Jason Pratt: April 9, 2018
Join us on Mission 18-11 as we continue our journey to understand the origin of life, at least as science pretends to understand it. Can life arise from non-living matter? I thought science proved that it could not yet according to Dr. Harold a professor of biochemistry at the University of Colorado says "“Life arose here on earth from inanimate matter, by some kind of evolutionary process, about four billion years ago. This is not a statement of demonstrable fact, but an assumption almost universally shared by specialists as well as scientists in general. It is not supported by any direct evidence, nor is it likely to be, but it is consistent with what evidence we do have.” We’ll delve into this topic a bit further as we start our mission from the launch pad of Colossians 1:9-18. Can we understand from Scripture how or why life originated? We’ll sign our Scriptural Scientist Spotlight on Samuel F. B. Morse, an accomplished painter and inventor. In fact the code that bears his name is significant in regard to the laws of information science and which relate to organic life as well! We’ll discuss the famous Miller-Urey Experiment that supposedly proved that life could in fact arise from non-life, which violates one of the few laws of biologic science. But what exactly was this experiment and what did it accomplish? Join as on this mission as we look into how evolutionary science endeavors to answer the amazing question of how life originated!