A New Migrant Caravan Is Headed Towards Americas Southern Border Very Soon


  • A North Carolina police officer warns Americans: Do not donate money to FEMA. We’ll explain why and what better alternatives are out there.
  • A judge in a key battleground state has ruled that county election officials must certify election results by the legal deadline even if they suspect fraud or mistakes.
  • Americans’ trust in the corporate mass-media continues to plummet.
  • A new caravan of illegals has entered Mexico and is making its way to America’s open border.
  • And why do the world’s superpowers seem so intent on going to World War III? We’ll explain.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Mike Destefano, a local police officer in the town of River Bend, North Carolina, is warning Americans not to donate Hurricane Helene relief funds to FEMA.

Why? Because, he says, the money is not being used appropriately and will not get to those in need in anything resembling a timely fashion.

Mikey, as he calls himself, says in a video posted originally to TikTok:

“Please do not donate to FEMA. They are hindering a lot of what people are trying to accomplish out in the western part of the state.”

He suggests that people who want to donate send their hard-earned cash to local churches, sheriff’s departments, local police departments and nonprofit groups, because they know better how to spend it on people in need.




A judge in the key battleground state of Georgia has ruled that county election officials must certify election results by the legal deadline even if they suspect fraud.

Yes, you heard that right.

According to this judge, even massive fraud cannot justify refusing to certify elections in Georgia. Not at the county level. They must certify the results, no matter how fraudulent they may be.

Fox News reports that Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney of Fulton County, Georgia, ruled that “no election superintendent (or member of a board of elections and registration) may refuse to certify or abstain from certifying election results under any circumstance.”

Local elections officials do have the right to investigate their concerns about the vote count and to review related documents, McBurney wrote, but he added:

“Any delay in receiving such information is not a basis for refusing to certify the election results or abstaining from doing so.”

Election results must be certified by Georgia's individual counties by 5 p.m. the Monday or Tuesday after the race.

The ruling was handed down the same day Georgia residents head to the polls for early in-person voting, which runs from October 15 through November 1.

The suit was filed by Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections member Julie Adams and backed by America First Policy Institute, a conservative group aligned with former President Donald Trump.

Adams had voted against certifying the presidential primary results in May. She then sued the Fulton County elections board, arguing that she was not able to fulfill her duties as a superintendent after a documents request was denied, and that she was within her rights to not certify the results.

The judge disagreed.

Adams had requested further documentation related to the election, ahead of the certification deadline, to confirm accuracy of the results. Fellow county officials denied her request, arguing that certification was mandatory and that the records request was outside the scope of her duties.

In his ruling, McBurney wrote that nothing in Georgia law gives county election officials the authority to determine that fraud has occurred or what should be done about it.

Instead, he wrote, the law says a county election official’s “concerns about fraud or systemic error are to be noted and shared with the appropriate authorities but they are not a basis for a superintendent to decline to certify.”


A new Gallup poll reveals that Americans’ trust in the mass media continues to be in freefall.

Only 31% of Americans express a great deal of confidence or a fair amount of confidence in the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly, down slightly from last year’s 32%. 

Americans’ trust in the media -- such as newspapers, television and radio -- first fell to 32% in 2016 and did so again last year.

For the third consecutive year, more U.S. adults have no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another 33% of Americans express not very much confidence in the media.

For a little perspective, when Gallup asked the same questions in the 1970s, trust in the U.S. media ranged from 68 to 72 percent.

By Gallup’s next polling on the topic in the late 1990s and early 2000s, smaller majorities of 51 to 55 percent trusted the news media. Now it’s down to a paltry 31 percent.

The latest findings are from a poll conducted September 3-15, which includes Gallup’s annual update on trust in the media and other civic and political entities in the U.S.


Breitbart News reports that a new migrant caravan of approximately 1,000 migrants departed from Mexico’s southern border this weekend to make its way to Mexico City. From there, the group is expected to disperse and find various ways to reach the U.S. border. The caravan is the second to start in Mexico since October 1, when the country’s new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, took office.

The caravan began early Sunday morning in southern Mexico and has been officially named God is Guiding Us. 

The caravan comprises approximately 1,000 migrants from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Haiti, Panamá, and Costa Rica, as well as some migrants from Afghanistan and Nepal. The group plans to make its way to Mexico City, with its ultimate goal being the U.S. border.

The migrants who make up the caravan have received legal status in Mexico and were in the process of waiting in Chiapas for an appointment for the Biden-Harris administration’s CBP One application. 

According to Jonathan Rojas, the group fears the rhetoric former U.S. President Donald J. Trump voiced that he would close the current immigration pathway. Rojas claimed that he was traveling due to economic reasons due to a lack of opportunities in his native Colombia.

Rojas said:

“There is real concern that if he (Trump) gets elected, they will close the border. We can’t keep waiting for them to give us an appointment. Conditions here in Chiapas are not healthy, there are too many of us and not enough supplies and space. They (the Mexican government) need to help us.”


Donald Trump appeared on the Glenn Beck program Tuesday for a 40-minute interview to discuss voter fraud, the disastrous Biden-Harris Afghanistan withdrawal, and the threat of nuclear war. 

He also addressed the question on so many of our minds: Who exactly is running the country since Joe Biden is clearly mentally incapacitated and Kamala Harris is incompetent?

One thing is for sure, the former president said—it isn’t Biden.

Trump hinted that a layered and stratified shadow governance structure is in charge of policy coming out of the White House.

“I think it's actually a committee of people, and they might not even know who the committee is. They may not even know themselves. It's a group of people that are in different levels of D.C., and they surround a man [Biden] that was not the most capable person.  By the way, he never was, but certainly not any more. And she’s worse than he is.”




LifeSite News reports that the abortion industry is massively outspending pro-lifers on advertising heading into the November 5 election where various abortion-related proposals appear on state ballots.

Abortion is for-profit, and Planned Parenthood and an assortment of abortion political action groups have enormous war chests to tap into. 

Also, LifeSite notes that the two parties include one that’s all in and ready to go to war on the issue while the other, the Republicans, are only mildly putting up a fight.

LifeSite writes:

“The Democratic Party is leveraging all of their power and influence on behalf of the abortion industry – while the Republican Party under Donald Trump vacillates, equivocates, and retreats to merely opposing late-term abortion. Pro-lifers are often forced to rebut, explain, and persuade the party that once described itself as pro-life.” 

We got a glimpse of how outmatched the pro-life movement would be from a financial perspective during the 2022 midterms. In Michigan, where abortion activists successfully embedded abortion in the state constitution, so-called Reproductive Freedom for All spent $22.5 million on midterm election ads and raised at least $40.2 million. During the 2022 midterms, abortion groups outspent pro-lifers at least 35 to 1.  


Hardware wholesaler True Value filed for bankruptcy on Monday, seeking to sell its business to its closest rival, Do It Best, for $153 million.

True Value, which has been around for 75 years and sells hardware, tools, lumber, plumbing and heating supplies, as well as other home improvement goods, said its retail stores are independently owned and not part of the bankruptcy process.

Founded in 1948, True Value has said it will continue to supply products to its 4,500 locations. 

True Value operates as a member-owned wholesaler cooperative that sells its products mostly to hardware sellers, garden centers, industrial distributors and other merchants.

The Chicago, Illinois-based company has between $500 million and $1 billion in total liabilities, according to its Chapter 11 petition in Delaware bankruptcy court viewed by Fox Business.

Fort Wayne, Indiana-based Do It Best agreed to serve as a ‘stalking horse’ bidder for True Value's assets, which means that True Value remains open to higher offers. 


Walgreens said on Tuesday it would shut 1,200 stores over the next three years as new CEO Tim Wentworth plots a turnaround at the struggling pharmacy chain operator hit by sluggish consumer spending and low drug reimbursement rates.

News of the closures means that by 2027 one in seven Walgreens will have closed its doors. Around 500 of the stores scheduled for the chop will shutter over the next year, although their locations have not yet been revealed.  

Pharmacy chains are facing their most turbulent time in recent history as consumers avoid high-priced grocery items and pressures mount on payments they receive from drug middlemen for filling prescriptions.

America's retail sector is facing what has been dubbed a ‘retail apocalypse’ driven by high inflation leading to store closures and bankruptcies. Consumers are also increasingly choosing to shop online rather than in brick and mortar stores. 

Other chains who've closed many or all of their stores include Macy's, Rite Aid, K-Mart, 7-Eleven and Family Dollar.   


Reuters reported that North Korea blew up sections of inter-Korean roads and rail lines on its side of the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas on Tuesday, prompting South Korea's military to fire warning shots.

Pyongyang said last week it would cut off the inter-Korean roads and railways entirely and further fortify the areas on its side of the border as part of its push for a two-state system, scrapping its longstanding goal of unification.

At around midday on Tuesday, some northern parts of road and rail lines connected to the South were destroyed, the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.

Seoul's unification ministry, which handles cross-border affairs, condemned the incident as a clear violation of past inter-Korean agreements, calling it “highly abnormal.”

Tensions mounted after the North last week accused Seoul of sending drones over North Korea. 

North Korean officials said the drones scattered a huge number of anti-North leaflets, and Kim Jong Un's sister warned on Tuesday that Seoul would “pay a dear price.”

South Korea's government has declined to say whether the South Korean military or civilians had flown the alleged drones.

The two Koreas have also clashed over balloons of trash floated since May from North Korea. Pyongyang has said the launches are a response to balloons sent by anti-regime activists in the South.

After Tuesday's demolitions, video released by the South's military showed an explosion and a plume of smoke rising above an area of road where the North had put up a black barrier.

It also showed several dump trucks and earth-movers approaching with a group of North Korean military officials observing and guiding the vehicles.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

As many of you know, the amount of electricity required to fuel AI is staggering. And electric generation requires huge amounts of lithium, copper and other resources. Some have speculated that it’s this fight over scarce resources to power AI that explains why the U.S. and NATO are so eager for war with Russia and China. He who controls the resources controls the future of artificial intelligence and therefore controls the digitization of the world, the new world order.

The tech website Semafor reports that the huge data centers that make artificial intelligence products like ChatGPT possible will soon reach their size limits.

Microsoft Azure Chief Technology Officer Mark Russinovich told the website that this limitation will require a new method of connecting multiple data centers together for future generations of AI.

The most advanced AI models today need to be trained inside a single building where tens of thousands, and soon hundreds of thousands of AI processors can be connected so they act as one computer.

But as Microsoft and its rivals compete to build the world’s most powerful AI models, several factors, including America’s aging energy grid, will create a de facto cap on the size of a single data center, which soon could consume multiple gigawatts of power, equivalent to hundreds of thousands of homes.

Already, some parts of the national grid are overwhelmed on hot days, when air conditioners are running full blast, forcing rolling blackouts and brownouts.

Microsoft has been working furiously to help add capacity to the grid, inking a deal to reopen the Three Mile Island Nuclear power plant, launching a $30 billion fund for AI infrastructure with BlackRock and inking a $10 billion deal with Brookfield for green energy, among other projects.

Overhauling the U.S. energy infrastructure was a big part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which provided $3 billion in incentives for building out transmission lines, among other priorities. But companies like Microsoft can’t afford to wait around for more money from Washington, on top of the time it would take to deploy those funds.

Given their AI ambitions, a solution could be building data centers in multiple locations to avoid overloading any one region’s power grid. It would be technically challenging, but it may be necessary, Russinovich told Semafor.

He said:

“I think it’s inevitable, especially when you get to the kind of scale that these things are getting to. In some cases, that might be the only feasible way to train them is to go across data centers, or even across regions.”

So when the politicians tell you they want your sons and daughters to go fight Russia, they will say it’s to preserve our freedom and democracy. Don’t believe it. What the world is really going to war over is who gets to control the new world order.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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