Economics is One of the Four Es Helping to Build The Coming Religious Reich

By Brannon S. Howse

Communitarianism is corporate fascism, the mixing of big government and big business along with the social sector, such as non-profits and religious organizations. Communitarianism is the mixture of socialism with capitalism for what is described as a Third Way. The economic system of the coming religious Reich will be communitarianism (communism lite). This economic system will be wrapped within the liberal religious system of social justice aggressively promoted by the Church of Rome and prominent neo-evangelicals. 

The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel has had a tremendous influence on the growth of communitarianism, and one of his followers was Julian Huxley, a Fabian Socialist, was also the first director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization known as UNESCO. This is how he describes the “Hegelian Dialectic Process” originated by the German thinker:


[quote] [A]t the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other….You may categorize the two philosophies as super nationalism, or as individualism versus collectivism…or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity verses Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen. [quote] 


While the term “communitarian” is thought to date back to the 1840s, it has been made popular in the 20th century by Dorothy Day. Day, a Catholic, published the Catholic Worker newspaper, promoting communitarianism and social justice. Henry Lamb explains the danger of modern-day communitarianism that has developed as a result: 


[quote] From the highest rafters of academia comes another enemy of freedom: Communitarianism. This is a belief system that opposes both authoritarianism and individualism, and promotes instead a social organization that is governed by policies designed by civil society to limit individual freedom as required for the benefit the community. Dr. Amitai Etzioni is credited with founding this communitarian movement. 

For more than 200 years, all these questions were addressed by elected representatives of the community. Individual members of the community have always been free to propose projects to meet unmet community needs. Elected officials who failed to respond to the wishes of the community could always be replaced at the next election.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the environmental movement, joined by “social justice” advocates, grew impatient with the rate of change under this traditional policymaking procedure. That’s why the President’s Council on Sustainable Development declared, “We need a new decision process.…” This new decision process is constructed on a communitarian philosophy and employs the consensus process. 

Typically, these councils have been initiated and funded by special interest groups or by the federal government—not by the local community. These councils inevitably create a plan that incorporates the recommendations set forth in Agenda 21, the U.N.’s bible on sustainable development. These plans limit individual freedom and impose individual responsibilities in order to create a community that the vision council has determined to be in the best interest of the whole. [end quote]


Walter Rauschenbusch was another key Fabian socialist who passed on his worldview to his grandson Richard Rorty. Instead of terms like Fabian socialism, statism, globalism, or communitarianism, though, Rorty called his approach welfare-capitalism. He explains the development of welfare-capitalism this way: 


[quote] Most people on my side of this…cultural war have given up on socialism in light of the history of nationalization enterprises and central planning in Central and Eastern Europe. We are willing to grant that the welfare-state capitalism is the best we can hope for. Most of us who were brought up Trotskyite now feel forced to admit that Lenin and Trotsky did more harm than good. [end quote]


The economic system of communism clearly does not work, and most globalists know this. As a result, they prefer terms such as communitarianism, Fabian socialism, corporate fascism, the third way, the common good or welfare-state capitalism. 

A merging of churches, corporations, and government is also known as the “three-legged stool,” a favorite term used by Peter Drucker and his disciple Rick Warren. The three-legged stool promoted by Rick Warren is an aspect of communitarianism, and unfortunately many so-called evangelicals are embracing Rick Warren’s goal to merge churches, corporations, and governments. (For more about Warren’s agenda, see Religious Trojan Horse, which includes a lengthy chapter on Rick Warren and his seeker-sensitive, communitarian church growth strategy. I compare what Warren calls a church with what God Himself calls the Church and offer a detailed biblical teaching on what a New Testament church is—the very antithesis of what Rick Warren promotes.) 

 Even a quick study of Rick Warren’s church philosophy reveals that he embraces the communitarian worldview of mentor Peter Drucker. For instance:


[quote] In his speech, Warren argued that the solution of the world’s greatest problems lies in what he called the “third partnership.” The third partnership involves a relationship between faith communities, the government and the business sector….“If business and government were able to solve the world’s problems by themselves, they would have done it by now. A combination of the public, profit and parish sector is needed.” [end quote] [source:  Maria Kefala, “Pastor Argues Faith Is Missing Link,” PUBLICATION, February 5, 2008.


Warren has repeated this theme in interview after interview, book after book, and conference after conference:


[quote] The government has the administrative power to form agendas and set goals, the business sector can provide the expertise, the capital and the managerial skills, and the church can provide the distributive network and the local credibility. [end quote] [source:  Maria Kefala, “Pastor Argues Faith Is Missing Link,” PUBLICATION, February 5, 2008.]


That Rick Warren can call all religious faiths to join him in this global plan reveals that he is not presenting the biblical Gospel but social justice. 

I believe the communitarian church growth movement is a deliberate strategy to infiltrate the church and transform it from an opponent of the coming demonic religious Reich to a willing participant and promoter of its goals. Whether you call them communitarians, Fabians, globalists, statists, internationals, New Agers, or progressives, the goal is global governance. And whether they know it or not, these people are building Satan’s kingdom.


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