Al Mohler, Revoice, Gospel Coalition, Cultural Marxists, Gay Christians, A Coalition of Victims

Tonight on the Worldview Weekend Hour, the Cultural Marxists are now going to try to mainstream the LGBTQ agenda inside mainstream evangelicalism. For many of you, that means they’re going to do this inside your church, and your church denomination or association. Why? They are continuing to build their victim coalition, and who do they say are the oppressors? Conservative Capitalist Christians.

Are you ready for the Cultural Marxist revolution they’re pulling off at your church and church denomination? Stay tuned. The Worldview Weekend Hour begins right now.

Announcer: WVWTV presents the Worldview Weekend Hour with Brannon House. Whether the topic is law, science, government, economics, history, battling social issues, education or theology, Brannon brings the issues of today into clear focus through the lens of a biblical worldview, and now here is your host, Brannon Howse.

Hello, and welcome, glad you’re with us. Tonight, we’re going to talk about the Cultural Marxists and their goal of mainstreaming the LGBTQ campaign inside your church and church denomination. I’m going to play a lot of very shocking audio and video clips for you tonight to help you understand what’s happening.

Perhaps you remember when we explained the agenda of Herbert Marcuse from the Frankfurt School. I want you to take a look at the screen over there. Here is the picture of Herbert Marcuse’s book. It’s entitled Eros and Civilization. What is Eros? Eros comes from the word ‘erotica.’ What is the goal? He openly stated his goal was to bring about a victim coalition.

As we’ve said in past programs, his goal was to bring about a coalition of the poor, minorities, immigrants, the sexual liberation movement, and feminists; and who did he say is attacking them or who is oppressing them? Conservative, white, evangelical capitalists.

Don’t forget, these guys openly wrote at the Frankfurt School about their hatred of not only capitalism but Christianity. They openly followed men like Karl Marx who said ‘my object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.’ 

They also followed Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud believed that the only truly sane individuals were those who had rejected Christianity. In fact, he openly wrote that those who were crazy were the Christians who had suppressed their natural inclinations for the lust of cannibalism, killing and incest. Cannibalism, killing and incest.

Those were the truly sane individuals because they had not suppressed their natural inclinations. Those who had suppressed their natural inclinations – like Christians – were crazy. Those who are practicing those natural inclinations of lust, cannibalism, murder, killing, incest are the truly sane ones. So you see what’s going on here?

The goal is to portray Christians as insane, mentally unstable; Christians, those with a phobia; Christians, whether it’s Islamophobia or Homophobia, the idea is to paint you as being unreasonable; having an unreasonable worldview, an unreasonable fear or phobia, thus having a mental problem.

Well, that was absolutely the goal of none other than Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School, and he wrote about it in this book that I just showed you the screenshot of: Eros and Civilization.

Now tonight, we’re going to look at some very shocking video clips of how the evangelical world is now trying to mainstream the evangelical Cultural Marxist, if you will; groups like the “Together for the Gospel Coalition,” which I think, frankly, should be called “Together for the Marxist Gospel Coalition,” are trying to mainstream the LGBTQ community into the evangelical church.

Now first, I want you to take your Bibles and go with me, if you would, to 1 Corinthians, chapter 6. Let’s look at verse 9. “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”

Now look at verse 11, “Such were some of you,” but – what does it say? – “but such were some of you,” and then he goes on to say, “But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”

What does he say there? Does he say ‘and such are some of you?’ Some of you are adulterers. You’re just jumping in with both feet and you’re just going to go ahead and identify as a serial adulterer. Did it say that you’re just going to go ahead and identify as a Christian adulterer, a Christian philanderer, a Christian thief, a Christian murderer? How about a Christian homosexual or a gay Christian?

Is that what the scripture tell us? Does the apostle say, ‘and such are you gay Christians?’ No, but such were some of you. Such were some of you but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

So my friends, let’s make it perfectly clear, these are those who are redeemed, who no longer practice this lifestyle. Now tonight I want to make it very clear. There’s a difference between someone who is tempted and someone who jumps in with both feet. You could be tempted to steal something but if you don’t steal it, guess what, you’re not a thief.

And so we have to differentiate between those who are tempted with sin and those who practice it, but we are not to identify with the old man, the old flesh. Yes, there is a battle that goes on within us between the old flesh and the new mind, but that’s the sanctification process. That’s Romans 6. Romans 6 makes it very clear that we’re dead to sin. Romans 6, 7 and 8 make this very clear. We’re dead to sin. We can live a victorious Christian life and we can die to ourselves because we were buried with Christ, and we were resurrected with Christ.

Through his death and resurrection, we can have victory over sin in our life, as we’re surrendering to Christ daily and we’re being washed in the spirit and the Word; sanctification, ongoing faithfulness and obedience.

So yes, there are those who struggle with temptation. Who doesn’t? The question is what temptation is it you struggle with? Pride? Is it greed? Is it anger? What is the issue you struggle with? Everyone has an issue, right, but you don’t identify yourself as a “Christian thief.”

You don’t identify yourself as a “Christian adulterer” because you realize that is your old life and you don’t jump in, practicing those things. You are a new man, a new creature in Christ. Old things pass away and behold, all things become new, but today, we have those who want to identify as gay Christians, and in fact this is now coming into the mainstreaming of evangelicalism.

Look at your screen there. This is a book that was written by a guy with the name of Nate Collins. It’s called, All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender and Sexuality.

Now what is this book all about? Well, all you have to do is go to Amazon and you can read the description of the book. Listen to what it says. “For many years, the intersection of gay identity and Christian identity in the United States was a virtual no-man’s land. In All But Invisible, author Nate Collins explores the cultural background of this claim and outlines a vision for Christian community in which straight and non-straight people might be reconciled, so they can flourish together in full awareness of their shared humanity.

Well, let’s just stop right there. Notice the words, ‘shared humanity.’ I highlighted in a different color. Why? Because the idea here is if you somehow are not going to embrace the ‘gay Christian,’ you’re somehow denying their humanity.

You see, there’s been a big push by the Cultural Marxists for racial reconciliation, and what do they say is the key to racial reconciliation? They say the key is to talk about it in the context of economics, reparation, redistribution of wealth.

We have David Platt at Together For the Gospel, giving that speech that we’ve played many times that talks about racism being alive, and evident by what? High unemployment in the black community, crime in the black community, the death rate of babies in the black community, unequal incomes in the black community, compared to whites.

Folks, all of that is not signs of racism by the white Christians because David Platt says we’re immersed in racism. These are signs of failed social, progressive policies. That’s what they’re signs of, but David Platt and others want to make this out to be a race issue because, see, this falls right into the game plan of the cultural Marxists: create a coalition of victims and then say who are the oppressors? White, capitalist Christians. And maybe even different people groups are the oppressors because they are buying into the worldview of biblical Christianity and conservativism. So you see, they’ve got to create a coalition of victims; minorities, feminists, the sexual liberation movement, and if you deny the reality of the homosexual gay community, somehow you’re denying their ‘human flourishing.’

You’re denying their humanity. Well the description on Amazon goes on to say of this book, along the way, “Collins addresses several questions clustered around the topic of LGBTQ and Christian experience, such as what is the relationship between biblical concepts like desire, lust and temptation, and modern constructs, like sexual attraction and orientation.”

Modern constructs. I don’t know if you guys are getting a little tired of hearing about the modern constructs, but I’m getting a little tired of hearing about all these modern constructs, as these are things created by the society or these are definitions that just come out of nowhere.

By the way, the definition of marriage is not a modern construct. The definition of masculinity, femininity, the biblical roles of men, the biblical roles of women, these are not modern constructs.

We often see these descriptions of men and women laid out in the Scriptures created by God. The very definition of marriage is not a modern construct. It’s a God construct. The description on Amazon for this book goes on to say, “how do you reconcile aspects of identity that are important to gender and sexual minorities with Christin faith identity? How might new forms of kinship, such as intentional community or celibate partnerships make the blessings of family life more accessible to gay people in traditional faith communities?”

Again, notice what he’s talking about here. Nate Collins, the author of this book, All But Invisible, is talking about bringing the LGBTQ right into the church and making them a part of the faith community.

But is that what the apostle is saying here in 1 Corinthians, chapter 6? “But such are some of you?” No, but such were some of you. The description in Amazon goes on to say, “speaking from his own experiences as a gay man in a mixed orientation marriage.”

Now wait a minute, did you pick that up? ‘Speaking from his own experiences as a gay man in a mixed orientation marriage.’ What is a mixed orientation marriage? Well, he’s married to someone of the opposite sex but he’s still calling himself a gay man. He goes on to say Collins is committed to helping faith communities include LGBT people in the family life of the church.

He writes for believers who have a traditional sexual ethic and provide their renewed vision of gospel flourishing for gay, lesbian and other same sex attracted individuals. Notice again, I highlighted in green, ‘gospel flourishing.’ Why did I do that? I’ll tell you why, because these guys like to promote all kinds of Cultural Marxism and then somehow purify it because they throw in the word, ‘gospel.’ So now we’re going to talk about gospel flourishing in the context of the LGBT community: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender. By the way, can you tell me why they left out the Q? Because it’s LGBTQ. So why have they left out the Q for Queer? Because they do not celebrate and identify as Queer. Why are they not going to go the whole way and celebrate LGBTQ? But they’re promoting the LGBT agenda.

Now, what do you know about Nate Collins? Many of you probably know very little about him. This is coming from a website called “All But Invisible.” Nate Collins, PhD, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; has served as an instructor of New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Well, well, well. Do you want to guess who the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is? None other than Al Mohler, the guy we’ve been warning you about for years. Al Mohler, who likes to work with the Acton Institute and is part of the Common Wheel Project that he’s been promoting – that is funded by the Liberal Kern Family Foundation, that work with all kinds of liberal groups, including the Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies that admits they are inspired by the Frankfurt School, the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt School.

Yes, Al Mohler is someone we’ve been warning you about for years, but apparently some people just are not catching on, and so they continue to invite the President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Al Mohler, who has Nate Collins teaching at his school, who identifies himself as a ‘gay Christian’ who is in a mixed orientation marriage, and yet people still want to grab Al Mohler and put him on their platform, year-in and year-out to teach shepherds.

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to really question the discernment of some key folks in the old evangelical community whom we’ve all held up in high esteem. How much longer are they going to tolerate the rubbish being embraced and promoted by Al Mohler?

Well, what else does the ‘All But Invisible’ website say? “Speaking from his own experience as a gay man.” See what it says? He’s committed to helping faith communities, including the LGBT people.

And here is a curriculum promotion from the SBTS, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He’s teaching there; New Testament interpretation, PhD candidate, and by the way, very interesting, when you go there, it talks about one of the papers he’s co-written: “Gender Identity and Multiplicity,” and notice it’s coming out in 2018 by Abilene Christian University Press.

Now that’s very interesting, Abilene Christian University Press. Several years ago, we tried to hold a Worldview Weekend and we wanted to rent the auditorium there at Abilene Christian University. They sent us a contract and we started promoting it, and then someone found out just how conservative we are and they pulled the plug on us.

Wait a minute, those of us teaching a Biblical worldview are just a little too controversial for some of these Christian colleges, but it’s not too controversial to promote and publish a book by this gentleman who is promoting, yeah, the concept of being a ‘gay Christian.’

Well, let me play for you, if I could, some audio clips that might help you understand a little bit about the worldview of Nate Collins, who again is working over there at Al Mohler’s school. So let’s go to our first video clip of Nate Collins, in his own words. 

Nate Collins: Growing up as a gay person, conservative Christianity was a source of blessing and discouragement. On the one hand, I had a father and mother that I knew loved me and were proud of me, but I also knew that I had intense shame, guilt about part of me that I couldn’t change.

When I was in youth group and my friends would joke about gay people, I couldn’t help but feel that they were laughing at me. [end quote]


All right. What does he say there? He’s talking about growing up as a gay Christian, and he had intense shame and he could not change. Wait a minute. What about the power of the Gospel to change lives? 

But also notice what he said here. When his friends would joke about gay people, he was wondering if they were joking about him. You’re going to see some video clips tonight that led me to believe that everyone in this LGBTQ agenda is being set up to be the victim, and every time someone is not getting along with their agenda or embracing their agenda, then all of the sudden, you’ll see that they become the victim.

You’re going to see video clips tonight that promote over and over the LGBT folks as the victim and who is it that’s supposedly oppressing and victimizing them? The conservative evangelical Christians.

Now again, this guy, Nate Collins has written this book, All But Invisible, and according to what we just read, is teaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary – Al Mohler’s seminary – identifying as a gay man in a mixed orientation marriage.

A little confusing, is it not, but this is the new Cultural Marxist ideology, I believe, that is coming right into evangelicalism, and if you don’t accept it, and if you actually believe as the Apostle Paul wrote, ‘as such were some of you,’ if you don’t want to ‘ embrace the idea of a Christian serial adulterer, a gay Christian, a Christian thief, I mean are we really going to start throwing the word ‘Christian’ in front of all these former lifestyles?

No, you would never do that. You’d say that’s stupid and silly, but we’re going to do that now when it comes to the LGBTQ community, and if you don’t get onboard with that, you obviously are a racist. You’re a bigot. You’re homophobic. Watch this next clip.

This is a book about an invisible people. It’s about gay people who grew up in Christian homes and conservative churches that did not find a place to belong there, because they did not feel like they were understood.

Gay people in our churches are doubly invisible because they don’t belong in culture, because they’re Christians, and they don’t belong in their churches, because they’re not straight. In my book, we’re going to look at the ways that gay people experience life. We’re going to look at the ways they experience desire; the search for intimacy, desires for love and acceptance.

We’re going to look at their identity, we’re going to look at their Christian identity, how gay people have to understand how their gay identity is informed by their Christian identity and shaped and transformed and redeemed.

I gotta take some notes on that one. That’s nothing more than the third way, folks. That is nothing more than the Hegelian Dialectic third way process; thesis and antithesis, idea, opposite idea, and you merge them together.

We have heard Tim Keller – one of the biggest Cultural Marxists out there – promote this concept. He says he was influenced by the Cultural Marxists at the Frankfurt School but he didn’t like everything they stood for – their moral relativism – but he couldn’t go back to the old way of Christian Orthodoxy, so he had to find a way to merge the two together, and he’s endorsed a book by Jim Belcher called Third Way that came out several years ago – the mixture of both evangelicals and progressive together.

So that goes on in the area of economics. We’re going to mix some capitalism and we’re going to mix some socialism for a third way known as communitarism, or the three-legged stool, or social justice, or the social gospel, whatever you want to call it.

Now they’re going to mix the third way in the area of sexual orientation. Nate said in that video that many of them are not accepted in the church because they’re gay, but they’re also not accepted in the culture because they’re Christian.

So here we have the old third way. They’re going to still identify as homosexual or gay, or LGBT but they’re also going to identify as Christian. Well, they’re not really accepted in the church because they’re LGBT.

They’re not really accepted in the culture because they’re Christian. Is there a way to really merge the two together, a third way? This is the Hegelian Dialectic Process. Now why are they doing this? He goes on to say that they need to identify their Christian identity as gay.

If they’ve been born again, why do they need to maintain a gay identity? Why do they need to maintain an LGBT identity? Again, as the apostle Paul says, ‘as such were some of you, but you were washed in the blood. You were sanctified,’ but yet they want to maintain this identity.

Now some say well, Howse, what these people are saying is they want to live celibate lives. They want to be Christians and practice sanctification, ongoing faithfulness and obedience, but they still struggle with temptation.

All right, but why do you want to identify as LGBT? If you’re not practicing, if as such were some of you and you no longer practice those things, why would you continue to identify as LGBT?

Why don’t you just identify as a believer in Christ, a Christian, Ecclesia, a called-out one, a disciple of Christ and leave it at that? I don’t know about you but this is getting very confusing and I think, frankly, this is step one in mainstreaming LGBTQ into the evangelical community.

First is to say well, we’re Christians. Some of us don’t want to practice that lifestyle anymore, but we’re still going to maintain our gay identity. That’s step one. Step two is going to be the full-on embracing of the practicing LGBTQ lifestyle.

Nate Collins: We’re going to find ways how the church can make the Christian journey livable for the gay people in our pews. So join me as we’re turning forward together and find ways to bring the gay people in our congregations out of the visibility so we can walk forward together into our faith communities. [end quote]

So Nate wants to bring the gay community out of the shadows, the LGBT community out of the shadows and walk forward into the New Testament church. Well, take a look at your screen. This here is from this website, ‘All But Invisible.’

Notice what it says. Until now, seven years after Hill became the first conservative evangelical author to pen a memoir about his experience of being gay, Greg Coles, now this is a new guy. We just talked about Nate Collins. Now we’re going to talk about a guy named Greg Coles.

Greg Coles is publishing his book, Single Gay Christian with endorsements from two prominent evangelical theologians: D.A. Carson and Ron Sider. Can I hold right there for a second? Do you guys know who D.A. Carson is?

D.A. Carson is one of the Founders and the President of the Gospel Coalition. So are you really shocked? If he’s hanging out with his other co-founder, cultural Marxist, Theistic Evolutionist, Tim Keller, would you really be shocked that D.A. Carson of the Gospel Coalition would be endorsing this book that you’re about to find out about by Greg Coles.

The other guy who endorsed it is Ron Sider. Last week we did a series of radio shows on Cultural Marxist, Ron Sider who worked with Jim Wallace and Tony Campolo all the way back in the ‘70s.

Ron Sider is an outright social justice pro-Cultural Marxist, pretty much pro-communist revolution in South America kind of guy, Ron Sider. Go listen to all the radio shows we’ve done of him and Jim Wallace, and Tony Campolo.

So these are two of the guys now endorsing this book; but notice how they’re really celebrating that they now have the endorsement of D.A. Carson. Why? Because D.A. Carson, for many, is considered to be a conservative Evangelical and one of the founders of the Gospel Coalition.

So I think they feel like they’ve made quite the headway. Let’s go back to that screenshot and continue reading. So it says that in particular, they got the endorsement of Ron Sider and D.A. Carson. Carson’s endorsement in particular stands out for two reasons.

First, he’s a premier biblical scholar and theologian, as well as the President of the Gospel Coalition – one of the most respected conservative national Christian organizations in North America; but second, Carson actually refers to Coles as gay in his endorsement.

To my knowledge, this is the first time a ‘Together For The Gospel’ author has gone on record with using LGBT terminology to refer to a self-identified ‘gay Christian.’ Well first of all, let me clear up some misconceptions. The Gospel Coalition is not a conservative organization, despite what this guy says.

You’re not conservative when you’re doing this kind of stuff, and you’re not conservative when you’re founded by Cultural Marxist, theistic evolutionist, social justice, redefining-the-mission-and-purpose-of-the-church kinda guy like Tim Keller, but notice how excited they are.

Now again folks, the point is not that we haven’t all sinned. We have. The point is we don’t bring our baggage and sin of our past life and then add the word Christian to it because ‘such as were some of us;’ we’re not also downplaying the struggles and temptations that some people do indeed endorse.

What we’re saying is we can’t add the adjective ‘Christian’ to their former life, as such were some of you; not as such are some of you. So let’s celebrate it and have human flourishing in the Christian community as your old life or lifestyle, or your adjective of your lifestyle.

No. This is nothing more, as I said, phase one of bringing in the LGBT community into the evangelical church, who they will openly be practicing this lifestyle, and anyone that doesn’t go along with it, folks, will be set up as haters, as homophobic, as bigots, because remember what Herbert Marcuse said, who coined the phrase ‘make love, not war,’ one of the founders of the Frankfurt School.

He openly stated that the old way of revolution was old-fashioned. The new way is a diffused and dispersed disintegration of the system, but to do that, what did he say? We had to have a revolution that involved going after the entire cultural establishment.

That means going after the church, because who is it that has stood across the line, the battle line again and again in revolutions? The church. The church has squarely stood across the battle lines of any revolution.

Who is it they always persecute when there’s a communist revolution? Christians. Christians, because they know that the true church of Jesus Christ is the obstacle to their revolution. It is Christians who are willing to die for the truth, who are willing to die opposing atheistic communism.

Atheism, well today it’s usually now cosmic humanism, new age, new age spirituality mixed with communism, but go read the writings of men like Richard Wurmbrand, the pastor who spent 14 years in a Romanian communist prison.

Who was opposing the communists? Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Again and again, you find that it’s the Christians, the conservatives, the capitalists who are opposing the communist revolution; and so if Herbert Marcuse is going to carry out a Cultural Marxist revolution with his friends, they must attack the entire cultural establishment.

That includes attacking the church and to have a full cultural revolution – a Cultural Marxist revolution – you have to change the culture. You have to have a culture war, and so you have to set up victims; the poor, minorities, immigrants, feminists and the sexual liberation movement.

You set up your victim coalition and you say, now, who is it that’s oppressing them? Who are the oppressors? The Christians and the capitalists. So who are the bad people? The Christians and the capitalists. You see how this works? And they openly wrote about this in their book and now we’re moving in with the Cultural Marxism of the oppressive coalitions being oppressed, including one of those coalition members, the LGBTQ community.

Let’s address again the book that Gregory Coles has written called Single Gay Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity. Now remember, this book has been endorsed by D.A. Carson of the Gospel Coalition and Ron Sider. Now let’s play a short little video clip of Greg.

Gregory Coles: Growing up in the church, I knew of about three options for somebody who was gay and calling themselves a Christian. I had heard that maybe you could become an ex-gay, that if you just prayed hard enough, long enough, trusted Jesus enough, then you would become straight.

And I also knew of some people who would read the Bible a little bit differently and conclude that it was okay to pursue a same sex relationship; and then I knew of people who just fell out of love with Jesus because they were gay, and growing up. I sort of tested each of those narratives at one point or another to see if that would be the story that I would live into, and none of them – none of them were.

I spent a lot of my growing up years through middle school and high school, and college, just praying and wanting and trying to be straight, to be what I thought I was supposed to be, in order to follow Jesus.

And then when that didn’t work, I wrestled with some of my other options: can I understand the Bible differently? Do I need to just stop following Jesus? And I found that I couldn’t do any of those things, and so I began to try to navigate a new space for myself in which I remained gay, and yet I remained totally in love with Jesus and willing to do whatever he called me to do. [end quote]

All right, now whether it’s Nate Collins or Gregory here, do you notice the theme? The theme is the Third Way. The theme is I couldn’t decide did I wanna be gay, did I wanna be a Christian? Would I just remain being gay or could I somehow become straight, or could I actually be identified as gay and Christian at the same time?

It’s the third way again, folks. This is the cultural Marxist agenda; third way, whether it’s in the area of economics or religion, or lifestyles. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic process. Folks, this is one of Satan’s number one tools. In fact, it may be his number one tool: the mixture of truth and error.

In Acts, chapter 16, as I spoke in Lake of the Ozarks, I just stumbled on this on my own while I was also studying the Hegelian Dialectic process, and as I’m reading in Acts 16, there are the apostles, two of the apostles preaching and they have a demonic girl who is following them around saying ‘these are servants of the Most High. They know the true way of salvation.’ True statement, right? True statement.

But the apostle, being greatly annoyed, turned and cast out the demon. He was greatly annoyed. Why? Because the demon was speaking to this woman, a mixture of truth and error; truth and error. This is Satan’s number one ploy, folks, a mixture of truth and error. The Hegelian Dialectic process we see as Satan’s tool over, and over, and over again. And now we see it right here in the church. Now folks, I’m not passing judgment on Nate or on Gregory as far as their intentions. I don’t know what their intentions are.

I do disagree with what they’re proclaiming but I’m not trying to be disrespectful to them. But what I will tell you is this: I’m very shocked that institutions like Al Mohler’s Southern Evangelical Seminary seems to be tolerating this; but this man reportedly teaches there and this is being celebrated, and this isn’t a problem?

You also saw a video at the beginning from Intervarsity Press. What is going on with these seminaries, these colleges, these publishing houses? In other words, I almost feel as though these folks are being used. These folks are being used and I’d like to know what it is these colleges and seminaries and publishing houses are setting out to do.

What is their agenda? Why is someone not lovingly pulling aside Nate or Gregory and explaining to them that they have some confusion, that they have some issues that we can work out biblically, and understanding who they are in Christ – a new creation, dying to their old self – and they don’t need to identify as a ‘gay Christian.’ We can help them through biblical discipleship. We can help them, but where is that?

In other words, in some regards I kinda feel sorry for Nate and I kinda feel sorry for Gregory, and I have to wonder if they’re not pawns in a bigger game, being led by big colleges, big seminaries, big publishing houses, who maybe are actually being promoted and funded, and encouraged by cultural Marxists.

Do you understand what I’m saying? I really believe that this ultimate agenda is being pushed by some big foundations. We already know that the Kern Family Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation, a lot of these foundations are working with many of these so-called Christian organizations.

The Open Society Foundation, that’s George Soros’ foundation, could it be that some folks like Nate and Gregory are actually being used? See, that’s why I have a little more patience for them because I wonder, where are the Christian men coming to them and explaining to them why they don’t have to struggle with this issue of identity? If they truly are born again, they have a new identity in Christ and as such, were – were some of you.

Well, let’s go back to the screen, because here is a screenshot and, again, you’ll notice we use a lot of screenshots here, and the reason why is so that no one can accuse us of mistyping or taking something out of context.

Here is the endorsement of Single Gay Christian by D.A. Carson. You can find it at Amazon. This is what D.A. Carson writes, President of the Gospel Coalition, (which should really be called President of the Cultural Marxist Gospel Coalition).

[quote] “To say this book is important is a painful understatement. It is the candid, moving, intensely personal story of a gay young man who wants to live his life under the authority of King Jesus, and who refuses to accept the comforting answers, conforting answers proffered by different parts of the culture.” [end quote]

He goes on from there, but the bottom line is the book is being endorsed by the President of the Gospel Coalition. Now here is the endorsement by Ron Sider: 

[quote] “Simply fabulous. Wonderfully honest. Superbly written. Deeply inspiring in its powerful portrayal of one person's struggle to choose Jesus above all. I learned so much from this fantastic story of Greg's both agonizing and exhilarating journey in faith. This is a book every Christian―especially heterosexual evangelicals―must read if we are to learn to love our LGBTQ neighbors, friends, and Christian brothers and sisters the way Jesus does.” [end quote]


That’s Ron Sider. Again, Ron Sider is a Cultural Marxist.

Nate Collins and Gregory Coles are going to speak at a conference. It’s called Revoice. In fact, Nate Collins is listed on the Revoice Facebook page as the "president and founder" of Revoice. Well, what is Revoice? It’s about a new community, according to their website.

[quote] “Gather together with other gender and sexual minorities, and those who love them and experience a new kind of gospel community.” My friends, if they have a new kind of gospel, then they have a false gospel because there is no new gospel. There’s just the gospel. [end quote]

Anytime someone wants to put another word in front of the gospel – the social gospel, the prosperity gospel, the new gospel, the cultural gospel, other than maybe the glorious gospel – we got a problem.

There is no new gospel. The true gospel is thousands of years old, but notice they want to create a new gospel. There really is a blending, a third way, a Hegelian Dialectic process between the culture and Christianity. 

It’s a cultural Christianity, folks. That’s what they’re doing. That’s what their own website says and this is where both Nate and Greg will be speaking for this Revoice conference. Now on their Facebook page, we find this: 

[quote] “We envision a future Christianity where LGBT people can be open and transparent in their faith communities about their orientation and/or experience of gender disperia without feeling inferior to their straight sis gender, brothers and sisters; where churches not only utilize but also celebrate the unique opportunities that lifelong celibate LGBT people have to serve others.” [end quote] 

Folks, again, if they’re celibate, then are they really LGBT? If they’re celibate, aren’t they as such were some of you? But see, here’s how they’re getting their foot in the door, folks. This is the camel’s nose under the tent.

Well, they’re celibate but they’re LGBT. No, if you’re a believer, old things have passed away. Behold, all things become new. You’re a new creation in Christ. That’s your old man. Now you are a new creation in Christ; as such, were some of you.

But see now they’re going to say but we’ve gotta embrace the LGBT, even though they’re celibate, we’ve gotta embrace them and celebrate them, but the next thing is going to be they’re not celibate anymore.

You see how this is going to work? Because if they’re really celibate, then why are they holding onto the title, LGBT or ‘gay Christian?’ The Revoice Facebook goes on to say “but also celebrate unique opportunities and lifelong celibate LGBT people have to serve others where Christian leaders boast about the faith of LGBT people who are living a sacrificial obedience for the sake of the kingdom and where LGBT people are welcomed into families, so they too can experience the joys, challenges and benefits of kinship.”

Folks, again, if they’re not practicing, then they’re not. They were, as such were some of you but you see how some of this is going to play out? Sadly, you’re going to be playing this TV show again in the future when this is finally full out on practicing LGBT in the so-called evangelical church. Apparently, Al Mohler's seminary employee, Nate Collins, is leading the way in this area of the cultural marxist agenda and yet we are to believe Al Mohler is somehow a conservative leader? I don't think so. We have warned about Mohler for years on many issues but maybe people will now actually see the truth of what we have been reporting. 


Now here’s another guy we need to talk about. This is Jonathan Merritt, and here’s the Baptist News Global, July 27, 2012. “Jonathan Merritt admits gay relationship.” Now he’s quite popular and has been within the Southern Baptist Community, the largest prominent Protestant denomination in America, the Southern Baptist Convention. Jonathan Merritt has been quite involved with the Southern Baptists.

He gets interviewed. He writes for the News Religious Service that is funded by the John Templeton Foundation. Again, don’t forget the John Templeton Foundation. John Templeton wanted to create a world religion that did not rely upon any sacred text, and so the Templeton Foundation funds the Religious News Service that Jonathan Merritt writes for, but he’s still very much interviewed by people inside the Southern Baptist Convention, including people like Ed Stetzer who used to be with Lifeway, who has promoted the Emergent Church rubbish for years. I’ve warned about Ed Stetzer for a very long time.

Well, here is Jonathan Merritt, according to the Baptist News Global, Jonathan Merritt admits a gay relationship. Now I want to show you a video of Jonathan Merritt being interviewed by Ed Stetzer, because I would like to show you what’s coming.

Jonathan Merritt makes it very clear what’s coming, but remember now, he’s being interviewed by Ed Stetzer, who was formerly with Lifeway Research, part of the Southern Baptist convention. Watch this.

Jonathan Merritt: And then obviously there are issues like sexuality that are rapidly changing, and I think some of them are sort of like the half-baked cookie. It’s like, what is this going to look like and taste like when it comes out of the oven?

We all know it’s in the oven. We can see it rising. We don’t know what it’s going to look like. I think if you look at the last 30 years of the debate when it comes to same sex issues, (I’ve never shared this before), but the way I think about it, when I look at the generation I was born into, the 1980’s, homosexuality was seen largely as a curse.

It was a fallenness, it was gross, it was repugnant, it was abomination. You were not born with it. You made a cognitive decision. It was sort of like a light switch. It was something you turned on and off.

As an extension of that, we talked about things like AIDS and HIV as also a curse, a curse on the gay community; sort of a really strange thing, particularly when you consider that lesbians, for example, aren’t afflicted with AIDS quite in the same way or the same number. So it’s sort of weird when you actually are informed on the issue but it was – these were prevalent ideas.

So you can say from a pulpit in 1988 that AIDS is the judgment of God on gay communities, and people say, ‘yeah.’ So then there was this shift that went on, and somebody maybe needs to write a dissertation on this or something, but there was a shift that went on from homosexuality as a curse to homosexuality as a cross.

And it’s sort of like this is a part of our fallenness and brokenness. It’s complicated and maybe you chose it, maybe not. Maybe it’s some mixture of nature and nurture, and we don’t really understand it, and there’s a mystery here, but we know that we all have crosses that we’re supposed to bear, and we’re told to take up our crosses, and we all have our own temptations and this is your cross. So just take it up and follow Jesus, and embrace of some of the complexities of the issue, and at the same time, still a call to sort of a biblical sexual ethic.

And I think now we’re entering into a third phase, and I don’t know what that phase is. I see sort of a range in the – there’s the right, that I think is more similar to what is sort of that cross phase.

There’s the middle and I’ll alliterate because I’m Southern Baptist, but sort of the crucible that this is an experience in which we learn something about who we are as human beings and Christians, that if we, for example if we allow homosexuals to become members of our church, that we learn something about what it means to love or to be marginalized, all the way to the left that you might find with like a liberal Episcopalian, that would be that homosexuality is a crown; that it’s a gift and that these should be – these people should be given special treatment in the church.

I don’t know how it’s going to shake out, but my sense is that this dish of cookies has been put back in the oven and at some time, and it could be three years, five years, 10 years, we’re all going to hear that ding and it’s going to come out, and at that moment we’re going to be in, I think, in a new phase of evangelical thinking on the issue. [end quote] 

Interesting, wow! Did you notice what he just said? He sets up two scenarios: what things were like in the 1980’s and then the shift, and where things are and where they’re going but notice again, what is he promoting? The Third Way.

Have you noticed that every one of these folks is promoting the concept of the third way? We’re going to take the traditional and the liberal, and we’re going to merge them together for a third phase, or a third way, or a third option. Merritt has been interviewed a lot, promoted a lot within the Southern Baptist Convention. He is writing now for the Religion News Service. He’s funded by many liberal foundations like the John Templeton Foundation.

Here’s an article on it right here, if you doubt me: “The Religion News Service receives John Templeton Foundation Grant for Science and Religion Reporting.” The article lists some of the different foundations that fund them.

So again, don’t miss the fact that many globalist, liberal, Cultural Marxist foundations are funding many of these religious news outlets, seminaries, colleges, organizations, think tanks, all the way up to the Gospel Coalition getting money also from the Templeton Foundation.

So that’s why I say I have a little bit of compassion for some of these guys like Nate and Gregory that I mentioned earlier because I wonder how many of these people are being used by much bigger and powerful institutions and forces, that are just using them as pawns in their Cultural Marxist game.

But note what Jonathan Merritt said. He’s talked about this whole LGBT thing as a half-baked cookie. In the 1980’s, homosexuality was seen as a curse, fallenness, gross, an abomination, a choice.

Then there was a shift and maybe homosexuality was a cross. Maybe it’s nurture, maybe it’s nature, maybe you’re born that way but it’s your cross to endure, and then he said there’s a third phase coming where homosexuality could be a crown, a gift, and people inside the LGBTQ community get special treatment, and you let them join the church to learn about love.

You notice again, Christians are being set up that if you hold the Biblical truth, what the scriptures teach, that somehow you’re not loving. We need to incorporate the LGBT community, so goes their propaganda to show that Christians really are, after all, loving people, because otherwise we know that Christians are really just a bunch of haters, right?

Yet who is it that funds global missions and feeds the poor, as we give them the gospel over and over, throughout the world? Christians, but we’re not just into a social gospel, socialism, redistribution of wealth. We may do some humanitarian things but we do it as a platform for the gospel; but again, listening to these folks, you would think Christians are some of the vilest people out there.

Now I want to play you a video clip of a lady by the name of Rosaria Butterfield. Rosaria Butterfield is quite popular and there are some things that she says that I totally agree with. In fact, in this interview, she says some things that I totally agree with.

I gathered from the interview, she does not like this whole ‘gay Christian’ thing. She doesn’t like putting those things together; adding those words together, ‘Gay Christian.’ So I wanna be very clear, hear me very closely, Rosaria Butterfield has some very good things to say and I agree with some of the things she’s saying as a former Lesbian, who I understand now is married to a pastor.

But my problem with this clip you’re about to see is Rosaria Butterfield, like so many people, seems to want to try to portray Christians as a whole as mean, bigoted, intolerant people.

Now whether Rosaria Butterfield knows it or not, I think she’s playing right into the hands of the Cultural Marxists – Herbert Marcuse’s coalition of victims– and who are the ones that are oppressing them and harassing them, and being mean and hateful to them? Those Christians. Those evangelical, capitalist, free market, conservative Christians, and so whether Rosaria Butterfield means to or not, I think she’s playing into the hand of this narrative that’s being set up – to set up Christians who hold to the authority of the Word of God, whether it comes to the LGBTQ community, whether it – their lifestyle – whether it comes to the issue of heterosexual men who want to be philanderers and adulterers, and serial adulterers, whether it comes to people who are thieves, who are gossips, who are cheats, who are frauds. I mean these are all the things we see within the world, right, and then we see people come to Christ and they don’t celebrate their past lifestyle by just adding the term ‘Christian’ in front of it.

But I think again, Christians are being set up as the oppressors of this coalition, and again, while I can appreciate some of the things Rosaria Butterfield has stood for, I think she’s playing right into the hands of the cultural Marxists when she says things like what you’re going to see in this interview right here.

Male voice: In your previous life as a lesbian, you said that you largely experienced born again Christians as ungracious people, almost fanatical in temperament. Largely – I didn’t say entirely – but that was largely your experience. Let me ask, that was quite a while ago and more than 15 years ago. Do you think that’s changing?

Rosaria Butterfield: Well, that’s a hard question because it says a lot about point of view, but I was a professor at the time, and my experience with Christians was that, for the most part, they were fearful people. They used the Bible as a punctuation mark to end a conversation, rather than deepen it, and if I had any questions, ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ ended the question, and so I’m not – I didn’t understand if they obeyed such a holy and great God, why they were motivated by so much fear.

So you know, that context, it was that sort of – that the other context that I really interfaced with Christians with were Gay Pride marches. Let’s face it, the raising of the political placards was not always the friendliest of exchanges. So you know, I would see the placard with the “I’m going to hell” and then a friend of mine put together a placard that said, “If AIDS is God’s curse on homosexuals, then Lesbians must be God’s chosen people.” You know, so let’s just face it, it’s just – that is probably not the best opportunity for dialogs. [end quote] 

All right, again, I can appreciate some of the things that Rosaria Butterfield has said and stood for, and even in that interview, she said some things I totally agree with about false converts, but again, this idea of describing Christians who are fearful, who use the Bible as a punctuation, pretty much they say ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ and that ends the conversation, no dialog.

Again, I don’t really think you need to have much of a conversation after ‘thus sayeth the Lord.’ What’s there to say? Then she talks about Gay Pride parades and Christians and their placards. I don’t really know how many Christians you know. I don’t know – I’m not sure I know one who goes out and pickets at Gay Pride parades. I know there’s the Fred Phelps, who is now deceased out of Kansas and his family who are total haters, but again, my concern is when Rosaria Butterfield uses these terms like Christians being ‘fearful,’ using the Bible as punctuation, ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ ends the conversation. This is very troubling because it’s fitting right into the narrative to set up conservative Bible-believing Christians who say, ‘wait a minute, we’re not going to budge on the issue of LGBTQ into our churches any more than we would a serial adulterer, and yet this is where we’re going folks, and I’m warning you. This trend is to set up Christians as the haters, part of the Cultural Marxist agenda.

Rosaria Butterfield: But the Gay and Lesbian Community is a real community and you know what, the Christian church has a lot to learn, not about theology, not about salvation, not about poor, but about standing the disempowered, accompany suffering, and being good company for the suffering.

Now I can’t imagine the gay community when AIDS had just unleashed itself and we didn’t know what it was, and that is hard. That is a very hard thing but one of the things that is true, and it is just universally true, standing with the disempowered is a necessary thing. I often speak to parents who have – felt like they have lost covenantal children to the gay community, and what I will say to them is you will have to work very hard to love your son and daughter better than the gay community is. I’m sorry to say that. I know that’s shocking. I know that’s scandalous.

Male voice: But it’s how it is, tell the truth.

Rosaria Butterfield: But I am telling you that you will have to work very hard. [end quote] 

All right, that’s just really shocking. She says the church has a lot to learn about community from the LGBT community. Folks, we have community as a church, we’re having community or fellowship around biblical doctrine.

We don’t learn diddley-squat about how to have community from the LGBTQ community, because what brings us community is the truth of the Word of God, the doctrine we unite around and the Holy Spirit that in-dwells us. That’s how we have community. The LGBT doesn’t care about our biblical doctrine or theology, nor do they have the Holy Spirit.

So we don’t need to learn community from them, but then she goes on to say this shocking thing. She tells the parents of gay children, ‘you’ll have to work very hard to love your child as much as the gay community.’ Really? You’re going to have to work really hard to love your child as much as the LGBT community?

My wife saw that clip last night and she said, ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me?’ When you have moms give birth to these kids, change their diapers, walk the floor with them, care for them, raise them, love them, and then they turn and come out of the closet, do parents quit loving these kids? No, they do not. Parents are heartbroken. They’re compelled to do what they can for them. In light of this new news, they love them with all of their heart and would lay down their life for them, and then Rosaria wants to tell us that a parent of a gay child will have to work very hard to love their child as much as the gay community? You’re telling me the gay community really loves these children?

You know how many partners the average homosexual man has? Is that love? So frankly, I’m starting to wonder if she even knows what the definition of love really means, and particularly, you contrast it with the love of a parent who would lay down their life for their child, and she wants to compare it to the love of the LGBTQ community? If people in the LGBTQ community really had an unselfish love for any of these young people they would tell them to reject this lifestyle and worldview because of the incredible consequences that it will bring. Instead the LGBTQ community sets out to recruit children to this lifestyle. 

Well, we’re out of time. If you appreciate this program and the fact that we spend hours doing research, hours to warn you, and now folks, I just barely scratched the surface of this – we have a lot more to go – but if you appreciate this and the stand we’re taking, and trying to warn you of the persecution that’s coming and how it is you’re going to be persecuted, we need to hear from you.

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Thank you so much for watching and thank you to my wife for directing the program tonight and producing it on Mother’s Day. So, happy Mother’s Day to her and to all of you moms watching. Until next week, I’m Brannon Howse. Thanks for watching. Take care.