An Open Letter to Todd Friel From A Military Officer: Retract Your Foolish Argument About Masks and Christian Submission


Mr. Friel,

You likely don’t remember me but I was actually at the hotel the evening Ray Comfort introduced you to the Way of the Master Radio supporters about 15 years ago! It was exciting to be a part of the start of a radio ministry that was unique and provided great encouragement to Christians to step up and honor their Lord in pursuing and accomplishing the Great Commission to GO unto all the earth! I happened to be stationed in California at the time and was blessed to be a part of that occasion.

As a service member who is still on active duty I have taken very seriously my Lord’s command and was a very new born from above Christian when I entered the military. Apart from realizing a life-long dream, I viewed my role in entering military service as a two fold one: first and foremost to serve my Lord as a missionary to our men and women in uniform and to those whom I would encounter around the world; and second, to serve my country in a God honoring way as we endeavored to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Our Constitution is the document that directs the course of our country and based entirely upon the premise that WE THE PEOPLE bestow upon our elected representatives the power to govern us due to the Biblical concept expressed in the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...” Consider the key words, endowed, Creator, unalienable, and rights!

Endowed: to be granted, bestowed, provided freely or naturally.

Creator: Our God and Our Lord and Our Holy Spirit, the triune God who created everything! Including the rights we are to enjoy in liberty in this unique country that recognizes this fact from its founding!

Unalienable: (same as inalienable) incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred.

Rights: being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper, conforming to facts or truth.

Certainly you can see that these key words from the founding documents for Our Country are derived from Biblical precepts and the concept of Christian liberty extended into the affairs of the people of these United States bound together in a Constitutional Republic.

With these vital points in mind and the realization that our form of government here in America is one extremely unique one in all human history! Our government derives its power solely and entirely from the bestowment of the governed with recognition of God given rights! Our foundation must recognize that we the people to not submit to a governmental oligarchy, monarchy, anarchy, or even democracy for that matter!

So when I listened to your feeble argument to American Christians that they should worship God by freely, joyfully, and willingly submit to wearing a mask because the “government” says so and thereby “they will know we are different...” This form of argumentation has come a long way from your start at Way of the Master Radio and even further from Biblical truth. I was tremendously disappointed both as a Christian and as a serviceman. God is not worshipped by those practicing lawlessness or by those endorsing it. God is not honored by lame ascent to tyranny. People are not impressed by weak kneed feeble people going along with the crowd because the government said so. Standing up to tyranny, going against lawlessness, and looking out for the rights of others even when they don’t or can’t for themselves is more Christlike than the position you posit.

I took an oath to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic and I call upon you to assist me to that end by not bowing to lawlessness and by not encouraging others to do the same in the name of Our Lord! In our government their is a vital and key separation of powers because the Founding Fathers recognized the fact that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

For this reason the executive branches of government are not bestowed the authority to make law, only to enforce it! The mask mandates to which you allude and attempt to convince honest God loving people to comply with are unlawful, unscientific, unhelpful, and ultimately a lie in several regards. It is a lie in the illegal powers assumed by governors and mayors. It is a lie in the neglect for longstanding scientific study on the use of protective equipment for the purposes for which is intended, designed, and built, and none of the masks in common use are effective against viral threats. It is a lie as it gives a false sense of security to those who rely upon its supposed protection, perhaps even rejecting more sound and beneficial protective measures or even risking harm from improper and prolonged use.

As a member of the military I have received direct orders to wear a mask and cannot disobey it despite the fact that we receive bio and nerve weapon hazard training and are taught to use equipment to protect us, I know that cloth, surgical, N95 and even N100 masks do nothing to stop a viral threat. The science has been quite clear on that for over a decade and many peer reviewed medical journal articles and research demonstrate that fact. The best opportunity we have for reason to prevail is for clear thinking Americans, ideally even Christians to stand up for the rights and liberties of citizens to choose, based on the research and data, whether to wear a mask or not.

I am tired of foolish Christian men telling other Christians that we must simply submit to the government in America under a foolish and misguided interpretation of Romans 13. These foolish men disregard the amazing blessing that God has bestowed upon all Americans through our founding upon His principles and the blessing to be responsible for our own governing and to be responsible to not allow tyranny. It is time for such men to be thankful for this blessing and take this responsibility and this blessing seriously and to stop looking for reasons to submit to anything they view as some kind of government direction believing that is honoring God’s instruction to believers in Paul’s letter to the Romans. It is not.

I ask you Todd to take this country seriously, take your responsibility in governing this country seriously, and take your foolish advice back. Until Jesus returns and we have a truly Godly government on this Earth, join me in supporting and defending this Nation that God has truly blessed from its founding! 

Whether you have enlisted in the military or not; every American, including Christians, can state these words as a citizen of this country as we await our King:

I, an American, do solemnly affirm to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.


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