Vault Understanding The Book of Romans Verse by Verse (Program 1) In this program Pastor Mike Abendroth gives us an introduction of the book of Romans.
Vault Revelation Verse by Verse: Lesson Two Dr. Tommy Ice takes us through the book of Revelation verse by verse
Vault The Myth of the Moderate Muslim Hired by the U.S. Government To Speak and Eventually Killed By The Same U.S. Government in a Drone Strike The Myth of the Moderate Muslim Hired by the U.S. Government To Speak and Eventually Killed By The Same U.S. Government in a Drone Strike
Vault The Lies The Media and The Left Make Up To Separate Islamic Terrorists From Islam The Lies The Media and The Left Make Up To Separate Islamic Terrorists From Islam
Vault Revelation Verse by Verse: Lesson One Dr. Tommy Ice is teaching through the book of Revelation (Lesson One)
Vault The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, and Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Four and Final Part) The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, & Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Four and Final Part)
Vault Do You Believe in The Deity of Jesus Christ and The Trinity? Then The Koran Says in 5:72-73 You Are An Infidel Do You Believe in The Deity of Jesus Christ and The Trinity? Then The Koran Says in 5:72-73 You Are An Infidel.
Vault What The Koran Says About Moderate Muslims & How President Obama & President Bush Distorted The Truth About Islam What The Koran Says About Moderate Muslims and How President Obama and President Bush Distorted The Truth About Islam
Vault The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, and Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Three) The Good Shepherd, His Sheep and Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Three)
Vault The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, & Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Two) The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, & Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part Two)
Vault The Stealth Jihad Described in the Koran That Allows Muslims to Lie The Stealth Jihad Described in the Koran That Allows Muslims to Lie
Vault The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, & Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part One) The Good Shepherd, His Sheep, & Thieving False Teachers: A Study of John 10 (Part One)
Vault What Does The Koran Say Should Happen To "Moderate" Muslims & How Can You Identify a "Moderate" From a Radical Muslim? Revealing The Jihad and Terrorism of Islam with Host Usama Dakdok. What Does The Koran Say Should Happen To "Moderate" Muslims
Vault Former Iranian Muslim, Now Christian Pastor, Warns America About The Goal & Threat of Islam & Jihad Former Iranian Muslim, Now Christian Pastor, Warns America About The Goal & Threat of Islam & Jihad. Guest: Shahram Hadian was born in Iran
Vault The White Magic of Evangelicalism (Part Four & Final Part) WVW-TV Presents: Oprah Winfrey promoted “The Secret,” but this New Age teaching is also embraced within evangelicalism. In this episode, Brannon e
Vault Mohammed, His Wives, His Visit From A Spirit, & The Rise of a False Prophet Mohammed, His Wives, His Visit From A Spirit, and The Rise of a False Prophet.
Vault What Does a Godly Marriage Resemble and How is it Achieved? What Does a Godly Marriage Resemble and How is it Achieved?
Vault How Muslims Forced The Pact of Omar on Jews and Christians in Egypt and What That Means For Religious Liberty How Muslims Forced The Pact of Omar on Jews and Christians in Egypt and What That Means For Religious Liberty
Vault The White Magic of Evangelicalism (Part Two) Learn how many of the now accepted practices within evangelicalism are really occult practices wrapped in Christian terminology to become the practice