Silent in the Face of Evil | Guests: Simone Alex and Rachel Tash | Ep 281



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There are striking parallels between early 1930s Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes, including Mao's, Stalin's, and what is happening in America today and how the church has been silent in the face of this evil. Because of America’s influence, the church has received a calling to defend the voiceless and speak against the powers that silence the cry for freedom. Simone Alex and Rachel Tash join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss their powerful and important documentary based on Eric Metaxas' best-selling book "Letter to the American Church." The film argues that the church’s decision to stay out of politics undermines the very message of the gospel and its power to transform every sphere of human existence. The attempted Marxist takeover of the American church puts millions in peril.

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