Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) And His Six Transformational Steps to a Brave New World

By Brannon S. Howse

Six U. S. states offer a career exploration test that asks these true/false questions: 


• I have taught a Sunday school class or otherwise take an active part in my church; 

• I believe in a God who answers prayers; 

• I pray to God about my problems; 

• I read the Bible or other religious writings regularly; 

• I believe in life after death; 

• I believe that God created man in His own image; 

• If I ask God for forgiveness, my sins are forgiven. 


While it could be argued that such questions merely help determine a student’s fitness for a career in Christian ministry, it does not take much imagination to see how they could be equally well used to screen a person out of certain occupations in the name of finding the “proper place” to assign each student. Certainly, if the authorities who determine this proper place takes their cues from Aldous Huxley, the test results will be anything but benign.


Big Government, Big Brother


Best known as the author of Brave New World, Huxley outlines steps toward total social transformation. His stated goals are having an ominous impact on America's educational system: 


1. Rewrite history to discredit nationalism and promote globalism.
2. Teach thinking skills based on feelings and experience, not facts and reason.
3. Encourage loyalty to peers and teachers, not family and churches.
4. Immerse students in global beliefs and values.
5. Block opposition to the new global paradigm.
6. Condition students to serve a "greater whole."


Huxley’s classic story of government oppression, Brave New World, explains this motivation for government control:


A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude....To bring about the revolution we require…enabling government managers to assign any given individual to his or her proper place in the social and economic hierarchy. Round pegs in square holes tend to have dangerous thoughts about the social system and to infect others with their discontents.


In other words, those who do not agree with the state’s worldview (“standards”) will not be allowed to pursue positions of power or influence either socially or economically. 


This philosophy has been in the process of being implemented at both state and federal levels for many years, despite that fact that individuals such as Lynn Cheney, myself, and others have been warning about the danger it poses to individual liberty and free markets. Many Americans believe the government education system is a planned failure and intellectual slavery. Why? If children are not well educated, they can be easily controlled.


As we saw in chapter 8, John Dewey believed the goal of school is to determine where students fit in the social and economic hierarchy—the modernist version of a caste system—consistent with Huxley’s worldview. Today, many courses and tests are used to determine how a child’s attitudes, values, and feelings line up with the state’s outcomes, benchmarks, or preferences. 


Many of the national standards proposed under the federal education legislation Goals 2000, for example, had little to do with cognitive data. The October 20, 1994 Wall Street Journal included an article by Lynne Cheney titled, “The End of History,” in which Cheney describes the new national standards for history: 


[quote] Imagine an outline for the teaching of American history in which George Washington makes only a fleeting appearance and is never described as our first president. Or in which the foundings of the Sierra Club and the National Organization of Women are considered noteworthy events, but the first gathering of the U.S. Congress is not. Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk and the Wright brothers make no appearance at all. The midnight ride of Paul Revere also went unmentioned and Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” is only mentioned once. Yet, the American Federation of Labor is mentioned nine times. [end quote] 


In 1997, then Governor Roy Romer of Colorado, while serving as a board member of the Goals 2000 panel, was asked how to enforce national standards. He replied:


[quote] I believe if you were to get all employers of this country saying that we would not hire anybody unless we see a high school graduate certificate that has on it the results of this potential employee’s record.…Then I think this nation will come to the realization that there is no job for them, there is no life for them.…There is the motivation. [end quote] 


As big government and big business merge through corporate fascism, the meshing of education and labor becomes much easier. 


Chester Finn, former assistant secretary of education and author of federal education legislation, has recommended a system of rewards and punishments based on federal government standards:

[quote] Perhaps the best way to enforce this standard is to confer valuable benefits and privileges on people who meet it, and to withhold them from those who do not. Work permits, good jobs and college admission are the most obvious, but there is ample scope here for imagination in devising carrots and sticks. Driver's licenses could be deferred, so could eligibility for professional athletic teams. The minimum wage paid to those who earn their certificates [of mastery] might be a dollar higher. [end quote] 


A recent incident in Nevada demonstrates how this is already in play. In Las Vegas, Darcy Tucker was pulled out of a geography class—without her parent’s consent—to be given a computerized assessment of career possibilities. Although Darcy aspires to become a veterinarian, the test said she ought to be a bartender or waitress, and it spat out a list of courses she should take to that end. Darcy’s mother objected, “The school stepped on my toes as a parent. It is my job to direct my child’s career path, and it would not be in her best interest to be a bartender.” On the other hand, it just might be in Nevada’s best interest—given the insatiable hospitality needs of the gambling and entertainment industry—but that shouldn’t matter to Darcy. 


Another contemporary Huxlian movement is school-to-work legislation. Mark Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy, has helped his organization lead the charge in passing school-to-work laws at state and federal levels. In the February 4, 1998 issue of Education Week, Millicent Lawton quoted Tucker as encouraging government control of individual destinies: 


"State higher education systems would deny admission to those who didn’t have the certificate [of mastery], and state leaders would prod employers to express a preference for hiring job applicants who had the certificate. Both conditions would serve as powerful incentives for students."


This sort of thinking has troubling roots. Whether socialist, communist or Marxist, the foundation of all these philosophies is the humanist worldview. In his book, Character and Destiny, Dr. D. James Kennedy explains:


[quote] Humanists are socialists by nature. Like Karl Marx, they see private property as primitive and selfish, nationalism and pride of country as dangerous, and allegiance to any power other than the socialist state should be illegal. Ideas, ethics, and the means of production belong to the state. For supporters such as Paul Kurtz, B.F. Skinner, John Dewey, Francis Crick, Isaac Asimov, and the other signers of the [humanist] manifesto, communism and state socialism were the only logical solutions to mankind’s problems. In the first edition of that thin volume, they wrote, “A socialized and cooperative economic order must be established to the end that the equitable distribution of the means of life be possible…” [end quote] 


The danger in this thinking goes beyond just its influence on contemporary public school education. The day may be fast approaching when holding to and expressing a Biblical worldview in America will cost you a degree, a promotion, or even your job. A few years ago, my brother was informed that in order to get his license to practice law renewed in the state of Minnesota, he would have to take a course on diversity—and particularly the acceptance of homosexuality. After weeks of fighting this requirement, he was finally allowed to take a course on feminism with which he disagreed but which was not as offensive. Although my brother was prepared to leave Minnesota and set up his practice in another state, the dangerous trend he encountered seems to be going nationwide: 

The State Bar of Arizona is considering whether to require new attorneys to swear they will not let their views on sexual orientation get in the way of providing legal services. Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel and dean of Liberty University's Law School, is concerned.
"I believe that this is a major threat to the practice of law," he contends. "This is an attempt to literally license those out of business and to revoke the license of those who, in fact, have traditional moral values."
Staver believes the campaign is going nationwide and will be a tool used by homosexuals to hold back Christian lawyers. "If they then can hold over your head the license and the ability to practice law, that will be a devastating blow to those of us who believe in traditional family values," he points out.

I began writing about this in the early 90s and since then have asked thousands of adults in live seminars to raise their hands if they have ever had to take a politically correct diversity program in order to receive or renew a professional license of some sort. Hundreds have said they have. One air conditioner technician was required take a diversity class in order to get his license renewed to work with Freon! Another man, a Federal Aviation employee, told me that in order to be promoted, he had to take a diversity course, and the list goes on and on.   

President George H.W. Bush once said we need to be a nation of students, and the globalists work hard to make that a reality. Our young people are indoctrinated through school and volunteerism, and if authorities can ever make it mandatory, adults, too, will be routinely indoctrinated through diversity programs tied to career growth.    

The Multiple Realities of Aldous Huxley 


Huxley spent the last years of his life experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an attempt to find some kind of esoteric or hidden truth. Harvard professor, psychologist, and promoter of psychedelic drugs Dr. Timothy Leary recalls, in a piece titled “Flashback,” a conversation he had with Huxley. Huxley said: 


These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible.


To which Leary responded: 


We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism has arrived.


While I don’t think there’s anything brave about it, the new world is upon us.


Copyright 2009 ©Brannon Howse. This content is for Situation Room members and is not to be duplicated in any form or uploaded to other websites without the express written permission of Brannon Howse or his legally authorized representative.