Michael Yon Warns World War III Has Started & President Trump Must Remove the United Nations from the U.S. As They Are Funding Millions of illegal Invaders into America and Trump Must Close The Darién Gap
As Israel Prepares for War With Iran America Should Prepare for God's Judgment as the United Nations and Biden Regime in Essence Call for Elimination of the Israeli State
Guest: Aharon From Israel. Topic: Why is the UN Moving a Large Amount of Employees Out of New York? Will Israel Face Another Major Attack After or During Ramadan? Topic: Israel preparing for terrorist attacks during Ramadan. Topic: We take your calls including one from Sara in PA. asking if it is unchristian to be warning about Illegals coming to America to commit crime.
U.N. housed organization calls for end of cash. Topic: Hear the audio of Dr. Goodwin-Groen, managing director of the Better Than Cash Alliance, as she describes how ending cash and going to digital currency will help achieve the U.N. sustainable development goals. Topic: Another name for Agenda 2030 is globalism and globalism is about tyranny and control and digital currency will allow for complete control. Topic: We take your calls.
Guest: Attorney Matt DePerno and Journalist Alex Newman. Topic: Matt reveals four shocking claims that his election investigation discovered including Chinese interference into the election in Michigan. Topic: Hear the audio of a U.S. Congressman calling for the United Nations to take over the crisis at America’s border. Brannon explains why he believes progressives and globalist are trying to create a crisis so bad that it can be used to justify bringing UN soldiers into America. Topic: Matt and Brannon discuss why in the coming years U.S. attorneys could be making their legal arguments to UN courts in America. Topic: Livestream emails Brannon to tell him if he streams information about the election being stolen or about the dangers of the Covid vaccine they could cancel his streaming account and not refund WVW’s money. Apparently Livestream also does not allow for refuting the lies of the World Health Organization run by the United Nations. Topic: We take your calls.