Don't Shoot Back at Taliban Terrorists! Obama's First Military Order.

Don't Shoot Back at Taliban Terrorists! Obama's First Military Order.

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Don't shoot back!
Don't pick the poppies!
And don't bother the women and men in burkas!
These are the new rules of engagement for leathernecks in Afghanistan.
Sound incredible?
They're true.
Welcome to the modern Marine Corps under Commander-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama.
On July 1st, the U.S. military initiated Operation Khanjar or "Strike of the Sword," an invasion of the Helmand Province by 4,000 Marines and 650 Afghan soldiers.
"Strike of the Sword" represents the first military operation to be ordered by President Obama.
The purpose of the campaign is to flush out Taliban operatives from southern Afghanistan in order to safeguard the re-election of Afghan President Hamid Karzai on August 20th.
The military initiative is being conducted by the insistence of Kharzai, who fears that a strong Taliban presence will produce unfavorable results for him on election-day.
To accomplish this objective, President Obama remains determined to deploy 68,000 additional U.S. troops to southern Afghanistan within the next six weeks.
But the Marines, thanks to Mr. Obama, are conducting this mission with their hands tied.The first order from America's new commander is that the Marines must not return enemy fire for fear of killing an Afghan non-combatant.
Click here for complete story


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