Dr. Erwin Lutzer: September 5, 2014 With Jesus as its cornerstone, the church has a rock-solid foundation. As believers, we are part of that building, since we are called living stones
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: September 4, 2014 Believers attend church to meet God, and further extend His glory. We gather to express to God His worth to us: that is what the word worship is a
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: September 3, 2014 As we mature in the faith, we come to realize more and more that it is not about us. It is about God, whose glory fills the heavens. When we see our l
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: September 1, 2014 Like the serpent that beguiled Eve, Satanic substitutes for God look attractive. Though popular, the occults teachings are the doctrines of demons.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 29, 2014 Our culture is into occult phenomena like never before. Whether by internet, television, movies, or music, the occult is underscoring more and more of
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 28, 2014 Christians are awash in a sea of pleasures, having time for everything but God. Many waste their time in a myriad of ways, and the options are only in
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 27, 2014 Christians are awash in a sea of pleasures, having time for everything but God. Many waste their time in a myriad of ways, and the options are only in
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 26, 2014 God designed sex for a covenant marriage relationship, not for a succession of one-night stands. Today the allure of sexual affairs can poison our sou
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 25, 2014 Extramarital sex and divorce are choices that can ruin life for all concerned. Too many people, even Christians, pay a high price in the long run. The
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 22, 2014 In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave some pointed teaching on morality: telling those in lust to pluck out their eyes. Could He have been serious? T
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 21, 2014 Since we all have sexual desires, it is tempting to satisfy those desires outside of Gods will. Today we will take a probing look at the damage done
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 20, 2014 Like quicksand, alcohol draws in its victims until they can no longer free themselves. The temptation to drink is best handled by never taking that fi
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 19, 2014 Alcohol abuse is costing our society billions in lost productivity, lost relationships, and lost lives. And all too many Christians misuse what they f
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 18, 2014 Alcohol abuse is costing our society billions in lost productivity, lost relationships, and lost lives. And all too many Christians misuse what they f
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 15, 2014 From lottery tickets to riverboats, gambling addiction spells big trouble, taking money from those who can least afford it, those hoping for a big b
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 13, 2014 Most of us have too much stuff. In our greed we look at our neighbors, note their possessions, and say, I need them. Greed is insidious, and unles
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 12, 2014 We face temptations every day. They draw us away from God and toward destructive choices that can ruin our lives, families, and futures. We must shake
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 11, 2014 Satan tries to derail our walk with God. He appeals to natural desires, and gets us to fulfill them in destructive ways. Today we will discuss how a C
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 8, 2014 Satan uses demons to influence and indwell people, leaving behind a trail of destructive choices and actions. The victims of these actions are then le
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 7, 2014 Philosophers have long wrestled with the root cause of evil. One major cause is our enemy Satan, who seeks to destroy in any way he can. This message
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 6, 2014 Those who have a conscience can feel shame: that sense of embarrassment when caught in a sinful act. There is also the painful shame that victims of s
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 5, 2014 To understand why people become sexual abusers, we need to understand the why of dysfunctional families. This message will look at a family in the
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 4, 2014 When the young are sexually abused, psychological scars are left that may never be healed. One common experience is grief, that gnawing sadness that
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: August 1, 2014 Sexual abuse does terrible damage. Relationships all through life suffer due to early experiences children should never have had. This message will gi
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 31, 2014 Loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves fulfills the law and pleases our Creator. Obeying this commandment means obeying
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 30, 2014 The Decalogue means ten words. Written by God on tablets of stone, the Ten Commandments defined proper behavior. On an even higher plane, Jesus ca
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 29, 2014 The sin nobody sees can light fires of lasting conflict. Covetousness is longing for what others have and is a recipe for ongoing discontent. Gods t
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 28, 2014 There is something in all of us that wants what someone else has. But we must remember that we cannot carry any belongings at all into the afterlife.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 25, 2014 Among seven things God hates, the writer of Proverbs lists lying twice. That is a strong emphasis on a sin we all commit. Winning the race of life req
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 24, 2014 Many believe that telling a white lie is okay, but it is not okay with God. Believers need to tell the truth if they want to succeed in the race of li
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 23, 2014 To be victorious in lifes race, we need to lose the baggage of guilt we carry from stealing what does not belong to us.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 22, 2014 Stealing has become very common, and not simply burglary people steal from their employers without a second thought. We forget that stealing any ki
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 21, 2014 It is dangerous to get too close to a fire. The same is true of sexual temptation. That is why the seventh commandment teaches us to avoid all forms o
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 18, 2014 Each of us has a strong desire for intimacy, and self-control is difficult. Sex in its proper place is a great gift, but unrestrained passions can rui
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 17, 2014 The racetrack of life is smoother when things are right with mom and dad. Good relationships cultivate a healthy home, but bad ones bring much sorrow.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 16, 2014 Long ago, God gave the Ten Commandments as a blueprint for living. Our failure to follow commandment number six is a big reason for the dismal state o
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 15, 2014 At the bedrock of the Law of God is the prohibition of taking innocent life. Yet hundreds of people are killed every year in each of our major cities.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 14, 2014 Murder has almost become commonplace in our cities and on the news. Yet the taking of innocent life breaks one of the cardinal commandments of God. Si
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 11, 2014 God made it clear that all of us need a day of rest. The concept is so important that it is included in the Ten Commandments. Nowadays, Sunday is just
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 10, 2014 A century ago, British Olympian Eric Liddell refused to run on Sunday. Made famous in the movie Chariots of Fire, he held to a conviction that the
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 9, 2014 The commandment to not take Gods name in vain goes to the core of His nature, and to the heart of respecting Him as Creator. Do we understand how im
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 8, 2014 Christians know that Gods name is holy and is not to be misused by swearing, cursing, or improper oath-taking. Keeping His name set apart was so imp
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 7, 2014 I am the Lord, that is My name. My glory I will not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. No ambiguity there. It is clear that God
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 4, 2014 Whether it be a cross or a bronze serpent, idols can be made from the most innocent of forms. Even in our thoughts, we enjoy forming a false god who i
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 3, 2014 It is in the nature of man to worship something, even deities made of wood and stone. But God makes it clear that He will not tolerate any idols. The
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 2, 2014 There is one area in which God tolerates no competition. He wants to be supreme in our lives, and He made that clear by writing on a tablet of stone t
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: July 1, 2014 Just as the law of gravity is unchangeable, so also is Gods moral law. The commandments He gave to Moses define His character and His expectations o
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: June 30, 2014 The great moral code God gave to Moses contains principles governing our relationships with God and with each other. That code shows us who we are, an
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: June 27, 2014 Seeing ourselves as clay on a potters wheel helps us avoid the Im in charge attitude we all too often have. As the Potter, God is in charge, a
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: June 26, 2014 Many believers have never seen themselves as clay on a potters wheel, being molded to suit the Potters purposes. Yet, the sooner we understand tha