Afghan Man Arrested On Charges Of Planning A Terrorist Attack That Has Ties To The CIA


  • An accused Muslim terrorist who the government says was plotting a major attack on Americans during Election Day November 5th it turns out was a CIA contractor.
  • North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US threatens its sovereignty.
  • A major British bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.
  • And a chemical herbicide used on large swaths American croplands has been destroying the reproductive hormones and organs of the American male. We’ll explain.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Leading off tonight, it looks like the FBI may have entrapped a former CIA contractor in a plot to commit a terrorist attack on Election Day.

A 27-year-old Afghan man arrested on charges of planning a terrorist attack on Election Day worked as a security guard in Afghanistan for the CIA, two sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

The Justice Department announced this week the arrest of Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, alleging he was planning an Election Day attack on crowded areas. Details of the case revealed that the plot was pushed by at least two FBI informants and an undercover agent. It wreaks of a classic FBI entrapment conspiracy.

On Wednesday, NBC News further revealed that Tawhedi was a CIA contractor in Afghanistan.


NBC reported that the former CIA security guard entered the U.S. in September 2021, not long after the Pentagon’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, on what’s known as a humanitarian parole. That contradicts the DOJ’s claim that the man entered on a Special Immigrant Visa, which is given to Afghans who worked with the U.S. in Afghanistan after they pass Homeland Security screening.

According to NBC, the CIA undertook its own evacuation operation of Afghans who worked for the agency.

The CIA reportedly declined to comment to NBC on the matter. The DHS also reportedly declined to comment, other than to say that “Afghan evacuees who sought to enter the United States were subject to multi layered screening and vetting against intelligence, law enforcement, and counterterrorism information.”

That, of course, is a lie.

Tawhedi was charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. He’s also charged with receiving a firearm to be used to commit a felony or a federal crime of terrorism, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.


The severed head of a newly elected mayor in southern Mexico was found on top of his vehicle just six days into his tenure. Footage of the gruesome scene was shared on X, highlighting Mexico as a lawless narco-state run by ultra-violent cartels, according to an article in Zero Hedge.


On September 30, Alejandro Arcos was sworn in as the mayor of the capital and second-largest city of the Mexican state of Guerrero. The newly elected mayor didn't even last a week. On Sunday, he was assassinated, with his head severed and placed on the top of the vehicle as a reminder to local government officials that cartels run the show. 

Just three days before Arcos' killing, another city official, Francisco Tapia, was also killed.


North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US threatens its sovereignty. South Korea does not possess nuclear weapons but is protected by the United States, with thousands of troops stationed in the country since the end of the Korean War in 1953. 

Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics says his computer model on the Koreas shows that the peninsula will become a flashpoint for war in 2025, a pattern that tends to repeat itself roughly every 72 years.

If Washington’s warmongering neocons are in power next year, meaning Kamala Harris wins the election or the neocons are somehow able to gain control of a Trump White House, that pattern is almost guaranteed to repeat itself.

He writes:

“Our American Neocons are going absolutely crazy, threatening the entire world and taking us into World War III, which has been their dream probably from childhood.”

He goes on to state that a clear warning sign is that North Korea is removing from its constitution all references to reconciliation with the South. 

The 11th session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly is expected to address these revisions, nine months after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un redefined inter-Korean relations as being between “two hostile states” and vowed to no longer consider South Korea a partner for reconciliation and unification. 

Armstrong writes: “That says it all. This is outright eventual war.”


Zero Hedge reports that London-based NatWest Bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.

The “carbon footprint tracker” we are told is going to tackle the alleged “climate crisis.”

The British multinational bank’s system monitors customers’ spending and scolds customers when they buy meat and dairy products.

The tracker issues alerts that warn customers their food purchases are causing “climate change.”

As part of NatWest’s smartphone banking app, users receive messages when they are caught buying traditionally farmed produce.

They are also urged to “swap out” items such as beef and milk with “alternatives” such as “non-dairy” or “plant-based” products.

The app pressures customers to take part in “veggie Mondays” and warns they should be “choosing (mostly) plant-based” diets to fight “global warming” by reducing their so-called greenhouse gas emissions.

The alert messages also recommend eating “vegetarian at home” to reduce your so-called carbon footprint by 40 kilograms.

The app suggests that by “swapping out beef,” an individual could reduce their carbon footprint by 12 kilograms.

Users are also urged to try adding tofu, lentils, and other alternatives to their diets as substitutes for eating meat.

The bank doesn’t draw the line at food, however, and seeks to push the green agenda into all aspects of its customers’ spending habits.

The app suggests buying “more second-hand clothes” and taking “fewer flights” in order to comply with the Net Zero targets of the World Economic Forum.

Additional warning messages from the bank tell customers to switch off tumble dryers, share car journeys, and wash their clothes in cold water.

Users can also opt-in to receive a “monthly carbon score,” which the bank already tracks as default.

The bank has angered British farmers with its push to crack down on red meat and to replace dairy products with “plant-based alternatives.”


NBC News reports that with less than four weeks until Election Day, Donald Trump is scheduled to hold rallies in staunchly Democratic states he has “virtually no chance of winning.”

It’s an unorthodox strategy campaign advisers say is designed to focus on areas where Democratic policies have failed, but it will also keep him away from the small handful of swing states almost certain to determine the election.

Over the next month, the former president has events scheduled in Colorado, California, Illinois and New York. President Joe Biden won those states by an average of 20 points in 2020, with his 13-point Colorado win the closest margin. Colorado is the only one of those states to vote for a Republican nominee for president this millennium, backing George W. Bush in 2004.

While each event will be held in slightly different venues, the most notable will be later this month in Madison Square Garden, a place where Trump has long said he wanted to hold political rally.

A senior Trump campaign adviser said of the strategy:

“Choosing high-impact settings makes it so the media can’t look away and refuse to cover the issues and the solutions President Trump is offering. We live in a nationalized media environment and the national media’s attention on these large-scale, outside-the-norm settings increases the reach of his message across the country and penetrates in every battle ground state.”

The adviser added:

“President Trump is closing the campaign highlighting the problems the country faces as a result of Harris and Biden’s failed leadership and articulating his solutions to solve the problems they created.”


A recent guest on the Joe Rogan podcast delved into the herbicide atrazine and its harmful effects on male reproductive hormones.

Dr. Casey Means explained that atrazine is widely present in American foods. This testosterone-depleting chemical is banned across Europe but not the United States.

What is atrazine, and how does it do this? 

The Vigilant News Network reports that atrazine is a widely-used herbicide sprayed on crops like corn and sugarcane to control weeds. It disrupts hormone function by increasing the activity of an enzyme which converts testosterone into estrogen. 

In men, this can contribute to conditions such as decreased muscle mass, low libido, and even feminization. 

And we spray 70 million pounds of this tasteless, odorless, chemical on our food, while it's illegal to do so in Europe. 


This is criminal. America is run by an international criminal syndicate bent on destroying the most powerful and wealthy country on earth. A major part of the plan is genocide. And the globalist cabal is using Big Pharma and Big Agriculture to poison us into extinction.

Stay away from all non-organic, GMO-based breads, cereals, as well as all sugary and processed foods. These include all foods with canola oil, seed oils, corn syrup, etc. 

Not only will you feel better and age better, but your doctor and pharmacy bills will be much lower.

If Americans were half as concerned about what they put in their bodies as they are about whether they can afford their high-priced health insurance, they would live a lot healthier lives.

Most health insurance is a scam. It comes with high-priced premiums and delivers very questionable care. Doctors paid by the government or large private-sector insurance companies get paid to put people on dangerous statins, pump them full of toxic “vaccines” and other pharmaceuticals. They will refer you to their surgeon buddies at the drop of a hat. I’m not saying surgery is never appropriate because sometimes it is. But I’ve seen firsthand people get chopped up for no good reason and they end up with more problems than they had before the surgery.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

A video clip has resurfaced from May of 2019 in which Kamala Harris fantasizes about weaponizing the DOJ against speech the government doesn't like, and the platforms that allow it.

Speaking at the annual NAACP ‘Fight for Freedom Fund’ dinner in Detroit, Harris threatened: “We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct Law Enforcement to counter this extremism.

“We will hold Social Media Platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms, because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our Democracy. And if you profit off of hate, if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber warfare. If you don't police your platforms, we are going to hold you accountable as a community.”

Here she is. Take a listen.


This is serious stuff, folks. What she’s saying here is she will decide, or some government entity set up by her administration will decide, what is appropriate speech and what is not. These are the musings of a dangerous authoritarian.

Holding platforms accountable for every opinion or rant placed on their platform means arrests will be made. It’s already happening in other countries. In the UK, thousands of British citizens were arrested, tried and convicted within a 72-hour period for posting photos and videos on social media that proved the government narrative about recent rioting in the country was wrong.

In France, the government arrested the owner of Telegram, a popular social-media platform, because he refused to “cooperate” with government authorities seeking a backdoor censorship path into his system.

This is the wave of the future. Top Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have recently come out and said the First Amendment is a hindrance to establishing their agenda.

So, we shouldn’t take these threats lightly. The federal government has been colluding with the major social media platforms for years, demanding that these platforms censor conservative content and then claiming that it’s not a violation of the First Amendment because it’s a private company doing the censoring. They’ve simply outsourced the censorship to the private sector.

They may not have started arresting the truthtellers and putting them behind bars like in other Western nations.

The only reason the UK, Canada and EU countries are moving faster into the realm of criminalizing political dissent is because those countries don’t have a First Amendment. But we have the same globalists running our government as are running the governments of Canada, the UK, France and Germany, so we must be vigilant or they will find a way to turn the lights out on free speech. And once the First Amendment rights to free speech are gone, they’re not coming back. And all the other rights listed in the Bill of Rights will follow suit, including your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…



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