Russia Will Back BRICS Common Currency with Gold
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Brannon Howse: Well, next month the big BRICs is meeting Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It looks like they're going to add in Saudi Arabia. They're going to add in Iran. All kinds of groups want to belong to that. And they're now hinting well, not just hinting, they're stating they're going to go. And back their collective currency with gold. What does that mean for the American dollar? What does that mean? Is that good news? Is that bad news? It may be a while before it's felt in the gold market, but what could it do to the gold market? And we also know the Bank for International Settlements, they've got a big document out tonight that I want to talk a little bit about later in the program, where they're well on board with the idea of the Great Reset that you'll own nothing by 2030 and be happy. From the Bank of International Settlements to the BRICs banking system to the International Monetary Fund with its unicorn, the Unicorn. And they've got their big annual conference coming up in October. The head of the IMF has said, we've got to get going here. We've got to get our central bank, global digital currency going. Folks, things are moving and they're moving fast. How many Americans are even still aware of what we're talking about? Now, this audience is like, how how can we not be aware of it? You talk about it almost every show.
Brannon Howse: But you're right. We do. You're right. But how many other Americans outside of us know what is happening? But of course, also what we're trying to do is keep our finger on the pulse of what's happening because we don't want to be caught flat-footed. Perhaps you're one of those people that's trying to figure out how you're going to move some funds out of your IRA or your 401. K. Now, look, I don't give financial advice. I give financial opinion. But my financial opinion is you better be paying attention because when it starts to happen, it's going to happen fast. And I think a lot of people are going to find themselves locked out of their hard-earned life savings. And then what? So I think it's something we better talk about. Joining me now, as she does each and every week, joins us a little bit earlier tonight because I think she has a big trip. She's getting ready to leave on a business trip is Rebecca Walser. Rebecca, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.
Rebecca Walser: Thanks for having me, Brannon. Glad to be here.
Brannon Howse: Glad to have you with us, Rebecca. Talk to me about your thoughts on Russia coming out this week stating they are going to back their BRIC's banking system with gold.
Rebecca Walser: This is a huge uproar. About four days ago, Russia did through their RT network, which is Russian television as a state state television, I've been on RT, it's been three years or so ago but you know, Russian television a lot of people are not listening to because it's the Russian perspective. But think if you want the Russian perspective, it's exactly what you should be listening to. So about four days ago, they did come out and confirm that they will be discussing a gold-backed global alternative at the Johannesburg, South Africa meeting in August next month, with the 19 formal applications from countries that have applied to become join BRICs and as well as the countries that have informally said that they are inquiring are interested. But what this has done, Brannon is it has made India step back and and honestly sort of start to position itself to potentially even leave the BRICs bloc, which is super interesting because India is starting to feel like it could go it alone, meaning that India has, starting in July of last year, India had worked out an agreement with 18 countries to start using the Indian rupee as their trade, as their currency, and they are actively moving now since July of last year, a year ago this month, they are now moving to 30 countries that they believe will start trading in the Indian rupee.
Rebecca Walser: And if they get to 50, then the IMF has to declare it a global currency. So the interesting thing about India is India feels with their 1.3 billion versus China's 1.4 billion and with their unique position with the West, they're a little bit nervous With Russia being so aggressive with the BRICs bloc that India is kind of letting us know that they might try to become their global reserve currency in and of themselves, sheerly purely because they're the third largest consumer of oil in the world. They're obviously the second largest population, just barely behind China. And we have projections that they will surpass China eventually. So this is all so very interesting. But Brannon, it goes back to what we've been talking about for six months, that the West was going to be backed in to in a position of having to force attach, again, its currency to hard assets. Because while the east, if you want to call it that, let's just call it BRICs, while BRICs is pulling away and saying they are going to hard acid back again, why would the rest of the world continue to use a currency that is economically demonstrated to have zero relationship to our actual hard assets in the world?
Brannon Howse: Um, now, let me ask you this. I don't want to put you on the spot. How comfortable are you talking? Because I know your background. You've got to be careful. How comfortable are you talking about groups like, say, Vanguard or BlackRock?
Rebecca Walser: You know, I'm an active money manager that works with obviously we do work with BlackRock. Listen, I'm very aware of BlackRock's positioning. Larry Fink, ESG. Larry Fink is a big, huge driver with all these Fortune 100 500 corporations, you know, directing a lot of what they're reporting, even accounting-wise, forget about generally accepted accounting principles, GAAP. We're going to ESG, you know, cost carbon cost capturing on GAAP and accounting statements. And they've already really moved, you know, towards that in Europe a lot with what they leverage. So, you know, it is a difficult situation when you have yours in a system that has corruption and has problems, systemic problems from top to bottom. You have to live in that system until the new system is here. So, you know, we're all in that boat right now, Brannon, where we know something new is coming. But we're having to deal with, you know, the reality of the situation right now. So, you know, I have been very bearish literally since November of 2021. I have not changed my outlook. I know that Wall Street is saying that Nasdaq is up 30% and this is a bull market and we're beyond it. But that is just so far from the truth and it's just retail propaganda there. Wall Street has a very determined focus when they're communicating through the media. They want their message out. Wall Street wants the retail mom-and-pop investor. That's you. That's me. That's all of your listeners. Unless they're institutions, which they're not, that's all of us. They want us to stay the course and keep in equities and bonds so that basically the institutions, which as you know, I've mentioned, I think last week, the Institutional have a big shot against the S&P 500 right now, the largest short position since April of 2022. So the institutional hedge money that runs the world tells us that they are betting against this market. And so, you know, we're not out of the woods by by any stretch of the mean.
Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. The reason I brought it up as I read an article today at Global Research and the headline was How BlackRock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis. And the author is making the case that with BlackRock pushing ESG and encouraging this green energy green agenda, they're killing fossil fuels and coal and oil, which creates this huge. You know, global energy crisis. You know, as we have seen, you know, two years ago in Texas, in the winter where these windmills and solar things don't work well when they freeze up or we've seen over in Great Britain and other places where because they have moved off of fossil fuels, they have an energy crisis. We all know that this green energy doesn't save the environment. You have to use these other things to make that and it cannot keep up. And we're and we're going to pay more for it. And if we're paying more for energy and we're paying more for our groceries due to inflation and everything is going up, all we're doing is enslaving people. You know, it's like John Maynard Keynes said, we can steal the majority of the people's wealth through a continuous process of inflation, and not one man in a million will know what we're doing. Well, I know, you know, a lot of this audience knows, which is why they're moving into hard assets because they know the paper dollars they're holding are increasingly becoming worthless or losing their purchasing power thanks to groups like BlackRock that are so very, very powerful. You know, I was doing some research on them today. I think they started in 1988.
Rebecca Walser: Yeah. They're not it for health. Yeah, they're pretty young but but honestly, Brennan looks how.
Brannon Howse: Powerful they are.
Rebecca Walser: But are they And when I mean by that is certainly they are in it. They're an entity and a position of authority over a lot of industries and a lot of fortune. I like to stick with the 100 because that's really what matters. But let's just say all of the S&P 500, BlackRock is a shareholder of there is nothing that they're not involved in. However, they are a tool of the groups that, you know, are much smaller and that is working out the global relationship of the Great Reset. As we said, you know, we talked about this, but in a high-level nutshell, this is a probably four quadrant plan. But let's just go over the three quadrants that we know so well. This is a green this is an energy plan. So, number one, we're attacking all of the energy sources and we're calling conventional energy bad, bad, bad. We're not going to prove to you that what we're going to do is going to save the environment. We're not going to prove to you scientifically that carbon which the world needs and plants need carbon. Why we're trying to reduce all the carbon out of the world scientifically, they haven't even established that as necessary or a fact. That's a whole nother thing. How are we upending the entire world out of over facts that haven't even been scientifically established that there's a consensus and it's globally and universally accepted like water is H2O, you know, so that's so. So we've? Got the energy that is being attacked because energy is freedom. Brannon If you can move and the World Economic Forum has all but admitted in the last five days that they absolutely are bound and intent on ending private car ownership across the world.
Rebecca Walser: They see that as way too much freedom, environmental, whatever. So this number one is energy. Number two is the economy. We are going to attack the economy, are going to upend the American dollar as dollar hegemony, and we're going to end the Petrodollar. And it is going to we are moving from one global world reserve currency, the dollar to multipolarity. Whether that's a BRICs alternative or that's an Indian rupee or that is a United Nations unicorn coin, whatever it is, doesn't matter. It's going to not just be the dollar. So then it's the it's the money, then it's the military, right? The military and all of their intervention. And every time what we've got going on in Thailand and Ukraine and all around the world, ET Cetera. Et cetera. And, you know, then the last fourth one that we have talked about, that we know they have now legally taken over in terms of machinations, not constitutionally, totally unconstitutional. We have a right to bodily autonomy under the Constitution. And when we talk about that, I'm not talking about abortion or any of those topics. I'm specifically talking about the ability to take a medical protocol or not informed consent. And we know that they have completely obliterated all of our rights and the informed consent medical intervention area through coronavirus and really before coronavirus, because they had everything lined up for coronavirus. So that is a four-pronged attack on your energy, your military, your economy, and your health care. That's it. Like the rest of it is social media and entertainment, you know, and they leverage the media to get their messages out and to keep bombarding people with their messages. And that's where we're at.
Brannon Howse: Wow, Look at this. Amazing. Look at this headline here from Yahoo! 24 central banks will have digital currencies by 2030, says the Bank for International Settlements. Now, I don't know if you've had a chance to read it with your hectic schedule, but here it is. This is the BIS, the Blueprint for the Future Money System, the blueprint for the future monetary system. Improving the old, enabling the new. This is a 34-page document. Just this part three. I don't know if you've had a chance to read all this, but it's all about central bank digital currencies. If you read it, they are totally in with the idea of the Great Reset. And you know, this is, of course, the central bank of central bankers. This is very, very concerning. What say you?
Rebecca Walser: Yeah, Brian, this just got published yesterday literally on the 10th. And what is interesting is the Bank of International Settlements, which you're exactly right, they're the top central bankers of all the 60-plus central banks of the world. And they are talking about and this is a new term that is going to come into common parlance, a unified ledger. Okay. A unified ledger is where All is here.
Brannon Howse: Here it is. That's right. That's what I was about to show you. Moreover, by having everything in one place, a unified ledger provides a setting in which a broader array of contingent actions can be automatically executed to overcome information and incentive problems. It sounds like to me they're putting in a global system where you will own nothing and be happy. I mean, am I wrong? And then no. And then it I then I, I got some my friend Tom Renz, who's coming on here as an attorney, said, they're also talking about basically they don't want elected officials. They want people that are appointed.
Rebecca Walser: Yeah. So this is interesting. You hit the nail on the head when you said you'll own nothing and be happy. That's the World Economic Forum Agenda 2030. And it's the great reset message. But here's the thing. They're talking about the tokenization of assets. So how will you have anything You're not going to own your house anymore. No, no, no. Your house is going to be put let's say your house is $300,000. I'm just making up a number. So your house is going to be on the unified ledger as real estate and whatever hometown America you're in 300,000, but you don't own that 300,000. You own the tokens that equate the value of that house, of that 300,000, this is how they're creating a fake asset in between the hard, real asset and you. So that basically if the world fell for this.
Rebecca Walser: If the world actually fell for this, we would give up all of our real assets for tokens that are controlled by the top central bank of all central banks in the world. Uh, no, no. That's hard.
Brannon Howse: Pass. Tokens aren't. Isn't that what. Isn't that what kids were buying at Chucky Cheese or, you know, tokens? I mean, there'd be about as valuable as the. As the tokens, you got at Chunky's. Is it Chucky cheese or Chucky cheese?
Rebecca Walser: Maybe Chucky Cheese. They take the asset. They put it in an account. This is exactly what Sam Bankman Freedman did. This is exactly what he did. He created tokens. He created assets out of thin air. He took people's money and said, Oh, we're going to put it on the blockchain, but we're going to create this little pocket and we're going to assign it a token. And now the token is what has the value. So they're just creating and monetizing assets in a way that will allow them to have all of the assets under their ownership. And we have tokens that they can turn on and off because it is a centrally controlled ledger. It's unbelievable. It says.
Brannon Howse: That. It says that today. Today the monetary system stands at the cusp of another major leap following dematerialization and digitalization. The key development is tokenization, and that word, by the way, is used in this 34-page document, 52 times the process of representing claims digitally on a programmable platform. This can be seen as the next logical step in digital recordkeeping and asset transfer. Oh yeah, Be worried when they talk about transferring your assets, folks. Tokenization could dramatically enhance the capabilities of the monetary and financial system by harnessing new ways for intermediaries to interact in serving end users, removing the traditional separation of messaging, reconciliation, and settlement tokens. This is a whole new way of banking tokenization that could unlock new.
Rebecca Walser: Yeah, go ahead. Brannon. Yeah, no, I was going to say removing you from actually owning the actual asset, you don't own the asset anymore. You own the tokens to the asset. It's its complete monetization. You pay it off if.
Brannon Howse: Your house is paid for. Well, what if your house is paid off?
Rebecca Walser: Uh, then you don't know. Have just don't know what to mean these things. It's. It's all a system of always wondering how are you going to own nothing but yet you have stuff and so this is how you have the house but you don't have the house because you have the tokens that represent the house. It's the monetization of real property hard assets that we've never seen before. And it's insanity. Anybody that falls for this like this is, you know, I'm pretty good of a wordsmith. I'm a decent writer and I can pretty much make anything if I work at it. I can make almost I can make a concentration camp where we put Japanese internment during World War Two. I can make that sound acceptable. What I'm trying to tell you is there are very evil, intentional people that have very evil intentions that will write papers that are 34 pages long, that will make it sound like this is the best thing in the world. This is going to open capital markets for the unbanked. And this is going on and on and on and on. We can make it sound like the greatest thing in the world as we talk ourselves into this, the trap that we're getting in to become slaves to a controlled system.
Brannon Howse: Well, you're a lawyer. You're a lawyer as well as an economist. So you know that what this is going to possibly involve is a rewriting of the laws, the redefinition of words, as you're talking about now. And I go back to the fact they already did this in America, and I think the courts let it stand. I don't know what this Supreme Court would do. But remember, during the Obama years, they decided that the private. Holders of General Motors stock and people that own the General Motors franchise who had some of them. I was reading a story yesterday about one family, multiple generations, and a 40-year business, and they told him one day, you don't own the company anymore. You're going to be forced to shut it down, destroyed it, tore up the contract between General Motors and the investors. And the Obama administration came in and said, we don't honor a private contract anymore. We're rewriting it. So my question would be then, let's say your house is paid off. How do we know they don't come in and change the law and say it might be paid off, but it's not represented by the deed anymore? It's now represented by the tokens. And we have taken your deed and we have tokenized them and now we own the deed to your house and they tie it to your social credit score.
Brannon Howse: And now you got yourself a reverse mortgage because every time you say something you're not supposed to say, every time you do something they don't like, they start digging your tokens. And now, pretty soon, now, your house isn't paid for anymore. Now you're having to go back to making their payments because they forced upon you a reverse mortgage through tokenization of your deed. And you say, well, they can't do that. They did it with General Motors. They can do whatever they want. And unless the Supreme Court steps in and stops them, they can rewrite whatever they want. Because if someone had told you 25 years ago or somebody had told that family 40 years ago when they founded their little local dealership of General Motors, this is what's going to happen in 40 years. They'll say, no, we'll never happen in America. That only happens in places like the Soviet Union or Cuba. But it happened here and it was allowed to stand. So at this point, might make. Right. They can do whatever they want.
Rebecca Walser: Well, I don't disagree. It was problematic what the Obama administration did with the GM bankruptcy and the debt and the bond restructuring. All of that was super problematic. And I think that you know, you have to understand that things go that way until someone sues. And if it does eventually go to the Supreme Court, you know, it's more of a political question to me. They they didn't want a 100-plus year business, an American manufacturing business. They considered it a great economic case. But it doesn't mean you can just write whatever law you want. You're right. But this is what they have to do. They you know, you talked about, well, if I have my house paid off, what's going to happen? And you know what's this is why I go over, Brannon, the four different legs that we're dealing with at all, at all times, because that gets to all of these chemical fires that they've been releasing. And if you read about, you know, what happened in Ohio, that should have never been ignited as a controlled burn because it's not controllable. And actually, the fire itself turns the chemicals. You've had so many people talking about this turn the chemicals into the most toxic chemical to the human body that there is when you burn it. So what I'm telling you is that all of these plants and chemical fires and train derailments and all these things that have released chemicals, they're planning, this is a paper that I've read. They are planning on leveraging, you know, basically eminent domain and condemning land, because if you won't move to their 15 minute city because you live out on a farm in the Midwest and you have 100 acres, you know, how can they get you to move to their 15-minute city? How can they get you to say, no, I'm abandoning my farm? What do you think they're doing in Denmark? This is a global attack on private property because and energy because both of those things equal freedom.
Rebecca Walser: And this is a total attack on freedom. This is a direct attack on freedom. The people that run this world and we're talking about the highest, highest people and then the organizations that report up to them, this group that runs the true world of scheming, of planning, of global wars and global pandemics and all these things, these things are all planned. I mean, you just have to go back and watch David Martin, who has about 1000 hours of documents now of patents that have gone back there related to coronavirus, you know, 15-plus years ago. This is all been planned. This is all a thing that we are following. And we went hook, line, and sinker. For the most part. Society went along with their plan and now people are waking up and saying, wait, now you're going to take over our money supply and move us to central bank digital currency. Now, you can condemn us because we have bad problems with our soil and water from the chemical fires that you're lining that you know you shouldn't be lining and the EPA doesn't even show up. I mean, this has gotten so ridiculous that you're saying to yourself, how are these things happening? And then there's your answer because this is a coordinated global situation on four massive fronts that they have been working towards for hundreds of years.
Brannon Howse: And you know what? In the final moments here, Rebecca, I was reading another article, but this is what Tom DeWeese has been saying to me from the American Policy Center for years. I read an article the other day. I wish I'd marked it. I'd have to go find it. But a family like you're talking about out in the country on their 100 acres, you know, like how they got it paid off, you know, how are they going to be roped into this system? Rivers and streams. Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. The oceans and the rivers. And the streams. And the creeks. And that water runs through those properties. And now they have international laws that we have been adhering to and part of running through those properties that now give them control over private property through international law because of the rivers and the streams because we have examples and I'll bring I'll find them and bring them to the air here in the next day or so where people are fighting this. And you're like, how does this legislation apply to this? Rivers and streams and creeks.
Rebecca Walser: Absolutely. It's all you know, I think that for you and I and your listeners, I think people are awake and we're not going to have to suffer. But I think a lot of Americans, our role is going to be to help people that as this comes forward and the light is open for people, I think a lot of people are going to be really shocked and think it's our job to help them understand that this has been a long time coming. And I understand they just woke up and realized what's happening. But it's been a long time situation year, hundreds of years, you know, you know how long this goes back and don't have to tell you. So it's these people that have operated in the shadows meaning the sound of freedom coming out on July 4th and beating Disney's Indiana Jones. I mean, you know, people are tired of lies and obfuscation and, you know, not giving us what's happening. Don't tell us. In Florida, there's some malaria outbreak. As Bill Gates releases his malaria mosquitoes. We're sick of it. We're all sick of it. And so this government is going to have to get used to starting to be held accountable a lot more a lot faster. I'm frankly I'm happy that the house is red, of course. But, you know, I'm so sick of these hearings. What's happening? When is someone going to do something about it? When are we not going to have a hearing, but we're going to see actual, you know, criminal court cases being brought forward? Enough is enough. People are over it and they're waking up. And for anybody out there that's watching this program that thinks, oh, we're going to still have another five years before this world really wakes up, you're wrong. You better just get in your head right now that this world is changing and you can't stop it because the information, the truth is coming and it will set us all free. Amen.
Brannon Howse: Indeed. Indeed. Amen. And you know what, Colonel? I'm being told now that Colonel, uh, MacGregor, he has a new video out saying the next step is nuclear weapons after the head of NATO came out today and talks about adding in eventually though not a two-step process, but one step process, Ukraine and all they're doing. You know, this may roll a little slower than some people think it will. Maybe it won't. But but they seem they seem like they're guaranteeing they want World War three. And I think they can use all of that to their advantage. I think that's exactly what these globalists and elitists are trying to do. Walser is the website walls If you have a net worth of $250,000 or more, then you are a qualified investor. When it comes to the application process of working with her company due to the licenses and procedures she has to follow by her credentials and licensing. So if you have that and would like to contact her, you can do that through walls We are not paid to promote her. We just are telling you what we tell when we have any guests on. We promote their website and what they do because that's the fair and the right thing to do. After we've interviewed someone that has spent time sharing great knowledge and wisdom with us as she has done so, it's If you want to check out what she's all about and get in touch with her company. There you go Walser Great having you on as always we appreciate our weekly visits Rebecca.
Rebecca Walser: Thank you so much. Have a great week.
Brannon Howse: You too, Rebecca. By the way, folks will be one of the keynote speakers, along with General Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell, Todd Bensman, and Alex Newman. Let's see, who else? Patrick Wood. We've got a big lineup. Doctor Peter McCullough. Rebecca Walser will be with us in person as well at the Ozarks Worldview weekend, coming up in the middle of October on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. We sold out the last two years in a row. Anticipate that happening again this year. Please get your tickets and get registered now, if you would please at Or you can call 901 468 9357 to secure your tickets.
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