Atheists conspire to bring down book by Ray Comfort

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Atheists conspire to bring down book by Ray Comfort

          If you look at the reviews on for Ray Comfort's new book, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can't Make Him Think you could come away thinking that this is worst book ever written. It has masses of one "stars" with scathing reviews, saying things like "Comfort is a charlatan" and "Dreadful piece of drivel." But then you will find five star reviews saying "Great logical thinking" and "A must read." Someone even said, "You can tell how good this book is by how many atheists are claiming to have read it and then give it a one star review."
            Comfort said, "Atheists spammed my blog, spammed our website, and sent abusive emails about our new billboard, so I suspected some sort of atheist conspiracy on Amazon, and fortunately I found it. One comment on an atheist blog said, 'Let's all vote one star on this piece of !*&%.' Then came a tip on how to not get caught doing it: 'Pro-tip for people reviewing the book: giving it one or five stars makes it painfully obvious that you're just giving it that number because you feel the author to be on or against your side. To actually make it look like a real review you're going to want to go with two or four stars. At the moment it has 11 5-star ratings, 45 with one star, and only one each for four and three.'"
            The best-selling author said that it was no big deal when they tried to spam his site ( because it is so big it didn't make much difference. But he was sure that the atheists had affected book sales with their bad reviews, because people purchase upon other people's opinions. He is philosophical though, saying, "The book can't be too bad because the atheist who wrote the Foreword, backslid. I sent him a copy, and a week later he wrote to me and said that he was no longer an atheist.
"But there is a reason they hate the book. I simply expose atheistic evolution for the unscientific fairy tale that it is, and I do it with common logic. I ask questions about where the female came from for each species. Every male dog, cat, horse, elephant, giraffe, fish and bird had to have coincidentally evolved with a female alongside it (over billions of years) with fully evolved compatible reproductive parts and a desire to mate, otherwise the species couldn't keep going. Evolution has no explanation for the female for every species in creation. I also show that the 'God' issue is moral rather than intellectual. No one needs to prove that God exists. Creation is clear evidence for any sane person that there's a Creator. But if I can convince myself that there is no God, it means I am not morally accountable, and evolution opens the door to a whole lot of sinful delicacies such as pornography, fornication, lying, theft, and of course writing bad reviews for a book I haven't read."
            Comfort added, "However, to say that God doesn't exist leaves the atheist with the insane philosophy that nothing created everything. They will deny that through gritted teeth because it is intellectually embarrassing, but if I say that I have no belief that my Ford Truck had a maker, it means I think that nothing made it, and that's a scientific impossibility. When we said this on a billboard on a major <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Los Angeles freeway, Dan Barker, the President of Freedom From Religion, Inc., happened to be in California and happened to be on that freeway. He saw the billboard and wrote a scathing email to me, calling me a liar. They hate their beliefs being exposed, and this book does just that."


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