The U.S. State Department has quietly sent special operations teams into Ukraine to help with a potential diplomatic evacuation, sources told Just the News.

The teams arrived last week, shortly before U.S. Embassy families were ordered to begin evacuating Ukraine, said the sources, who were cited by Just the News as having direct knowledge of the events.

According to former Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent Dale McElhattan, who has taken part in diplomatic evacuations, "This means they're anticipating violence or complete deterioration in short order."

Tensions between the superpowers have spiked as Russia has moved an estimated 100,000 troops along its border with Ukraine and has issued ominous statements about "the start of a countdown" and claims that Moscow is being provoked by talk of expanding NATO to include Ukraine.

Moscow has not explained why it launched a "countdown," nor what awaits at the end.

Just the News reports that alarm bells sounded in the West last week when Konstantin Gavrilov, who leads the Russian delegation at the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control, issued a stark warning.

Gavrilov stated, quote:

"There arrives a moment of truth when the West either accepts our proposals or other ways will be found to safeguard Russia's security," Gavrilov said. "I am convinced that with goodwill and a willingness to compromise in any situation, it is possible to find a way out to mutually acceptable solutions. We are running out of time. The countdown begins."


In more news related to the rapidly escalating tensions between the U.S. and Russia, the Pentagon is ordering about 8,500 U.S. military personnel to prepare for a possible deployment to Eastern Europe as Russia continues adding additional troops to its forces arrayed along the border with Ukraine, according to a report by the Washington Times.

The bulk of the American troops would be assigned to the NATO response force, which comprises about 40,000 international personnel, in the event the unit is activated, officials with the Department of Defense said.

"This is really about getting folks ready to go," said Defense Department spokesman John Kirby during a press conference. He said the majority of those troops would be ground forces.

The alert is the latest sign of brinkmanship in the region, as the U.S. and its allies try to head off a Russian move against Ukraine. Russia has reportedly assembled over 100,000 troops and weaponry on the border with its neighbor even while insisting it has no plans to invade.

“No decisions to deploy have been made. This is about getting units on an advanced heightened alert,” chief Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Monday.


Do you remember Col. Alexander Vindman, the military man who became one of the Democrats' key witnesses against President Trump in the first impeachment trial?

Well, according to Vindman, World War III is all but inevitable.

"There's going to be a large European war," Vindman says, and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Listen to his comments in an interview with MSNBC.



The Biden family reaped $31 million from five deals with Communist China and its international spy apparatus, according to a newly released book by Peter Schweizer.

Multiple financiers with direct ties to Chinese intelligence partnered with Hunter Biden during and after his father’s time as vice president — including the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment — and some of those relationships remain intact, according to Schweizer's bombshell book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

According to Breitbart, Schweizer explains that Beijing saw a financial relationship with the Bidens as an opening for “elite capture,” which allowed Hunter Biden to secure meetings and score major deals with people in the highest levels of Chinese financial institutions and the Chinese Communist Party.

In return, China gets to leverage the power of the Biden family for their interests.

One of the central early players in the Bidens’ Chinese deals is a tycoon by the name of Che Feng, or “The Super Chairman,” as Hunter and his partners referred to him.

Che, the son of a Chinese People's Liberation Army soldier, has been described in Western media as “a shadowy and discreet investor,” whose father-in-law was the governor of the People’s Bank of China, and whose business partner was the Vice Minister of State Security.

Schweizer reveals that this vice minister was charged with overseeing North American operations targeting foreigners with its counterintelligence apparatus.

The book makes the case that the man currently serving in the White House is a Chinese asset.


Appearing on ABC’s This Week Sunday, Anthony Fauci declared that it is “entirely conceivable” that a fourth booster vaccine will soon be needed by all Americans who wish to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’.

“We may need to boost again. That’s entirely conceivable,” Faiuci said, adding “Before we make that decision about yet again another boost, we want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of that regular boost.”

Watch Fauci deliver the bad news to his obedient followers.


Fauci’s comments come hours after CDC head Rochelle Walensky announced an update to the definition of "fully vaccinated."

The CDC is also changing the language from talking about getting "boosted" to making sure their followers stay "up to date" on their shots.

“What we are really working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their Covid-19 vaccines and they personally could be based on when they got their last vaccine,” Walensky said Friday.

She added, “So importantly right now, we are pivoting our language, we really want to make sure people are up to date. That means if you recently got your second dose, you are not eligible for a booster, you’re up to date. If you are eligible for a booster and you haven’t gotten it, YOU’RE NOT UP TO DATE and you need to get your booster in order to be up to date.”

Take a look.


According to an Economist/YouGov survey released last week, almost one-third of Americans (31 percent) say they have not received a COVID vaccination, with 64 percent of those people saying they do not plan on getting any of the shots, and just 20 percent noting they “might” get one in the future.

Israel has instituted a fourth booster shot, and, as we reported last night, has just become the number one country in the world for new coronavirus infections per capita.


Our next story comes to us via the RAIR Foundation.

Statisticians based in England were trying to get to the bottom of strange spikes in the death rates of unvaccinated people in certain age groups. They found that the death spikes took place during vaccination campaigns, when people were not yet counted as “vaccinated."

The mystery was solved by a German broadcast from January 18th. In less than three minutes, Dr. Christof Kuhbandner of Regensburg University unpacks the findings of the British study.

The German professor explains the death spike of “unvaccinated” people in certain age groups:

WATCH VIDEO [cut off at 2:19 mark]

The professor concludes that the death spike was from the so-called “partially” vaccinated population:

The tripling and quadrupling of the death rate actually comes from the deaths that occurred in the vaccinated group, not the unvaccinated, but they were not past the two-week mark post-vaccination and thus were counted as unvaccinated.

How clever. Sounds like the perfect explanation if your goal was to persuade the masses that to remain unvaccinated would result in almost certain death.


Tens of thousands of Americans rallied in Washington, D.C. over the weekend in protest of the vaccine mandates supported by the Biden regime.

Even though the Supreme Court struck down the mandate on companies with over 100 employees, many companies are imposing the mandate anyway.

If Biden truly did receive 81 million votes, you would think that at least a few thousand would have come out to counter protest, but that was not the case.

There were, however, at least a couple of folks who came out in support of vaccine mandates. And one of them revealed in an interview that she had actually suffered a vaccine injury but was not going to let that stop her from getting the booster.

Listen to what this young lady said.


So after she heals from the vaccine injury she's already dealing with, this young lady intends to get the booster. All you can do is feel sorry for someone who is that deceived.


Next up, who does Jen Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, really work for?

Does she get her directions on what to say from the man in the Oval Office, Joe Biden, or someone else?

In an interview with Joy Behar of The View, Jen Psaki almost lets the cat out of the bag.

We're going to play a clip from that interview and pay close attention to the way Psaki responds to a very straightforward question from Behar.


Oops! Sounds like Psaki almost slipped up and told the truth, or she is suffering from the same mental challenges as her alleged boss.


You know the U.S. supply chain is on life support when you start getting warnings from the government not to strip the supermarket shelves of their meager offerings.

That's exactly what happened recently in Washington, D.C.

"There is no need to buy more than you normally would," the D.C. Department of Homeland Security warned in a tweet.


How long before such warnings morph from suggestions posted on Twitter to more drastic government actions, such as food rationing and bread lines in American cities? Something to think about, for sure.


A mother has taken legal action against a school district in Salinas, California, over policies she claims allowed two teachers at Buena Vista Middle School to secretly brainwash her teenage daughter into identifying as bisexual, and later as transgender, the Epoch Times reports.

Jessica Konen blasted members of the Spreckels Union School District (SUSD) at a board meeting in mid-December, claiming the teachers, who ran a LGBTQ+ club during lunch-hour, “coached” her then sixth-grade daughter to change her gender identity and use a masculine name and pronouns at school.

Her daughter has since switched schools, returned to using her feminine birth name and gender, and seems to be happier, according to her mother—and she's no longer showing signs of gender confusion.

Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty, which is representing the family, told The Epoch Times on Jan. 19 the case is important to protect parental rights.

“It’s terrible what happened to this family,” Dhillon said.

“Supreme Court precedent has made clear that parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and their right is denied to them when schools keep secrets from parents, especially on matters as foundational as a child’s identity, name [and] pronouns,” she said.

“That’s what happened to our clients. This is a violation of the clients’ civil rights—the parent and the child. Every parent has a right to know what’s going on at school.”

Dhillon accused the school district and Buena Vista Middle School of adopting a “parental secrecy policy,” to keep parents in the dark about certain information regarding students’ gender expression and identity.

In California, filing a claim under the Government Claims Act is a precursor to filing a lawsuit, so the state has a couple of months to respond to the claim and either resolve it, or if they don’t, the family can proceed with lawsuits, Dhillon said.


A Christian bishop and member of parliament in Finland are being charged with hate crimes for publishing a theology booklet about sex and marriage.

They will stand trial for publicly stating the theological and scientific truth that men and women are different, the Federalist reports.

Finnish Member of Parliament Paivi Rasanen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola stand accused of “hate crimes” for affirming basic Christian theology and natural reality concerning the sexual differences between men and women.

One of the three charges against Rasanen includes a count against her for tweeting a picture of a Bible verse in challenging the state church of Finland’s decision to sponsor an LGBT parade. Another charge attempts to criminalize her participation in a 2019 public debate.

If the court finds them guilty, the two Christians could face fines or up to two years in prison. It would also set the precedent of making quoting the Bible a criminal offense in Western countries.

In November, human rights lawyer Paul Coleman told The Federalist that these cases in Finland are a “canary in the coalmine” for freedom of speech in the Western world. Coleman works for Alliance Defending Freedom International, which is assisting the two Finns’ lawyers.

“Part of the scary thing about what’s happening in Finland is that it could happen anywhere else,” Coleman said Jan. 23 on the British show GBNews. Many countries have similar hate speech laws, including states and cities in the United States.


While Russia is preparing for war, the U.S. military seems more concerned about purging some of its best and brightest for not taking an experimental vaccine.

A federal court that blocked punishment of 35 Navy members seeking religious exemptions to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate should widen the ruling to cover any Navy personnel seeking an exception, lawyers said in a filing on Monday.

The complaint was amended to seek class-action status.

That means the judge presiding over the case could widen the block of the mandate to the nearly 4,000 Navy active-duty or reserve members who are seeking religious exemptions.

Mike Berry, general counsel for First Liberty Institute, which is representing Navy personnel in the case, said in a statement:

“Our clients are boldly leading the fight against the vaccine mandate, but no service member should face discipline or punishment for following their faith...

“The fact that the military continues to demonstrate hostility to anyone who expresses religious objection to the vaccine mandate shows that the Biden Administration does not care about religious freedom. The lawsuit seeks to protect as many service members as possible from further punishment. We have to put a stop to this before any more harm is done to our national security,” he added.

The Navy has approved zero religious exemptions, and only two have been approved by the entire U.S. military. That runs afoul of federal law, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, plaintiffs argued.

U.S. Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, agreed, ruling last month that the Navy does provide a process to apply for religious accommodations “but by all accounts, it is theater.”

“The Navy has not granted a religious exemption to any vaccine in recent memory. It merely rubber stamps each denial,” the judge added.


We wrap up our broadcast tonight with the same topic we started it on. The Ukraine.

This story comes from the Daily Mail and it carries an ominous warning that Americans should not ignore any time war with the Russians is in the offing.

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning that Russia could launch a cyber attack on the United States in retaliation for any defensive moves of Ukraine.

A Department of Homeland Security Intelligence and Analysis bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies around the country, obtained by ABC News, stated:

"We assess that Russia would consider initiating a cyber attack against the Homeland if it perceived a U.S. or NATO response to a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine threatened its long-term national security."

Russia has a "range of offensive cyber tools it could employ against U.S. networks," DHS said in its message, and the attacks could range from a low-level denial of service attack to destructive attacks targeting critical infrastructure. 

"We assess that Russia's threshold for conducting disruptive or destructive cyber attacks in the Homeland probably remains very high and we have not observed Moscow directly employ these types of cyber attacks against U.S. critical infrastructure—notwithstanding cyber espionage and potential prepositioning operations in the past," the bulletin said. 

On that note, pray for peace, because once the shooting starts in a war between nuclear-armed super powers, all bets are off.

Good night everyone from the World View Report. I'm Brannon Howse and we'll see you back here tomorrow night. Take care.


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