Canada’s Liberal Government is Melting Down After a Decade in Power


  • Israel drops a bomb on Syria so powerful it registered on the Richter Scale. We’ll reveal the targets. 
  • President Elect Donald Trump calls on Joe Biden to stop selling off the remaining border-wall materials that Trump purchased during his first term.
  • During a press conference Monday, Trump said the Biden administration knows the truth about the flurry of mysterious drones flying around New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania and several other states. But they refuse to level with the American people.
  • Canada’s Liberal government is melting down after a decade in power.
  • And central banks stepped up their purchases of gold in the fourth quarter of 2024. We’ll explain why.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Israeli war planes dropped a bomb on Syria so powerful it reportedly measured on the Richter scale.

Video shared online showed the massive explosion as Israel bombarded northwestern Syria near the city of Tartus, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Israeli warplanes launched strikes targeting a series of sites including air-defense units and surface-to-surface missile depots, the war monitor said. It said Sunday’s bombardment was “the heaviest strikes in Syria’s coastal region since the start of strikes in 2012.”


It has been claimed that the explosion was so large, it measured as a magnitude 3.0 on seismic sensors.

Tartus has been the location of one of Russia's two military bases in Syria and was used as a naval base, as well as an ammunition depot.

The huge explosion, as well as secondary explosions, may indicate the presence of a large volume of stored armaments. 

Russia's foreign ministry earlier today said it had evacuated some of its diplomatic staff from Syria, a week after the fall of the nation's dictator Bashar al-Assad.

A naval military base was first established by the Soviet Union in Tartus in 1971. 

Until 2017 the facility was classed as a Material-Technical Support Point rather than a base, and is Russia's only entrance point to the Mediterranean.

Putin ordered the base's expansion in 2017, after Assad gave a 49-year lease on the facility free-of-charge in exchange for helping keep him in power. 


We have a follow-up tonight on a story we originally reported on last week.

In a Monday morning press conference from Mar-a-Lago, President-elect Donald Trump called for outgoing President Joe Biden to cease the selling of unused southern border wall materials.

Trump stated:

“I’m asking today, Joe Biden, to please stop selling the wall. We’re going to use that to create a strong barrier. And it worked. That’s why our numbers were so good. It really worked and it worked well and it’s very expensive to do. And I’m asking Joe Biden to stop his people from giving it away.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:39)


In another topic addressed at the Monday press conference, President-elect Trump said the Biden administration knows the truth about the flurry of mysterious drones flying around New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania and several other states.

Trump said it was not a hostile adversary behind the flying machines that have puzzled residents, lawmakers and law enforcement.

“The government knows what is happening. Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it’s [from] a garage, they can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went. And for some reason, they don’t want to comment. I think they’d be better off saying what it is. Our military knows, and our president knows, and for some reason, they want to keep people in suspense.”

Trump declined to say if he’s received an intelligence briefing on the matter. As president-elect, Trump does get intelligence briefings.

He said the publicly available evidence indicates the drones are not coming from a foreign enemy.

“If it was the enemy, they’d blast it out. Even if they were late, they’d blast it. Something strange is going on. For some reason, they don’t want to tell people.”

Federal authorities on Sunday assured panicked Americans that the drones are not a security threat but then they canceled out the logic of that first statement by saying they don’t know where they came from or who is responsible.


The War Zone reports that the sprawling Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is the latest military installation to report mysterious drones flying over its airspace.

Base spokesman Bob Purtiman told The War Zone on Sunday:

“I can confirm small aerial systems were spotted over Wright-Patterson between Friday night and Saturday morning. Today leaders have determined that they did not impact base residents, facilities, or assets. The Air Force is taking all appropriate measures to safeguard our installations and residents.”

Purtiman said the drones ranged in sizes and configurations.

After the drones were seen over Wright-Patterson, a Notice to Airman (NOTAM) was issued closing the airspace between Friday night and Saturday morning. The airspace has since been reopened, Purtiman said.


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday said the West is pushing Russia to its red lines, situations it has publicly made clear it will not tolerate, and Moscow is being forced to respond, according to a report from Reuters.

Putin stated that:

“They (Western leaders) are simply scaring their own population that we are going to attack someone there using the pretext of the mythical Russian threat. The tactic is very simple: they push us to 'a red line', from which we cannot retreat, we start to respond and then they immediately scare their population.”

In a meeting of defense officials, Putin said Russia would lift its self-imposed restrictions on the deployment of short- and medium-range missiles if the U.S. deploys such missiles.

Putin emphasized that Russia's nuclear weapons are for deterrence.

Putin’s defense minister cited U.S. plans to modernize its nuclear forces, the opening of a U.S. missile base in Poland, new NATO combat readiness plans, and plans announced at the NATO summit to deploy U.S. medium-range missiles in Germany in 2026.

He said the U.S. could soon have hypersonic missiles available that could reach Moscow in eight minutes.

Putin said the war in Ukraine is finally taking a decisive turn in Russia’s favor.

According to the report, Russia has taken over 189 settlements this year in Ukraine. 

Putin told the same gathering that the large numbers volunteering for service were turning the tide of the Ukraine war in Moscow's favor, as open-source maps suggest his army is advancing at the fastest pace since 2022.

He said:

“Russian troops have a firm grip on the strategic initiative along the entire line of contact. This year alone, 189 population centers have been liberated.”

He said roughly 430,000 Russians had signed army contracts this year, up from roughly 300,000 last year.

The defense minister said Russia had pushed Ukrainian forces out of 1,737 square miles of territory this year, and was taking about 11.5 square miles a day.


Reuters reports that Canada's Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland quit on Monday after clashing with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on issues including how to handle possible U.S. tariffs, dealing a huge blow to an already unpopular government.

In a stinging resignation letter, Freeland dismissed Trudeau's push for increased spending as a political gimmick that could hurt Ottawa's ability to deal with the 25% import tariffs U.S. President-elect Donald Trump says he will impose.

You may remember Freeland, who also served as deputy prime minister, was one of the most aggressive government officials in the tyrannical crackdown against the popular Canadian Truckers’ Uprising in 2022. She basically forced banks to turn over their customers’ banking data to the government so they could be identified and prosecuted. Many had their accounts frozen.

Her resignation is one of the biggest crises Trudeau has experienced since taking power in November 2015. It also leaves him without a key ally when he is on track to lose the next election to the official opposition Conservatives.

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre repeated calls for an immediate election. He told reporters:

“The government of Canada is itself spiraling out of control. We cannot accept this kind of chaos, division, weakness, while we're staring down the barrel of a 25% tariff from our biggest trading partner ... we simply cannot go on like this.”

Freeland said she was quitting in the wake of a meeting last Friday with Trudeau, who asked her to take on a lesser post after the two had argued for weeks over spending.


The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and its lead attorney, Aaron Siri, have responded to a recent New York Times article that misrepresents ICAN’s 2022 petition to the FDA regarding the polio vaccine known as IPOL. The article inaccurately claims that Siri personally “petitioned the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine,” an assertion that he says distorts both the purpose and scope of the petition.

ICAN’s petition calls for the FDA to revoke the approval of IPOL, but only for infants and children and only until a proper clinical trial is conducted. The petition highlights significant safety concerns about IPOL’s licensure process in 1990, which relied on trials reviewing safety for only three days post-injection—a standard that falls far short of federal requirements for vaccine approval.

Contrary to public perception, IPOL is not the same vaccine developed by Jonas Salk or Albert Sabin. Instead, it is produced using new technology, including virus growth on modified monkey kidney cells, which behave similarly to cancer cells. These details are outlined in ICAN’s petition, which is publicly available for review. Show the Petition.


The Daily Reckoning reports that October was the highest net purchase month in 2024 for gold, with central banks purchasing a robust 60 tonnes of the precious metal.

Through the third quarter of 2024, central banks have reported an impressive 694 tonnes of gold purchases. And that’s almost certainly an understatement because we don’t know how much gold China, Russia, and other countries from that bloc are purchasing. The true number for 2024 could easily be near 1,400 tonnes or higher.

Annual gold production from mines is around 3,000 tonnes, so this is a substantial percentage of new supply. At this rate, central banks alone could be buying up to 45% of newly mined gold this year.

The largest BRICS countries are gobbling up gold like we’re on the verge of something major. A financial meltdown of one type or another is a good bet. And when it happens, those holding large quantities of dollars and other fiat currencies, will wish they’d converted more of those paper dollars to gold or silver.

Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic, and Hungary stand out as the only NATO countries on gold-buying sprees. They just so happen to be the most nationalist members of NATO. No coincidence there, I’m sure.

And the largest gold sellers, the Philippines and Thailand happen to be major U.S. allies in Asia. These two countries are clearly still in the King Dollar camp and are not yet buying into gold mania. 


Arrests of individuals for being at the Capitol on 6 January 2021 have increased by 24% this year, new figures show.

According to a report from the U.S. Department of Justice, 1,572 people were arrested in 2024 for their alleged involvement in the events of that day.

This total is a 24.3% increase on the year before, and a 75% increase on the previous two years before that.

The report noted that almost 1,000 people have pleaded guilty to charges related to January 6, 68% of which are misdemeanors and 32% felonies.

Of those felony charges, 53% concerned an alleged assault of a peace officer and 40% concerned impeding police officers during civil unrest.

The majority of those convicted, 60%, have been sent to jail, and 14% have been put under house arrest.

Back in November, after Trump’s election victory, the DOJ vowed to arrest the “most egregious” participants in the Capitol riot, before Trump is inaugurated on January 20, 2025.

NBC quoted an unnamed law enforcement official who said guidance was also being issued for pending January 6 cases, to ensure that defendants are unable to delay their cases until after January 20, 2025.

Informants have aided the FBI in identifying hundreds of people who were present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. According to NBC, a further 75 people who were featured on the FBI’s Capitol Violence website and are wanted for felony assault have now been identified.

During the presidential campaign, Trump said he intended to pardon some of the protesters involved in the events at the Capitol. He has since reiterated his commitment to doing so.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

Donald Trump is set to take office on January 20, and Joe Biden and his handlers are scheming right now on how to implement new policies that will be difficult if not impossible for Trump to overturn.

Lame duck presidents with an ax to grind can always pose a danger to America’s freedom, but those who’ve lost all touch with reality have the ability to deal a devastating blow on their way out the door. Biden seems to fit the mold of the latter.

White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt wrote in a memo obtained by Bloomberg:

“A presidency is not measured just in weeks, months, or four-year terms alone – rather its impact is evaluated for years and decades to come. The seeds President Biden and Vice President Harris planted over the past four years are beginning to sprout and their potential will be fully unleashed long into the future.”

The administration of Barack Obama made similar statements and took a similar scorched-earth approach during its last days and weeks in power, setting traps and trip wires galore for incoming President Donald Trump.

Biden’s actions include mandating new federal land grabs, delivering more clemencies and pardons to current and possibly future criminals, furthering the breadth and reach of artificial intelligence, and transferring student debt to America’s taxpayers.

Bloomberg Martin reported that Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency announced $735 million in awards for clean energy vehicles, one area where Trump may reverse course.

But other actions may not be so easy to undo. 

Biden is speaking with his team about delivering preemptive pardons to his allies, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed Thursday.

Democrat and media allies have urged Biden in the last several weeks to pardon many of his comrades, including  Christopher Wray, Justice Department lawyers, Joe Biden himself, the whole Biden crime family, General Mark Milley, Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, Representatives Nancy Pelosi and and Adam Kinzinger, among others.

Joe Biden, as the head of a mafia-like crime family, is about to go rogue and protect all of his accomplices. Trump should not accept any of these so-called preemptive pardons. Criminal acts must be prosecuted, period. Otherwise, the rule of law is mocked, and we really do live in a banana republic.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report.

Thanks for tuning in and supporting this broadcast.

Until next time…


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