TV Is Letitia James Guilty of What She Accused Trump of? Is Letitia James Guilty of What She Accused Trump of?
Vault How Muslims Forced The Pact of Omar on Jews and Christians in Egypt and What That Means For Religious Liberty How Muslims Forced The Pact of Omar on Jews and Christians in Egypt and What That Means For Religious Liberty
Vault The White Magic of Evangelicalism (Part Two) Learn how many of the now accepted practices within evangelicalism are really occult practices wrapped in Christian terminology to become the practice
Vault Can Christians Be Demon Possessed? (Part Seven in the Series on Spiritual Warfare) Today Justin and Jim discuss the topic of whether or not Christians can be demon possessed. (Part Seven in the Series on Spiritual Warfare) &n
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Vault The Radical Environmentalism Behind The Nazi Holocaust Did you know that radical environmentalism, sustainable development, and the green agenda can be traced back to the socialist agenda of Nazi Germany?
Vault There is Only One Babylon But There Are Two Harlots What is the true interpretation of Revelation 17 and 18 in regards to the great harlot church and city of Babylon?
Vault How The Pope, Evangelicals and Sustainable Development Are Leading Us To Global Governance How The Pope, Evangelicals and Sustainable Development Are Leading Us To Global Governance
Vault The Aggressive & Visible Five Steps to Global Government That Are Almost Complete Author and researcher Rob Congdon joins Brannon to discuss these topics: Jean Monnet lived from 1888 to 1979 and is really the father of the European
Vault Part Two: Why Nicky Gumbel, The Alpha Course & The WOF and NAR Are Wrong About Holy Spirit Manifestations & Acts 2 Understanding Acts 2 and refuting the false claims of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation concerning what they call manifestations of the
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Vault What Happens To Babies & Young Children When They Die? This program will bring hope & peace to those that have lost a child. What does the Bible say about the death of born and unborn babies and young
Vault Why The World Hates The Cross Topics: Why The World Hates The Cross, feminism, a harmony of the gospels and more.
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Vault (Part Two) A Rocket Scientist & Former Evolutionist Proves Evolution is False Science (Part Two) A Rocket Scientist & Former Evolutionist Proves Evolution is False Science Jason Pratt is an active duty officer in the U.S. N
Vault The False Teaching of Ellen G. White & Why You Should be Confident in Evangelism The False Teaching of Ellen G. White & Why You Should be Confident in Evangelism