The Starbuck

The Starbuck's Socialists Parlour<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
 By David A. Noebel
"I used to consider ... liberals who praise Fidel Castro to be the most despicable people imaginable.  That's probably because I have to deal with these people on a regular basis.  I call them Starbuck's Socialists.  You know the type.  They spend about ten dollars a day to have other people make their coffee while they read the $20 deluxe edition of The Communist Manifesto at Barnes and Noble.... Most of them are college professors."  Mike S. Adams, Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel (2004), p. 134.
Imagine there's no Heaven
(Thanks to John Lennon)
It's quite easy when one tries
No Hell below us
Above us only Sky
Imagine there's no Creator
Objective reality, absolute truth
It's easy when alert
No purpose below us
Above us energized dirt
Free love for the asking
Abortion on demand
Planned Parenthood's a sacred cow
Christianity's in the can
Take everyone's guns away
And toss them in the sand
Shout out for world government
The Brother/Sisterhood of (wo)myn
Feminists are screaming
For shippin' men enmass
To Mars, Venus and to the Moon
So peace on earth can be acclaimed quite soon
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Q
Multiculturalists hollering "heteronormative" at You and You
Strange-sex affairs (LGBTQ) must be everywhere
For social progress  to begin
"Queers for Christ" are now progressive types
"Atheists for Jesus" are marching in lockstep
Homophobia is a mean, social disease
LUGS, GUGS, BUGS are  normal, healthy, chic
Cross-dressers are the new health providers
Queer Studies are academic fair
Thanks to cultural Marxism--
Political Correctness insists
We are no longer "One  nation, under God, indivisible"
Since there is no god or nation
Worth sacrifice or trust
Welfare and dope  for the homeless
Condoms for the kids
We must not blame criminals
For anything they did
Right and wrong are cultural determinates
There's no such thing as sin
Who cares if the world is lost and hurtin'
It's merely soul-less tin
Besides, we are emerging
Foamy, blue-green algae pond scum
Heading for our Socialist Paradise
Hey! Darwin's fish just swallowed the "J" fish
No one seems to mind
Animal rights are most important
Since we are evolving slime
Without game plan or direction
Wind-borne particles are we
Having more uncomplicated fun than usual
Since no one must  pay one's fees
It's free, man, it's all free
You hear it everywhere
Breakfast at noon, Lunch at four, Dinner at eight
All paid for by the beneficent State
Man has finally abolished the curse of work
Reason, science, law and  revelation
Are antique history now
Enlightenment comes from nowhere
But that's a mystery for sure
Values are tied to matter alone
Morals and ethics are done
Unless, of course, "relative" is sine qua non
But then there's nothing to worry about
For there's  no eternal Son
Meaning to existence is parochial
Judgment and justice are myths of the past
Live it up in the present why not  have a blast
But if by chance you're wrong, dead wrong
And there is a Designer somewhere
A soul intact and reason on board with revelation galore
Well, then my friend, my advise to you
Is really quite simple indeed
Kiss the Son (Ps. 2) and breathe eternal life
Worship God
Turn your life around and live for Him
With purpose and grace in toe
Fearing neither Darwin or Marx
Nietzsche or Freud's baseless claims on your soul


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