Ukraines President Threatens The West If His Country Is Not Allowed Into NATO



  • Ukraine’s president issues a new threat, not against Russia but against the West. We’ll explain.
  • President Trump campaigns from the kitchen at a Pennsylvania McDonalds. We’ll show you what he had to say.
  • Just two weeks before the big election, the Biden-Harris regime grants temporary protected status to a group of migrants with potential terrorist ties.
  • A U.S. military veteran is told to get off a Delta Airlines plane due to a t-shirt the airline apparently didn’t like.
  • And a CNN commentator says white people who don't vote for Kamala Harris need to be held accountable.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with one of the most absurd developments in international relations that you will ever hear about.

Ukraine’s president, Vladimir Zelensky, has threatened the West that if his country is not allowed into the NATO alliance, immediately, he will obtain a nuclear weapon and use it against Russia.

Paul Sarran at The Gateway Pundit writes:

“This demented rambling has been walked back repeatedly, but there’s something about it that merits examining, because it may point to Ukraine having decided to use a dirty bomb, a crude artifact with nuclear waste that could cause radioactive contamination of large sections of territory, and be the catalyst of a worldwide nuclear exchange between the major powers.”

The horrifying threat from Zelensky came on the sidelines of the EU’s latest summit in Brussels.

He shockingly clarified: it’s either NATO quickly for Kiev, or Ukraine will once again “become a nuclear power.”

Julian Röpcke reported for the German newspaper Bild:

“In a conversation with the American presidential candidate Donald Trump a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian declared: ‘Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then they will be our defense. Or we will have to enter into some kind of alliance.’ Apart from NATO, we do not know of any effective alliances today.”

Zelensky went as far as stating that Trump agreed with him, which Sarran says is preposterous.

But what about the claim? Can Ukraine build a bomb in a matter of a few weeks?

Röpcke recalled the words of a high-ranking Ukrainian official in an interview months ago with Germany’s Bild news outlet. The official said:

“The West should not believe that Ukraine will accept a second Russian attack on Kiev. Before that happens, it will rebuild its nuclear weapons arsenal, which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s. In 2001, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear weapon.”

These explosive comments came from a high-ranking military official dealing about the possible Russian invasion of Central Ukraine. The official added:

“We have the material; we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb. The West should ‘think less about Russia’s red lines and more about our red lines.’”

Sarran sums up the audacious threat Ukraine is now using against its own allies, writing:

“It’s Zelensky’s long-awaited blackmail of his own partners with the message effectively being: ‘If you don’t save us, we’ll use nukes to force a confrontation between you and Russia, and burn the whole world down with us.’”


President Trump stopped at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s where he iconically worked the fry cooker and spoke to media through the drive thru window on Sunday afternoon.

He served up an epic smackdown of Kamala Harris’s lie about working at McDonald’s in her youth. Trump said he was having “a lot of fun” as he took questions from the media, adding, “I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala.”



The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security announced last week it would be giving those Lebanese nationals currently in the United States temporary protected status to stay in the U.S. as the violence in the Middle East has ramped up. Hezbollah, a Lebanese terrorist group backed by Iran, has been waging war against Israel since the Hamas attack on Israel last year.

DHS said per a press release:

“The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is announcing new actions to provide temporary immigration reprieve to eligible Lebanese nationals currently in the United States and allowing them the opportunity to request work authorization.”

Israel has been pushing into Lebanon in an attempt to destroy the terrorist organization that has been launching attacks on Israel. The Israeli Defense Forces have been preparing a ground invasion of Lebanon just as they have gone into Gaza in an effort to remove the Hamas terrorists there.

The protected status comes as the administration has faced harsh criticism for the controversial Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela humanitarian parole program. It has been allowing 30,000 total immigrants from those countries into the U.S. on a monthly basis, adding to the wave of immigration that has taken place over the course of the Biden-Harris term. The temporary protective status program for Haitians has been repeatedly extended for years and there has been advocacy from Democrat politicians to extend that status for Venezuelans, as well. Both nations are also on a list indicating which countries could have potentially dangerous immigrants.

By extending protected status for Lebanese nationals, the Biden-Harris regime is incentivizing terror-linked individuals from Lebanon to come to the U.S. illegally in an effort to gain protected status. Nothing good can come of that.


Israel National News reports that a new poll conducted after the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and published on Channel 13 News on Sunday, finds that the Likud and Religious Zionist parties are gaining strength in Israel.

The data found that if elections were to be held today, the Likud Party would win 25 seats and the National Unity Party would win 21 and several more seats are available with the Religious Zionist Party and others.

The coalition manages to obtain 55 seats, compared to 60 for the parties in the opposition. That’s only a five-seat difference, much smaller than before last week’s killing of the Hamas leader.


A female military veteran was reportedly told to disembark from a Delta Air Lines flight last week after she claims that a flight attendant told her the T-shirt she was wearing was threatening.

According to reports from local San Francisco outlets SFGATE and NBC Bay Area, U.S. Marine Corps veteran Catherine Banks was boarding a flight at San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday, October 16, when a flight attendant approached her and asked her to get off the plane.

Banks told NBC Bay Area:

“A male flight attendant was saying, ‘Ma'am, ma'am.’ I looked around, like, ‘Who was he talking to?’ And it was me. He said, ‘You need to get off the plane,’ and I was like, ‘What did I do?’” 

After getting off the plane, Banks said the flight attendant told her that her shirt, which read “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide,” was threatening.

She said, “Are you kidding me? I'm a Marine Corps vet. I'm going to see my Marine sister. I've been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I'm going to visit her.”

He responded, “I don't care about your service, and I don't care about her service. The only way you're going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.’”

Banks told NBC Bay Area that she had to face away from the flight attendant as she changed into another sweatshirt because she wasn't wearing a bra.

Flight attendants, Banks claimed, also told her to sit in the back of the plane, even though she said she paid for an extra legroom seat. The flight was delayed, and she missed a connecting flight later in the day, she added.

Banks’ shirt is made by the Til Valhalla Project, which helps provide mental-health treatment to U.S. veterans, renovates veterans’ homes and more.

Banks told NBC Bay Area:

“I feel like they just took my soul away. I'm not a bad person, and that T-shirt, I should be allowed to support myself and veterans.”


A CNN commentator declared Saturday that white people who don’t vote to “save democracy” won’t be able to “escape the accountability that they must face.”

The remarks were made by Angela Rye during a discussion on the network in which she attempted to move blame for Harris’ dismal polling numbers away from black men.

Rye stated “The responsibility of saving democracy should be on the largest demographic in this country that is white men and white women.”



LifeNews reports that Bevelyn Williams turned herself in to federal prison last Wednesday after the Biden-Harris Department of Justice charged her with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for preaching the Gospel outside of a New York abortion clinic.


Before surrendering herself into federal custody, Williams and her husband, Ricky Williams, released a video detailing how the ordeal has affected their family.


Williams wrote:

“Thanks to the Biden/ Harris administration. My husband is becoming a single father today. While I turn myself in to federal prison for 3 1/2 years for unlawful assembly. The ‘Pro’ black presidential candidate and vice president is destroying a black family and could care less about it.”

The pro-life activist was sentenced to three years and five months following a years-long legal battle with the state of New York. Williams attempted to appeal the ruling in July, but U.S. District Judge Jennifer L. Rochon, who was appointed by President Joe Biden, denied the appeal.

In recent years the Biden-Harris administration has used the FACE Act to maximize convictions and sentencing for pro-life activists, turning misdemeanors into felonies.

Williams, a convert to Christianity, had previously received her first of several abortions at age 15, which she says led her down a self-destructive path.

Williams experienced her conversion after being arrested for money laundering, which led her to create At Well Ministries. Williams’ ministry focuses on street ministry and pro-life activism.

Now, Williams’ 2-year-old daughter and husband will be separated from her for over three years while she serves her sentence.


World Net Daily reports that the U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to reverse the firing of a fire chief in Stockton, California, because he attended a leadership conference at a church.

First Liberty Institute has announced it, and others, have joined to ask the Supreme Court for a review of the case involving fire chief Ron Hittle.

“It is a tragic day for religious liberty in America when someone can be fired because they attend an event that includes religious perspectives,” said Stephanie Taub, a lawyer for First Liberty Institute.

“The city showed extreme anti-religious bias and broke the law when it fired Chief Hittle. We are asking the Supreme Court to reverse the lower court's decision and uphold the clear meaning of Title VII to protect all Americans in the workplace.”

Aaron Streett, a lawyer with Baker Botts, which also is working on the case, said, “City of Stockton officials were completely intolerant of Chief Hittle's religious beliefs. Federal law protects the freedom of every American to live without fear of being fired simply because of their beliefs.”

The institute explained that Stockton officials fired Hittle after 24 years of service “because he attended a leadership conference hosted at a church. Although the city requested Chief Hittle attend a leadership training course of his choice, it later opened an investigation after he attended Willow Creek Church's Global Leadership Summit, a world-class conference with speakers from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds.”

The city listed Chief Hittle's attendance at a religious event while on duty as the primary reason for his termination, the legal team explained.

He sued but a district court took the city's side.


And we have a report of more insanity from yet another California city, the topic of which will be our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

The Bay Area city of Pinole, located right outside of Berkeley, has adopted a new gun storage ordinance that it claims is one of the toughest in the state, requiring gun owners to keep their firearms locked up with ammunition stored separately unless it's in use for recreational purposes.

There's a significant issue with the ordinance adopted by the city council, as well as an older ordinance that's been in place since the late 1970s. The Supreme Court ruled in Heller that a similar ordinance in Washington, D.C. requiring guns to be kept locked up with ammunition stored separately unless being used for recreational purposes violated the right to keep and bear arms because there was no exception for self-defense. 

Pinole's ordinance doesn't appear to include a self-defense exception either. In fact, the city currently prohibits discharging a firearm inside the city limits for any purpose other than that of recreational use. That includes self-defense.

Chapter 09.20.10 of the Pinole City Code declares it's “unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm, air gun, air rifle, or other gun or device discharging by the use of powder, air, or springs, any bullet or shot of any kind, or sling-shot, in the city of Pinole,” with only three exceptions, none of which involve self defense.

I kid you not. You can’t even fire a slingshot at a home invader in this liberal haven without violating the law.

A violation of that ordinance can result in a misdemeanor conviction, a $500 fine, and the possibility of six months in the Contra Costa County Jail, while violating the gun storage ordinance can lead to a $1,000 fine.

This is where Kamala, if she were to be elected president, wants to take the whole country. 

Remember, California is the laboratory of the left. What starts in California eventually makes its way across the nation. 

Make no mistake, if Kamala Harris wins, or gets installed, the process of remaking America in California’s image will be placed on a fast track. You can count on that. She is easily the most militantly Marxist candidate to ever run for president of the United States.

As I’ve reported on my show Brannon Howse Live, there’s also evidence to suggest that Kamala is mentally unstable. 

Sticking America with an unstable leader in an increasingly unstable world might be exactly what the globalists have ordered. We’ll find out in a couple of weeks.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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