The Emerging T.U.L.I.P....Pretending to be Orthodox

The Emerging T.U.L.I.P....pretending to be orthodox

The Emerging/Emergent ecumenical movement continues to make inroads in the broader landscape of evangelicalism. From Southern Baptists to Reformed to Charismatics, their influence knows no bounds. Even mainline publishers known for producing orthodox literature and books are signing emerging personalities to produce "theological" works for them.Well respected evangelical leaders have emerging personalities participate in their conferences--representing them as being thoroughly reformed and orthodox; even to the point of making light of their scatological speech and debasing humor that marks and defines the pulpit ministries of many of the emerging churches brightest stars.But the most farfetched of claims is that the emerging/emergent seeker sensitive, ecumenical salesmen are Clavinistic--reformed in their beliefs. This constitutes nothing more than a superficial nod at the reformed faith, while the postmodern culture is the real driving force behind this movement.Here is "Calvinism's TULIP" according to the emerging/emergent beliefs. (You may find a detailed explanation of the real TULIP here).1. Total AmbiguityMethodology over messageTruth is abstract; fluid, and liquidConversation over gospel proclamationEcumenism over doctrinal unityContantly inventing a new spiritual meta-narrative2. Unconditional PragmaticismSeeker sensible and seeker sensitiveWhatever works-do itNumbers justify everythingProgram enrichedFelt need, culture-driven3. Limited TheologyDoctrine diminished and not primary; it is the afterthoughtTruth claims remain vague and undefinedNo definitive agreed upon statement of faithVery little biblical definition of ministryRecommended reading lists of their networks remain liberal and pragmatic4. Irresistible ContextualizationTruth must be adapted to and defined by cultureThe audience, not the message, is sovereignThe focus is to be relevant and relativisticBeing missional is marked by methodological inroads, conversation, and cultural discernment of the times - not the proclamation of the gospelSpeak of the humanity of Christ in crude terms to make Jesus relatable over reverence of the transcendence of Christ5. Postmodern Perverse SpeechBeing known as the cussing pastor is goodUnwholesome talk is cultural not biblicalCoarse scatological speech is a matter of personal tasteIt makes you cool to other Emerging/EmergentsIf you challenge it, you are labeled as Victorian and out of date


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