Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 17, 2012 If you are a Christian, do you share your faith? We who have eternal life often forget the emptiness in those who do not. How glad we are that Jesus g
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 13, 2012 For believers in the race of life, the ultimate goal is still ahead. When Christ returns, all our labors will end. The hope of Christs return has mo
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 12, 2012 Theres a day coming for believers in which the race of this life will end. No more running, no more track, no more labor. That day is the bright hop
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 11, 2012 Believers who run the race of the Christian life do not run alone. Christ ascended to bring many sons and daughters to glory. His ascension was step
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 7, 2012 We all know the Olympic games began in ancient Greece. We know that they involved runners and races. But how do we know that? Because historical writi
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 6, 2012 Theres a day coming for believers in which the race of this life will end. No more running, no more track, no more labor. That day is the bright hop
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 5, 2012 When winning Olympians take home their gold medals, they dont hide them. They put them on display for the nation to see. The love of God was put on
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 4, 2012 For athletes, the greatest moments of life are defined by victories in the arena, on the playing field, or on the racetrack. But Christs defining mo
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: December 3, 2012 Some athletes loom larger than life. Their personas go beyond their sports prowess, and make them cultural icons. Genuine authority flows from within
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 30, 2012 When you size up any group of people, it is easy to tell who is in chargethere is something intangible about real leaders. In all of history, no one
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 29, 2012 He never wrote a book. He never owned a home. He never traveled extensively. Still today, He is the centerpiece of the human race. Jesus Christ lived
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 28, 2012 There are many things that set Christ apart from all others who claim to point the way to God. His supernatural birth, for one. Jesus was fully human,
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 27, 2012 There are many things that set Christ apart from all others who claim to point the way to God. His supernatural birth, for one. Jesus was fully human,
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 26, 2012 Everybody likes a story of rags-to-riches. But for Jesus, taking on human flesh means His story is one of riches to rags. The Son of Gods arrival in
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 23, 2012 You cannot take home Olympic gold without following the rules of the race. Only one route leads to the finish line. And you cannot get to heaven by pi
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 21, 2012 When you try to swat a bee, hell most likely try to sting you. And when you hurt other people, they may just try to hurt you back. One thing kids le
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 20, 2012 The skies over Bethlehem had never before radiated this much glory. Massed angels brought the light of the noonday sun. As shepherds cowered in fear,
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 19, 2012 Americans look forward to the holidaystimes to gather with friends and relatives, times of shared happiness. But many among us dread times like thes
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 16, 2012 We can do a lot of damage when we sin. Even though forgiven, sin can leave some serious consequences in its wake. Handling the ongoing pain weve cau
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 15, 2012 Certain laws are built into the fabric of the universe, such as gravity, the speed of light, and the principles of sowing and reaping. You cant avoi
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 14, 2012 Most of us are creatures of habit. Its easy to fall back into old patterns of sin, even after we have sought Gods forgiveness. Often we get trippe
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 13, 2012 The Bible says that when God forgives our sins, He remembers them no more. How can this be, since God knows everything? After great spiritual fail
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 12, 2012 When we are faced with the long-term consequences of our sins, it can be hard to believe that God has really forgiven them. Many who struggle with gui
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 9, 2012 Maybe you have embezzled funds, had an affair, abandoned your family, or even gotten away with murder. Even though youve not been caught by the law,
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 8, 2012 Many people carry a paralyzing burden of guilt for past sins. Whats worse, they see no way out of their predicaments. These people dont run in the
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 7, 2012 When we sin greatly, many of us flee from God. Thinking there is no way we can ever get back into the Fathers good graces, we run on tough terrain,
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 6, 2012 What do you do when your secret life is a secret no longer? Or when your well-managed cover story has been shattered? As we run the race of life, let
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 5, 2012 Tyranny: it sets in fast when a nations leaders stop acknowledging their accountability to a higher power. As the U.S. government increasingly decid
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 2, 2012 Only a few people remember the horrors of Nazi Germany. History has a way of re-writing itself to hide bad memories. Germany in the 1930s faced econ
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: November 1, 2012 Only a few people remember the horrors of Nazi Germany. History has a way of re-writing itself to hide bad memories. Germany in the 1930s faced econ
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 31, 2012 Before people believe in Jesus, they have no choice, theyll repeatedly sin. But after conversion, they do have a choice. At conversion, a new believ
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 30, 2012 Its natural to be selfishto put yourself first and make yourself look good. Its also natural to sinto disobey God in ways both big and small.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 29, 2012 Built into every one of us is a tendency to focus on ourselves. We see life through the lens of how does this affect me? After the first murder, C
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 26, 2012 One of the great contrasts in the New Testament is between Adam and Jesus. Both men died, but only one of them gives life. Sin entered the world throu
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 25, 2012 In the garden of Eden, an infection entered the human race. That infection has since spread to every last one of us. The infection is sin, which means
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 24, 2012 Theres more to being saved than most people realize. It involves being given a series of wonderful gifts from the hand of God. Those gifts include t
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 23, 2012 In a recent years, the annual suicide rate has risen to over 33,000 in the United States. These people saw no way out of their misery and committed su
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 19, 2012 Like barnacles on a boat, traditions had attached themselves to the Christian faith for well over a thousand years. It took a man like Martin Luther t
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 18, 2012 Like barnacles on a boat, traditions had attached themselves to the Christian faith for well over a thousand years. It took a man like Martin Luther t
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 17, 2012 The book of Romans has played a major role in world history. By reading its pages a man came to faith in Christa man whose actions began a tidal wav
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 16, 2012 If you want to stretch your mind as well as your heart, set aside the time it takes to read the book of Romans. Pauls reasoning is complex, but clea
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 12, 2012 No matter how much we try to improve ourselves through education and cultural sensitivity, its never going to be enough, the best we can do will nev
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 11, 2012 Its clear the Apostle Paul knew nothing of political correctness, because some of what he wrote was quite unpopular. He catalogs the depth of hu
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 10, 2012 Some people will tell a falsehood, saying to themselves, its only a little white lie. To God, its a sin, and sin is never a good idea, no matt
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 9, 2012 Football players call it putting on their game faceprojecting an air of invincibility whether or not they feel that way. To some degree, everyon
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 8, 2012 When we adopt an aura of religious respectability, its amazing what dark secrets lie beneath the surface where no one can see. Many of us do exactly
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 5, 2012 Religion can prevent people from understanding the truth about themselves. Religion can breed the pride that says Im okay. In Romans 2, Paul add
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 4, 2012 You can have your own opinion, but you cant have your own truth. Truth is absolute and applies to everybody. In Romans 1, Paul reveals that mankind
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: October 3, 2012 Reading the book of Romans is like shining a light into a dark closet. In its pages we see ourselves as we really are. We find that apart from Gods