability to have thoughts and feelings of its own, and they’re clearly not friendly toward those with a biblical worldview.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 10, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The geopolitical pivot of Russia and China away from the West was the main focus of this year’s meeting in Washington, D.C., of the secretive Bilderberg Group, which ended June 5. But even more provocative was that the Bilderbergers discussed a potential financial meltdown – specifically, how to ensure the continuity of the government amid economic upheavals, according to an article by Mary Villareal in the NOQ Report. The Bilderberg Group, a secretive organization established in 1954, was created to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every few years, around 120 to 140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labor, academia and media are invited to take part in the meeting, two-thirds of which come from Europe. Of these numbers, about a quarter come from politics and government, while the rest come from other fields, including the media.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 9, 2022

    Good everning everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning of a “heightened threat environment” over the next several months, stating they will monitor the risk of domestic terrorism within the U.S. to promote acts of violence. According to the DHS bulletin: “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment. In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 7, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Back in March, equity investment executive Ed Dowd told Steve Bannon’s War Room audience that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021. These numbers were gleaned from funeral homes and life insurance companies. On Friday, June 3rd, Dowd gave an update after first-quarter numbers were released.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 6, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. More disturbing facts have emerged following the mass murders of 19 school children and two adults in Uvalde, Texas, last week as we now know that the town’s police chief was invested in the gun control issue. Uvalde Schools Police Chief Peter Arredondo donated a total of $17 to Act Blue and $5 of it was “earmarked for Beto.” And while the amount donated was not much, it certainly shows his political affiliation and ideology – that citizens should not be able to own the most popular self-defense rifle in the country, reports Uncanceled News.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 3, 2022

    Well, it just keeps happening. Large farms and food processing centers coming under attack. The latest to report is a poultry farm in Howard Lake, Minnesota, that supplies the nation's largest supermarkets with three million eggs per day. It experienced a devastating fire over the weekend. Zero Hedge reports that Forsman Farms spokesperson Jon Austin told local media outlet KARE that estimates aren't firm yet, but anywhere between "tens of thousands of chickens were killed, up to a couple hundreds of thousands." The spokesperson continued and said chickens in adjacent barns were affected by smoke inhalation.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 2, 2022

    We lead off tonight with breaking news out of Texas, where the Uvalde School District and the Uvalde Police Department have stopped cooperating with the State of Texas’ probe of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School. As we’ve reported, the timeline presented by the local police is rife with questionable activity at key timeframes. Things just don’t add up. So it’s no surprise the school district and police would stop cooperating with investigators trying to get to the bottom of exactly how an 18-year-old with a history of mental illness and making violent threats was allowed to waltz right in through an unlocked door after spending nearly 15 minutes shooting at a funeral home across the street. Then police officers waited outside while the gunman spent 90 minutes inside the school murdering 19 children and two adults.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: June 1, 2022

    L. Todd Wood of CD Media reports that as an outsider looking into the situation surrounding the Texas school shooting, there is much confusion and many curious facts. Wood sets the background for his article by noting: “We know the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party are pushing for tyrannical control of humanity. Just this week the WEF was looking to pass ‘health amendments’ to give the WHO sovereignty over America, enabled by the Biden regime. The only thing standing in the way of this in North America is your personal weapons. The Second Amendment was not just for self-defense, it was designed mainly as a bulwark against a tyrannical government, that our Founders gave us. Hence my question about the criminal acts in Uvalde…” He further notes that the school shootings largely went away under Trump. Now they are back with a vengeance. Why is that?
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 31, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Starting off with that big train derailment that’s received almost no coverage in the mainstream media. 43 freight-train cars owned by Canadian Pacific Railway and carrying potash derailed east of Fort MacLeod in southern Alberta on Sunday morning, May 22, the company confirmed. The train was headed westbound at the time of the derailment. Both Reuters and the CBC gave very brief reports on the train derailment with no follow up other than to say the derailment was under investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 26, 2022

    In the three-day summit’s opening address, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, dressed in his trademark wartime olive-green T-shirt, and projected on monitors from Kyiv, told about 1,000 CEOs and government officials that Ukraine needs $5 billion a month, beginning immediately, in order to stave off full-blown economic collapse—a collapse that would have deep global ramifications. “The amount of work is enormous,” he said. “We have more than a half a trillion dollars in losses, and tens of thousands of facilities destroyed. We need to rebuild entire cities and industries.” Yet rather than describing the dire situation as a crisis, Zelensky cast it as a potentially lucrative opportunity for Western countries and companies.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The separation between East and West continues with Ukraine as the dividing line. Euro Weekly News is reporting that Russia’s Foreign Ministry had sent proposals to State Duma on Russia’s withdrawal from World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization. Russia’s State Duma deputy speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, as reported by Russian news agency Kommersant, said: “Exit from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will be considered among other organizations.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 24, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. In a special exclusive interview with former Pfizer employee and pharmaceutical industry analyst, Karen Kingston, we learned that the toxin being referred to a monkeypox is almost certainly not 100 percent monkeypox. Is this the one Bill Gates warned a year ago when he said, “this next one that will really get your attention?” We discussed the timing of these events, leading up to the WHO World Health Assembly and its proposed power grab over nations’ sovereignty, and also how a group called NTI ran a fictional scenario in November 2021 that predicted an outbreak of monkeypox in May 2022.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 23, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. The state of Israel has agreed to join the U.S., the UK, Canada, the E.U. and a host of other nations in a plan to hand over sovereignty on matters of “public health emergencies” to the United Nations World Health Organization. Israeli leaders apparently have short memories. As reported by journalist Leo Hohmann at, it was just three years ago, in May 2019, that the WHO passed a resolution accusing Israel of perpetuating a “public health crisis” in the Palestinian territories.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 20, 2022

    Good evening everyone, and welcome to The Worldview report. I’m Brannon Howse. Radical elements within the United States are planning to launch attacks on the United States Supreme Court as well as on members of Congress, churches and clergy, if the Supreme Court follows through with its well-publicized plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. This information comes from an unclassified memo sent out by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as reported by Axios. The Mother’s Day disruption of church services was just the beginning.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 19, 2022

    The amount of crude oil in the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve has dropped by 5 million barrels in the week to May 13, the lowest level since 1987, according to Reuters, which cited data from the U.S. Department of Energy. Stockpiles in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve fell to 538 million barrels. About 3.9 million barrels of sour crude was released into the market, while about 1.1 million barrels of sweet crude was issued, according to the data. President Joe Biden in March announced the largest release ever from the U.S. emergency oil reserve at 1 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil for six months from the reserve in an attempt to bring down gasoline prices that have soared during Russia's war with Ukraine.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.Finland and Sweden have been bound to codes of neutrality since at least the Second World War, in return for security guarantees from Russia that it will not attack them.Now, all bets are off.Sweden has announced it will join Finland in applying for membership in NATO, citing Russia's invasion of Ukraine as the reason for their historic shift away from decades of neutrality.Magdalena Andersson, the Swedish prime minister, announced the move on Monday - just a day after her Finnish counterpart Sanna Marin filed her own formal application. Andersson was quoted in the Daily Mail saying that the move was being made in conjunction with Finland and marks “a historic change in our country's security policy.”

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 17, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A California bill to allow children as young as 12-years-old to be vaccinated without parental consent passed the state senate on Thursday.Senate Bill 866, according to the Gateway Pundit, would allow kids to get any vaccine without their parents’ knowledge, including the COVID-19 jabs that are still being given out under emergency use authorization, meaning they are experimental.Authored by Democrat State Senator Scott Wiener, the bill passed with a 21-7 vote.According to CBS News, “if it becomes law, California would allow the youngest age group of any state to be vaccinated without parental permission.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 16, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.As anyone with an infant baby knows, it’s getting harder and harder to find baby formula, leading most grocery stores to slap a limit of one or two cans per shopper. This is rationing. It’s here. In America.The reasons are likely many as to why we suddenly have a baby formula shortage in a First World country.But one reason that has not been discussed until now, and one you probably hadn’t thought of, can be traced to America’s border crisis.In short, the border has been wide open since Biden took office with an average of about 200,000 illegals crossing in per month.Many of them are pregnant women and women with infants.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 16, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.As anyone with an infant baby knows, it’s getting harder and harder to find baby formula, leading most grocery stores to slap a limit of one or two cans per shopper. This is rationing. It’s here. In America.The reasons are likely many as to why we suddenly have a baby formula shortage in a First World country.But one reason that has not been discussed until now, and one you probably hadn’t thought of, can be traced to America’s border crisis.In short, the border has been wide open since Biden took office with an average of about 200,000 illegals crossing in per month.Many of them are pregnant women and women with infants.

  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 13, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to another edition of the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse.Virginia’s Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares had warned the “extreme left” against political violence in the wake of the leaked draft opinion striking down Roe v. Wade.A few days later a bullet was fired through his office window.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 12, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Well, some are calling it the revolt of the momma bears. In Texas, parents running for school boards on a platform that calls for removing critical race theory, masks and sexualized classroom instruction made a clean sweep of county school boards.The bloodbath for liberal school boards took place in four districts in the Fort Worth, Texas, area over the weekend.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 11, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Joe Biden’s new Disinformation Governance Board has appointed a radical George Soros operative as its co-chair. Slay News reports that the new censorship board leader, Jennifer Daskal, is a long-time Soros operative with at least three known connections to the leftist billionaire. Daskal has served as a fellow at Soros’ Open Society Institute where she was “working on issues related to privacy and law enforcement access to data across borders.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 10, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Vandals set a fire inside the headquarters of the pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action early Sunday using Molotov cocktails in the attack, an official with the group told the news website Two staff members returned to their office at 2801 International Lane mid-morning Sunday to find shattered glass from a broken window covering a corner office riddled with burned books, reported. The smell of smoke lingered hours after the fire was set. Damage was reported to carpet and walls but no one was injured as the office was empty at the time of the attack.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 9, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The United States has delivered so many Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine that the Pentagon's own supplies of these critical defense weapons are quickly evaporating, Just the News reports, citing defense insiders. The U.S. has sent more than 5,000 Javelins to Ukraine, the Pentagon told Just the News, with analysts estimating that some 20,000-25,000 of the missiles remain in the Defense Department's inventory — an amount that may not be sufficient for potential U.S.-involved conflicts.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 6, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A Democrat senator wants a criminal investigation into pro-life Supreme Court justices. According to a report by LifeSite News, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) implied she wants to see Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh investigated for a potential ruling to reverse Roe v. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the draft opinion, but the ruling is not yet finalized.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 5, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Following the unprecedented leak of a Supreme Court initial majority draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade, huge controversies have begun to surface that are likely to rock the nation. The document, first obtained by Politico, outlined the potential demise of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion on demand universally available in all 50 states. The leak Monday night immediately sent shockwaves across the nation, both among pro aborts and pro lifers.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 4, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Breitbart posted a new article on Bill Gates that is definitely worth the read. It urges Americans to “begin preparing now for the appearance of ‘even more fatal’ variants of coronavirus in the future.” That’s the advice from Gates who warned Sunday that a global health surveillance pact driven by increased funding for the World Health Organization is one way to forestall pandemic outbreaks.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 3, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. There is growing concern tonight that the food crisis is about to get much worse. Farmers worldwide are reducing their use of chemical fertilizers. In most cases this isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. They either can’t afford to buy fertilizer or they can’t get their hands on enough of it even if they could afford it. Which means their crops may deliver significantly lower yields when harvest time arrives in the fall. The ramifications could be catastrophic. 
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 2, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Is the federal government getting worried that it may be losing the information war being waged against the American people, to the extent that it now feels the need to create a whole new sub-agency to investigate Americans who it says are guilty of spreading “misinformation?” It certainly seems that way. Why else would Joe Biden do something as desperate as to create an official government censorship board to attack the ideas and opinions that his administration finds threatening to its power structure?
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 29, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with an exclusive interview that takes a deep dive into the psychology that underpinned the unprecedented draconian response imposed on people throughout the formerly free world. And how as a result, life will never be the same. Did the world’s top globalist elites use their knowledge of behavioral psychology to craft the Covid narrative that took the world by storm in 2020 and 2021, knowing that if they played their cards right, people across the world, even in the world’s freest countries, would not only accept the draconian “new normal” but would actually demand that they remain in bondage? Earlier this week I interviewed former Pfizer employee and pharmaceutical industry analyst Karen Kingston, who shared in great detail about something called the parasite stress hypothesis, and the data findings from a 2013 study called Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence that Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism. Here’s what she had to say.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 28, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. We have a ton of news to report tonight so let’s get right to it. If the Biden regime gets its way it will soon be mandatory for all doctors in America to perform abortions, regardless of their religious convictions, reports Ethan Huff at Natural News. A new mandate being put together by the Department of Health and Human Services as “an anti-sex discrimination provision within the Affordable Care Act” would force doctors to murder unborn children or risk losing their medical license.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 27, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse and we’re glad you could join us. A New York state judge on Monday found former President Trump in contempt of court for not turning over documents after he was ordered to comply with a subpoena from the New York attorney general’s office, according to a report by The Hill. New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump to pay $10,000 a day until he’s in compliance with the document demands. New York’s radical progressive Democrat Attorney General Letitia James, whose candidacy was funded by globalist billionaire George Soros, applauded the ruling. “Today, justice prevailed,” James said in a statement, adding: “For years, Donald Trump has tried to evade the law and stop our lawful investigation into him and his company’s financial dealings. Today’s ruling makes clear: No one is above the law.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 26, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Political commentator and filmmaker Mark Dice took to the streets of San Diego recently with a fake petition in hand, trying to see how many people he could get to sign it. The question on the petition was, “Would you like to see sales of the Bible banned due to it being hate speech to help the New World Order.” Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly given where he was, it didn’t take too much convincing to get woke Californians to sign the prank petition.
    In fact, if this video is uncut, more people signed it than who refused to sign it. Take a look at this disturbing video.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report, I'm Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with a program, unbelievable really, that’s been implemented within Joe Biden’s woke military. According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, the U.S. Air Force is instructing its commanders to create a “safe space” in which recruits can partake in "healthy conversation" and "share perspectives" as part of what leaders are calling a "cultural shift" in the service.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 22, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. As we reported last night, a federal judge has finally struck down the CDC’s illegal mask mandates for airplanes, trains and subways, ruling that the federal agency had no legal authority under the U.S. Constitution to mandate anything. But according to a new health study out of the U.K., the damage may already be done. Many people will suffer permanent lung damage from two years of mask wearing. LifeSite News, citing that study, reports that the health implications of tiny plastic fragments invading lungs are unknown, but it's a growing health concern, especially for children.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 20, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A federal judge on Monday struck down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's face-mask mandate for airplanes and other modes of public transit. Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump-appointed judge, wrote in her decision that the CDC exceeded its statutory authority with the order. “Our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends,” she wrote, acknowledging that the CDC imposed the mandate ostensibly to prevent the spread of Covid. It remains unclear how quickly the ruling would be implemented by airline companies or whether the Biden Justice Department would appeal the ruling. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the decision was "disappointing" and that CDC and the Department of Homeland Security was reviewing the ruling. The ruling came after 21 states sued the federal government.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 19, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Christine Anderson, Germany’s firebrand conservative member of parliament, is sounding alarm bells over a proposed World Health Organization treaty that would supersede the constitutions and parliamentary actions of national governments. The WHO could declare a global pandemic and then after declaring it, the WHO’s dictates on how to respond to the pandemic would become a defacto world government, Anderson is warning. Listen to what she had to say in this sobering video.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse and I’m glad you could join us. Starting us off tonight: Why does the FBI set up American citizens and frame them in criminal plots? Two of the most flagrant and recent examples were the Michigan plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election, followed shortly afterward by the infiltration of the January 6 protest. Filmmaker Dinesh De Souza says he knows why and explains himself in this recent video. Some of it obviously has to do with money and keeping their budgets perpetually increasing, but there’s also an ideological motive. You don’t see them setting up progressive radical Marxists. Take a look at what Dinesh De Souza has to say about this.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 15, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Video clips posted on social media this week showed shocking footage compiled by the voter integrity organization True the Vote, with evidence of widespread ballot trafficking in the 2020 presidential election.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 14, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Scientists at the British biotech company Oxitec have created a proprietary synthetic strand of genetically modified mosquito larvae that they plan to release into the wild of California. According to a report by MSN, “Soon, millions of these engineered mosquitoes could be set loose in California in an experiment recently approved by the federal government.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 13, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Tonight, we have stunning new numbers to bring you in the crisis at America’s southern border, where migrants continue to enter the country illegally with no end in sight. Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, said that by the end of the Biden administration in January 2025, an astonishing 30 million illegal aliens will be living in America. That will encompass 20 percent of everyone living in the United States of America. Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Tonight, we have stunning new numbers to bring you in the crisis at America’s southern border, where migrants continue to enter the country illegally with no end in sight. Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, said that by the end of the Biden administration in January 2025, an astonishing 30 million illegal aliens will be living in America. That will encompass 20 percent of everyone living in the United States of America.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 12, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. I’m sure most of you remember the Obama phones passed out in Democrat-run urban areas back in the day.
    Back then it was not widely known that smartphones not only offer people the convenience of mobile communication 24/7 but they also allow for 24/7 surveillance of the user.
    So it’s not a surprise that the Biden White House is handing out smartphones to illegal aliens who cross the southern border and they are very transparent about the reason. It’s not so the illegals can surf the internet and make phone calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 11, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Dr. Naomi Wolf is reporting a bombshell article about the Pfizer vaccine that proves the FDA knew about its high risk of causing myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, in young people but went ahead and approved the vaccine anyway for emergency use, without even notifying the public of the risks.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 8, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The Federalist is reporting that a Seattle museum is hosting a week-long summer camp for teens aged 12-18 where students who enroll will “investigate drag history” and find their own “drag personas.” “Calling all current and future kings and queens!” reads the descriptor of the program sponsored by the Seattle Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP). “Explore self-expression in MoPOP’s week-long, drag-tastic summer camp! … You’ll choose your name, explore hair and makeup techniques, and develop your character’s stage presence.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 7, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. We lead off tonight with breaking news on the border, where we have a report from Todd Bensman, who has just come out with an investigative book, “America’s Covert Border War,” which is all about the human trafficking cartels, MS13, drug cartels and Islamic terrorists that are coming over the border. Terrorists from Iran and other countries in the Middle East start from Venezuela and get trafficked to the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 6, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Starting off tonight: One of America’s Frontline Doctors is warning pregnant women that the rollout of the COVID gene-therapy injections has coincided with a nearly 2,000 percent increase in fetal deaths, as compared to the rate of previous vaccines.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 5, 2022

    Former FBI Agent David Baldovin on Communists Infiltrating The Agency and Making Patriots, Constitutionalists, and Christians Their Target. Dr. Zev Zelenko on The Intentional Murder of American Soldiers Through the Covid-Shot and Why He Wants Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and The Man Influencing Klaus Schwab's Great Reset. Attorney Tom Renz on the Connection Between Hunter Biden, The Wuhan Laboratory and Covid-19.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 5, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The latest issue of the Reese Report by Greg Reese provides an expose on the military’s mass Covid injection program, leaving one to conclude that it’s a deliberate attempt to weaken the U.S. Armed Forces at a time when war is breaking out in Eastern Europe and U.S. politicians appear to want to escalate that war into a regional or global conflict. The latest data, Reese reports, shows the all-cause death rate among active military men and women having increased 1,100 percent in 2021 over the previous year. Those with enough sense to refuse the gene therapy shots are being forced out of military service, as cited by attorneys representing unvaxxed soldiers, airmen and sailors. Navy SEALS who have refused the jab have been denied deployment and even denied permission to travel for medical treatment.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 4, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We have breaking news tonight about our nation’s border. As many of you know, there have been record numbers of illegals flowing through that border since Biden took office. Some estimates have the numbers as high as 200,000 per month. And now it’s about to get a lot worse, if you can imagine that being possible, because the White House has quietly and unilaterally changed the laws under which people are allowed to be apprehended at the border. Multiple media outlets report that CDC orders directing the expulsion of aliens who have entered illegally in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will end on May 23. That’s less than two months away.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 1, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. President Joe Biden publicly got behind Transgender Day of Visibility on Thursday by introducing a new universal gender marking for U.S. passports. According to reports by the Associated Press cited by Breitbart, new efforts aimed at opening positions within the federal government to transgender people include a new “X” gender marker on U.S. passport applications beginning on April 11.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 31, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome back to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The Hill is reporting that the Army has given up on plans to hold all soldiers to the same standards for physical fitness. After a three-year review the Army has chosen instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass, according to The Hill’s report. The study was conducted for the Army by the Rand Corporation. That study found  that found men were more easily passing the new, more rigorous Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, compared to women and older soldiers, who were “failing at noticeably higher rates.” 
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 30, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. We lead off tonight with a new study showing that heart abnormalities were detected in some adolescents months after COVID-19 vaccination, and the FDA approved the injections anyway. The Epoch Times reports that researchers at Seattle Children’s Hospital reviewed the cases of patients under age 18 who went to the hospital with chest pain and elevated serum troponin levels, two key markers of heart inflammation, within a week of getting a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 29, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Joe Biden traveled to the Ukrainian border this weekend in what his handlers thought would be a good idea to show support for the Ukrainian people. Joe Biden, in a totally unhinged speech in Poland, stoked already historically high tensions between the U.S. and Russia, leaving nothing to the imagination in terms of his hopes for Putin’s demise.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 28, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with a report from investigative journalist Leo Hohmann.  Hohmann reports that the chairman and CEO of the world’s largest investment firm, BlackRock, has issued some chilling advice to business leaders around the world. Larry Fink heads up BlackRock, which oversees a whopping $10 trillion in global assets. These assets include major chunks of stock in all of the biggest publicly traded companies.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. We start off tonight with the Senate hearings for Joe Biden’s first nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. The newest attempt by the cultural Marxists to gaslight Americans has been the attempt to normalize child sex crimes. Pedophiles need empathy, not jail time, they tell us. And Joe Biden’s radical SCOTUS nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, appears to ascribe to this philosophy.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 24, 2022

    Welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. An Army flight surgeon testified in federal court March 10 that she was ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021, according to a report by World Net Daily. Dr. Theresa Long testified in the case of a Navy SEAL commander who refused to receive a COVID shot. She told Judge Steven Merryday of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Tampa that she was observing cases of the demyelination of the central nervous system in military personnel.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 23, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the broadcast. This is the Worldview Report. Did Russia unleash its cutting-edge hypersonic missile on Ukraine? A Ukrainian military official confirmed to a local news outlet that Russian forces carried out a missile strike Friday on a missile and ammunition warehouse in the Delyatyn settlement in western Ukraine. The Russians say this strike was carried out by a hypersonic missile, the first such use of hypersonic weaponry in real-time warfare.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 22, 2022

    In our top story tonight, the data corruption continues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to COVID-19, including nearly a quarter of deaths it had previously listed in those under 18 years old. According to Zero Hedge, the CDC quietly made the change on its data tracker website on March 15. “Data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories,” the CDC says on the site. The CDC relies on states and other jurisdictions to report COVID-19 deaths and acknowledges on its website that the data is not complete.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 21, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. First up tonight, it’s time for the FBI to pay up in its bungled, unprofessional handling of the Parkland High School mass shooting. The federal government awarded $127.5 million to 16 families impacted by the Parkland High School mass shooting in 2018, according to the Gateway Pundit. The deadly shooting took place back on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Psychotic killer Nikolas Cruz opened fire, killing 17 people and wounding at least 17 more.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Joe Biden’s chief White House medical adviser Dr. Tony Fauci sees a storm cloud on the horizon. No, it’s not a new virus or variant. He’s not worried about a study saying masks don’t protect anyone from anything. He’s not even worried about the emergence of iron-clad proof that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab Fauci helped fund. It’s those Republicans, who are likely to win control of Congress and have vowed to investigate Fauci’s conduct from the time he was funding research in China to the days when he flip-flopped in the advice he gave the American people. They are what keep him up at night.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 17, 2022

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seized America’s attention from the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, where more than 150,000 foreign nationals are still crossing each month. But worse news is looming closer to home, warns Todd Bensman in a new article at In the far south of Mexico, the central government is about to release a sea of U.S.-bound migrants it has dammed up behind the bureaucratic barrier in the southernmost city of Tapachula. The coming swell has risen to more than 73,000 angry, mobbing, rioting migrants from January 1 through March 8, according to the Americas edition of EFE.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 16, 2022

    Worldview Report Audio Only: March 16, 2022. Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Zero Hedge is reporting that China has amplified Russian claims, dismissed as “disinformation” in the west, that the United States has a network of biological labs in Ukraine that are being used to research how to spread pathogens through animals.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 14, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse We have some shocking revelations about those biolabs in Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided capital for the firms behind the creation of the biolabs. On Tuesday, March 8, the U.S. State Department confirmed there were U.S. biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday, March 9, the Biden administration backtracked and insisted there were no US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 11, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The world is heading for a “catastrophic” global food crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine, which will cause “hell on earth” for food prices, according to experts. “Half the world’s population gets food as a result of fertilizers… and if that’s removed from the field for some crops, the yield will drop by 50 percent,” Svein Tore Holsether, head of agri company Yara International, told the BBC. Known as “the breadbasket of Europe,”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 10, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Officials in Texas discovered some 10,000 uncounted ballots in a county near Houston in last week’s primary election, and now the area’s top election official has been forced to resign. The resignation comes after scathing criticism from both Democrats and Republicans for a slew of mishaps during last week’s primary elections. The New York Post reports that Harris County Elections Administrator Isabel Longoria publicly accepted the blame for the failures, which included broken voting machines, long lines during the vote and some 10,000 uncounted ballots that were discovered days after polls closed.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 9, 2022

    ​Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Russia is recruiting Syrian fighters experienced in urban combat to battle Ukrainian forces as Moscow prepares for street-by-street fighting against dogged resistance from the Kyiv government, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Russia, which has backed the Syrian government in that country’s long-running civil war, is recruiting the fighters in the expectation that their combat ability in close quarters could help Moscow take the capital and overthrow the Ukrainian government, four US officials told the Wall Street Journal Sunday.The inclusion of the Syrians suggests Russia is not at all afraid to escalate the war​, according to the report.​
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 8, 2020

    Our top story tonight: Corrupt media companies in bed with the government. The result? Millions of Americans were deceived on the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines.
    In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has revealed that it purchased $1 billion worth of advertising to promote the Covid vaccines from major news outlets nationwide. Among the outlets that were paid with your tax dollars were ABC, CBS, and NBC, Fox News, Newsmax, CNN, and MSNBC, as well as legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: March 4, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.
    Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, and George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire behind the globalist open borders Open Society Foundations, are offering their full support of Ukraine and its president, Mr. Zelensky.
    Both men, among the most powerful globalists in the world, are promising to do everything to help the country in the fight against Vladimir Putin and “Russian aggression.” Banner