Worldview Weekend Spring Clearance Sale
Grave Influence & Religious Trojan Horse (6 Presentations on 3 DVDs)
All three DVDs for only $12
Carlson, Dakdok, DeYoung, & Loeffler (8 Presentations on 3 DVDs)
All three DVDs for only $12
WVW Intell Briefing 1, 2, & 4. (3 DVD Set)
All three DVDs for only $12
On these three DVDs Brannon covers the following topics:
*Four Stages For Transforming a Nation Into Socialism
*10 Biblical Hallmarks That Reveal A True Follower of Christ or an Imposter
*Why The Rise of Pagan Spirituality in The Church, Culture and Military
*America’s Founding Fathers Warned That This Is How America Could Fall
*Did The Founding Fathers Violate New Testament Principles When They Founded America?
*The Bank For International Settlements, Global Governance, and a One-World Economy
*United Nation's Curriculum in America's Schools
*Global Governance: The Bible Predicted it and the News is Reporting it
*Exposing America's Third Way to Welfare State Capitalism and the Social Justice of the Religious Left
*How Have The Communists Been Successful in Implementing Their Worldview in America?
Ditman, Furchert, & Reagan (Three Life Stories on Three DVDs)
All three DVDs for only $12
Annita Ditman: Surviving Hitler's Hell. The story of a holocaust surviver
Michael Furchert: His family refused to join the Nazi party or the Communist Party in East Berlin. Here is amazing life story.
Michael Reagan: The life story of growing up as the son of President Ronald Reagan
Pinto, Peters, & Gendron (3 DVDs Over 10 Hours of Programming)
All three DVDs for only $12
Nobel, Vines, Limbaugh, Cornuke (3 DVDs, 6 Presentations)
All three DVDs for only $12
Grave Influence Audio Book on 9 CDs
All 9 CDs for only $5.00
Christian Worldview For Students Volume 1 & 2
Both hard cover books for only $5.00
Building a Biblical Worldview Verse by Verse (Hard Cover)
Normally $12 now only $5
Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You by John MacArthur for only $5.00
The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur for only $5.00
Hard to Believe: The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus by John MacArthur for only $5.00
Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You by John MacArthur for only $5.00
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