Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 27, 2022


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Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 5). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls.

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Brannon Howse

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