Anti-Semitism: Similarity Number Nineteen Between the False Church of Nazi Germany and Today’s Growing False Global Church

By Brannon S. Howse

While anti-Semitism among the general population led to the slaughter of six million Jews, the false church in Germany also embraced the anti-Semitism, as Erwin Lutzer reveals:


[quote] Few pastors were willing to be brothers to the Jews. They were becoming weary of opposing the Nazi steamroller.…They preached, taught, and sang hymns with swastikas still hanging in their churches. Even when the cross was preached, it was against a background of resentment toward the Jews and an overwhelming desire to be good German nationalists.  Although it was grudgingly acknowledged that Jesus was a Jew, it was also asserted that “occasionally a flower did grow in a dung heap.” When Hitler called for a one-day boycott of Jewish business on April 1, 1933, many Christians supported him. [end quote]


Anti-Semitism is on the rise globally, and as I have already stated, it will culminate with the Antichrist murdering two-thirds of the world’s Jewish population as described in Zechariah 13:8-9. I believe a key reason for the rise in anti-Semitism is the acceptance of replacement theology. In his article, “Churches Around the World Are Turning Against the Jewish State of Israel,” Dr. Jimmy DeYoung explains how replacement theology has led many churches to believe that God is through with Israel:


[quote] The declaration by 590 million churchgoers that terrorism should be used in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The World Council of Churches, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, held an international conference recently where the attendees, representing around 590 million worshipers, said that the use of terrorism is a legitimate means to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East. This declaration speaks of the theology of these thousands of churches around the world and it has been described as “Replacement Theology.” Replacement Theology basically states that God has replaced his program for the Jewish people with the church. They believe that because the Jews rejected Jesus at His First Coming, God has stopped His plans for the Jews and has given all of these promises to the Church. Replacement Theology is not only non-Biblical, but it is a dangerous doctrine that will lead to disaster. 

God’s program for the Jewish people has not been cancelled unless God is a liar, which He is not. God gave the Jewish people 4 covenants, unconditional promises that will be fulfilled in the future, and in fact, forever. Genesis 15 is the Abrahamic Covenant that says there will always be a Jewish nation with a piece of real estate in the Middle East according to the Land Covenant in Deuteronomy 30. The Davidic Covenant in II Samuel 7 and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31, states that the Messiah Jesus Christ will give the Jewish people the city of Jerusalem and a temple in the city for their kingdom which is eternal. [end quote] 


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