Signs U.S. is At High Risk For Terrorist Attacks and How to Respond

Brannon Howse: All right. Don't forget, we're brought to you by you. If you appreciate what we're doing, before we go to Ann Vandersteel, if you appreciate what we're doing, we need your support. Please go to Use the promo code B66 at Promo code B66 promo code B66 at and you'll get savings. Let me show you what we got over there. We've got slippers, slides, and sandals as low as $19.50. Great Father's Day gifts, great Father's Day. I'm not going to say Mother's Day because that's Sunday. Hint, hint. So don't hope none of you have forgotten. But it's probably a little late to get this from Mother's Day. But Father's Day is around the corner. Birthday gifts, all kinds of great gifts here. We also have the luxurious Giza dream sheets as low as $29.98. We also have the mattress topper. We also have the six-piece tile set. Here it is. Six-piece towel set. Look what that price is normally. $99. 98. 4999. But guess what? Use the promo code B 66 and it'll drop to $25. My towel. Six-piece towel set. Do you want to show that? Show that graphic guys, put in B66, and watch it drop to $25. There you go. So go look for the six-piece mypillow towel set. I know it says 49.99, but in the promo code b66 and it'll drop to 25 bucks.


Brannon Howse: Now, why would you not go ahead and get some of those for the kids going off to college next fall? Those make great graduation gifts. Say, look, I'm buying you something practical. Here's some you're going to need sheets, some sheets, towels for your new dorm or apartment for college, wedding gifts, and all kinds of stuff. Maybe Mom just needs some new towels for Mother's Day, but that's a little late, you know because that's Sunday. But there are a lot of other reasons to get it. Just get them because you need towels at a great price. And this is it. 25 bucks, folks. Okay. Promo code B, six, six sheets, towels, blankets, pet bed slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, and much more. Go to a wide shot. Yeah, she's passed out over there. She got her belly full and she's passed out. Look at that. All right. Joining me now is none other than Anne Van der Stoel. And Anne is also bringing on a very special guest with us tonight. Anne, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you so much for joining us. I want to talk to you guys about a very, very troubling story. This popped up on my news today as I'm searching some very important news websites.


Brannon Howse: And here it is. American military news is reporting a bomb intercepted by CBP officers at US Mexico border. This is very troubling. They have a picture of it. This was an improvised explosive device. It was intercepted during a secondary inspection by CBP officers at the Douglas, Arizona point of entry on May 6th. This is very troubling. We have people coming over the border. They have one guy, an Iranian, found in the trunk of a car. We have now. Even Maria Bartiromo is reporting on Fox News business that there's been over a 1,000% spike in Chinese nationals coming over our border. Many of them are military-age males. Don't forget, Gordon Chang put out a tweet over a month ago saying if we go to war with China over Taiwan, they will attack us here in the United States. They will put down our power grid, i.e. folks. And he says they will carry out explosions, they will let go of explosives, bombings, and terrorists all over the United States of America. And now we have American military news reporting a bomb intercepted at the US-Mexico border in Arizona. Joining me tonight is Ann Vandersteal in Miami at this big event that's just taking place. And who do you have with you tonight? And welcome to both of you.


Ann Vandersteel: Brannon, thank you so much for having us. I have Christie Henderson and Fighting for America and just returned. It's been incredible. I've worked out the board I'm going to set.


Brannon Howse: Cavett's. All right. Is it? Hold on. Where are you guys? Your guys are breaking up so bad we can't hear you. Logan, is there anything we can do to get a better connection?


Ann Vandersteel: There we go. Can you hear me?


Brannon Howse: It may have just fixed itself.


Ann Vandersteel: Okay. We have planes flying overhead. We're at Trump Doral right now. And I think it's interesting. We might lose connections because of the 5G situation here. But the point is, Brannon, we have been expecting this for a long time. This is not a surprise. In fact, the fact that we haven't seen this sort of activity or heard these idle threats for the last several years is actually rather shocking to me because the government hasn't been releasing it. This has been here for a long time. And I hate to say it, but our government has been complicit in allowing it to get to this point. This is by design. They need to have complete panic and pandemonium for what they have planned coming, which is the takedown of America, our financial system, and of course, the sovereignty of every man, woman, and child in this country to turn it over to the United Nations, one world government, and they're all in on it. They are all in on it. So Christie and I just returned from Texas, and she is an expert at what goes on at the border because she is woman fighting for America. And that has been her calling. So, Christie, give us an update on why we are now hearing about this now, which is something we've known was coming for a long time.


Video: Well, and as you know, because we've been doing this for a long time, I've been at the border for over two and a half years reporting on this. Last March, I was invited to Governor Ducey's office in Phoenix, Arizona. My team and I, because I've done proof of concepts, We've been looking at this from an intelligence perspective because of my past, my past life before I stepped into this arena. And we have been sounding the alarm to not only our federal agencies but to the governors about this very scenario. This isn't the first pipe bomb or bombs that have been found on our border. By the way. This has been going on for well over six-plus months. They know this was coming. That's the reason why we're now starting to see Houston and major cities do. Yes, nuclear threats, and test training. We're seeing hospitals do mass casualty training. This is just the tip of the iceberg. And not only do we have the threat of the Chinese nationals, by the way, which are military-grade men, but we've also been taking photographs of them for well over 12 months now and turning over this information. But I'm here to tell your listeners right now in America, we've been following Iran, Iran.


Video: I've been sounding this alarm about Iran. Iran has warships off the coast of Brazil. Iran has been working with the Venezuelan government. They've been flying in from Tehran into Caracas, Venezuela, where the Venezuelans have been turning over and giving them documents that they are Venezuelan citizens. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, forces are currently training and operating in Mexico as we speak. They are infiltrating these caravans. As I said, the Venezuelan government has given them passports and the credentials to say that they are Venezuelan citizens. This is the tip of the iceberg. We are getting ready to see a lot of events throughout the United States. Back in December, two weeks before Christmas, we uncovered and broke this massive story about a very sophisticated tunnel where the scientists, three letter agencies, and a special division in Homeland Security were down there in this tunnel looking for what particles? Particles of what? Small nuclear devices, dirty bombs, and possibly weapons of bio destruction. So we are getting ready to feel the pain here in America, because of the policies of this administration, which is purposeful. Wow.


Brannon Howse: And, you know, by the way, that's consistent with what Todd Bensman with Sis org has told us that he has interviewed a lot of these folks coming from Venezuela who are being are Iranian, who are being given these fake passports. From Venezuela to get them coming through the US or some kind of fake paperwork, some kind of fake paperwork from Venezuela. But there are Iranians who have been in Venezuela coming on through.


Ann Vandersteel: And you know what? We're getting a lot of this good reporting, too, from eyes on people like Michael Yon, who've been down in Panama, and the Darien Gap, who are giving us real-time intelligence on the amount of Chinese military-age men. And let's be very clear. They are the Chinese military. They are invading, coming up, posing as migrants, and they're coming across the border and they're waiting for the signal. This is all about how we can get a war started on American soil, because, again, they have to take down America. They've got to sow dissent and all kinds of strife in this country, get everybody completely up and literally up in arms to the point where the United Nations will have to step in under the responsibility to protect because we have dissolved and devolved into civil war, mass chaos. And of course, this is the fifth generational warfare brand and I mean, General Flynn has talked about this. They are giving everything in the kitchen sink at us right now between bioweapons. They've injected between bioweapons. They're releasing between more pandemics. They're going to launch between the banking financial crisis, between the invasion at the border, all so that they can step in and take over America. And then they're going to pull the global reset and pull the rug out underneath everybody. So if you're not protecting your family's financial investments, like in gold and silver, you're going to have real pain. And let's not forget the famine and the food scarcity that is all by design designed. We've had over 700 facilities that process food in this country go up in flames in the last year alone.


Video: 700 737. 737. You know what's interesting is so two years ago, two weeks into the Biden administration, we started uncovering women fighting for America. We were up in Alma, Michigan. This administration was well planned before he even took the oath of office, which was a false oath of office, as we know. But what he did was they partnered with NGOs, and non-governmental agencies like Bethany Christian Services and Catholic Services. They went in in December before he took the oath of office. They started strategically looking at places like Alma, Michigan, where they had senior citizen living homes. They've displaced them and gave them a 90-day order to vacate so they could have unaccompanied minors. They also have boys' youth camps where they have purchased those properties, and turn them into fortified military training camps. That's where they're taking a lot of these single young adult males of fighting age. 81% of everybody coming over the border are young adult males of fighting age. They are training a force, an internal force against the United States of America. I call this the Great Trojan Horse. This is how they're going to take down America. We have warships from Iran off the coast of Brazil right now.


Video: We have Chinese warships under the flag of Brazil and also Buenos Aires, Argentina, right now off the coast of Central and South America. Folks, this is serious. This is real. This is an invasion of our country. This is a national security threat to our very existence. And I'm going to give a solution. So the Biden administration will not do anything. The federal government will not do anything. There's a 20 to 30-foot berm that belongs to the federal government, which is the borders. Once those borders are penetrated, it's either private or state-owned land. So underneath the national security threat, every governor, every governor of every state can meet with a blockade with sheriffs and their states. National Guardsmen meet these illegals coming in on these buses, get on that bus, arrest every single one of them, prosecute them, detain them, and put them in a camp. And then if the federal government then wants to deport them from the United States, that's what needs to happen. And we need people with backbone right now to stand up and fight. We need us.


Ann Vandersteel: Sheriffs to stand up and fight. We need elected sheriffs who are working for the people to defend the Constitution, to protect us from the tyranny that we see unfolding. And, of course, working hand in hand with the cartels to bring these people in, working with the non-governmental organizations that are funding the cartels to bring these people in, we need our sheriffs to stand up. They have more power than the governors of these states. And if they know they have the backing of the people to go in and do what's necessary, they can go in, deputize more people to go in and help and fight what's happening, plus defend the communities that are going to be impacted by these illegals that are coming in, of which the majority have no intention of doing anything but harm to our way of life and what we stand for here in this country. We this is war right now, Brannon. We are in a state of war and America is still wondering, oh, there's a border invasion. No, folks, there's a war going on and it's coming into a neighborhood near you. Get ready.


Video: Soft targets, collateral damage. It's all part of the plan. That's right. And America, you are this is nothing. You think these soft targets and these school shootings, wait till you see the destruction from these terrorists and these sleeper cells who are waiting for the order. Death to America.


Brannon Howse: So you guys agree you guys agree with Gordon Chang when he tweeted over a month ago and I had him on about it and I've got him back on this next week, he tweeted that when we go to war with China over Taiwan, he said, they will attack us here on our soil. He said they will go after our power grid, put us in the dark, and turn off our water. He said they will be involved in bioweapons, you know, the war here in America. And then he said they will carry out terrorist bombings around the country. Do you guys agree with all of that?


Video: 100%? 100%. We're already seeing that actually, some of this is such a government cover-up, some of the train derailments that we've already had. We know for a fact we have national intelligence that those tracks were blown up by the Chinese. That's right. We're already seeing and feeling this. You think that those power grids that were shot, this is a need terrorist attack. We're already starting to feel it and see it. It's just the American people need to get caught up with this and understand exactly what the risk is and how to geo-fence their communities to protect our communities and our neighborhoods and defend and protect this constitution. I'm hearing literally getting ready too.


Brannon Howse: I'm hearing people talk about their homes. I don't have a lot of good experiences. Most people don't with Hoa's if you get people on there that haven't accomplished much in life and then they get a little power and they go crazy. But if you get some good people on your HOA, if you get some good people on your HOA, an HOA can really be a powerful way to do some stuff that your local government won't do. Okay. And so I'm talking to the head of a few hoa's that I know and you know what they're talking about because some of them watch this broadcast. They are organizing their neighborhood of two. Two, three, four, 500 people, 500 homes in a neighborhood. And they're now talking about what they need to do going forward with regard to securing their neighborhood. So if they have one entrance in and out of two entrances in and out, they're saying, well, we might need to look at raising our HOA dues so we can actually put on 1 or 2 patrol officers that patrol all night long in the neighborhood, and that might be phase one.


Brannon Howse: And then some of them are saying the next phase would be we go ahead as we start seeing things happen that we feel precipitates such, we raise the dues, the neighborhood agrees and we make our neighborhood a gated community. Now, when some places when you do that, the city or town you live in makes you take over the maintenance of those roads in that neighborhood, whereas the city would come in and pave those roads and maintain those roads as soon as you are in some cities and towns make it a gated community that's on you now to fix the potholes, pave it. Asphalt is every few years or whatever. So you've got to set that budget aside and raise your dues. But what we're hearing is many people that live in nice neighborhoods that are not gated, are now saying, yes, I will pay X number of hundreds of dollars more a year for this security. People are starting to think in a way they have never thought when it comes to security. And this is just the thinking of people in America.


Ann Vandersteel: Yeah, you know, that's refreshing to hear, Brannon, because again, in an HOA, people are going to have to start thinking about food security, about turning your front yard into a garden. I'm going to grow lettuce. My neighbors are going to grow tomatoes. The other neighbor is growing cucumbers. We're going to grow, you know, beans, all this kind of stuff that you're going to need to survive. And by the way, you're going to want to think about putting wells in on your property for water. And of course, security is what we're talking about. And of course, why not have a well-regulated militia in your neighborhood? I'm sure you know, there are a lot of people with guns and hoes. They should be going to, you know, practice their shooting. They should be practicing self-defense. Bring somebody into your meeting and show you some defensive postures and maneuvers and how you can protect and defend your home, because this is exactly what we're going to see happening. Now, granted, I believe this will start in the cities first because that's an easier target. You can get more action and more more people in a city environment, but make no bones about it. The Chinese don't want to put a nuclear bomb in the middle of farmland. They want the farmland. Right. They're going to take out what they don't need. They don't need the cities. God knows they have plenty of those where they're coming from. What they need is to feed their people and they need the land to feed their people. They need the minerals, the oil. They need the energy that this country has. We're extremely wealthy over here with our own natural resources. That is what they want, but they don't need to feed us.


Brannon Howse: So why do you think why do you think? Because normally the government, when we see them practicing for a week in Houston for a nuclear attack on a major American city, they're not just doing that for no reason. No what what why? A, the FBI and the military, sadly, are not on our side. So is this a let's do this and publicize we're doing this. So when something happens, we can say, well, we warned you, we rehearsed for this. Is this a, you know, a is this what we call pre-programmed propaganda here?


Video: Yes and no. So yes, some of it yes, it's going to be pre-programmed propaganda. But the other is that they know that there's an imminent threat. So our military intelligence is telling us the military has been told, to be on the ready, Their families have been told, to be on the ready. So this is something that they are expecting to happen. There are numerous events getting ready to happen on our soil, and it's not a bad idea if you can afford to hire private security like a company like Kennedy International Logistics and Services, these guys are next level. They know what they're doing. They can help. Geofence your community, call it G II speak in military terms because that's my background. So you have to geo-fence our communities and our neighborhoods and our homes. And you know what the time is. What does that mean?


Brannon Howse: What does that mean? Is geo-fencing our neighborhoods? What does that mean?


Video: So geo-fencing is you are securing your location from everything from firearms weapons to food supply. Everybody has a directive. They know what their roles are. You're working with your neighbors and you have a plan. You have a plan A and you have a plan B and you have a bug-out plan as well. You have a safe zone to go to. So it's having all of this and I know myself and Anne van der Stille, we've been talking about this a long time to train those who are interested in this program. We have incredible people with very special skill sets who are going to train you on how to do this very, very thing to geo-fence your communities. It's a safeguard. We have an invasion in this country. And you know what? At the end of the day, when people get desperate, when there's no food, there's no water, they're going to there's a 72-hour turnaround. Our supply chain is 72 hours. Grocery stores will be empty. What are you going to do if you're not prepared? You're going to be desperate. So you're going to go and seek out and break into homes and wreak havoc.


Video: So this is going to get ugly very fast. And then on top of that, as we said, the terrorists are coming in here. These guys are Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen. These are cut forces. These are the PLO. These guys are well-trained. There's a reason why China was training with Trudeau's army in Canada. They were learning how to fight in cold weather combat. There are all sorts of Russia right now in Nicaragua under the training disguise, bringing in more military men and equipment into Nicaragua. The Chinese government owns the supply chain in the routes up through Central South America and into Mexico. We know that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard there was a plane last June, in July that took off. They had one of the high-level generals of their Revolutionary Guard flying this plane as far as Kashim. It was under the disguise of a cargo plane. There was highly sophisticated cyber intelligence communications equipment on this plane with 14 Venezuelans who are cyber intelligence operatives. They also met with the leaders of the cartel, and they are actively working together to bring down this country called America.


Brannon Howse: And I'm hearing that some of these are some of these Chinese nationals coming over here. I'm hearing from some of the Border Patrol people that we talk with or those that are talking with them that a lot of them have their background in engineering.


Ann Vandersteel: That's right. That's right.


Video: What are we going?


Brannon Howse: What does that tell you? Exactly why is their background in engineering and what kind of engineering? Right. Mechanical, electrical, chemical. I mean, I don't know what all the above is.


Video: Nuclear, chemical, and bioweapons. This, you know, in these tunnels that we found, they have fortified walls and ceilings 25ft underneath the ground, a rail system, ventilation, and fiber optics. We had the agencies in there. What are they smuggling into the United States of America under the disguise of these fortified walls and ceilings? This is very serious. We are at major risk in the United States. We are so vulnerable. This government has acted against the United States of America, as far as I'm concerned. I would like to see our congressional leaders and our Senate get a backbone and start not only impeachment but treason. This is treason against the United States.


Brannon Howse: And now we have James Comer coming out, comer coming out saying we've got 10 million plus going to the Biden family in the bank Records prove this. I mean, this is and this is these are the enemy states like communist China, which of course has the unrestricted warfare written by two Chinese communist colonels back in 1999 that we've been talking about on this show for ten-plus years. You know, in 2010, probably 2010, 2011, I started doing quite a few radio shows on Iranian flights. And you mentioned it once already, Iranian flights that were going to northern Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, which is about 1264 miles as the crow flies to Miami. Okay. And what we were hearing, we could never get firm confirmation of it. But what we were hearing was the speculation that Iran was setting up some kind of missile launching site there in northern Venezuela. Again, we've never been able to confirm this, but anyone that goes and searches it will see that this has been swirling for a while. But we did hear that there were thousands, thousands of these MANPADS that were in Venezuela. These, you know, Manda air surface systems could be easily used to take down a commercial airliner. Are you guys hearing any of these kinds of reports?


Video: So we've been looking at what Iran's movement involvement has been in Caracas, Venezuela, and there is a lot of movement. We can't confirm 100% of that, but I would say that that intelligence is pretty spot on. We also have cartels utilizing submarines and bringing over things to the United States on these submarines. They utilize that both in Central South America, and Venezuela. So we honestly do not know what has been smuggled into the United States, the weapons that are already here, plus the weapons that are in the missile systems that they're setting up over there, we are at serious risk. Well, look at this headline.


Brannon Howse: Here's Reuters. And I've shown this to our audience. But this fits with the week-long test by the military and the FBI on a major nuclear attack on a US city last week. And they did this test in Houston. But here they are this government, our government bought $290 Million in supplies to deal with the radiation sickness. Now, again, why are they doing all this?


Ann Vandersteel: Because they know it's coming, Brannon. Because they know it's coming in. Christie's broken a lot of news concerning Iranian warships flying under other country flags right off the coast of South America as well. They're doing this right now because they're pretending to be somebody that they're not so they can continue to subvert cover-up and then, of course, infiltrate. And this is exactly what has been going on. How did all these Chinese and Iranian forces get into our country or line up at the border? How did they get here? Do they fly in on Pan Am? No, no. They have been brought over here intentionally. And let's be very clear. Those countries are really into the track and trace. We know about China in the social credit score. Do you think any of these Chinese military-aged men that are coming over here aren't over here for a specific purpose? They didn't get some kind of, hey, visitor visa. No, they're being sent over here and they're being monitored by their government to make sure they carry out the mission. General Vallely came on my show three years ago, Brannon, when COVID first came out and said, And did you know that the Chinese use Google Earth satellite imagery and they have tracked every single home in the United States and they have decided to who in which who is going to get it from their party? Which house goes to which person in China because they intend to replace us? Brannon, They tend to take your house. Christie's house.


Brannon Howse: Yeah. That brings me to another question. What what are what is the concern that they are monitoring our broadcast and if they move on America, they know who they have to take out to stop us from alerting patriots, warning people, you know, obviously they know list Brennan I can say.


Ann Vandersteel: The three of us are on the shortlist, that's for sure. Yeah. You know, and let's talk about something else you and I talked about earlier, talking monitoring. Right. This story you brought up to my attention today concerning the Chinese infiltration of our financial markets using several different apps on the trading platform. Yes, I consulted with somebody who is in the commodities business about this and said, tell me what this means to you. And they told me and this is if this is true, it is full infiltration. They have every single piece of financial data on every single American and European that has ever traded across any platform, including buying gold and silver, by the way. All of it, they have it all. And we're the last to know. Here it is.


Brannon Howse: Here's the headline. I mean, this isn't you know, Fox is not a conservative outlet. We all know that. And here they are. Republicans demand answers from Regulators on possible Chinese exposure of American financial data. Senator Tommy Tuberville and Representative Jim Banks raising concerns over two Chinese-linked stock trading platforms operating in the US.


Ann Vandersteel: Brannon, what good is FINRA and the SEC if they can't control this kind of nonsense that is going in and infiltrating? This is a national security threat of the highest order that they have. All of our data that's talking about identity theft and stealing your entire Schwab account or your E-Trade account or whatever. They have it all. They don't have to do much to pretend to be you and liquidate everything you've got. There you go. Who needs the global reset? We're just going to give it to the Chinese.


Video: But the last time I checked, these were acts of direct war. These are acts of war. We know that Biden is a puppet and owned by China, but would like to know where our Congress is, and where is our law enforcement. Where is our DOJ? They are MIA is where they are. That's right. The American people are being sold out. We are being infiltrated.


Brannon Howse: And we have a CIA. We have a CIA that worked with so-called intelligence experts. Retired to sign a letter that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation when they all knew it was true. And these people wanted a CCP puppet in the White House. They covered up the crimes. They knew our government, the FBI, and the DOJ. They apparently knew the Bidens were operating with LLCs and taking payoffs with these LLCs that were created while he was vice president. We have had a coup d'état from inside the government. Now, of course, you have RFK Jr coming out and saying what he's saying, and I'm so thankful he is, which is, hey, the CIA murdered my father. The CIA murdered my uncle. Yeah. And the CIA was helping run the exercises for COVID-19 at event 201. And the CIA is involved in election fraud because we have Senator Bill Posey of Florida sending a letter to the inspector general of the CIA saying you need to investigate the connection between the CIA and these voting machine companies. I don't know if you guys have seen that letter or not.


Video: Yeah, the CIA also perpetrated the January 6th insurrection. This was all infiltrated and perpetrated by our government, the CIA when they were created after World War two. And you look at how they've destabilized other governments, this is exactly what they're doing. They've been doing this in America itself. We have to stop this. America, you better stand up and speak out now and again.


Ann Vandersteel: We have to look no further than the color revolution war the CIA has waged all over the globe. And they brought all that, all their expertise right back here to the United States. And they have now turned their backs on Americans. Why? Because they were never chartered by the Constitution. They were never instituted to protect and defend America. This is all about enriching themselves and selling us out to the highest corporate bidder. And that's where we are. We have sold our souls to the corporation. It is just a travesty.


Brannon Howse: So the people that should be protecting us, the CIA, the FBI, our military, they have all been compromised.


Ann Vandersteel: 100%.


Brannon Howse: 100%. The only one left to protect us is us.


Ann Vandersteel: Us is us. There's no white horse. There's no white hat. Even Donald Trump. President Trump isn't going to come in and do it. He is a great president, but he can't do it. It's up to us. We the people are the government. We have to own our civic duty brand and we have to invoke the 10th Amendment. We have to shun the federal government in every agency in it and kick them out of our states. And we have to get to business to defend ourselves. And I hope to God it's not too late.


Brannon Howse: And people better be talking to the HOA in their neighborhood, because what I'm finding out is, as I talk to some people there in 100% agreement, I just didn't know them. I had conversations this week with people in my neighborhood that I that I've never met. Never met. And I found out that some of the people in the leadership in our neighborhood were in 100% agreement with my concerns about what was happening in our country. And they were like, so glad that someone gave their my phone number to them. And they called me and said, Hey, I'm friends with so-and-so and me, and we got to talking and it was an hour conversation. So what I'm saying is to start reaching out to your HOA leaders. Start reaching out to your neighborhood neighbors. Yes. Some of them may criticize you and think you're nuts, but you may be shocked to find out. More of them are in agreement and are just as worried as you are. They're just scared to speak up. They've become intimidated and are self-censoring. And if we self-censor and don't talk, we'll never be able to build a coalition to protect ourselves. So talk to your sheriff. Talk to your chief of police, talk to the head of your community. Try to convince some of your local pastors to get on board and understand what's happening and organize their churches.


Brannon Howse: I asked a pastor several years ago, you know, you've got a $14 Million building. You're raising $14 Million for a New addition and a building. How much freeze-dried food did you get? How many cats do you have? How much-bottled water do you have put away? What are you going to do if the power grid goes down? How many of these widows and orphans in your church are you going to go and get and bring to the church and be prepared to put them in the gymnasium and have everything you need? Like you were the Red Cross. He looked at me like I was crazy. You know, our churches should have all of these, but they got multi-million dollar buildings, but they have no answer to any of these problems. I'm talking to guys, many guys who are in church leadership, you know, in their churches, very, very involved. And they're saying we're trying to convince our church leadership to buy freeze-dried food, to buy cots, to buy blankets, to put things away for our people, our people. Should we have to gather them up and put them in our gymnasium?


Ann Vandersteel: They were happy to take the money and shut the doors and keep all the cash and leave. Leave their flocks out in the cold, weren't they, Brannon? Yes, they were. Time and time again, people sold out to the corporation. Thanks for the money. I'm going to put it in my pocket and we're going to look the other way and kick the can down the road. We have been a victim of apathy in this country like an alcoholic. Is the camp with the bottle away? America can't stop kicking the can down the road. We have got to engage our civic duty. It is incumbent upon us to make sure our house is in order. Like you're saying, Brann, on. Have food and supplies and know where you're going to go when you need self-defense. But then you've got to reach out to your neighbors, your communities, and then your counties and your states. It's up to us. Nobody is coming to save us. Brannon, It is up to us and there's more.


Video: Of us then there are of them. That's what they're afraid of. That's what J's six hearings were all about. They did not want us to gather like that ever again. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much money you have, they're coming after the wealthy first, then they're coming after the educated because that's what they did to the Jews. You know, this is a repeat of history. Nothing new. We have got to stand up, speak up, push back, and unite more than ever.


Brannon Howse: And speaking of the Jews, I was awakened at 4 a.m. this morning because yesterday afternoon I put on my phone or I had my teenager, my 20-year-old put on my phone whenever I want something done. Hey, Logan, can you do this? Who runs the whole network here with the guys? Can you put this app on my phone that a friend of mine in Israel that I was interviewing at the time yesterday told me about, and it alerts me? It's a red alert app and it alerts me with a chime and a warning every time a missile is shot at Israel. Okay. So yesterday. Absolutely. Yesterday, I was on the air at 1:00 Central. It was just going off. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Because that was 9:00 in Israel. That was 9:00 in Israel, 9:00 in Israel. Last night when I was on at 1:00 in the afternoon. And it was just going over as I was interviewing the guy. And this morning at 4 a.m. our time, I was awakened by my alarm going off over and over and over because Israel is having rockets fired at them right then. Then it went quiet for a while. And then about 11:03 p.m. Central Time today, it started just boom, boom, boom, boom again. And What I'm saying is I have been a tracker and a defender of the nation-state of Israel and the right of the people and the historical right and biblical rights of the land. And so, yes, I get criticized as being a Zionist and I say, no, I'm a Christian Zionist because I'm defending them.


Brannon Howse: I'm defending them historically, but I'm defending them for their biblical right to the land. Do I agree with everything the Israeli government does? No. Like turning their people over to big pharma to be used as rab lats like Benjamin Netanyahu was bragging about on video, which I was so shocked about. I know it's horrible, but I stand with the Jewish people and I'm telling my audience and I have for years we're the big Satan. Israel is seen as the little Satan. We're the big Satan. And isn't it ironic that while we have a mass invasion and we have our government practicing for a nuclear strike, buying $290 Million in nuclear anti-radiation medication, we have? Bombs being found at the border, An invasion by Iran. Venezuela. All these other nations. We're under attack and so is Israel under attack. And when you start looking at the enemies, guess what? They're the same nation-states. That red, green axis, that red-green axis is coming after Israel at the same time they're coming after America. And I've been saying for years, I believe that they will come after America with a big attack before they go after Israel to throw off America who tends to have and be the nation that has supported Israel the most with who was it, Truman, the first president nat world leader, to recognize the existence of Israel in May as a nation of 48, 75 years ago this month.


Ann Vandersteel: They have to. Brannon because we're the second Covenant nation, right? So they're going to take down America before they go after Israel. I think your assessment is spot on.


Video: We've been in World War Three. America just hasn't realized it yet. The people we have to realize this is war. We've been at war and we are the answer. We are the solution. But we have to act and stop worrying about stuff that doesn't matter. At the end of the day.


Ann Vandersteel: Democrat. Republican, it doesn't matter. Absolutely.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Indeed. All right. Give your website, guys, give your websites, will you, please?


Ann Vandersteel: So you can follow Vanderfield at right now DOT news where all of my shows are as well as Anne van der Steele on social media everywhere and have a substack to Vander Steele


Video: And you can follow women fighting for America at WFA dot w I n. You can follow us on all of our social media platforms. Go to our website to engage on those platforms. Volunteer, sign up, and get involved. Now I'm telling you, the time is out. The hourglass has run its time and its course. We are at the precipice of a new America. If you don't engage, I.


Brannon Howse: Need to get you guys back on. You guys are great individually, but you make a great team.

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Ann Vandersteel: Thank you. We think so. We think so.


Video: So let's.


Brannon Howse: Let's do it. Let's do this again. Thank you, guys. Now, don't have, don't have, don't have, don't have too much fun down there in Miami tonight at Trump's property tomorrow.


Ann Vandersteel: I'm going to bed soon. Brannon, we got a big day. Okay. All right. It's the hustle.


Brannon Howse: Thanks for being with us. Appreciate it. You too. Bye bye. All right.


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