When Evangelical Leaders Give Credibility to Ecumenicalism, Pluralism, and Pagan spirituality Mixed with Christianity In the last 30 years of moral collapse in America, evangelical Christians managed to raise up a Moral Majority. When that didn’t stop the collapse,
They Believe in Ongoing Revelation: Reason Nine of Sixteen Reasons The World's False Religions Can Unite By Brannon S. Howse “Pentecostal theologians,” C. Peter Wagner explains, “have made the helpful suggestion of distinguishing the ‘log
Vault James Dobson Interviews (Audio Clip) & Praises False Teacher & False Prophet Lou Engle James Dobson Interviews (Audio Clip) & Praises False Teacher & False Prophet Lou Engle
Twisted Scripture Number 29: Joel 2:28 Occurs During the Tribulation & NOT Before By Brannon Howse The Scripture: And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your