Weiner incident highlights moral apathy Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner did something morally commendable--he finally decided to resign his office. In this piece I will make no at
Objections against voter ID are indefensible Recently the legislature in the state of Wisconsin passed a law requiring ID to vote, with certain specified exceptions. Many people have voiced their
The killing of Osama Bin Laden:Revenge or Justice In light of the jubilant celebrations all over America, spawned by the announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by Navy Seals, we have to ass
"GREECE" IS THE WORD IN MADISON In mid-February, political turmoil crashed up on the shores of Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin and surged all the way to the capitol grounds. Last y
Lifest: "social justice" invades midwest In a recent letter to the editor of my local newspaper, Valley Scene columnist (a liberal arts and entertainment tabloid) Mr.N, a prominent local athe
My Personal Trial by Fire Every now and then, some event in life occurs that changes your entire outlook on things. Such an event merits writing about despite the fact that it
Political obfuscation in the stem-cell debat Political obfuscation in the stem-cell debatOne of the most common complaints registered during the recent election season, is that certain policy p
Liberals misunderstand the pro-life position Liberals misunderstand the pro-life position In the aftermath of this year's electoral train wreck for conservatives, my local newspaper has publishe
Time to emphasize the importance of personal Social Security Accounts Time to emphasize the importance of personal Social Security Accounts The recent collapse in the stock market has caused a number of folks to smugly
Would Obama really deliver on tax cut promises? Would Obama really deliver on tax cut promises? Senator Barack Obama once again reminded us during his Friday evening debate with John McCain
Attacks on Palin; Secularist support for Obama, both predictable Attacks on Palin; Secularist support for Obama, both predictable John McCain's selection for Vice-President, Sarah Palin, has electrified the conse
Ben Stein's Dangerous Idea Ben Stein's Dangerous Idea Ben Stein has a dangerous idea. His idea is that professors and teachers who express skepticism about Darwinism are likely
I Don't Want Change I Don't Want Change You can tell something troubling is afoot in the political landscape when all someone has to do is say they stand for "change," a
Was America Founded As A Christian Nation? Was America Founded As A Christian Nation? Numerous skeptics and modern historians raise an interesting question that has been hotly disputed in
Atheists aren't really concerned about celebrating superstition The Thanksgiving holiday has passed and now we move into the celebration of the Christmas holiday season.With it will come the usual litany of critici
Grassley's investigation: Is It Greener on The Other Side For the Prosperity Gospel Preachers? Grassley's investigation: Is It Greener on The Other Side For the Prosperity Gospel Preachers? The current ranking member of the Senate Finance Comm
Dr. D. James Kennedy and His Influence on My Life Last week in the mail, I received a letter from Brian Fisher, the executive vice-president of Coral Ridge Ministries. The letter stated that Dr. D. Ja
Using Our Liberties Against Us Using Our Liberties Against Us I recently heard about a statement from a discussion that allegedly occurred between an Islamic student atten
The 64 Million Dollar Questions in the Stem-cell Debate The 64 Million Dollar Questions in the Stem-cell Debate As often occurs, a letter to the editor in a local paper prompted this piece. The writer of t
Farewell To Falwell Farewell To Falwell On May 22cd, they buried a man who had changed the course and structure of American politics as few others in the final qua
Bush's Supreme Court: Where there's a dime's worth of differrence One of the most common phrases uttered by true conservatives, who are disgusted with Republicans in both houses of Congress who perp
Secular Totalitarianism: What Paul Krugman Really Ought to Fear Secular Totalitarianism: What Paul Krugman Really Ought to Fear Friday the 13th brought out that eerie mantra from the left again.
Why Christians aren't redeeming the culture Why Christians aren't redeeming the culture By Robert Meyer
Charity is Not The Government's Duty Charity is Not The Government's Duty A statement that appeared in a recent piece from a liberal columnist, underscores and epitomizes the theme of mu
Ragin' Kagen: A loose cannon goes to Washington Ragin' Kagen: A loose cannon goes to Washington When conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh gets an occasional caller from Appleton,
Misleading quotations about our Founders Misleading quotations about our Founders Recently a letter writer in my local paper has forced me to amend a New Year's resolution to be a kinder
Why I'm Not an Atheist Part 5: On Science and Miracles Why I'm not an Atheist Part 5: On science and miracles The Apostle Paul warns in 1 Timothy 6:20 : "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy tru
Why I Can't Be An Atheist Part 4: Some Philosophical Considerations Why I Can't Be An Atheist Part 4: Some Philosophical Considerations Many of the critiques I have received so far, have focused on d
Why I can't be an atheist Part 3: Expedient definitions and bogus illustrations Why I can't be an atheist Part 3: Expedient definitions and bogus illustrations Defining atheism is a daunting undertaking. It can be an elusiv
Why I Can't Be An Atheist: Appeals to Reason and Logic Why I can't be an atheist Part II Appeals to reason and logic It is quite possible that atheists as a group are more intelligent than the com
What Will The Democrats Do Now What Will The Democrats Do Now? There is much speculation about what congressional democrats will do over the next two years. My column will be one o
Why Religious Convictions Must Inform Public Policy During the run-up to the recent November elections various arguments were made, pro and con, on a gamut of issues. On topics such as same-se
Atheism and Unalienable Rights Atheism and Unalienable Rights "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Changing the Meaning of Words Changes America for the Worst Changing the Meaning of Words Changes America for the Worst! During the run-up to the recent November elections various arguments were made, pro an
Voting Against the Foley Follies Voting Against the Foley Follies Mark Foley is gone from Congress - that's the good news. Denny Hastert is on the ropes because of it - that is proba
The ACLU's Christian View of War The ACLU's Christian View of War In the Monday, September 18th addition of the USA today, a Tennes
Trading Liberty for Security? A misuse of Benjamin Franklin Trading Liberty for Security? A misuse of Benjamin Franklin
Why I Have Lost Respect For Jimmy Carter Why I Have Lost Respect For Jimmy Carter From my own perspective, I would say that former President Jimmy Carter has been probably the most s
The Mel Gibson Saga: An Unfortunate Setback For Braveheart The latest media circus, the Mel Gibson arrest, has the potential to stay under the big top as a side show for a while.
Lieberman: Eighteen Years And No Gold Watch Lieberman: Eighteen Years And No Gold Watch By Robert Meyer
The Misrepresentation by the Secular Left The Misrepresentation by the Secular Left Recently, while doing an internet search, I came across a critique of a piece I wrote last December, regard
Liberals and Their Selective Outrage Liberals and Their Selective Outrage Liberals often view conservatives as a bunch mindless robots taking orders from a few central charismatic figur
The Dixie Chicks: Counting Chickens Before They are Hatched The Dixie Chicks: Counting Chickens Before They are Hatched Just a short while ago, USA Today did a feature article on the country band The Dixie
Why I am a Conservative Why I am a Conservative By Robert Meyer The question of why someone should be a Conservative, is one that may be addressed in differing ways.
Will Americans Wake Up Or Be Sheep to the Slaughter? I recall having read a book by a famous inspirational author some years back. The title was "Tough times never last, but tough people do." That slog
Capital Punishment is Still Pro-life Capital Punishment is Still Pro-life "Kill them all, let God sort them out." That was the saying displayed defiantly on the T-shirt of the ex-Ma
Why The Left is Wrong About the Religious Right Why the left is wrong about the religious right One of the most popular themes in the forum of political discussion, and usually the object of prof
Concealed Carry Laws Challenge "Pro-Choice" Philosophies Concealed Carry Laws Challenge "Pro-Choice" Philosophies We've just recently passed the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Thomas Paine: A Life of Skepticism