U.N.Ministry of Truth Working to Ban Conservatives From the World Wide Web

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Patrick Wood. Patrick, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Patrick Wood: Brannon, good to be with you. And I'm so glad I caught the end of the segment that you just did. And I'll tell you what I may be I may be there with you and we may go to Michigan together one day. But if you get hauled off to Michigan, I promise that I will organize and orchestrate. And even if I have to pay for it, I will have I will activate the chocolate chip cookie Brigade. Make sure that you have a private supply of chocolate chip cookies for the rest of your incarceration. I promise that.

Brannon Howse: I appreciate that. That's that is very kind of you. But can you even believe, Patrick, I can't believe you're a committed evangelical Christian? I'm a committed evangelical Christian. You may be a few years older than I am, but you and I both have spent years following these topics, reading about the the former Soviet Union behind the Iron Curtain. We're both old enough to have sat and listened to missionaries who were coming in and out of the countries that we considered the Iron Curtain smuggling Bibles. And we were warned by many of them, this is coming to America. I mean, I remember as a kid sitting in my church in Northern Virginia, right outside of D.C. as a child, listening to these missionaries that were coming and warning about what was going on behind the Iron Curtain, that this was coming to America. And you would have to think, how on earth could that happen here? Well, here I am, 54, and now it is happening. So it style laws and reeducation camps. I mean, this is a chilling night. And, you know, again, I'm sorry for the death of those five people. I think they were very foolish and there were a lot of warnings that they should not have been doing that and offering that, including James Cameron, the movie director, giving an interview, saying that many in the industry had written letters to that company.

Brannon Howse: So they're really trying to make these people be like they were on the verge of going on some kind of excursion to discover the cure for cancer. And we're making people out to be heroes that really should be pointed to as being other. The 19 year old, I think, excluded the other adults thought I thought acted like foolish individuals and are sadly suffered the consequences. I'm most upset about what happened to that poor 19-year-oldbecause I feel like he should have been protected, but that this has been non stop for two days now and I'm sure it will continue tomorrow and tomorrow and the next day after that until they can wear it out. And yet, where is the conservative media? Where are the American media? Where are the pastors? Where are the Christian radio stations in America about what we just heard? That does not impact just Michigan. It will impact broadcasters like you and me that broadcast into what is going to become the People's Republic of Michigan.

Patrick Wood: That's exactly right. And it is. Well, I can kind of make a tongue-in-cheek prediction. I know quite a few people in Michigan, and I can tell you there are some honey badgers there. That will very likely test this intentionally just to have them picked up and arrested and put on trial. And these people. May not like the outcome of a group of honey badger activists. Choking up their system. But I could see this being tested on so many different levels. I can see a lot of different legal organizations getting involved in this as well. I can see the lawsuits flying. I can see the Supreme Court being involved in this as well. But I want to. Having said that, put that aside. This fits in to what we were talking about earlier off air, about the whole ministry of, you know, Ministry of Truth concept, that 1984, the book by George Orwell talked about where truth was redefined. And if you violated that redefinition, why you were sent off to an education camp? This is the most egregious attack on free speech in the First Amendment that we have had in our country in the history of our country. In the history of our country. I think this will go down as the worst, most egregious attack. And it figures it would come from Michigan. Yeah. Just it just.

Brannon Howse: Figures. And I would venture to guess we're probably the only or one of the only outlets bringing this story to you tonight, which again, is as soon as I read it and heard about it, I'm like, we have got to cover this today. And we covered it on radio, which broadcast into Michigan. We're going to cover it extensively tomorrow. Which broadcast into Michigan. So this should be a red alert for all conservative broadcasters and Christian broadcasters. Look at this from technocracy news. Technocracy news, Ministry of Truth. You were just talking about it. And here's the article. I mean, this is why I was having you on. And this dovetails, you say, with what we just talked about, but this is why I was originally having you on Ministry of Truth protecting technocrat oligarchs. On digital platforms. Tell me about this article and what's going on.

Patrick Wood: Well, the where this whole censorship thing started. This is really important to document. We know that everybody and their brother now in the globalist cabal is jumping on censorship. Our government is jumping on it. Big Tech's jumping on it. The EU is jumping on it. But where this all started was originally with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum when they issued the signal that censorship of speech, of normal speech, language and so on was a thing to pursue. Everybody jumped on the bandwagon. All of a sudden it was like somebody shot up a flare and said, Go for it. Attack. And now we see all these different organizations coming up. The video at the top of this, uh, this article. Is by a person assigned to the United Nations. And it's incredible. You people have to listen to it to believe what this woman is saying.

Brannon Howse: Is this right here?

Patrick Wood: That's the one.

Brannon Howse: Let's just dip into it for a second.

Patrick Wood: Yes, it's short.

Nobel Prize Summit 2023 Video: Getting a little diluted. What came up? But then we could communicate with people directly at scale. We could ask them even to join forces with us to improve the world. And our presence on social media soon grew exponentially. This is just our UN channels, but the whole UN system. We have 60 million followers and you know, the platforms have arguably done much good. They have helped create grassroots movements that have created political change. They've connected the isolated and reunited families displaced by war. But before long, we saw a dark side and I had myself a few personal aha moments. I was the spokesperson for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and I remember in 2015 when a million refugees came to Europe and we saw such an outpouring of welcome on our social media platforms, on our TVs. I witnessed the best of humanity there. But soon bad actors started spreading ugly lies online to frighten the public and the welcome soon soured. Policies became more hostile. Walls came up. And a year later, I had my own wake-up call. I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and the course I was told to take chemotherapy surgery. Radiation was kind of scary and I did what most of us do. You've heard of Dr. Google and I went to Facebook too, and I started looking for a community. One of the most prominent findings or pages that popped up was a site called The Truth About Cancer. And the Truth About Cancer gave the following advice Don't treat your cancer with chemotherapy. There are natural remedies instead. If I had taken their advice, I would not be standing here with you today.

Brannon Howse: Okay, Well, we don't know that because I've interviewed I have seen a lot of oncologists interviewed that talk about they wouldn't recommend chemotherapy and radiation to a lot of their own families or take it themselves. Again, everybody has a different opinion. And I know people that have not gone that route, have tried a natural route, and died. I know people that have not gone that route and tried the natural route and lived and have been in remission for years. I know people who went the chemo-radiation route that died, horrible, horrible deaths. So to bring up something like that is stupid. But if that's showing you how nitpicky they're going to get with their censoring, I mean, come on. Not to mention what is it talking about here? Big tech, big pharma, big medicine. Don't speak badly about those groups.

Patrick Wood: Well, you know who she's attacking. And she goes on to talk about the Dirty Dozen, the so-called dirty dozen of of, you know, misinformation people that included like Dr. Joseph McCullen and a few other people. But She's The Truth About Cancer was produced by a man and a wife.

Brannon Howse: Oh, wait, are you saying Dr. Peter McCullough? No, no, no, no, no.

Patrick Wood: Joseph the No. Joseph McCullough. Okay. Joseph McCullough. Mercola. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brannon Howse: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

Patrick Wood: Now, who she is attacking are the Bollingers Ty and his wife.

Brannon Howse: Who've been on this broadcast several times?

Patrick Wood: I'm sure they've been on. She is directly attacking the truth against cancer, which was his thing. And she goes on to say in a couple of seconds she talks about the truth about vaccines as well, and the Bollingers produced a huge documentary on the truth about vaccines. She goes after them. She doesn't mention the name Bollinger, but she mentions their website. She mentions their, you know, their their series, their documentary series. And she just rips them to pieces. Now, this particular conference took place. It was at, I think, a Nobel Prize conference. And she was there representing the United Nations and talking about media issues. And I'll tell you what. The gloves are off, Brannon. The reason I put this up and you'll appreciate it because we're talking about what's going on in Michigan. The gloves are coming off. These people, they're playing knuckleball now or, you know, knuckle knuckle boxing, whatever, bare-knuckle.

Brannon Howse: Their way, they're going to prosecute the Bollinger.

Patrick Wood: Yes, they will. If they get their way and they will censor them to death. That's what this is all about, the suppression of any alternative narrative. It doesn't matter whether it's liberal or conservative. Listen, JFK Jr was just thrown off of YouTube. I hope you any Democrats listening to this and all around the country figured, wait a minute, a Democrat got censored on YouTube like our homegrown Camelot Representative Bobby Kennedy Jr. Was not allowed to speak up. He's a presidential candidate. Can't speak up on YouTube, can't speak up on Google. He's been banned from it. Now, I'll tell you, this is the gloves are coming off.

Brannon Howse: And the way they're going to do this is to give us all that digital ID that they were talking about in 2018 at the WEF. And they said that your ability to get online and interact online would all be open to that digital ID. So you get that you use these narratives to say, now we have to regulate the Internet and certain haters will not be allowed on there and we won't be able to get the digital ID and be online.

Patrick Wood: Just this week, by the way, Obama coming back from the political graveyard, Obama said very publicly and made a point. It got a lot of circulation in the mainstream media that the Internet needs to supply digital fingerprints. For everybody that posts on the Internet. So that they can be individually identified and dealt with. The gloves are coming off. Sounds like the.

Brannon Howse: Mark is playing hardball. Foundation for the Mark of the Beast. I'm not saying it is the mark of the beast, but the foundation. No one would be able to buy or sell. You won't be able to regulate, or be involved in commerce or trade unless you take a mark.

Patrick Wood: Yes. You know, you can you can just kind of see this coming. You can see the stage being set. I think back to Professor Desmond, who talked about the concept of mass formation, psychology, and the psychology side of mass formation. One of the things he says in his lectures on it is that when free speech is suppressed, completely suppressed, and we're not quite there yet, but you can see it's going to happen. If these people get their way, they're going to completely silence people like you and me when free speech is done. And he gets real serious about this because he, you know, is from Europe. He has that cultural heritage of at least two world wars. Um, he said that when free speech is eradicated in a nation. The killing begins.

Brannon Howse: Indeed. Indeed. All right, Patrick, would Technocracy. news, Technocracy. news, technocracy. news. Thank you, as always, Patrick, for being with us.

Patrick Wood: My pleasure. Thank you, Brannon. Thank you. Keep up the good work. You too, my friend.

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