Rick Scott Says Every American Should Wake Up

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  • An investigation by Military.com finds the Biden administration is withholding bonus payments that were promised to thousands of U.S. soldiers.
  • Oklahoma’s state Board of Education voted down a request from two school districts last week to allow students to change their gender on school records.
  • James O’Keefe infiltrates a school district in New Jersey with hidden cameras and listening devices. We’ll show you what he found the school counselors were telling high school students.
  • With the Middle East in turmoil, the World Bank warns us to brace ourselves for soaring oil prices.
  • Ireland is slaughtering tens of thousands of cows to fight climate change.
  • And Senator Ron Johnson states publicly that the entire Covid pandemic was “pre-planned by an elite group of people.”

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The federal government owes thousands of National Guard soldiers enlistment bonuses, with some of the payments now being years overdue and unpaid.

Military.com spoke to an unnamed source that it said was familiar with the unpaid bonuses, as well as several families who said they were still waiting for payments they’d been promised.

One soldier told Military.com:

“I did my end of things, and this is a really bad introduction to the Army, not taking care of people. I was really relying on this money to help with moving into a new place with my wife.”

The military pays enlistment bonuses to entice Americans to serve. For the Army National Guard, bonuses of up to $20,000 form a “key part” of the attraction for many.

In many cases, half of the bonus is payable within 30 days of completion of the soldier’s initial training, with the other half coming at the midpoint of the soldier’s first term of enlistment.

But those are merely guidelines, not rules, so soldiers don’t have much of a legal claim against the deadbeat government.

Guard officials said the average time for that first bonus payout is about six months, but even the military admits that more than one soldier in 20 hasn’t gotten the bonus he or she has been promised.

Col. Danielle MacDonnell, division chief, Army National Guard G1 operations, said in a statement to Military.com:

“While nearly 94% of our soldiers eligible to receive an enlistment bonus have received it, we are working very hard to reconcile the remaining 6% because we hold ourselves to higher standards and believe one overdue payment to an otherwise eligible soldier is one too many.”

Talk is cheap. It’s time for the government to pay up.


The Daily Wire reports that Oklahoma’s state Board of Education voted down a request from two school districts last week to allow students to change their gender on school records.

The Moore Public Schools district near Oklahoma City and Cushing Public Schools about 70 miles north of the city both requested that students be allowed to change their gender designation on school records.

At a meeting last Thursday, the State Board of Education unanimously rejected both districts’ requests.

State Superintendent Ryan Walters said during the meeting:

“What we want to do is bring common sense to schools and say, ‘Listen, we don’t need to be going back recorrecting records based on transgender ideology.’ We have two genders. Those are the genders that are set. I believe we’ve got to continue to stand in line in the way, I would say, of these radical leftist Biden judges that are sitting here trying to dictate this to our schools.”

Walters added, “I think this is a great opportunity to show the districts – look, we’re absolutely going to stand for common sense. We’re going to stand against this. We’re not going to do the transgender game of back and forth, back and forth. We’ll be clear on this and stand with common sense and Oklahomans. We’re not going to allow the intimidation of our schools.”


James O’Keefe of OMG News confronted Superintendent Jim Lavender in a heated moment at an October 19th school board meeting in Gloucester County, New Jersey, regarding the secret transitioning of students that the schools there are hiding from parents. Lavender shot back accusing O’Keefe of “Tabloid journalism that distorts truth and context… riddled with misleading information.”

This comes days after emails and audio from inside Kingsway High School had recorded school counselors deliberately plotting to keep parents in the dark about medical and mental health decisions being made for their children.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 5:15)


O’Keefe never did get any answers to his questions from that superintendent.


Investing.com reports that the escalating conflict between Israel and Gaza, along with the Russia-Ukraine war, could prompt a surge in oil prices, according to the World Bank. The bank has outlined three possible scenarios that could see oil prices reach as high as $157 per barrel in the event of a large disruption. This situation would mirror the 1973 Arab oil embargo, which led to a global supply drop of 6-8% and an initial price increase of 56-75%.

Under medium disruption scenarios, prices could rise to between $109-$121. Even with small disruptions oil could rise to between $93 and $102 per barrel.

These developments risk a dual energy shock that could further strain the global economy, particularly amid expectations of a worldwide economic slowdown.

For the fourth quarter of 2023, the World Bank's baseline forecast predicts oil prices averaging at $90 per barrel. This is expected to decrease to $81 per barrel by next year. On the other hand, Goldman Sachs anticipates oil reaching $100 per barrel by June 2024. Similarly, UBS predicts Brent crude trading between $90 and $100 over the next year.

All these estimates highlight the potential volatility in the oil markets caused by geopolitical tensions.


In an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, came out swinging against the establishment’s Covid narrative.

Johnson said the entire Covid pandemic was “pre-planned by an elite group of people.” And what was the goal of their plans? A loss of freedom for people living in America and throughout the formerly free world.

Johnson said, “We are going down a very dangerous path.”

Take a look at this clip.




In West Virginia this week, a 13-year-old boy who says he’s actually a girl is in court suing his school for the ability to compete on the girls’ track and field team.

Attorneys for Becky Pepper-Jackson are seeking to have the court force his middle school to allow this, despite West Virginia’s Governor signing a law in 2021 that bans males from competing against females in school sports. The courts blocked the ban, a move which is also being challenged, but many schools still enforce the rules. This legal battle has been dragging on since the boy named Becky was 11 and it’s expected to drag out even longer.

NBC News covered the story with the usual leftist slant, using incorrect pronouns to reinforce its belief that boys can will themselves to be girls and vice versa.

Jazz Shaw, writing for HotAir, says:

“How a child gets ideas like this in their head at the age of 11 remains a mystery to me, particularly in a traditionally sensible state like West Virginia. Eleven is barely at the edge of the age range when boys begin puberty, but young Master Pepper-Jackson had somehow already been convinced that he was a girl. Two years later, his family is being thrust into the national spotlight and the case could conceivably wind up dragging them to Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the family tells NBC that Becky was put on puberty blockers two years ago and has still not gone through normal puberty. That may decrease some of a male’s competitive advantage, but the long-range effects of this practice on the male body have never been fully studied.”

NBC mournfully reports that 23 states in addition to West Virginia have passed laws or regulations banning boys from girls’ sports. Shaw adds:

“The country is effectively divided in half on this issue and that’s a problem for a variety of reasons. In the states without such bans, girls are being shut out of opportunities that might otherwise have been available to them. And girls from states that wind up imposing these rules may end up excelling in high school only to reach college and find that they are suddenly in a race for the back of the pack if they are forced to compete against men. It’s a tragedy to observe, but I’m not holding my breath for a national return to sanity any time in the near future.”


The Floridian reports that Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) is saying that “I think every American needs to wake up” and believes Americans do not have a choice but to arm and take care of themselves in the event of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

During an interview with The Floridian, Sen. Scott railed against the open border policy of the Biden administration, adding that the government was not aware of who exactly has entered the country illegally.

“I don’t think you have a choice. We all have our Second Amendment rights, we have to make sure we are ready to take care of ourselves,” said Sen. Scott. “What I am disgusted about is that our federal government has left our border open and we have the wrong people that have come into our country.”

During the interview, Scott excused himself for a few minutes in order to speak to one of the survivors of the deadly Hamas attack who stopped by his office to thank him for his support for Israel.



Kudos to Senator Scott. That’s a message we need to hear from more of our elected leaders. Not just that our government has failed us but that Americans need to wake up and arm up. Stop depending on the same failed state to protect you and your family. That’s an insane way of thinking at this point.


Rep. Matt Gaetz responded to Rep. Dean Phillips’ presidential campaign, predicting that the Minnesota Democrat might pose a significant threat to President Joe Biden’s re-election bid. But he also suggested that Phillips would present a more formidable challenge to former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Gaetz said on X.

“If Biden debates Phillips, Dean will be the Democrat nominee and he will be considerably more difficult for Trump to defeat than Biden. But Biden won’t debate.”

Phillips announced last week his intentions to challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination. He conveyed his concerns to CBS News, stating that he couldn’t remain silent given the current polling data indicating that Biden might face a significant challenge from Trump in the next elections.

Phillips said:

“President Biden is a good man and someone I tremendously respect. I understand why other Democrats don’t want to run against him, and why we are here. This is a last-minute campaign, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and courage is an important value to me. I didn’t set out to enter this race. But it looks like on our current course, the Democrats will lose and Trump will be our President again.”


Just the News reports that farmers in Ireland are reportedly considering slaughtering as many as 41,000 cows in the next 10 weeks to comply with the country’s environmental regulations limiting nitrogen.

Ireland’s nitrogen limits are part of an agreement with the European Commission.

The country imposed restrictions this year, but they will become even more restrictive in 2024 as the result of water quality concerns, according to MSN.com.

Farmers can comply with the restrictions first by increasing the amount of land they own or finding someone to remove animal waste from their land – or they will have to thin their herds, the article states. 

Tim Lombard, an Irish senator from Cork South West, said that to comply with the new regulations, a total of  41,000 cows would have to be slaughtered, many of which are under a year old.

Cattle waste contains nitrogen. Environmentalists are concerned about nitrogen pollution because of its supposed impact on climate change and water quality.

U.S. states have passed various regulations limiting nitrogen pollution in agriculture, many of them aimed at its use as a crop fertilizer, and there are some efforts by the EPA to reduce nitrogen pollution.

In 2019, the Dutch high court limited nitrogen emissions, which set off a wave of protests in the Netherlands. In May, the European Union approved a $1.6 billion plan to buy out Dutch farms in order to reduce nitrogen.

In my opinion these regulations will end up causing famine and starvation in Europe and even America, if we adopt the same insane standards.


Israel has responded to a video showing a combined LGBTQ and Palestinian flag being flown at a protest in New York as activists marched through London.

Israel's X account shared a post accompanied by a video that read: “A combined LGBTQ + Palestine flag in New York protest today. Why are there so many 'queers FOR Palestine', but absolutely no 'queers IN Palestine'?”

The shared post carried the message from Israel: “Looking forward to seeing Hamas raise the rainbow flag across Gaza as a thank you for your solidarity.”

On Sunday, fighting raged for a 23rd day as Israel pounded Hamas-ruled Gaza in an escalating air and ground campaign as the UN warned civil order was starting to break down as thousands of Palestinians began to loot UN aid stations.



The previous day, thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters poured onto the streets of Brooklyn, New York's largest district to voice their anger at Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

Home to between 1.6 and two million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Muslims, New York has for the past three weeks been rocked by demonstrations, rallies and vigils in support of the Palestinians and Israel.

Left-wing American Jewish activists are also up in arms against Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza.

Hundreds of people were arrested on Friday when police broke up a large demonstration of mostly Jewish New Yorkers who had taken over the main hall of Manhattan's Grand Central station in protest at Israel's bombardment of Gaza.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

President Erdogan, president of the Islamic nation of Turkey and a fierce critic of Israel, gave a fiery pro-Palestinian speech at the capital city of Istanbul over the weekend.

According to Turkish outlet AA, Erdogan boldly stated to a crowd with more than 100,000 Turkish Jew-haters in attendance:

“Israel, we will also declare you as a war criminal to the world, we are preparing for it, and we will introduce Israel to the world as a war criminal. Israel is committing war crimes.”

The Turkish president said Israel is really just a puppet of the United States and the West, and it is the Western politicians and media attempting to bless Israel’s so-called war crimes, claiming that Israel is an “occupier,” and that “The West owes you, but Turkey does not owe you.”

In the speech that seems like it could have been right out of Nazi Germany, Erdogan stated:

“Those shedding crocodile tears for civilians killed in the Ukraine-Russia war are silently watching the deaths of thousands of innocent children in Gaza. I am asking the West, do you want to create another Crusader War atmosphere? The main culprit behind the massacre unfolding in Gaza is the West. Of course, every country has the right to defend itself, but where is justice? There is no defense but an open, and vicious massacre going on in Gaza. Everyone knows that Israel is a pawn in the region that will be sacrificed when the time comes.”

So, the president of Turkey slams the West on the one hand, while at the same time he is benefitting from his country’s membership in the Western military alliance, NATO. Erdogan is showing himself to be a two-faced dictator and enemy of Israel who should have never been allowed into NATO in the first place. He has never been anything but a Jew-hating Muslim dictator.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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