Brannon Howse Live Audio

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 25, 2023

    What Did Farmer Dan and His Farmer Wife Ann Send Brannon? U.S. Allies Conduct Largest Military Exercise Ever in Philippines as Warning to China. Did The Bible Predict This? Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria meet in Russia. Moody’s Downgrades 11 Banks and OPEC to Join BRICS and Kill U.S. Dollar. China Developing Cyber Weapons to Hijack Control of U.S. Satellites. Ed Dowd on RFK Jr. Presidency, Millions too Sick to Work and Collapsing Economy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 24, 2023

    Are Chinese Immigrants in U.S. Being Blackmailed into Being CCP Spies? Is The "Evangelical Vatican" Waging War on the Second Amendment? Title 42 Cancelled May 11th and Then Wave of Illegal Aliens. U.N. Group Says Ending Cash Will Accomplish Globalist Goals.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 21, 2023

    Wayne Allen Root: FNC-Dominion Settlement is Bait and Switch. America's Largest Protestant Denomination Helping Take Your Guns? 18 Year Old Male "Trans" Showers with 14 Year Old Girls at WI. High School. Why Are Big Tech Billionaires Buying Bunkers? World Map Reveals Globalist Plan For Massive Depopulation?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 18, 2023

    Is Fox News and Dominion Settlement a Set-Up? Col. John Mills Says Fox-Dominion Settlement is a Business Acquisition. Chinese American Warns CCP Controlling American Politicians.
    Project Icebreaker, BIS, UniCoin and Global Currency
    Open Project Icebreaker, BIS, UniCoin and Global Currency configuration options. WHO Pandemic Treaty Being Written in Secrecy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 17, 2023

    Kevin McCarthy Tells Ashli Babbitt's Mother He Has Not Watched Video of Her Daughter's Murder. States Terminating Parental Authority in Shocking Perversion. Will U.S. Supreme Court Take Case on Chemical Abortion Drug? Dr. Andrew Huff on State Department Illegally Holding Up Covid Origin Investigation. Will Antichrist Merge A.I. Technology with Demonology?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 14, 2023

    Shocking Footage as Biden Regime Virtually Collapses U.S. Border. Scientists Warn of Massive Solar Storms Coming and Impact on Critical Infrastructure. Minneapolis Willingly Surrenders to Islamic Law. World Currency Coming as IMF Embraces Universal CBDC Called "Unicoin."
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 10, 2023

    Orange County Lawsuit to Deny Tyrannical Powers to County Officials. Pathologist Ryan Cole on Synthetic MRNA in Our Food Supply. Dr. Peter McCullough on Covid Shot Spike Proteins Destroying The Heart. Conflict with China Rising and Israel Surrounded by Enemies. Actor Dennis Quaid Brings Attention to EMP Threat Through FREE Documentary.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 4, 2023

    More Evidence China is Preparing to Take Taiwan. The UniParty is After President Trump For a Reason. Judge Napolitano's Legal Analysis on Trump Indictment. How to Stop MRNA Vaccines From Going Into Pigs and Cattle in Your State. Rudy Giuliani on NY D.A. and Bogos Charges.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 3, 2023

    Biden Regime Training and Arming Anti-Israel Terrorist-Tied Group. Why Southern Border Surge May Be About to Get Worse. Laura Logan on Disturbing News on Drug Cartels in U.S. Working with China. Mike Lindell Will Have Big News on Tuesday From Mar-A-Lago. Nations Lining up to Dump U.S. Petro-Dollar and the Consequences.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 30, 2023

    Roger Stone on Indictment of President Trump. Mike Lindell on Indictment of President Trump. Dangers of RESTRICT Act on Freedom of Speech. Dr. Ben Carlson on Indictment of President Trump. Biden Regime Behind Protests in Israel and Ultra Right Want Old Testament Laws? When Doctors Carry Out Mass Genocide.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 29, 2023

    Russia Could Carry Out Nuclear Strike on D.C. With A 4 Minute Warning. Brannon Howse: No Matter How Many Subpoenas I Get I Will Not Be Deterred From My Calling. Biden Regime Behind Street Protests in Israel? Massive Flooding in California Threatens America's Food Supply. Bill Allowing State to Kidnap Children Passes Committee.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 28, 2023

    Shasta County, CA Dumps Machines and Goes to Paper Ballots. Why Have So Many People Lost Their Eye Sight? How Does Military Hardware of China and Russia Stack up to U.S.? Great News! Appeals Court Overturns Murder Conviction of Police Officer Ben Darby. What Happens When World Dumps U.S. Dollar?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 27, 2023

    Nashville Massacre by Transgender is a Hate Crime Created by the Left. General McInerney on CCP Takedown of U.S. and Patriotism. Is Israel Headed for a Civil War? California Bill To Legalize Child Abduction by Cultural Marxists. How The Left Hides the Skyrocketing Murder Rate.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 23, 2023

    Another Pilot Pulled From Flight Deck Incapacitated. Why is Ashli Babbitt's Mom Finally Meeting With Kevin McCarthy? Did Intel-Agencies Rig Covid, Covid Voting and Hack Voting Machines? U.S. Generals and Retired Israeli General Warn of War Between Iran and Israel.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 13, 2023

    2019 Documentary Warned of Economic Warfare Unfolding. Feds Bail out SVB Bank and Their Famous Friends. Is Choice Now Massive Bank Failures or Hyper-Inflation?
    Is Gold Protection From a Banking Crash? Will China and Russia Attack Financially Unstable U.S. Banks?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 9, 2023

    Gordon Chang Talks with Brannon Howse on Coming War with China on U.S. Soil and Grid Down. Fed Chairman Admits Their Policy Will Cost Millions Their Job. Dr. Andrew Huff on Hunter Biden and Biolabs in Ukraine. Report From Israel on Nearing Israeli Strike on Iran's Nuclear Program.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) February 20, 2023

    Is U.S. Facing "Grey Terror" Attacks on Infrastructure As Overture to War? Transhumanism is Man Trying to Play God. FBI Whistleblower on Ex-FBI Director Giving $100K to Biden Grandkid. Gordon Chang: China's Green Lasers Over Hawaii Preparation for War? Reports of Americans Missing Money From Many Banks.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) February 14, 2023

    FBI Whistleblower Warns FBI Leadership Acting Like Nazis. We Must Beat Election Theft at County Level. Pete Buttigieg's Only Qualification is He is Gay: Congressman Speaks The Truth. FBI Helicopter Lights up Home of Critic? Why is US Government Playing UFO Card? Bird Flu is About Attacking Food Supply.

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 23, 2023

    Top FBI Agent Arrested For Alleged Connection to Russia Who Investigated President Trump Over Russia. Todd Bensman on How America's Overrun Border Fits in with a North American Union. Are Members of DOJ-FBI & DHS-TSA Domestic Terrorists? Couy Griffin Banned From Ever Holding Public Office For Being on Capitol Grounds on J6.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 18, 2023

    Is There a CCP Connection to Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50,000 in Monthly Rent? United Nations' WHO Working Toward Global Tyranny. Was the Department of Defense Behind Covid-19 Plandemic and Why? Saudi Arabia to Kill U.S. Petrodollar While Iran and Russia Introduce Gold Backed Cryptocurrency? Islamic State Jihadi Goes Missing From Federal Prison?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 12, 2023

    Ten of Thousands Jump Trains to Mexico-U.S. Border.
    Dr. McCullough: Death of Lisa Marie Presley Public Health Obligation to Disclose Cause of Cardiac Arrest. Two U.S. Supreme Court Justices Deliver Second Amendment Victory. Roger Stone: Nixon Threatened to Reveal CIA's Involvement in Kennedy Assassination. Roger Stone: Biden Will Not Be President Much Longer as Obama Turns on Him.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 11, 2023

    Exposing the Psych-op of "Conservative" Broadcasters That Are A Pressure Valve to Control Real Conservatives and Constitutionalists. FBI Whistleblower Steven Friend on Why FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Lost His Credibility And What He Would Have to Do To Get it Back. Gordon Chang on China Preparing For War, Chinese Organized Crime and Human Trafficking in Oklahoma and Compromised U.S. National Security With CCP Farm Land Purchase in North Dakota. FDIC Document Warns in Next Banking Crisis No Taxpayer Bailout and Investors Will Bear The Losses From A Bank Failure.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 9, 2023

    Former U.S. Congressman, U.S. Senatorial Candidate and Former Rush Limbaugh Fill-In Host, Jason Lewis on The Truth About President Trump, Power Politics & the Partisan Press. David Zhang on Why He Thinks China is Preparing for War and Will Likely Strike Taiwan Between 2024 and 2026. Todd Bensman on United Nations Handing Out Hundreds of Millions in Cash to U.S.-Bound Immigrants in 2023. Anni Cyrus on IRGC Releasing Video Threatening Current and Former Government Officials.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 5, 2023

    Rep. Steven Haugaard on GOP Elite Trying to Shut Out Republican Grassroots and Democrats Running as Republicans. Ivan Raiklin on Kevin McCarthy Denied 11 Times to Date and General Flynn, Mike Lindell and Others Calling For Speaker Trump. Aharon Levarko LIVE From Israel on The Shocking Convergence of Events Leading to the Third Temple.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 4, 2023

    Kevin McCarthy Loses 6th Vote for Speaker's Seat. Charlie Hebdo To Publish Special Mocking Iran's Khamenei and What Do U.S. and Israeli Drills on Attack of Iran Mean? Loy Brunson Brings An Update on Case Before U.S. Supreme Court That Could Remove Over 300 Members of Congress and Biden and Kamala From the White House. Biden Regime Allows China to Purchase Land in North Dakota Near Military Base and Timing of China's Next Bio-Weapon Attack on America.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 3, 2023

    Brannon Shares What He Got for Christmas and Announces Why He Just Had A Mini-Grand Piano Delivered to the TV Studio. China is Practicing Maneuvers Nearing Guam and is Likely to Move Against Taiwan in 2023. Rebecca Walser on CBDC FebNow 2023, Potential Bank Failures, Naked Shorts and Gold Manipulation. Usama Dakdok on Former Acting CIA Director Warning of Islamic Terrorist Attack on the West in 2023. Ivan Raiklin on Kevin McCarthy Losing Three Rounds of Votes For Speaker on January 3, 2023 and What's Next.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 21, 2022

    Former Big Pharma Expert Warns That mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles Are Bio-Weapon in Many Vaccines. Former Green Beret Commander Warns of Uniparties Plan to Steal 2024 Presidential Election For Mike Pence. WEF's Yuval Noah Harari’s New Book for Kids and The Rise of the Fourth Reich.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 19, 2022

    Orange County, CA Introduces Equity Map and Social Progress Index and They Move Toward Social Credit Scores and Nazi Tactics. Mike Adams on The Third Reich Infiltration of The American Government and the Power Elite's Plan to Kill Billions. Dr. Rob Lindsted on Turkey Asking Russia for Assistance in Ground Invasion of Northern Syria. Todd Bensman on U.S.Supreme Court Putting Temporary Pause on Lifting Title 42 and Why it Really Does Not Matter.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 16, 2022

    Supreme Court Asks For Case That Could See 385 Members of Congress Removed As Well as President Biden and VP Kamala. The Reasons President Trump Should Run For Speaker of the House in January of 2023. Dr. James Thorp on the Proposed Amendments to the WHO Treaty To Eliminate Individual Human Rights and Freedoms. Roger Stone on Who Killed JFK Jr. in 1999 and the CIA's Role in the Death of President John Kennedy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 15, 2022

    Tom Renz Warns About the Next Pandemic, the WHO Treaty and The Arizona Election Steal. How the United Nations is Pushing Millions Over America's Southern Border and How Biden's DHS is Working to Try and Hide The Real Numbers. Ann Vandersteel and Brannon Howse Discuss America's Founding Documents and State Constitutions That Give the People The Power to Eliminate Corrupt, Illegal Governments. Patrick Wood Responds to The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility and Canada's Promotion of Suicide.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 14, 2022

    LIVE Report from Brazil by Heloyse on Communists Make A List of Patriots They Indeed to Targets if They Take Power. Is Kevin McCarthy too Compromised to be Speaker and Why is an Article V Convention so Dangerous? Mayor Rudy Giuliani Explains What Is Happening in America That He Never Thought Could or Would Occur. Anni Cyrus and Brannon Discuss the State Department and American Corporations Working to Train Migrants to Take American Jobs.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 13, 2022

    Col. John Mills on How the FBI Committed Crimes In Their Dealings with Twitter. How Twitter Files Released by Elon Musk Could Help Defeat Big Tech's War on Freedom of Speech. Anni Cyrus on Iran Hanging Young Freedom Fighters and The Implications of The Growing Military Alliance Between Russia and Iran. How 3,000 Dutch Farmers Losing Their Farms is Part of a Global Agenda Similar to Agenda of Adolf Hitler and is Happening in the U.S.Todd Bensman on How 6.4 Million Illegal Aliens Could Pour Over the U.S. Border in One Year Starting December 21, 2022.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 9, 2022

    Covid Camps in China and Now America and Digital Dollar Begins in the U.S.? Dr. James Thorpe on What He and Others Exposed at Covid Shot Hearing with U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. Brannon Explains the Historical Steps to Violent Revolution Our Government Once Warned About and Opposed.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 7, 2022

    Are Islamic Terrorists Planning to Attack Multiple Schools on One Day Like in Beslan in 2004? Is Brazil Experiencing Calm Before the Storm? Former Brazilian AG and Current Congresswoman Bia Kicis Talks with Brannon Howse. Is America Going to Digital Currency in May of 2023? Attorney and Economics Expert Rebecca Walser Explains.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 6, 2022

    Col. John Mills on Unlawful Coordination Between AZ Secretary of State, FBI and Twitter. Attorney Exposes With FACTS What She Calls Covid Concentration Camp Being Built in California By Railroad. Brannon and Attorney From Brazil Reports on Latest Developments Including Possible Military Action this Weekend. Power Grid Expert Michael Mabee on the Numerous Physical Attacks on the Grid This Year and How Easy It Would Be to Put America in the Dark.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 2, 2022

    Medical Schools Go Woke and G20 Religious Forum Leading to One-World Religion. Karen Kingston on World Waking Up to Fact The Covid Shot is a Bio-Weapon. Noel Fritsch on McCarthy Threatening To Make Common Cause With Democrats To Become Speaker and FTX Prioritized Anti-Trump Candidates with GOP Donations. Patrick Wood on Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel
    Open Patrick Wood on Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel configuration options.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 30, 2022

    Attorney Heloyse Joins us Live From Brazil on The Courage of the Brazilian People, Article 142 and Why They Refuse to Give Up on Freedom. Jason Fyk on Section 230 And Why Big Tech is Already Preparing For Their Potential Demise. Patrick Wood and Leo Hohmann on Biden Regime is Using Executive Orders and Pandemic and Biological Fears to Construct a Police State.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 29, 2022

    Is Apple Helping China Shut Down Protests? Alfred Kinsey, ChildTrafficking, Pedophilia, and Schools That Groom America's Students. The Connection Between Cryptocurrency, Derivatives and Economic Collapse. Four Experts on Why The Spike in Human Trafficking, How and Why it Occurs and How to Protect Your Loved One.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 28, 2022

    Mat Staver on U.S. Senate Bill That Will Destroy Marriage and Allow For Polygamy. Mike Lindell Challenges Ronna McDaniel to a Debate on Brannon Howse LIVE. Supervisor Foreman for a Major U.S. Railroad on Why a Strike Might Occur on and The Consequences. Study Finds 1 in 5 Deaths of Those Ages 20-49 is From Excessive Alcohol Use. If Vladimir Putin is Just About Protecting His Nation Then Why is He Reportedly Poisoning His Critics That Live Abroad?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 21, 2022

    Are Terrorists in America Awaiting Orders to Attack Like The 500,000 Reportedly Hiding in Germany? Exclusive: Brazilian Journalist Allan Dos Santos Says Top Ranking Military Officials in Brazil Discussing Arresting Several Supreme Court Judges and Stopping Communist Revolution. Garland Favorito and Brannon Discuss the Assassination of President Kennedy 59 Years Ago Week (Part 1).
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 17, 2022

    Marco Antônio Costa Live From Brazil on Brazilians Fighting For Freedom and to Stop From Becoming Like Venezuela. Mike Adams on Manufactured Diesel Fuel and Food Shortages, Population Control and What Americans Should Understand is Coming. Brannon Interviews Roman From Ukraine on What His Family and Baptist Church Are Facing and How They Are Using The Hardship to Bring The Gospel To Ukrainians.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 16, 2022

    Dr. John Whitcher on The Hospital Death Camps and the Rise of Active Euthanasia. Roger Stone on Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump Running For President. Dr. Paul Alexander On Presidential Takedown: How Fauci, The Deep State, CDC, NIH Conspired With Lockdowns And A Fraud Pandemic Response. Josh Yoder on American Pilots Fighting Back Against Forced Vaccines. The Worldview of Maurice Strong and How it Influenced Klaus Schwab.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 15, 2022

    J.B. Hixson on The FTX Cryptocurrency Collapse. Congressional Candidate Jeff Zink on Troubling Video Footage From A Maricopa County, AZ Ballot Drop Box. Col John Mills on Whether The Missile That Landed in Poland Was From Russia or Not. President Trump Announces His 2024 Run For The White House. Epic Interview With Mayor Giuliani on FTX Cryptocurrency, Money Laundering in Ukraine, Corrupt Joe Biden, China, Iran, Voter Fraud, and Why He Has Three Fatwas Against Him.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 14, 2022

    Ann Vandersteel on Arizona Ballot Counting Fiasco and What it Means For Our Republic. Iran Brags of Having Hypersonic Missile That Can Reach Tel Aviv in 7 Minutes As Iran Threatens Journalists Abroad. Globalist Religious Leaders Release The Ten Principles for Climate Repentance At COP27 in the Shadow of Mt. Sinai. Exclusive: Todd Bensman on Mosque in Tijuana Moving Chechens Over the Border into the U.S. Why You Should Not Believe The Corporate Media Lie That Republicans Lost The Midterms Over Abortion.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 9, 2022

    John Mills and Roger Stone on Their Eyewitness Accounts of Deep State Insurrectionists. Mark Finchem, Sonny Borrelli, Roger Stone, Trevor Loudon, and Garland Favorito Have Panel Discussion on Voter Fraud in Arizona Exposed. Dr. Walter Daugherity Confirms Algorithms Were Running During November 8, 2022 Elections. Brannon Howse, Rogers Stone, Garland Favorito and Trevor Loudon Take Your Calls.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 4, 2022

    Troubling Jimmy Kimmel Skit About Child Sacrifice to the Dark One. Why is U.S. Government Pushing For War with Russia and China But Not Preparing The American People For War? Will The Increase in U.F.O. Sightings and Interest Preparing The World For Spiritual Deception? Brazilian Journalist Marco Antonio Costa on What is Happening in Brazil Since Presidential Election And Why He Must Speak Carefully.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 3, 2022

    King Charles III and World Leaders Take Part in Global Climate Conference Honoring Egyptian Sun God and Promoting Global Governance. Dr. Peter McCullough on Move by Progressives to Stripe Him of His Medical Credentials and To Intimate Other Doctors into Silence and Compliance. U.S. Congressman Glenn Grothman on Growing Loss of Religious Freedom in America. American-Iranian Anni Cyrus on The 186 Islamists Holding Elected Office in America and Why it Matters. J.B. Hixson Believes The Antichrist is Now on Planet Earth.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 1, 2022

    Charlene Bollinger on Cancer and The Covid Shot. Karen Kingston on More Documented Proof Covid is a Bio-Weapon. A Live Report From Israel on The Election Results of Their Fifth Election in Four Years. Col. John Mills on Biden Administration Sending Russia and China The Message America is Weak.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 31, 2022

    Joshua Phillip of Epoch Times on is China Planning a Red Dawn Event in America? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Michigan Prop 3 to Turn Michigan into a Sanctuary State for Abortion and Child Transgender Surgeries. Hezbollah's Unit 133 and Unit 910 to Crush Iran's Freedom Fighters and Did The IRGC Just Threaten Anni Cyrus, Brannon Howse and a Small Group of Journalists Telling the Truth? Trevor Loudon on the President-Elect of Brazil, His Marxist Worldview and What It Means For America. L. Todd Wood of CD Media on Evidence of Machine Voter Fraud in Stolen Election of Brazil.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 28, 2022

    Pete Santilli and Brannon on Mississippi Drying Up and America Has 25 Days of Diesel Fuel in Reserve. Millie Weaver on How Big Tech Tracks You and Uses This Data For Election Manipulation. Why Did An Arizona News Station Announce Defeat of Kari Lake For Governor 10 Days Before the Election? David Zhang on China Invading Taiwan and Why Former Chinese Leader Was Dragged Out of Communist Congress.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 26, 2022

    Mat Staver on The Horrors of Organ Harvesting From Live Babies Taking Place in America and the Persecution of The Woman That Exposed it. Kay Rubacek on China Harvesting and Selling Organs From Christians and Political Dissents and Why This Can Happen in America. Exclusive First Interview: Illinois PE Teacher and Christian Cody Hiller Suspended For Refusing to Allow A 14 Year Old Girl Change In The Boy's Locker Room. Sherronna Bishop Responds to Illinois PE Teacher Suspended For Refusing to Allow A 14 Year Old Girl Change In The Boy's Locker Room. Financial Expert Warns of Dollar Collapse, Why, and How to Respond. Dr. Li-Meng Yan Warns Brannon Howse That the CCP Has At Least 30 Very Dangerous Pathogens They Could Release.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 25, 2022

    Col John Mills on The Threat of a Military Draft and Ret. General David Petraeus Saying America May Lead Multinational Force Against Russia. Leo Hohmann with Shocking Video Clip of Globalist Calling for Moving World Population Down to 1 Billion. Rob Linsted Asks if Some of Our World Leaders Are Under Demonic Influence and/or Control. Senator Doug Mastriano on How He Will Confront The Crime and Financial Crisis as Governor of Pennsylvania. Mark Matta on Why 25 Million Christians May Not Vote in 2022 Election.

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 24, 2022

    Judge Napolitano On Alex Jones And Freedom Of Speech. Why Are The Progressives Now Laying The Narrative For Cyberhacking On The U.S. Elections By Russia And China? Mike Reagan On The September 1, 1976 Warning That His Father, President Reagan, Gave To America That Sounds Like Today. Katie Hopkins On The Disturbing Worldview Of The New Prime Minister Of Great Britain Rishi Sunak.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 21, 2022

    Does Computer Expert Have All The Videos From January 6 That Twitter Deleted That Exonerates Political Prisoners? Brannon Howse Interviews President of Brazil's Son Edwardo Bosssnaro on October 30th Election Against Communist Opponent. 17-Year-Old Shot Eating Hamburger In His Car: When Police Become Judge, Jury And Executioner.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 20, 2022

    Pediatrician Dr. Angelina Farella on the CDC Mandating of the Covid Shot For Annual Immunization Schedule. Dr. Lee Merritt on The Covid Shot and Pagan Child Sacrifice.
    Dr. John Witcher on How The Forced Covid 19 Shot on School Children Must Cause the Excelleraton of Homeschooling. Steve Kirsch on Study That Reveals 30% of Young People That Received Covid Shot Suffer Heart Damage.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 19, 2022

    See the Video of Secretary of State Candidate For Georgia Put Brad Raffensperger in the Hot Seat Over Voter Fraud. General Thomas McInerney on Court Order Lifting the Gag on Dennis Montgomery Data And The Threat of Voter Fraud in the November 2022 Election. Is the Biden Regime Pushing For the North American Union Through the Merging of Canada, Mexico and America? OBGYN Dr. Thorpe and Dr. Biss on the Global Decline of Birth Rates Since the Covid Shot Was Introduced. Dr. John Whitcher on The CDC Placing The Covid Shot on The Child Immunization Schedule Permanently.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 18, 2022

    Brannon and Logan Give You A Tour of The New Television Control Room. Sidney Powell on DOJ and Their Licence to Lie, J6 Political Prisoners and Being Vindicated by Indictment of Konnech CEO. Stew Peters on His New Documentary "Died Suddenly." Roger Stone on the Fake Video of Him That is Going Viral and the Real Threat of Deep Fakes.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 17, 2022

    Col. John Mills on Russia Moving Weapons into Belarus and Iran Steps Up to Help Russia. Rabbi in Israel Says He is Meeting with the Messiah but is it Really the Antichr.
    Pete Santilli on How the CCP is Tracking Our Troop Movements Through an Election App. Are the Drug Cartels About to Take Over Mexico and What Would That Mean For America? Anni Cyrus Brings an Update on Freedom Fighters in Iran. Katie Brewer on NAD and How it Stops The Brain From Craving Alcohol.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 6, 2022

    The Carbon Capturing Scheme Being Used to Steal The Land of American Farmers. Tom Renz Breaks The News He is Suing Covid 19 "Creators" For Over $1 Billion. Karen Kingston Shows Patents That Prove 5G Can Interact With Covid 19 Shot Containing Lipid Nanoparticles And Cause Serious Health Consequences. Mississippi Daycare Workers Are Caught Terrorizing Toddlers and The Public is Outraged. Aharon Levarko Reports on Threats Israel is Facing From Other Nations Because of Its Natural Gas Supplies. Todd Bensman Warns of Violent Threats Being Made Against Illegal Immigrants And How Such Acts Could Be Used to Destroy the Movement to Secure the Border.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 5, 2022

    What Brannon and Logan Observed At their 3 1/2 Hour Wait For License Plate Tabs That Will Make You Laugh. The Trilateral Commission Alumni Surrounding Joe Biden and The Federal Reserve Rolls Out ESG Test with Six Banks. Dr. James Thorpe and John Beaudoin on The Government's Data That Was Hiding The Horrendous Death and Injury From the Covid Shot. Are Christians Being Deceived by the Worldview of Francis Collins, Alan E Guttmacher, The Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood, and a Eugenics Agenda? Kay Rubacek Warns of The Communists Using Fear to Keep The American People From Thinking and Acting in their Own Best Interest.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 4, 2022

    Col John Mills on America's Degraded Nuclear Posture, North Korea Firing a Missile Over Japan and Increased Tension Between NATO and Russia. Susan Swift on Governor Newsom's Law That Allows For the State To "Kidnap" Minors And Give Them Sex Change Operations. Michael Hammond of Gun Owners of America on Another Victory at the U.S. Supreme Court. Russia Launches World’s Largest Submarine Underwater Drone That Could Hold 100 or Even 200 Megaton Nuclear Weapon.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 3, 2022

    Diana West on the Marxist Revolution in America, The Illegitimate Biden Regime and The Great Reset. Anni Cyrus on How The Freedom Fighters in Iran Are Succeeding and How the Biden Regime is Working Against Them. The First Release Of Brannon's Upcoming Christmas Album, Just How Serious is the Banking Crisis, Energy Crisis and Food Crisis in Europe and is it a Look at the Crisis Accelerating in America?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 30, 2022

    Rudy Giuliani On Joe & Hunter Biden, Ukraine And Missing Billions Of Dollars. Pete Santilli On Epic Interview With Rudy Giuliani And His Exposing Of Massive Deep State Corruption. Governor Newsom Signs Law Allowing For Murder Of Babies Outside The Womb And Taking Medical License Of Medical Doctors That Refute Lies Of Big Pharma. Leo Hohmann On Bill Gates Talking About Hung Election And Civil War In America Open Leo Hohmann On Bill Gates Talking About Hung Election And Civil War In America configuration options.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 29, 2022

    Col. John Mills: Evidence is Growing U.S. Was Involved in Sabotage of Nord Stream 1 & 2 and Its Implications For War. Judge Napolitano on FBI Corruption, The Right to be Left Alone and is Edward Snowden a Hero? Bill Jasper on U.S. Navy Shooting Down TWA Flight 800 and Biden Destroying U.S. Military and Then Provoking World War III to Deliver America to His CCP Masters. Aharon Levarko on Russian and Syrian Jets Flying on Israel's Border and Will Russia and Iran Invade Israel For Their Natural Gas?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 28, 2022

    Alex Newman on Growing Threat of World War III, Food Crisis, and Manufactured Collapse For Great Reset. Roger Stone on Growing Government Lawlessness and Fall 2022 Election Thoughts. Former High Ranking FBI Official Terry Turchie Warns the CCP Has Captured The Occupant of the White House and the Lawlessness of the FBI. Mike Adams on World War III, and How An Energy Crisis Connects to a Food Crisis and to a Derivatives Crisis and Global Banking Crisis. Brannon Pays Tribute to God's Smuggler Brother Andrew That Smuggled Bibles into Communist Countries.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: September 27, 2022

    Col John Mills on Sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 and Why it Looks Like a U.S. Great Britain Operation. Nicole Pearson on Newsom Signing Law Legalizing Murdering Babies Outside the Womb and the Pending Law That Takes Away a Doctor's License For Speaking Truth. How Nord Stream 1 & 2 Attack Will Kill Many This Winter, Help Collapse the Global Economy and Further Globalist Goal of Euro-Centric World Government. Why Has Gold and Silver Dropped in Price and The Dollar Increased in Value?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 26, 2022

    Over 300 Dead in Iran Protesting Sharia and Islamic Dictatorship. Todd Bensman on Texas Governor Declaring Cartels a Terrorist Organization As They Pour Over U.S. Border With Drugs and Human Trafficking. Col. Conrad Reynolds and Will Huff on The Growing Bi-Partisan Push to Get Rid of The Computer Based Voting Machines. Attorney Dan Eastman on County in Wisconsin That Will Count Ballots By Hand in November 2022 Election. Leo Hohmann on Why the Growing Group of Transgender, Occultist and Satanist in the Biden Regime?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 23, 2022

    Trevor Loudon on His New Book, Security Risk Senators and The Communists Takeover of The U.S. Congress. Anni Cyrus on Uprising in Iran By Iranians Opposing Islamic Law and President of Iran. So-Called Church to Host Drag Queen Show For Children in Katy, Texas and Citizens Set to Protest.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 20, 2022

    Dr. Mark McDonald on the Psychological Operation of Covid-19, Masking and The Feminization of the American Male. Anni Cyrus on The President of Iran Touching Down in the U.S. and The Murder of Freedom Fighters in Iran. Steven Kirsch on One of the World's Most Respected Vaccine Experts Is Now Officially an Anti-Vaxxer. Tim Ramthun on Wisconsin Prosecuting Election Integrity Proponents But Not Election Fraud Criminals. Todd Bensman on 400% Increase of Illegals on Terror Watch List Entering U.S. And Escalation of Threat of a Major Terrorist Attack. Todd Bensman on 400% Increase of Illegals on Terror Watch List Entering U.S. And Escalation of Threat of a Major Terrorist Attack configuration options.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 19, 2022

    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on The Contents of the Covid 19 Shot Are Still A Mystery. Tom Renz on Why Dr. Fauci Should Be Charged With Crimes. Leo Hohmann Shares His Thoughts on Brainwashed America Part 2 and the Endless Corruption of the FBI as Revealed by a Whistleblower. Biden Regime Releases New Report That Reveals A U.S. Digital Currency May Be Closer Than We Know.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 15, 2022

    Delta the Studio Dog Gets a Birthday Cake and Present. Alex Newman: UN Education Agency Launches War on ‘Conspiracy Theories'. Brannon Debuts the Trailer for Brainwashed America Part 2. Why Do The Power Elite Have Bunkers? The First and Exclusive Interview with Dr. Doug Frank After the FBI Took His Phone at the Airport. Aharon Levarko Brings a Live Update From Israel on Iran's Ten Weapon Sites in Syria.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 13, 2022

    Exclusive Update From Mike Lindell on FBI Surrounding His Car and Seizing His Phone. Exclusive: Mike Lindell Details How He Was Surrounded by FBI and His Phone Seized. Mat Staver on Federal Legislation That Will Legalize Polygamy and Child Brides. Patty McMurray on What The Raid on Mike Lindell Says About Where We are in America. Kristina Karamo on Why Her Run For Michigan Secretary of State is Important for All of America. Patrick Wood and Leo Hohmann on Biden's Executive Order on Transhumanism and War on Human Rights.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 12, 2022

    91 Year Old G.Edward Griffin on The Federal Reserve, The Great Reset and Their Goal To Bring Down America. Tom Littleton and Leo Hohmann on the Globalists and Their 2015 Rehearsal For A Food Crisis. Is the Financial and Energy Crisis in Europe About to Unfold in America and How Bad Could it Be?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 9, 2022

    European Economy Appears to Be Collapsing Under the Weight Of The Socialist Green Agenda And America May Be Next. Kevin Freeman Warns of The Planned Strategy to Collapse America Into A Socialist State. Epoch Times Investigative Reporter on How J6 Prisoners Are Being Physically Tortured.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 7, 2022

    A Distributing Video and Breaking News of An Active Shooter in Memphis, Tennessee. Congressman Glenn Grothman on The War on America's Judeo-Christian Values. Colonel John Mills on the Signs China is Preparing For War. Tina Peters Brings an Update on the Latest Attempts by Colorado Officials to Keep The Truth About Election Fraud Hidden. Leo Hohmann on Coming Global Food Shortage, Energy Crisis, Financial Crisis and The WEF's Masterplan.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 30, 2022

    Keelin Darby Gives Update On Her Husband Ben Darby Charged With Murder Even After Being Cleared By His Police Department. Learn How You Can Help. Trevor Loudon on the Life and Death of Mikhail Gorbachev And Why He Should Not be Praised as a Hero. General Michael Flynn on America at The Tipping Point and How We Must Respond.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 22, 2022

    Brannon Howse, Mike Lindell, And Mary Fanning, On Bombshell Information Released About Government Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery At Moment Of Truth Summit. Pete Santelli And Leo Hohmann Respond To Bombshell Information Released By Mike Lindell At End Of Moment Of Truth Summit.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 19, 2022

    Attorney John Gordon on Similarities Between President JFK And President Donald Trump And Voting Fraud In Georgia He Investigated. Attorney & Professor David Clements On Cast Vote Ranking. Michelle Malkin On FBI Corruption, Voter Fraud, And Surge of Illegal Immigrants Into America. Pete Santelli On Why He's Excited About The Moment Of Truth Summit. Anni Cyrus On Why She Thinks Salman Rushdie's Assailant Attacked Him In Public
    Open Anni Cyrus On Why She Thinks Salman Rushdie's Assailant Attacked Him In Public configuration options.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 17, 2022

    From a Corrupt FBI, to Judges That Abuse Children, to Training IRS Agents To Kill: How Patriotic Americans Can Stop Their Cognitive Dissonance. Tina Peters on How The Legal System is Suppressing Her Civil Rights. Adam Steen Gives us a Heads Up on Coming Press Conference. Kay Rubacek the Oppression, Violence and Propaganda in China and The Warning to America.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 16, 2022

    John Schnatter, Founder of Papa John's on Biden's Super Inflation, Labor Shortages and State of the Nation. Brannon Welcomes Wayne Allyn Root to Lindell-TV. The Serious Threat Of An EMP Attack From Iran, Russia, China, Or North Korea With State Senator Bob Hall.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 15, 2022

    Col John Mills on His Firsthand Experience Fighting the Deep State. Is The DOJ Investigation of the SBC A Set Up For The Cultural Marxists to Take Down Christianity in the South? Yuval Noah Harari on WEF Declares ‘We Just Don’t Need The Vast Majority Of The Population'.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 11, 2022

    Former FBI Agent David Baldovin Responds To Attorney General Merrick Garland On Raid Of President Trump's Home. Dr. Lee Merritt On Guillain-Barre Syndrome And Covid And History Of Vaccines, Electrical Currents And Pandemics. Mayor Rudy Giuliani on FBI Raid on Trump's Home, Biden Crime Family And China's Compromise Of Biden.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 8, 2022

    Judge Napolitano Responds to FBI Raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Largo. Terry Turchie, Former Assistant Deputy Director of the Counter-Terrorism Division of the FBI Condemns Raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Largo. Roger Stone Responds to FBI Raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Largo. Former Muslim Exposes Multi Faith Group Working to Criminalize True Christians. Adam Steen and Tim Ramthum on Their Wisconsin Primary on August 9, 2022.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 5, 2022

    Moms For Liberty on LGBTQ Grooming of Kids in Our Schools.
    Why Does the U.S. Government Have Plans to Respond to Six Man-Made Pandemics?
    Photo of Colonel John Mills on His Eyewitness Account of FBI Director And CIA Director Orchestrated an Insurrection Against Donald Trump. Colonel John Mills on His Eyewitness Account of FBI Director And CIA Director Orchestrated an Insurrection Against Donald Trump. Gordon Chang On China's Commitment to Biological And Chemical Warfare.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 4, 2022

    Moms For Liberty on LGBTQ Grooming of Kids in Our Schools. Why Does the U.S. Government Have Plans to Respond to Six Man-Made Pandemics? Colonel John Mills on His Eyewitness Account of FBI Director And CIA Director Orchestrated an Insurrection Against Donald Trump. Gordon Chang On China's Commitment to Biological And Chemical Warfare.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: July 18, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. A District Court for the Southern District of Ohio on Thursday issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the Air Force from enforcing the vaccine mandate against any airman who has filed a request for a religious accommodation, according to court documents. Judge Matthew W. McFarland granted a motion brought by airmen to extend a court order from March 31 that prohibited the Air Force from disciplining or discharging plaintiffs fighting the mandate based on their religious beliefs to all airmen who filed religious accommodation requests as a “class.”
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) July 26, 2022

    Ashley Babbitt's Mother Sets the Record Straight About All the J6 Lies. Iran Admits They've Crossed the Redline as War In Middle East Gets Closer. Pastor Art Polawski Wins Major Victory in Court Against "Nazis" In Canada. Brannon Reads Your Hand Written Letters On The Air.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) July 25, 2022

    Dr. Tenpenny Warns Ebola/Hemorrhagic Fever as Possible Next Plandemic. "Christian" Leaders Join World Health Organization Narrative. Two Disturbing Reports On What's Increasing Influx Of Illegal Immigrants. Why National Attention Is Turning to Wisconsin Elections.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) July 8, 2022

    Adam Steen Running Against RHINO Wisconsin Speaker Robin Voss. United Nations Agenda 2030 Stealing Land From U.S. Farmers. Iranian-American Journalist Warns That Biden is Surrendering to Iran. Utah Officials Report Two Moms to Feds for Investigating Voter Fraud
    Open Utah Officials Report Two Moms to Feds for Investigating Voter Fraud configuration options.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) July 6, 2022

    Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate on Second Amendment Rights. The Renowned Dr. Carrie Madej Tells Brannon About Her Near Fatal Plane Crash. Brannon Pays Tribute to Dr. Ed Hindson. Georgetown Univ. Prof. on Electromagnetic Field to Induce Mental Illness, Thoughts and Ideas.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) July 5, 2022

    Why Did the CIA Take Over SEAL Team Six? How Has the Government Lied to the Families and How Did Joe Biden Make Them a Target? Part 2 with Author Don Brown. Karen Kingston Plays Video of Prof James Giordano, Georgetown Univ, Chief of Neuroethics Program Discussing How to Hijack Leaders and Create Nanotech Cloud to Create Epidemic Strokes (Part 1).
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 30, 2022

    Susan Swift on How the Abortion Pill Works and Why it is So Dangerous. John Eidsmoe Responds to Progressives That Are Falsely Declaring the U.S. Supreme Court and Governor DeSantis Violating the Separation of Church and State. Author Don Brown on Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of Seal Team Six and U.S. Government’s Cover-Up.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 29, 2022

    Wayne Allen Root on Why President Trump and Governor DeSantis Cannot Be Running Mates in 2024. Wayne Allen Root on Why President Trump and Governor DeSantis Cannot Be Running Mates in 2024. Dr. Walter C. Daugherity and Tina Peters on the Evidence of Voter Fraud in Her 2022 Primary Election.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 28, 2022

    Roger Stone Refutes J6 Testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson Claiming Trump Launched At Secret Service Agents and Tried to Grab The Wheel on January 6. FDA Approved Pfizer's IND Protocol to Not Disclose Death in Trials, Including Babies and Toddlers. Pentagon is Acting As An Enemy of War Against American Troops. Anni Cyrus on Islam Rising in America Under Biden Regime. Todd Bensman on Why The Biden Regime is Responsible for the Death of 51 Illegal Immigrants Being Smuggled into America in a Semi Trailer.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 27, 2022

    Mat Staver on the Most Historic Term of the U.S. Supreme Court Ever In Regards to Defense of the Constitution and Freedom. Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America on Biden Signing Federal Red Flag Law and the Nazi Like Catastrophe That Will Follow. Dr. John Whitcher and Ernesto Ramirez on Ernesto's 16-Year-Old Son Who Died When His Heart Became Doubled in Size After Taking Pfizer Covid Shot. Wes Peters on The Difference Between Bullion and Numismatics Coins.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 23, 2022

    Mike Adams on Diesel Engine Oil Shortages and the Consequences, Manufactured Collapse of Our Food Supply and "Blood Clots" From Covid Shots Are Not Blood Clots. Anni Cyrus on Mexico Shelter For Muslim Migrants on Border, 15 Illegal Migrants with Suspected Terrorist Ties, and Al-Azhar Calls For Criminalizing Islamophobia. Covid Shot Study For Babies and Toddlers Reveals Only 1% Made it to 1 One Week Post 3rd Dose.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 21, 2022

    Mark Mccloskey On The Controversial "Rhino" Commercial By Eric Greitens And Why Brannon Refuses To Play It On His Show. Wes Peters On The Coming Digital Currency, Capital Controls, Negative Interest Rates And The Death Of The US Dollar. Colonel John Mills On How China Is The Senior Partner In The China-Russia Relationship And Is Japan Preparing For War With China?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 20, 2022

    Pete Santilli on WalMart’s Untenable CCP Dependence Makes Them A Major National Security Risk. A.J. Kern is Running Against Ilhan Omar and is Asking A Judge to Make Omar Prove She is a Legal Resident of the U.S. Keelin Darby on Her Police Officer Husband Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison For Obeying His Training and Defending His Life and That of 2 Officers From a Gunman. Rob Lindsted on The Collapse of the Israeli Government and The Coming 5th Election in 3 years.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 17, 2022

    Dr. Andy Woods On Similarities Between The Days Of Noah And Today That Mark The Soon Return Of Jesus Christ. On 50th Anniversary Of Watergate, Roger Stone Reveals The Truth On Why The Deep State Removed President Nixon From Office And The Shadowy Characters Involved.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 16, 2022

    Jason Pratt on Greenwood Village, CO City Council Banning Home-based Gun Businesses and The Growing Trend Nation-Wide. Karen Kingston on the Department of Defense and Big Pharma Collusion on Covid 19. Leo Hohmann and Brannon Howse on The Proven Similarities Between The Biden Regime and Hitler's Nazi Government.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 14, 2022

    Tom Littleton on How Pro-LGBTQ Are Infiltrating Largest Protestant Association in America and What it All Means. Usama Dakdok on Islamic Group Meeting in Washington D.C. to Co-Opt Congressional Members. Karen Kingston on Why Mike Adams is Right About "Clots" Appearing in the Dead That Received Covid Shot.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 13, 2022

    Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Covid Shots For Babies and A Planned Genocide. Col. John Mills on The Remote Access into the Voting Machines That Allows For Voter Fraud. Alex Newman on Plot Against Guns is Not About Safety and Vax Destroying Female Reproductive Systems & Killing Kids, Toxicologist Warns. Dr. Rob Lindsted Gives us a Live Report From Egypt, the Pyramids That Moses Saw and His Trip to Petra
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 9, 2022

    Mike Lindell Joins Brannon for the Breaking News That A County in New Mexico Votes to Eliminate Dominion Voting Machines and Zuckerberg Drop Boxes. Ted Nugent on January 6 Committee's Prime-Time Propaganda Stunt, Biden on Jimmy Kimmel, 2020 Voter Fraud and Biden's Gun Grabbing Agenda. Attorney Kurt Olsen on Injunctions to Terminate The Voting Machines. Col. Shawn Smith on Chinese Ministry of State's Attack and Compromise of America's Voting Systems and Computer Technology Supply Chain.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 10, 2022

    Former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Kandiss Taylor On Voter Fraud In 2022 Primary. Anni Cyrus on Minnesota Politician Joins With Trafficking Advocate and Biden Working with Taliban Airline to Bring Afghans to U.S. Patrick Wood on The Resurrection of A North American Union.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 7, 2022

    Todd Bensman on Huge Caravan On U.S. Mexico Border and His Video Footage on Conveyor Belt that Speeds Illegal Border-Crossers into the U.S. Michelle Malkin on Highlights Magazine for Kids Goes Woke. Brannon's Studio Cat MO Sneaks into The Main Studio and Makes an Unexpected Live Appearance. Dr. Rob Lindsted LIVE From Israel's Western Wall on Numerous Important News Stories Coming Out of Israel
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 6, 2022

    Judge Napolitano on the Second Amendment is a Right Not a Privilege. Mark McCloskey on Why His Polling Numbers For U.S. Senate Shoot Up When They Realize He Stood Down BLM in Front of His House. Karen Kingston on Monkeypox Update Including What's Going on in China and Why the NTI Tabletop Monkeypox? Dr. Peter Pry on North Korea Shooting off More Ballistic Missiles and The Main Country Helping Them.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 3, 2022

    Brannon Shares a Historical Paper Sent To Him By A Viewer And Tells A Story About Peter And Glenn Ford. Roger Stone on Sussman Not Guilty, FBI Belongs to and Run By The Deep State and The Man That Killed JFK. Lt Col Dave Grossman on Assassination Generation: Why The Rise of Student Gun Murderers. Col John Mills on China's Threats Against Taiwan and Why Things Are More Dangerous Now Than During the Cold War.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 1, 2022

    Williams Jasper on the 1994 Survey of U.S. Marines That Revealed What Percentage Would Fire Upon American Citizens and Swear an Oath to the UN. Will Johnson on His Trip to Uvalde, Texas and What He Learned. Del Bigtree on Vaccine Injuries, the Covid Death Shot and The Next Pandemic.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 26, 2022

    Pete Santilli Joins Brannon to Discuss The U.S. Intelligence Agencies That Have Been Turned on the American People. Leo Hohmann on Globalists Entering the Killing Phase of The Great Reset and Their Planned Global Famine. Dr. Rob Linsted on Plagues, Famine, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Nations Rising Against Israel and The Fulfillment of BIble Prophecy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 24, 2022

    Neil McCabe of Star News Network Brings us a May 24, 2022 Primary Report and Brannon Yells At Biden's Live Press Conference on the Uvalde School Shooting. Todd Bensman on Terrorists Targeting Former President George W. Bush and How Terrorists Are Exploiting The Border Crisis to Enter The U.S. Col. John Mills on China Preparing For Something But What? Dr. Judy Mikovits on Dirty "Vaccines" The Government Knowingly Has Used to Kill and Harm Millions of Americans. Daniel Greenfield on Biden Taking Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 23, 2022

    General Michael Flynn on His Massive Lawsuit Against The Deep State and What Americans Must Do Now Before Liberty is Extinguished. Mike Adams on Monkeypox, Food Crisis, Fuel Crisis, Energy Crisis and China Preparing For War. Karen Kingston Asks if Monkeypox is Being Used to Cover The Consequences of The Covid Shots. Christian Horn and His Race For Alabama Secretary of State.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 19, 2022

    Karen Kingston: Is Monkeypox Going Global Just As WHO is on Verge of Ruling The World? Steve Kirsch: The Data is Overwhelming That No One Should Be Taking This Deadly Covid Shot. Former Federal Agent Dave Gaubatz on His Latest Investigation into a Terrorist Tied Mosque in Michigan. Dr. Rob Lindsted on Current Israeli Government on Verge of Collapse and Why Is Israel Leading The Way into the New World Order?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 18, 2022

    Usama Dakdok on Why He Thinks Dr. Oz is Already Promoting Sharia and His First Name Means Mohammad. Exclusive: Alabama Veteran Affairs Whistleblower Comes to Brannon to Bring National Attention to VA Threatening to Fire Unvaccinated. Roger Stone Reports on Bush Crime Family and George P. Bush Running for Texas AG Against Current Texas AG Ken Paxton.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 17, 2022

    Dr. Andy Woods and Brannon Howse Discuss Latest News on Rebuilding of Babylon That The Bible Says Will Be Capitol For One World Government. Brannon Reads Your Hand Written Letters. Neil McCabe From Star News Network Joins Us From D.C. on OH, PA and NC 2022 Primary Races.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 16, 2022

    Islamic Expert Anni Cyrus Responds to Sean Hannity's Attack on Kathy Barnett and Why pedophilia is a Cornerstone of Islam. Former Democratic Operative Dr. Naomi Wolf the U.S. Sliding into a Totalitarian State and Why She Fears The Fall of 2022 Could Bring a Huge National Crisis. Dr. James Thorp on The Covid-19 Shots and Infertility and Shares Pictures of Huge Blood Clots Taken From Covid Shot Recipients.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 13, 2022

    Anni Cyrus On The Islamic Worldview Of Dr. Oz. Dr. James Thorp on What Keeps Him Up At Night As An OB/GYN And The Dangers Of The Covid Vaccine. Brannon Interviews Pat Boone About His Life, Music, Acting Career, Faith And Work With Ronald Reagan And John Wayne To Fight Communism In America.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 12, 2022

    William Jasper on the History of the Anti-Communist John Birch Society and Why They Were So Viciously Attacked. Harbinger of Things to Come? Shocking Video and Report By Todd Benson on Liberty County, Texas That Has Been Flooded By Over 70,000 Illegal Immigrants.
    Great News From Diego Rodriguez as Idaho CPS Closes Case on Baby Cyrus and Family Has Moved to the Free State of Florida.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 11, 2022

    Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Who Escaped From China Explains to Brannon Why China Will Not Cease Its Bio-Weapons Attacks On America. Brannon Howse and Matt DePerno on Democrats Plan to Strip Conservative Organizations and Churches of Tax-Exempt Status and To Use Hate Speech To Define Conservatives as Domestic Terrorists. JD Rucker on the Out of Context Attacks on Kathy Barnette by Ric Grenell. Daniel Greenfield on Who’s Paying Protesters to Harass Justices and Churches?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 10, 2022

    Pennsylvania U.S Senatorial Candidate Kathy Barnett on Her Worldview In Contrast To That of Her Opponent Dr. Oz. A Representative of the Pro-Life Group That Was Fire Bombed in Madison Wisconsin on The Spike in Death Threats and False Reporting of the Media. Brannon Plays Clips from a 1957 Movie About The Communists Taking Over America And How Their Predictions Are Coming True in 2022. Karen Kingston and Dr. James Thorpe on Spike in Miscarriages in Women That Took Covid-19 Shot and Gov’t Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 9, 2022

    Col. John Mills (Ret) on America At Risk By Depleting Our Weapons by Shipping Them to Ukraine. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute on The Government's War on The American People. Americans Becoming Allergic To Meat Through Tick Bites? Will Globalists Spread This on Purpose For Their Green Agenda?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 6, 2022

    Live Report From Israel On The Nation's 74th Birthday. Mike Adams On the Orchestrated Food Shortages, Growing Deaths from Covid Shots, And the Nuclear Threat to America. Computer Repair Shop Owner Where Hunter Biden Dropped Off His Laptop Sues Social Media.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 5, 2022

    Judge Napolitano Responds To United States Supreme Court Draft Leak And Biden's Disinformation Board With Legal Precision And Historical Perspective. What Prisoners Of War Jeremiah Denton And "Red" McDaniel Teach Us About The Horrors Of Communism And How We Must Respond.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 3, 2022

    Col. John Mills (Ret) on Russia-Ukraine War to Distract From China's Move in the South Pacific. Why Is An Entrepreneur in Florida Running Ads For His Business Telling Biden Supports To Not Call Him? Neil McCabe and Tim Upton of The Star News Network Report Live From Outside The U.S. Capitol on the Victory of JD Vance in Ohio. Bill Federer on How The Leak of the USSC Draft on Abortion Was A Huge Ploy To Distract From The Premiere of 2000 Mules.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 3, 2022

    Col. John Mills (Ret) on Russia-Ukraine War to Distract From China's Move in the South Pacific. Why Is An Entrepreneur in Florida Running Ads For His Business Telling Biden Supports To Not Call Him? Neil McCabe and Tim Upton of The Star News Network Report Live From Outside The U.S. Capitol on the Victory of JD Vance in Ohio. Bill Federer on How The Leak of the USSC Draft on Abortion Was A Huge Ploy To Distract From The Premiere of 2000 Mules.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 2, 2022

    Mat Staver on His 9-0 Victory at U.S. Supreme Court For Religious Liberty. See Video and Listen as Trevor Loudon Responds to the Southern Baptist, Mid-America Theological Seminary Taking His Microphone From Him While Speaking Against Marxism. Brannon Howse and Trevor Loudon Respond Within Minutes of United States Supreme Court Draft Striking Down Roe V. Wade Being Leaked Online. Former Federal Agent Dave Gaubatz on Shite Mosques Harboring Islamic Terrorists and Preparing For More As America's Border Collapses. Mychal Massie on Black Liberation Theology Penetrating Evangelical Churches.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 29, 2022

    Perhaps The Biggest Liar Ever to Sit In The US Senate Or The White House Establishes A Disinformation Board? Sheriff Mack On How Constitutional Sheriffs Should Respond to The Corruption Of The FBI When They Come Into Their Counties. Mitchell Shaw Exposes The Cultural Marxist That Biden Has Picked To Head His Ministry Of Truth. Brannon Reads Handwritten Letters From His Viewers. Did Israel Just Discover Gold In Israel Just As The Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel Predicted Would Occur?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 28, 2022

    Pete Santelli and James Roguski on WHO Treaty That Will Steal America's National Sovereignty and Freedoms. Karen Kingston Proves Ebola is NOT Airborne So Why is The Government Trying to Make It Airborne? Department of Homeland Security Confronted By Angry U.S. Congressman and DHS to Establish Disinformation Governance Board. Tom Littleton on Churches Becoming Slum Lords with the Government and Why This is Wrong on So Many Levels.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 27, 2022

    Carl Teichrib on Global Green Government, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset and the New World Order. Olivier Melnick on Holocaust Remembrance Day April 27-28, 2022 and Why The Rise of Jewish Hatred. Trevor Loudon on Evangelicals Falling For The KGB Propaganda That Putin is a Defender of Christianity.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 26, 2022

    Brannon's Wife and TV Crew Interrupt BH LIVE to Present Brannon With a Birthday Cake and Candles. Karen Kingston on a 2013 Study That Revealed The Stress and Anxiety From a Pathogen Would Cause Americans to Willingly Surrender Their Liberties. Todd Bensman on Why Titles 42 Has Effectively Been Lifted and A Huge Humanitarian Crisis is Beginning to Unfold on America's Southern Border. Dr. Andy Woods and Brannon Discuss The Coming Euro-Centric World Government That Was Predicted Over 2,000 Years Ago.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 22, 2022

    Mike Lindell on First Legal Injunction Filed in Arizona Against Electronic Voting Machines. Live Report From Israel on Spike in Terrorist Attacks, Violence at the Temple Mount, Plans to Rebuild The Temple and Israel's Massive Natural Gas and Water Supply.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 21, 2022

    Why Are So Many Food Processing Plants Burning to the Ground All Over America Just As The Threat of Food Shortages Are Increasing? Col. John Mills (Ret) on The Play China is Making For Taiwan While Biden's National Security Advisors Suck On Their Drink Boxes. Dr. Peter Pry on Russia's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Launch and Its Ability to Approach The U.S. From The South Undetected Until It's Too Late. Open Dr. Peter Pry on Russia's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Launch and Its Ability to Approach The U.S. From The South Undetected Until It's Too Late configuration options. Dr. Lee Merritt Asks If Covid-19 Came From the Wuhan Lab or From one of Our Own U.S. Labs? Why the Globalists Need WWIII.
  • Brannon Howse Live: (TV Audio) April 18, 2022

    Michael Patrick Leahy on How The Left is Working to Buy Tennessee Congressional Seats. Roger Stone Joins Brannon as They Announce Roger's New, Daily Show on Lindell-TV. Todd Bensman Reports That Pressure is Mounting on Congress Not to Lift Title 42. Anni Cyrus on Iran's Latest Threats on Israel and Brannon Announces Her New Show on Lindell-TV. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 14, 2022

    Mike Adams Asks: Are Millions Swallowing Venom Derived Pharmaceuticals? And Why is Even The Mainstream Media Now Admitting Food Shortages Are Coming? Senator Kelly Townsend Reports From Outside Arizona Hospital on Family Fighting to Keep Their 26-Year-Old Daughter Being Unplugged From Life Support. Michigan Family Told Their 17-Year-Old Daughter Cannot Have a Kidney Transplant Without The Covid Shot and CPS is Also Being Called To Investigate the Parents. Jill Cox on What She and Her Three Kids Thought After Trying My Patriot Supply Freeze Dried Food.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 13, 2022

    Understanding The Worldview Behind John Maynard Keynes and Keynesian Economics. Michelle Malkin On Why the Left Are Grooming America's Children and How We Should Respond. Attorney Dan Eastman on Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Regarding Drop Boxes. Open Attorney Dan Eastman on Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Regarding Drop Boxes configuration options. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 12, 2022

    Mike Weiner and Brannon Howse Discuss Largest Inflation Rate in 75 Years That's Turning into HyperInflation and Some Historical Perspectives. Dr. Rob Lindsted on What The Bible Says About Russia, Israel and the Coming War. Brannon Explains in 20 Minutes The 1974 Henry Kissinger Document That Reads Like The Great Reset By Klaus Schwab Who Was Mentored by Henry Kissinger.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 11, 2022

    Sidney Powell on J6 Political Prisoners, The Corrupt FBI, What She is About to Reveal About Dominion and Biden Administration is Obama's Third Term. Todd Bensman on How The Biden Administration Is Aiding And Abetting The Biggest Border Fraud In U.S. History. Biden's Executive Order on Americans Building Their Own Guns is An Attack on the Second Amendment. Mosquitoes With Synthetic DNA Scheduled For California Release And Its Possible Connection to Depopulation of Humans. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 8, 2022

    Bill Federer Joins us to Discuss Media Propaganda in Light of Russian-Ukraine Conflict, The Great Reset and Persecution of Conservatives. Todd Bensman on How Texas is Apparently Slowing Mexico's International Trade at U.S. Border to Warn Mexico Off From Mass Illegal Alien Invasion. Leo Hohmann on Churches and "Ministries" Being Paid By The Government to Push Covid-19 Death Shots.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 7, 2022

    Yuval Noah Harari Mocks Jesus as Fake News and Calls For Global Dictatorship and Works With The World Economic Forum and World Leaders. Senator Kelly Townsend on Banks Cancelling Gun Dealers, Manufactures and How AZ Legislators are Looking to Respond. Jackson Lahmeyer Running For U.S. Senate Against RHINO James Lankford. Alabama Gubernatorial Candidate Tim James Responds to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Threatening Alabama For Passing Legislation to Protect Children From Transgender Agenda.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 1, 2022

    Biden Regime Lifting Sanctions on Iran, Iran's Infiltration of America, Why Islamists and Marxists Both Push For World Government & Iran's End Time Belief of Chaos.

    Why Cultural Marxists Push Transgenderism and Sexual Perversion on Children and Exposing Their Thought Leader Alfred Kinsey.

    New Ager and Occultist Alice Bailey Predicted in 1934 That 2025 Would Be The Year the New World Order Took Rapid Shape.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 30, 2022

    Update on Baby Cyrus That Was Kidnapped By State of Idaho As Grandfather Warns of The Government's  Multi-Billion Dollar Industry in Child Trafficking. Attorney Frank Harber on High School Students That Declare They are "Furies" and Ask For Litter Boxes at School. Jake Phipps on Another China Lockdown and the Crisis in Supply Chain. Aharon Levarko on Israel's Spike in Terror Attacks and The Prime Minister Aksing Israelis to Carry Their Gun and Aharon Gives Us a Tour of Where David Killed Goliath.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 29, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Joe Biden traveled to the Ukrainian border this weekend in what his handlers thought would be a good idea to show support for the Ukrainian people. Joe Biden, in a totally unhinged speech in Poland, stoked already historically high tensions between the U.S. and Russia, leaving nothing to the imagination in terms of his hopes for Putin’s demise. He told an audience in Poland, “For God’s sake this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said. It was one of his many gaffes during his latest trip to Europe, notes the Gateway Pundit, adding “The clean-up crew had to jump in and clarify Old Joe’s remarks again.”
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 28, 2022

    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Preparing For What's Coming and Why Has There Been Talk of an Ebola Vaccine? Dr. Bryan Ardis on Information He Will Soon Release That Big Pharma May Not Want Released Why a Military Draft is Enslavement, Unnecessary, and Should Be Opposed By Freedom Loving Americans
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 25, 2022

    Why is the Selective Service Tweeting About A Military Draft And Will Americans Allow Their Children to Die For The Fourth Reich? J.D. Rucker and Brannon Respond to Joe Biden Warning of Food Shortages and Cyber Attacks. How The Power-Elite Are Setting Up The Great Collapse For the Great Reset. Todd Bensman on The Largest Influx of Illegal Immigrants in American History and Why it is About to Get Much Much Worse. Karen Kingston on California Mandating The Covid-19 Vaccine Death Shots on Adults and Children. Will Other States Follow the Lead of California?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) March 24, 2022

    Brannon Plays Stunning Wisconsin Presentation by True The Vote and Dan Eastman and Millie Weaver Respond. Patrick Wood on Joe Biden Warning That Food Shortages Are Coming as Well as Cyber Attacks to Further The New World Order. Attorney Kurt Olsen on President Trump Suing Hillary Clinton, DNC, James Comey and Many Others Over Russia-Gate Conspiracy. Colonel John Mills on North Korea Launching Another ICBM and An Update on Russia-Ukraine War Banner