Two U.S. Navy Sailors Have Been Indicted On Espionage Charges

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  • In a bombshell report, we now have evidence that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met with officials from the Chinese Communist Party before draining the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
  • Two U.S. Navy sailors have been charged with spying for China.
  • As the world enters a new digital era, Austria’s chancellor says that country must amend its constitution to ensure that Austrians always have the option of paying for goods with cash.
  • And a retired lieutenant colonel proposes a return to the military draft.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting us off tonight, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm secretly consulted with CCP energy officials before Joe Biden released barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in 2021.

Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News:

“Secretary Granholm’s multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official raise serious questions about the level of Chinese influence on the Biden administration’s energy agenda.”

The Department of Energy downplayed the Biden regime’s consultation with CCP officials and said the meeting was a part of the agency’s effort to “combat climate change.”

Fox News reported that Granholm’s previously-undisclosed talks with the chairman of the China National Energy Administration revealed in internal Energy Department calendars obtained by Americans for Public Trust — reveal that the Biden administration likely discussed its plans to release oil from the SPR with China before its public announcement.

According to the calendars, Granholm spoke in one-on-one conversations with her Chinese counterpart, who is a longstanding senior member of the Chinese Communist Party, on November 19, 2021, and two days later on November 21, 2021. Then, on November 23, 2021, the White House announced a release of 50 million barrels of oil from the SPR, the largest release of its kind in U.S. history at the time.

Sutherland added:

“Instead of focusing on creating real energy independence for America, Granholm has been too busy parroting Chinese energy propaganda and insisting ‘we can all learn from what China is doing.’ The public deserves to know the extent to which Chinese officials are attempting to infiltrate U.S. energy policy and security.”

XXX reports that two U.S. Navy sailors in California have been indicted on espionage charges by the Justice Department in cases that allege they provided classified documents and information to Chinese agents in exchange for money.

FBI Assistant Director Suzanne Turner said in a press release on the cases Thursday that China “compromised enlisted personnel to secure sensitive military information that could seriously jeopardize U.S. national security.”

Jinchao Wei, a machinist mate assigned to the USS Essex in San Diego, was charged with four counts of conspiring and sending defense information to foreign powers. Wenheng Zhao, a petty officer 2nd class and construction electrician assigned to Naval Construction Battalion 3 in Port Hueneme, California, was charged with conspiracy and receiving a bribe.

In Wei's case, court documents allege that in February 2022 he entered into a “handler/asset” relationship with a Chinese intelligence agent. Wei even went so far as to tell “another U.S. Navy sailor that he had been asked to spy” for China, his indictment claims.

Over the course of several months in 2022, Wei allegedly provided his handler more than 50 technical and mechanical manuals for various systems of the Essex and similar ships. Although he possessed a secret-level clearance, the indictment doesn't say whether Wei needed it to access the multitude of “export-controlled” manuals and documents that he passed to Chinese intelligence.

The indictment claims that Wei also passed along photos and videos of the Essex, the missions and locations of various Navy amphibious assault ships, and “what he believed was a weak point of the USS Essex.”

In exchange, the indictment says Wei would often receive money. One batch of 30 documents netted the sailor $5,000. His handler remarked that at least 10 of those manuals were useful to him.


In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination program.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the admission came during a rigorous questioning session on Wednesday, in which Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, spoke before the Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led the interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of vaccine mandates for employment in Australia.

Senator Roberts, in his questioning, alleged a significant transfer of wealth from the Australian people to Big Pharma via the government’s Covid-19 mismanagement.

He sought clarity on Pfizer’s role in implementing vaccine mandates for employment and their participation in potential government bans on alternative treatments such as Ivermectin.

Roberts queried about Pfizer’s own employee vaccination program, which Dr. Thiru confirmed was active and conducted in alignment with public health guidance, allowing accommodations or exemptions for those with specific medical or religious reasons for not being vaccinated. He did, however, acknowledge that a small number of colleagues departed the company in light of this program.

Roberts then questioned Pfizer’s use of a specific batch of vaccine for their employees that was not tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), to which Dr. Hewitt CLAIMED that this was done to ensure that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks.

Roberts asked: “We’ve read that your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine, especially imported for Pfizer, which was not tested by the TGA. Is that correct?”

Here was his answer.



The Hill reports that hospitals and clinics in five states are facing disruptions due to a cyberattack Thursday that forced some emergency rooms to close.

The attack began at facilities operated by Prospect Medical Holdings. The company’s facilities in California, Texas, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania were affected by the cyberattack.

The company said in a statement Friday, August 4:

“Upon learning of this, we took our systems offline to protect them and launched an investigation with the help of third-party cybersecurity specialists. While our investigation continues, we are focused on addressing the pressing needs of our patients as we work diligently to return to normal operations as quickly as possible.”

Beyond impacting emergency rooms, the attacks caused the closures of some primary care services and ambulance diversions. 


Blacks for Trump. Ever heard of that organization? This group is not afraid to speak out in favor of the former president.

Take a look at this clip of their leader.


Real black men, indeed. That man did not mince words. And he’s not playing around. How much you wanna bet the Bidens would say to that man, “you’re not black because you didn’t vote for me.”

That’s right. To a radical Marxist Democrat, that brave and patriotic black man would be considered a racist and a white nationalist. That’s how they view it from their twisted perspective.

The truth is, that man is not thinking in terms of race. He is a free American who is, unlike so many Americans, unafraid to exercise his free will and his critical-thinking skills. Rather than listen to the white liberals and who they tell him he should vote for, he made up his own mind. We need more men like him in this country, regardless of whether they’re black, white, brown or yellow.


Susan Duclos, writing for All News Pipeline, reports that in July 2022 Democrats began to encourage Joe Biden to declare a “climate emergency," which Biden stopped short of doing, but the push has not stopped. 

Just last month, in July 2023, it was reported that reporters aboard  Air Force One with Biden "pressed" the White House about declaring a “climate emergency.”

Multiple reporters asked if the record heat might lead President Joe Biden to declare a national emergency. Biden was speaking in Maine to tout his “Bidenomics” approach to the economy.

“About 200 million Americans right now are under a heat or flood advisory,” one reporter said to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “Some Arizona lawmakers are saying an emergency should be declared. What would it take for the president to declare an emergency, and would he consider declaring a climate emergency?”

This brings us to the question of how long Joe Biden's handlers will wait to grab unprecedented powers for the regime, and what those powers would entail?

While we have no way of knowing how long it will take Biden's handlers to push for the ultimate power grab, we do have a very good idea of what those powers would include.

The following list shows some of the top powers the Biden regime could claim to have the authority to use if they chose to do so.

  • Bank accounts can be frozen.
  • Bans on biological or chemical agents can be lifted.
  • Civil liberties, such as the right to a peaceful assembly, can be halted.
  • The president can order incarcerations.
  • Elections can be postponed indefinitely.
  • Federal leases can be suspended.
  • Foreign individuals can be ordered to leave the nation, and the borders can be sealed.
  • National resources can be ushered into play to confront a natural disaster.
  • Sanctions pertaining to property and finances can be removed or initiated.
  • The government can take control of the internet, radio, and TV, and production and distribution of goods can be seized.
  • The military can be mobilized domestically in a crisis, and martial law can be declared by the president.
  • The president may order an assassination resulting from an emergency.
  • The right of habeas corpus can be suspended as a consequence of crises.
  • Transportation networks can be taken over by the government.
  • All food supplies can be seized by the government.


Breitbart News reports that Austria’s leader is proposing to enshrine in the country´s constitution a right to use cash, which remains more popular in the Alpine nation than in many other places.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer said in a statement on August 4th that “more and more people are concerned that cash could be restricted as a means of payment in Austria.” His office said the “uncertainty” is fueled by contradictory information and reports.

Nehammer said, “People in Austria have a right to cash.”

While payments by card and electronic methods have become increasingly common in many European countries, Austria and neighboring Germany remain relatively attached to cash. The government says 47 billion euros ($51 billion) per year are withdrawn from ATMs in Austria, a country of about 9.1 million people.

Protecting cash against supposed threats has been a demand of the conservative opposition Freedom Party, which has led polls in Austria in recent months. The country’s next election is in 2024.

The chancellor’s proposal, according to his office, involves a “constitutional protection of cash as a means of payment,” ensuring that people can still pay with cash, and securing a “basic supply” of cash in cooperation with Austria’s central bank. Austria is one of 20 countries that are part of the euro area.

Nehammer said he has instructed Finance Minister Magnus Brunner to work on the proposal and plans to hold a round table with the ministries concerned, finance industry representatives and the central bank in September.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to decide freely how and with what he wants to pay,” he said. “That can be by card, by transfer, perhaps in future also with the digital euro, but also with cash. This freedom to choose must and will remain.”




Just the News reports that Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds is using funds from a COVID-19 relief package to finance a deployment of her state's National Guard to the southern border.

The state has sent 109 of its National Guardsmen to Texas to bolster the Lone Star State's efforts to combat rising illegal migration and trafficking across the Mexican frontier, the governor's office stated.

“All costs will be covered by federal funding allocated to Iowa from the American Rescue Plan. States are given flexibility in how this funding can be used provided it supports the provision of government services,” Reynolds' office stated in a press release.

Those 109 troops will remain at the border until Sept. 1, 2023, and will be tasked with “deterring illegal border crossings and preventing the trafficking of illegal substances by cartels through Texas.”

The state National Guard has previously deployed to the southern border twice since 2020. It is, however, the first such deployment to support a state mission, in this case Texas's Operation Lone Star.

“On his first day in office, President Biden reversed commonsense policies that protected the U.S. Southern border and American citizens,” Reynolds said. “Since that time, our country has experienced a historic rise in illegal immigrants and illicit drugs entering our country. Two years later, every state is a border state, and Iowa’s unique location at the intersection of two major interstates makes it a target for human traffickers and drug cartels.”

“Since the administration refuses to invest in securing the border and protecting its citizens, Texas has asked other states to help, and Iowa is ready and willing to assist,” she continued. “Iowa is deploying National Guard troops and personnel from the Department of Public Safety to protect the citizens and interests of our state by supporting Operation Lone Star and helping secure the U.S. Southern border.”

Texas has moved, some say not very boldly, to defend the border in the perceived absence of federal support. The Department of Justice has since pursued legal action against Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott over some of the state's efforts to deter migration.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Joe Plenzler, a retired combat decorated Marine lieutenant colonel who served as the strategic advisor for communication to three successive Commandants of the Marine Corps from 2010 to 2015, penned an op-ed at last week in which he called for a “limited military draft.”

Plenzler says “It's time to change how our country fills the ranks of our military.”

He notes that today, the military needs only about 160,000 youth from an eligible population of 30 million to meet its recruitment needs. But after two decades of war -- both of which he admits ended unsuccessfully -- and low unemployment, “many experts believe the all-volunteer force has reached a breaking point. And American confidence in its military is at a low.”

He says the fastest and most effective way to resolve this recruiting crisis is to change how we recruit.

Instead of “either an all-volunteer force or a fully conscripted force” model, he proposes a hybrid solution.

Plenzler writes:

“We should have our military recruiters sign up new troops for 11 months out of the year, and then have the Selective Service draft the delta between the military's needs and the total number recruited. This model would alleviate the incredible pressure on our recruiters, lower the cost of finding new troops, and significantly reduce the much-decried civilian-military gap by subjecting all of America's youth -- rich and poor -- to the possibility of military service via the draft.”

I say that’s nothing buy a clever trick.

The rich will always find ways to shield their kids from the draft. Just because you devise a new method of drafting young people does not guarantee that it will be more fair or equitable.

And it certainly doesn’t solve the problem of why young people don’t want to join the military to start with. They don’t want to join because our military has been placed under the leadership of craven fools. They have feminized the armed forces, they have lowered morale by purging patriotic men, and they have invited LGBTQ people who are mentally unstable, then promoted them up the ladder in order to fill a quota even though they are the least qualified in the ranks.

The final and perhaps most important reason why patriotic young people no longer see the military as an attractive career is because of corrupt U.S. foreign policy that seeks to stir up conflict around the world that is not in the U.S. national interest, making enemies where no enemies need to be made and often reneging on promises made to friends.

Expect more retired military to come out of the woodwork offering their two cents on why we need to re-start the draft. They can blame the recruiting shortfalls on whatever they want, but the truth is one that they won’t want to admit. Our military, after eight years of Obama and nearly three under Biden, no longer commands the respect it once did. Until we return the country to better leadership, the problems with recruitment will only get worse. This, of course, is a fact they are well aware of and so now they are contemplating how they can force our sons and daughters into their corrupted clutches. Good luck with that. I believe I’m not alone when I tell the neocon warmongers in Washington, hands off my child. Forget about even dreaming about a military draft. You’ll get my son over my dead body.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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