Sodom By the Lake: 150 Naked Bike Riders Swarm Madison with Children Among Them

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Brannon Howse: Dan Eastman joins us because he's actually from Wisconsin. He probably would have known that Madison, Wisconsin, is often referred to as Sodom by the lake. We did a little trivia question tonight, Dan, and we were asking people under the player to name it. One person got it right. But Vicky actually from Kansas got it right first by a direct text to me. But the rules were under the player. But I'm going to give it to both of them because I think they both deserve it. So I'm going to send them both a copy of Grave Influence and Mark C.A.T. Now would you have known the answer to tonight's trivia? Maybe we should do trivia Friday every week. What do you guys think? I bet you I bet you some of you would love it if we started giving out free freeze-dried food if you got the trivia questions right. But would you have known that, Dan? Would you have known that the nickname the city that is known as Sutton by the lake is Madison, Wisconsin? Would you have known that answer?

Dan Eastman: I would have. But I have to be honest, that's one of the milder nicknames of that particular city.

Brannon Howse: That's one of one of the ones we can actually use on television.

Dan Eastman: Yeah. Um, Madison, Wisconsin is, of course, our state capital. And if you look at a map, there are two big lakes, Winona and Mendota. And Mendota is the site of our biggest mental health hospital. And there's a.

Brannon Howse: Wait a minute. Your state capitol is right next door to the mental health hospital. That is perfect. That's perfect Zoning. That is a great city. Great planning. Better than.

Dan Eastman: That. Okay. There's an isthmus that runs between these two lakes. It's a natural geographic phenomenon. And for some reason, the founders of our state thought that would be a really cool place to build this this monstrous capital building that makes the Vatican look like peanuts. And the Capitol in Washington looks like an outhouse. So here we have this marble edifice built in the 1800s, all paid for by very poor working-class farmers and laborers. That taxes have been high here for a long time. So we build this monument and it's a it's a miniature version of the United States Capitol. As a matter of fact, when they built it, they had to lower the dome because apparently there's some federal law that says no state can have a dome higher than the federal capital. So they had to lower the dome. So anyway, you get to Madison and one of our former governors, Republican Governor Lee Dreyfus, he was a chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, he once said that Madison is 26mi² surrounded by reality. Okay? It is a world unto itself because we not only have the state government, but we have the mothership of the University of Wisconsin, which is a major PAC ten research facility. And money comes in. It's a lot of AG, you know, it's just a big research place. But the sad thing about Madison and one my one of my colleagues, business colleagues from years ago once said and well, he once said that it's like Peter Pan, never Neverland. When students go to Madison, they never grow up. They stay psychologically as college students for the rest of their lives. So what you see on those pictures, and I have to tell you, there isn't enough Pepto-Bismol on the planet to calm your stomach.

Brannon Howse: Did you see it? Did you see it? Oh.

Dan Eastman: No. I was not there personally. No, no, no.

Brannon Howse: But did you see the pictures?

Dan Eastman: That old hippie riding around naked?

Brannon Howse: So you saw you saw these pictures? Yeah.

Dan Eastman: And that's what you have. You have you have children who are late, baby boomers who do this because they can. That old hippie to be kooky, strange, weird, different in Madison is a badge of honor. And that's the problem we have. And and, you know, nobodycares, I suppose. Um, although it's public indecency, if these fools ride around naked because they can and they're not going to get arrested. But when you start bringing little children.

Brannon Howse: Into now, that's when it stops being a laughing matter, right? It does.

Dan Eastman: And that's no different. I think I was on a while back talking about the the the the person showering and Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, which is an eastern suburb of Madison. It's got the same infection. But what you have are people who absolutely hate conformity and they will do everything and anything in any manner whatsoever to protest conformity. So if your ward and June Cleaver, will burn you at the stake in Madison, they do not appreciate.

Brannon Howse: Which, by the way, they actually bombed a pro-life clinic in Madison.

Dan Eastman: Well, no, it goes it's worse than that because I remember as a high school student in 1972, it's the antiwar protests were raging in Madison against the Vietnam War. We haven't seen any antiwar protests against Afghanistan or Ukraine or any other war. But back in the 70s and what they did is they bombed Sterling Hall, which was the chemistry building on the University of Wisconsin campus and killed a researcher. And those four guys got off scot-free, lived happily ever after, never caught, never prosecuted. You know, Madison has been an odd place forever. And it's all driven by this University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin idea that intellectuals are at a higher social standing than the mere peasants who plow fields or work in factories or work in clinics. They are the elite, the intellectual elite. And what they cannot stand is any conformity to traditional American culture. And anything like Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, they can't even stand Orthodox Islam. These people are in a world of their own where they create a perverted ideology. And if you don't buy in, you don't belong in Madison. I'll tell you, this is not a place you move to. And you see in the magazines, oh, it's one of the ten best places in America.

Brannon Howse: To live. I saw that. I've seen that. I thought, These people are crazy. Why would you ever want to live there?

Dan Eastman: Listen, if you're too old, fat hippies who like to ride your bike naked, that's the place for you. But if you're raising children or you have some sense of morality or decency or religious structure in your life or background or spirituality, you are in the wrong place because that is not the place culturally where you can live. And then you drop state government, which is nothing but lobbying and money and bills and legislation. You've got this intensity of government and you've got the craziness of the university system with all of its tenured professors and once kookier than the next. I mean, these people are so out to lunch that we keep them. I mean, we should do is build a wall around Madison and they wouldn't even care. They'd be perfectly happy to keep us out and them in. So, you know, when I saw that article, it's just it's sad. But the thing that caught my eye is when you start bringing kids into that and indoctrinating children, all people have a right to choose their path in life. And I'll tell you, that poor kid, that's abuse. I mean, five, five years ago that would have gotten you convicted and on some child predator list for the rest of your life. They'd notify your neighbors wherever you moved. This would have been a very serious thing. And it's becoming less and less and less. You don't hear of anybody convicted of some child predator thing anymore. What they're doing to kids in this state and elsewhere is beyond belief. It's very troubling.

Brannon Howse: Indeed. It is. Speaking of troubling, as a constitutional scholar, as an attorney, as a professor of economics, I sent you the radio show. An article links to an article about what I covered on radio today, what I covered on TV last night, radio today. And that is this very troubling bill in Michigan that will criminalize, as Matt Deperno, the attorney there in Michigan who ran for AG, said last night, I sent the bill to him to read and come on the air. And he researched it and told me far more than I knew about it. And because he took the time to be able to research and understand those things and share it with us last night And so. He said, Look, you get on the air, Brannon, and you say anything that offends a, quote, sexual minority and you can go to jail for a decade and or be fined criminally, civilly, and then you can also be forced to state brainwashing facility to change your thinking. And I sent that on to you. I mean, that's in a state that's right next door to you, right?

Dan Eastman: Yeah, it is. Michigan is a world unto itself. Thank God for the Lake Michigan. It's 90 miles across. They can't get here. And we'd have to go through Chicago to get there. So nobody goes to Chicago. So we are beautifully isolated from what is a very, very troubling political evolution in Michigan. I saw a story last week that Hamtramck, Michigan, is a Muslim majority community and they have a city council and a muslim majority. And they voted that they're not putting the X, Y, or Z flag on the buildings, the government buildings and that created a big firestorm. But what it shows you is the left is so far out in Michigan that this becomes a really serious problem because you've got these laws that that first of all, you have a constitutional right to free speech. And that's an important thing. We cherish that freedom of speech in America above and beyond all our rights. And the governments are always trying to tighten that noose. And what Michigan is doing is tightening it in a very sad way. And what's going to happen is some poor sap is going to be arrested under that and there's going to be convicted and sent off to the reeducation camp and file a lawsuit, you know, and ten years later, it'll trickle up to the Supreme Court where that type of bill hopefully will be shot down as a freedom of speech issue.

Dan Eastman: But the damage that that legislation does in the interim is huge because it's a vast chilling effect. People will not talk about anything. You'll go about your business like you used to do in the Soviet Union. You said nothing to no one because you didn't want to disappear. And that's what the society they're creating. Meanwhile, all of these fringe people are out there doing these fringe year and fringe year things. At the end of the day, you know, when you think about it from a scriptural perspective, you know, narrow is the path to heaven, and wide is the highway to hell. Um, you know, this is this is what this is manifesting itself to be. When you say Sodom you know what? The Sodom of the lake.

Brannon Howse: Sodom by the lake. Yeah.

Dan Eastman: You know this this comes back to haunt because it's just this idea that they, they don't want to hear anything but their belief system. It's the same thing in Madison. They simply don't want to hear anything restrictive of their beliefs. And their beliefs are everything and anything goes. Life is short. Be a beast, be an animal, have fun anddie. And a lot of people don't live like that. But when you say, hey, maybe you ought to behave yourself, put some clothes on when you ride your bike, well then you're the one going to the reeducation camp and think, Michigan's got a problem because it won't be the last state, it'll be the first state, but other states will follow. You can see California. I don't think you'll see Wisconsin because of our Republican legislature, but you can see Illinois and, you know, other places. And then suddenly America's freedom of speech, like everything else, like Nancy Pelosi, now tears up the speech and throws it away. Well, we either fight for constitutional rights or you lose them. So this is a real problem. And it looks like that's going to become the law. And I'm sure there's going to be some attorney that's going to bring the case to challenge it under the First Amendment. But I pity the poor fool that shot his mouth off. And he happens to be the test case because that's going to be pretty stressful for ten years.

Brannon Howse: So and the thing is, the attorney last night said it could even be you or me because we're broadcasting into Missouri or into Missouri, into Michigan. And if we say something and it's picked up there and they're offended and this is a law that the one that shot his mouth off could be me and you together.

Dan Eastman: Well, you never know. I mean, there are certainly interstate commerce protections and other states have if you're sitting and don't know where you are.

Brannon Howse: Tennessee, Tennessee.

Dan Eastman: It's hard to say because if you go on the Internet, you're going to find all sorts of stuff that's anti this, anti that. And does this law give them the right to haul those people in from across the country or the globe and persecute not, you know, prosecute but persecute because some guy and Uzbekistan post something about somebody This is weird stuff, and unfortunately the ladies and when you look at Michigan man that's a that's an interesting bunch over there but they are hell bent on changing the.

Brannon Howse: The face of the ladies. Are you talking about the governor and the attorney general?

Dan Eastman: Man You know, I don't want to go into it in depth because good thing there's a 90 miles of lake between us. But that's weird. Dynamic.

Brannon Howse: Well, you know that I looked it up today that Dana Nessel, who ran for AG, was saying something about that. She wouldn't you wouldn't have to worry about her showing her private part. And she refers to Tomale anatomy. Do you guys did you know that?

Dan Eastman: Can you imagine 50 years ago somebody running for attorney general even saying something like that? The bigger problem in Michigan.

Brannon Howse: For those who doubt, for those who doubt that that's really been said, I think I have the ad Here we go. You guys ready? Here's the ad, Here we go. Anything? Let me back it up. Hang on. Here we go.

Dana Nessel AD: The last few weeks have taught us anything. It's that we need more women in positions of power, not less. So when you're choosing Michigan's next attorney general, ask yourself this Who can you trust most? Not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn't have a penis? I'd say so. Some people will tell you I can't be the Democratic nominee for attorney general here in Michigan because we can't have an all-female ticket for statewide office in 2018. Pundits and insiders are asking, Can we afford to have a female governor, a female attorney general, and a female secretary of state? Well, I read the news, and I bet you do, too. And it has me wondering, can we afford not to? Now, if you want to know more about what I'll do as Michigan attorney general, head to Dana 20 18. com. But right now I want to tell you what you can expect me not to do. I will not sexually harass my staff and I won't tolerate it in your workplace either. I won't walk around in a half-open bathrobe and I will continue to take all sex crimes seriously, just like I did as a prosecutor. You won't find me using your hard earned tax dollars to silence victims or join right-wing lawsuits that make it harder for you to get health insurance. I'll be too busy doing what I've always done, going to bat for the people who need it most. And winning. Yes, I'm a woman. That's not a liability. That's an asset. I'm Dana Nessel. I approve of putting more women on the ticket in November and I approve this message.

Brannon Howse: Now, this ran, I'm told, on television. Can you believe that? Can you believe that? I mean, what has happened to the sensors for the TV stations? I mean, I guess we could be guilty of the same. We just ran it. But I mean, this is this is an adult program for the most part. This is But this is I mean, this is just shocking. Shocking. And of course, she had to put in there that she's all for the LGBT thing. She's all worried about sex offenders. But how many sex offenders have we been reading in the paper lately that is the transgender LGBTQ crowd that's that are the sex offenders? And yet she's all worried about sex offenders. I mean, this woman is she's a Romans one fool.

Dan Eastman: Well, the problem we have had in Michigan ever since the 2020 election. Antrim County in Michigan, there's been a lot of research done on election integrity issues and election systems. And you have to begin to wonder about the mechanisms that are used in elections to elect people into power. And I have a sense that there's a bigger agenda at play. And unfortunately, these people are in power. And once they're in power, they have power. They can put you away, they can make your life miserable. But the question is, do they achieve power legitimately or is this a manipulated mechanism? We don't know. Nobody knows. So that's a real problem. And we're seeing more and more of that across the country where you get these bizarre zealot prosecutors who are it used to be you go catch the bank robber and put the bank robber in jail. Now they spend all their time on political cases. So if you step out of line, you don't believe you don't say the right thing, then you know you're the victim in this. So it's it's sad. I don't I don't go to Michigan.

Dan Eastman: I've never it's been a long time since I've been to Michigan. And I'm very thankful. I live in Wisconsin, but we've got our problems here. But it just goes to show you that the only power the people of America have is the power to vote. That's our one direct democracy. Our democracy is to vote for a representative that goes to either your state capitol or Washington. And they do stuff on your behalf. And these are the people that are doing things on our behalf. It's like the federal government. They are now 30, $32 trillion in debt. They lifted they suspended the debt ceiling. We're blowing through $500 billion a month, according to major media outlets. The thing is completely out of control. It's completely broken. And the only power we the people have legitimate power, you know, nonviolent power is the vote. And if that vote falls apart or it's manipulated or isn't honest, then we have no power at all. We're the fools. And I think that's a problem in Michigan. You look at that, it's like, wow, how does that happen? Do you know?

Brannon Howse: Exactly. Look at this headline before we let you go. Here it is. This was back in 2022, on June 15th, 2022. Well, uh, ag Dana Nessel jokes a drag queen for every school.

Dan Eastman: Well, I wonder if her family, from my understanding, her family background, wonder how funny this type of stuff is in her culture. We all have cultures. I have to ask that question in Islamic culture. How funny is that over in Iran today? How many drag queens do you see in Iranian grade school? Answer Zero. You know, and that was the whole point of ham tramp saying, you know what? We're going to do this, this, this, this is insulting to our culture because.

Brannon Howse: You know, over in Iran, they'll hang you by a crane or throw you off a building. And I'm not kidding. They will throw you off a building or hang you by a crane. That's Sharia. And what I find ironic about the whole thing is that the left scream and holler to let all the Islamists open the borders. Well, they open the borders. They let them in. They take over the city from top to bottom, and they say, no LGBTQ And the left is screaming because you you know, you let them in left and now they're legislating against you. But the cultural Marxist let the red I mean the red, the cultural Marxist, let the green in. The green being the representation of the Islamic jihadi flag, and the red-greenaxis often work together, but most of the left are too stupid, they're too stupid. They're useful idiots. I mean the useful idiots. They don't realize that many of them are too dumb to know what it is they've done. They're to use biblical terms. Romans One fools, darkened-hearted, debased fools, professing themselves to be wise. They became fools. And they let these things happen. And then they're shocked when all of a sudden they think they're being attacked. Well, again, that just shows you how stupid they are. But it's the left that open the borders and put them into power and said how we got to let Sharia-adherent people come to America.

Dan Eastman: Well, here, here's the proof. You know, God cannot be mocked. And if you take the Abrahamic religions, you have your God, you have Yahweh, you have Allah. However you define at the end of the day, there are like 6 to 8 billion people on the planet, and the left is a religion. These are this is a religion. It's a strange belief system and it's always to challenge good. And they're not going to win in the end. And I think that's why you see these reactions. But ultimately, you are not going to hammer 6 or 8 billion people, you know, around peg into a square hole. Hitler couldn't do it. Mussolini couldn't do it. Stalin, the Soviet Union couldn't do it. Mao Tse-Tung couldn't do it. Nobody has been able to put that 6 billion cats into the bag once they're out. So at the end of the day, the left loses. They don't get it, but they're losing. When you run around Madison riding your bicycle around the capital naked, Oh yeah, you're just stretching the boundaries. But at the end of the day, most people here look at you as an old fool, a fat old fool riding around naked on your bike. We don't care what you do because you're an old fool until you start bringing children into the equation. And then the state has the responsibility to step in to protect the children.

Brannon Howse: And that and that is exactly by the way, that is exactly what's happening here. A concerned Dane County citizen sent an email. This is coming from Dane County Supervisor Jeff Wiegand, a concerned Dane County citizen who sent me an email and a photograph alleging that a child was allowed to participate in Madison's naked bike ride. The photograph provided shows what happens to be what appears to be a child surrounded by adults.

Dan Eastman: It is illegal under state law. You can't take pictures of children naked. And that just goes to show you how bizarre this is. And if we had an attorney general in this state that that cared about the law and wasn't constantly looking for, you know, social justice, how about real justice? Because whoever took that picture and whoever's parading that kid around has violated state law and they should be prosecuted. Absolutely. This will be a naked kids' parade in three years if you let that go. That's the way Madison is. They're always just stretching the boundaries until, you know until they get the next conquest and they stretch again. You can't do that. I mean.

Brannon Howse: This isn't and that's the purpose of government, to restrain evil, reward the righteous, punish the wicked, and keep, of course, the children safe in our culture. Dan Eastman, he's every day, 30 minutes over my channel If you like his fire and his passion, you can catch him every day. Tell your friends, and spread the news. It's there on demand. You can go watch a lot of his past shows as well. his website is what it put up there guys it's I think.

Dan Eastman: Yepthat's it.

Brannon Howse: Thank you Dan have a great weekend.

Dan Eastman: You as well. Thanks for having me on.

Brannon Howse: You bet. Dan Eastman checking in. Check out his site

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