Jason Pratt: March 15, 2018
Join us on Mission 18-09 of "It's NOT Rocket Science with Jason Pratt" as we explore Christian ethics as it relates to the use of firearms. Our launch pad will be Luke 10:25-37 where we consider if it is equally loving to protect our neighbor from violence as it is to help them after it. We also take a look at the debate as defined now by high school students who seem to have been primed to share liberal talking points to a press that nearly beat the police to the scene of the Parkland shooting on February 14. There are several suspicious events surrounding this event that are highlighted by JohnnyBravo @JohnBouchell, a former military member and retired school administrator who was responsible for school security training just 30 miles from Parkland. Why has the narrative shifted to the NRA whose members have not been involved in any illegal use of firearms yet Connecticut Governor Malloy slights as a terrorist organization? Finally, many in the more gun control crowd are quick to point to the banning of guns in Australia as an example of success but they ignore the reality of the statistics after 2012.