Which Banks Are in Danger of Failing or Collapse?



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Brannon Howse: Right, folks, Let's go real quick before we go to our next guest on the banks and finances. Check this out. This is how we come to you each night. By you, my pillow. 2.0. Buy one, get one free slippers, sandals, and slides as low as $19.50. Please use the promo code. B66. Okay. Luxurious Giza dream sheets are as low as 2998. Now, let me show you something down here, folks. All right. The best price ever on sheets, and towels. Look at this right here. The six-piece towel set. All right, look what it says. My pillow. Six-piece towel set is normally 99.98, now 49.98 with the promo code. But I'm told if you put in. Do you have that in there, Thomas, the new graphic that goes with this I'm told if you put in the promo code, B66, it will go down as low as $25. But if you go there to Mypillow.com, you scroll down the page where it says six-piece towel set, click that, then click this, put in the promo code, B66 and it'll drop to $25. All right. That's what I'm being told. We had a graphic for it, but Thomas probably doesn't know where that is tonight because he just got in. After all, he was out, which is fine. You do have it. All right. Go ahead. Throw that up there. All right. So there you go. Just showing that this is a legitimate offer. So go to that page there. Look for the six-piece pillow towel set. Put in the code, B66, and watch it drop from 49.99 down to $25.


Brannon Howse: All right, So take advantage of that. Sheets, towels, blankets, pet bed slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, and more. Also, my friends at WVWTVStore.com, have the Seed Vaults Survival Seed Vault, 100% heirloom. It's a garden in a can. It's got a five-year shelf life. And again, we couldn't get these for a long time. They were out of stock for three years. The company got them back. They said, No, we can't let you offer those because we can barely keep them in stock ourselves. But they relented after I begged. So we have them now. Normally most people sell these for $100. We have them for like $39.95. If you go over to WVWTVStore.com, we'll show that to you. There they are right there. 39.95 at WVWTVStore.com We also have The Bison. You can get it in one sample, 12 packs, or five cases. I'm going to send this over to you real quick, Thomas, because I have a video, Thomas of Delta trying this out tonight. So how do you want me to send it to you? Thomas is Okay, I'm going to send it to you over by text real quick because Delta tried this out tonight. All right. And you will see how Delta responded. Now, this is all-natural bison, okay? And it's got all kinds. No, they don't. The people that raised this, okay, they don't use vaccines and mRNA. Okay. And this also includes all kinds of things such as vitamin B12, D three supplements, and other things for your dog.


Brannon Howse: So Delta loves it. You can try it out. This is a five-case or 60 cans. Now you don't have to give your dog. Delta likes to have a can now in the morning and at night, some of them bigger dogs, they say three cans. But you could use this to offset some other things. The problem I have, folks, is 50% of dogs or so are dying from cancer. I think a lot of it has to do with the dog food. This is why many people are going to natural dog food and dog food that hasn't been shot up with vaccines and chemicals. So, again, for those of us that love our dogs and want them to stay around as long as they can, this is an option. It's also an option for those that are looking for putting away food. So if something happens and you can't get dog food from the store, you'll have it. So I've put away some for Delta, just like I've put away food for me and my family. I've put away food for Delta and you can see the shelf life that is advertised on the can. Let me know when you have that. Thomas will play it. But in the meantime, folks, it's not just dog food. We have food for humans as well. And that includes three months, six month, one year, two years, and 25-year shelf life. I've had many of the entries. They're very good. We also have potassium iodine.


Brannon Howse: These are anti-radiation tablets, 60 tablets a bottle. We could not get these for a long time. We were able to finally secure 3000 bottles. I think we're now at almost a thousand In the 2 or 3 weeks we've had them, a thousand have gone out the door that people have ordered. Now we are about at a four-week delay right now due to the huge volume of orders that came in from February to March for people wanting free shipping when many saved hundreds, hundreds of dollars with that. So we are catching up very quickly. I'm told today they put out something like 149 boxes. So any day they're doing over 100 boxes because most of these are big boxes. That's saying something. They're catching up and they're catching up quickly. But there is a good four-week wait, so please be patient. All right. And not only do we have potassium iodine, but we also have all kinds of other things, including ways to cook, boil water, to make freeze-dried food as well. You can check it all out at WVWTVSTORE.COM or call 9014689357. You're ready for the video with Delta. It's too big to put in an email, huh? All right. Well, we'll have to figure out another way for you two to get that one night. We'll drop it at Dropbox or something. In the meantime, let's hurry along so we have time to get in. The other guest tonight, Wes Peters joins me. Wes, welcome to the broadcast. Thanks for joining.


Wes Peters: Good evening, Brannon. How are you doing today?


Brannon Howse: I'm hanging in there, my friend. How are you?


Wes Peters: I'm doing well, thank you. All right.


Brannon Howse: Wes, let's talk about one article. Here's one right here. Ranked the US banks with the most uninsured deposits. Tell us about this, please.


Wes Peters: Correct. That's the one I just sent you. I just found it just a few minutes ago. These are the top banks that have uninsured deposits. And if you look at the list there, Silicon Valley Bank, 93.8% of their deposits were all insured. And if you go down the list by State Street Signature Bank, so of the top four, two of those banks have failed already. And there's you know, there's some other familiar names in there, US Bank Citizen Bank. So, you know, Jamie Dimon just recently was talking about, you know, trying to assure people that the banking system is safe. Um, you know, I think that's the furthest from the truth right now. Um, another link that I sent you is to an article, a report, the reports titled The Monetary Tightening and US Bank Fragility in 2023. And they're saying there's up to another 186 banks that could fail.


Brannon Howse: 186 banks.


Wes Peters: Correct? Yeah. Um, you know, again, they're fighting the raising interest rates. These banks were locked into longer-term investments, paying much lower rates of return than what people could get on a one-month CD right now where people are going to invest their money, they can invest it long term or if they can get a higher rate and only tie that money up for 1 to 3 months, they're going to take the shorter term and the higher rate as well.


Brannon Howse: And here's that article. USA Today US banking crisis close to 190 banks could collapse, according to the study.


Wes Peters: Yeah, and I think there's a video in that one. There's like a two-minute video in that one that I sent you right here. Um, yeah, I think that's it. Yeah, that should be it.


Brannon Howse: Let's see what we got here.


Speaker3: Banks both collapsed within mere days of each other and now there are fears that more are going to close. Silicon Valley Bank is a bank based in Silicon Valley, and they specialize in working with. We know most of that.


Brannon Howse: Most of that's old news. Let me go to another video. You provided us with another video tonight, is that right?


Wes Peters: Yeah, It's what I call it, an oldie but a goodie. It's the FDIC meeting from back in November. Oh, yeah. And remember, that was like a three-hour meeting. And I tortured myself and went through it and just picked some snippets out of there. But it's very interesting what is said here. And it makes you wonder, this is kept in mind, before these bank failures started, Oh, yeah, we were wonder we were playing this.


Brannon Howse: We were playing this and talking about what they all had in store for us. Yeah, exactly. Because this was back in November of 2022. They did this. They knew what was coming. Let's see, let's dip into that for a minute.


Speaker4: I am a bit pessimistic about your ability to communicate with the people who need to know in terms of a crisis. And this is partly from my experience of teaching this stuff. There was a lot of interest just after the crisis. It's dwindled over time. And so people are sort of less and less interested in getting into the nitty gritty and some of the really interesting developments. I would think your strategy ought to be to disclose as much as possible to people who professionally need to know about it. And that would certainly include the rating agencies and the people within the banks who are responsible for these judgments and simply have publicly available a place where people can go if they need to know more because we're dealing with a society where people are getting their information and tweets. There's just no patience, I think, for going through the elaborate and careful planning that has gone on. It should be there. It should be accessible when people need to know. But I don't think you have much hope of reaching a public that doesn't have a professional need to know.


Speaker5: I completely agree with that. I almost think you'd scare the public if you put this out. Like, why are they telling me this? Should I be concerned about my bank? Like my insurance company doesn't tell me what they're doing with my assets. They just assume they're going to pay my claim. Right. I think you've got to think of the unintended consequences of taking a public that has more full faith and confidence in the banking system than maybe people in this room do, that we want them to have full faith and confidence in the banking system. They know the FDIC insurance is there. They know it works. They put their money and they're going to get their money out. So there's a select crowd of people that are on the institutional side. And if they want to understand this, they're going to find a way to understand this. There's a bunch of law firms representing this room. There's a bunch of people that will charge them by the hour. A lot of money to explain this all to them. And it's fine. I don't have a problem with that. And they all have huge staffs. But I would be careful about the unintended consequences of starting to blast too much of this out to the general public.


Speaker6: So I'd like to take a slightly different view and maybe a middle ground in the center. First of all, I think Susan and Betsy, what you've done and the thoughtfulness here is extraordinary. And I want to give you respect for it. Um, I, I do think there's more that could be put out in the public, perhaps not just on Title Two, but also on Title One in a way that. Isn't scary to folks. I mean, Gary, there's a timing question, right? We're at a delicate moment now. So if it goes out tomorrow, it might have a different impact than if it you know, if Susan and Betsy do their work and it goes out as we're moving out of the recession. Um, but I'm.


Brannon Howse: As we're moving out of the recession, they declared a recession in November of 2022. So they already know we're in a recession, don't they? They already know we're in a recession. And by the way, a lot of times they declare a recession after we've already been in it. These people apparently in 2022 were saying we're in a recession. They knew in November of 2022 we were really in recession. Right. And she said it's a scary time. So what do they know behind closed doors that's causing her to say it's a scary time back in November of 2022?


Wes Peters: Well, I just love it, Brannon, that the average American person has more faith in the banking system than some people sitting in this room. And they chuckle.


Brannon Howse: They chuckled. They chuckled at that.


Wes Peters: Yeah. Our banking system is sound as our southern border is secure. You know, it's we're being led by a bunch of incompetent, you know, people that can't tell the truth.


Brannon Howse: Are they incompetent or are they banksters?


Wes Peters: Well, both combinations. I think there's some incompetency. But, you know, a lot of this is happening for a reason. They have an agenda and even there's one point in that meeting where they talk about releasing information like the White House does on Friday night. On a.


Brannon Howse: Friday night. Friday night. Yeah. When nobody could do anything about it. And all of these bank failures we've seen happen, almost all of them on a Friday night. Right, Right.


Wes Peters: Yeah. So, you know, and there's in this report, they're talking about how, you know, if half the people started taking out their deposits, that that would be, you know, a run on the banks that these banks couldn't even offset. Half the people taking their money out of the bank. And when that starts happening at any time, the bank, no matter how much money you have in that bank, you know, they can look at you and say, sorry, you can't close your account. We can't give you all your money for today. This is all the money you can receive and you can do nothing about it.


Brannon Howse: Well, look at this headline right here. This website is reporting which banks are in danger of failing or collapsing, which banks could collapse. And well, 186 banks in the United States are at risk of failure or collapse. Now, when we were talking about banks collapsing, you know. A year ago. Two years ago, five years ago, my book in 1993, I wrote about Banks 95. I wrote about the banks failing and collapsing. People thought you were nuts, you know? But now it's becoming a routine article, even on USA Today.


Wes Peters: Yep. And you look at going back to 2008, I think there were 250. There were a couple of hundred banks that are no longer around that were all bought up back then by the big banks. So even, you know, you go back to 2008, how many banks we've lost since then. Again, they're funneling all of this into the big 4 or 5 banks. They're going to have these four, 4 or 5 banks eventually that are nationalized, that, you know, they're going to have complete control over our hard-earned money.


Brannon Howse: Yep. So. All right. So in closing, what do you do? I don't give financial advice. I give a financial opinion. What are you recommending?


Wes Peters: Well, I'm recommending people look at gold and silver as an insurance policy. As a backup plan. You know, I believe in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. I believe in all of those investments. But we're living in some difficult, challenging times we've never gone through before. And the problem with all of those investments that I just mentioned is when you liquidate them, you're given a dollar that our government is destroying. When you have physical gold and silver, you're not tied to the dollar. Every country, every currency in the world recognizes its value. You can exchange that gold and silver for any currency could be anywhere in the world in exchange for gold and silver for their currency, including any new currency our government introduces. And the number one question I get by far from people, Brannon, is how do I use this gold and silver when I can't take it, to the grocery store or take it to the gas station to put fuel in my vehicle the way we're more than likely going to be using our gold and silver is when our government transitions from the US dollar to a digital currency. We can take that gold and silver and say, okay, I'll take that new currency, here's my gold and silver that's gone up in value and you and I are going to get more of that currency than our neighbor who's converting their significantly devalued if not nearly worthless US dollars. And that's exactly why I could inundate people with articles about central banks, the people that control money, dumping the dollar like never before, and buying more gold than they have in the last 55 years because they don't want to be holding dollars when this happens.


Wes Peters: And another great thing, especially with savings, you know, we help people protect retirement accounts with physical metal, not paper savings, but with savings, especially my clients convert money into gold and silver and we go to that new currency. That doesn't mean you need to put everything on the radar all at once. You don't have to convert all of your gold and silver. That could be private into that currency. You could say, you know, I need the equivalent of, you know, whatever, $5,000. Okay, send me this, this, and this. We'll get it liquidated. We'll cut you a check based on that new currency. So there's nothing out there that is going to protect you when this transition happens, like physical gold and silver. And our industry wasn't this busy for Y2K, the dotcom bubble, the 2008 crash, and many of these products are just going to continue to get harder and harder for our industry to find. And like anything else, supply and demand. As those products get harder to find, the people that own them are going to be offered more money to entice them to try at least take some profits and sell some of their products back to the market. So you could have the price value of gold and silver going up working for you, but also you owning products that they don't make anymore, that those premiums will go up and you'll be in a much better position holding that gold and silver than sitting in US dollars that we know where they're heading.


Brannon Howse: All right. Give your number and how people can get a free packet. No obligation-free packet of information. Will you please can.


Wes Peters: Text me at 60255885856025588585. You include your name, your physical mailing address, and your email. Let me know if you need information on retirement accounts or not. I can include that and we'll send you that information. You review it. I can even send you third-party information. That's not coming from someone trying to sell you gold and silver. And if you decide you want to talk, you can even just text me, Hey, West, ready to talk? I'm available this day and time. Does that work? And we could spend 20-30 minutes on the phone. I'll be happy to answer all your questions, Address all your concerns.


Brannon Howse: 602 55885856025588585. What do you get to lose? You get a free packet of information to understand this better. Education is everything. And by the way, I saw another report on how much the central banks are buying up gold. Yeah. Yeah.


Wes Peters: Who wants to be holding dollars? You do not want to be holding dollars in the end.


Brannon Howse: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.


Wes Peters: Appreciate it. Thanks, Brannon. Have a great night.


Brannon Howse: You too. West Peters checking in. 


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Get your free, no obligation packet on precious metals by texting or calling Wes Peters with Swiss America at 602-558-8585


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