Radical Green Extremists Trying to Seize South Dakota Family Farm
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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening. Welcome to the broadcast. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Margaret Byfield and she has a guest and his name is Jared Bosley. He's a farmer rancher out of South Dakota. The government is trying to steal his land. You know, we've been warning about this 20 what is it, 30 by 20, 30. You know, they want to take 30% of the farmland by 2030 and then 50 by 2050. 30 by 30 is the plan again, with 30% of the farmland gone by 2030, and then 50 by 50, 50% of the farmland gone by 2050. This is what the globalists, the socialist, the Marxists, the statist, and the internationalists are. I don't care what you call them, it's all the same group of people. This is what they want. They also want to take away the food so they can control it. Remember my series I did some time ago on the various efforts to get control of people? Remember, the Great Collapse is necessary for the Great Reset. That series I did and I included in my 7 or 8 F's food. Right. They get to control food. Family, health care, your insurance. They've got to control finances, firearms, etcetera. Well, here we are. Farmland. Try to control the food so they can control us. We'll be joined by Jared Bosley here and Margaret Byfield in just one second. Then Rebecca Walser joins us tonight for a financial update. There's some big news coming next week. Some things happening next week. And so I asked her to come on tonight and next week. We'll tell you what we think is coming.
Brannon Howse: And in the next week, we'll actually respond to what's unfolding. Then we're going to be joined in the studio by a special guest. Hold that off for a little bit longer before we go to Margaret Byfield and to Jared Bosley. Let me let you know this. We have gotten way caught up on all of our orders. I stopped kind of promoting our freeze-dried food and stuff too aggressively because I wanted to get caught up. And today, Caleb in our warehouse says, Mr. Howse, you can go ahead and start promoting again. We are ready for new orders. So if you have been delaying, knowing that we were behind, we are now caught up. And a lot of you you say, well, man, I didn't get my order yet. Well, then you ought to be watching for it, because they literally, in the warehouse said to me today, you better start promoting or we got 5 or 6 guys that are going to be standing around before the week's over with no orders. So again, I backed off promoting because I wanted them to catch up. It was driving me nuts that we were behind because we got a slew of orders in February and March when we were offering free shipping. That's not going to happen again for a long time, if ever. So glad you took advantage of it. If you did, it's just too expensive, the shipping in this day and age. But we got great prices and we got great deals at WBtv Store.com for emergency freeze, dried food, and emergency supplies and we've added a lot of new stuff.
Brannon Howse: So check it out. WVWTVstore.com. You can even call Libby. You can even call her right now. So take your call right now. Also, text her and she'll take your order over the phone and track it all the way to your door. 901 4689357. 901 4689357. Take a look at this on my screen today. This is on Revolver. This is where I saw it today. The most important story in America. Climate Zealots Try to Confiscate South Dakota Family Farm. Well, I immediately thought of my friend Margaret Byfield and I said, Hey, Margaret, do you know Jared? Can you get Ahold of Jared? Because we need to interview you and Jared because this is one of the most important stories in America right now, and very few people are talking about it. But the revolver is and we have been, as Margaret will tell you, we've been talking about it now with Margaret for a year, this summer regarding this, of course, I've been talking about this with Tom DeWeese, who introduced me to Tom DeWeese, and I've been talking about this since 1992, right after the Earth Summit in Rio, we started talking about Agenda 21. Everybody is talking about it now. Hopefully, it's not too late. Taking a while to get people to get up to speed. But now they are getting up to speed because they're watching in real-time. It looks like when these policies are put into place, which include confiscating private property. Joining me now is Margaret Byfield and Jared Bosley. Guys, welcome to Brannon Howse Live. Thank you for joining us tonight.
Margaret Byfield: Hey, thank you, Brannon.
Brannon Howse: Thank you, Margaret. Jared is at Bosley. Is that how you say the last name?
Jared Bosley: Yep, that's correct.
Brannon Howse: Just like Bosley on Charlie's Angels.
Brannon Howse: I remember that.
Margaret Byfield: Which angel are you, Brannon?
Brannon Howse: Yeah, well, that's true. Bosley was the guy in charge of all the angels, by the way. So, anyway, I have. I have. I have two angels that work. Actually, I have three angels. Libby, Melissa, and Anni. They are the three angels that work for me. Anyway, I'm not sure. They always think I'm an angel. Good answer, right? Good answer. I'm not sure. They always think I'm an angel. But, you know, it takes a type A personality to get it done. But those are my three angels right there that keep this whole network going. Melissa, Libby, and Annie. All right. So, Margaret, I texted you today and said, hey, you know, Jared, because this story was on Revolver. We need to talk about him. So tell me what's happened before you bring Jared in, lay the foundation here, and how it fits with what we were warning about last year with you.
Margaret Byfield: So, you know, one of the stories you've really been following and talking about is the Biden administration's 30 by 30 agenda to permanently protect 30% of America's land and oceans in their natural state. And so we're seeing, you know, a number of things which you and I have talked about that are coming together in order to implement this agenda. And this carbon sequestering pipeline is just one of those pieces. And but this is hitting the Midwest. There are a lot of things happening in the western lands where the federal government owns 50% of the West already. Lots going on there. But this is the one that's really impacting private property. And you know, what is frustrating about this whole debate is that the agencies, the administration, are justifying everything that they are doing because of climate change. And this whole climate crisis is a farce. It's made up, you know, the scientists, the true scientists know that we don't know enough about the climate to even determine if a man is having any impact on it. And so, you know, they're just they're creating this crisis in order to to do things like they're doing here in South Dakota, which is condemned private property for these carbon sequestration pipelines that are all about profit. People are going to make a lot of money off of this. But first, they have to condemn the land, the farmland of American landowners to do this. And that's what this carbon sequestration pipeline is all about. And so, you know, Jared is on the front lines of this. You know, he's the one that's having to face off with them coming out to his property and trying to condemn his land. And so I'm just really pleased that he was able to come on tonight to tell his story.
Brannon Howse: Wow. Jared, tell us your story. How many acres do you have? Are you a generational farmer? Where are you? In South Dakota.
Jared Bosley: Yeah, I'm a fourth-generation farmer. Raising the fifth generation now. And wow. In South Dakota. Be from Aberdeen, South Dakota, 15 miles southwest of there is kind of where this pipeline is coming through right on the southwest corner of Brown County. All its landlord owners have been sticking together and all doing the same thing, kind of making a fight here and no one's giving in. And now they're resorting to eminent domain things is what is kind of happening now. We had a case in the court and the judge ruled that Summit can survey, which if you read the Constitution, that's not how stuff is supposed to work. Two judges in South Dakota ruled with Summit, and one in Iowa ruled against them. Well. Now that order is in place. And I don't mean we don't like the order. Of course not. But a judge did it. So you kind of have to you have to respect it. That's how it works. I mean, when you say.
Brannon Howse: The order, is to come on your property without your permission and survey. Is that what I heard you say?
Jared Bosley: Yep. That order is in place currently in Brown County. Judge Summers ruled that. And the one day I left here to go plant my wife was home recovering from surgery. And when I was gone, the surveyors came and they knocked on the door, went in the house, yelled in the or yelled in the house. They went across the road and went into the shop. Well, the shop sits on a totally different section of ground, not on anything that's in the condemnation papers. And with this order in place, they don't have to come and get our permission anymore. So it's like they were kind of looking for me while I was gone ten miles away. My wife called me and said, Well, just go see who it is because they're an unmarked vehicle or not wearing any tags. It's just a random pickup with Louisiana plates showing up here. Nothing marked anything on it. So she went up to see who it was because they were up in the field. And she called right when she did. And when she called, I picked up, and all I heard was summit surveyors. Well, you still don't know who it is or not. So I said, if it's summit surveyors, a sheriff should be involved. Well and then hung up because I was turning a corner and we had a mudhole in the field and had to go around that and I just had to focus on what I was doing. And just later she texted, said they left. I thought it was all over. Well, later the detective comes out. The surveyors said that I threatened them and threatened to kill them. Well, then it was contempt of court. Then they were trying to get me and then they wanted a restraining order against me.
Jared Bosley: I did nothing of that sort. They're making this stuff all up to make me look bad. Uh, I didn't do any of this stuff. We went to court, I won, didn't get found in contempt, and. But they wouldn't let us, like, show any of the evidence or anything. So that's why the video and that stuff is getting out there. And, you know, people like you helping us get the word out about this because if it's not in your backyard or your house right now, it sure could be. We let the eminent domain go for private companies. That's nothing with public use. And it's the carbon farce. Just like she said, it's there's no science. I don't know why anybody thinks it's a good idea to bury plant food. I mean, corn, beans, these trees, grass, everything uses carbon dioxide and puts off oxygen For us. That's a pretty key element in our livelihoods and life in general. And it's just they're just trying to get control of the land and everything they can do and like here, where they want to go, north of my place, it's through a new tree grove we've been planting and the kids and I've been out watering these trees. That's for future herd expansion here on our ranch. If the kids want to come home. That's how we got to get trees in for windbreaks so we can make all our lots and maybe a couple of hoop barns or something back there for cattle. But if they put this pipeline through there, all that goes out too. It's gone. And I don't know why they get to dictate the future here. I haven't meant we just want to farm and raise cattle and do those things as we've always done, and now we're now.
Brannon Howse: You are the fourth generation raising the fifth generation. I don't know if it's just allergies and you're out on the farm or did I just hear your voice crack when you were talking?
Jared Bosley: But it could be allergies and on the farm. But it is an emotional deal. I mean, it's what you owe your past.
Brannon Howse: That's what I was getting at. Do you find yourself becoming kind of choked up and emotional over this, thinking about your father, your grandfather, you know, your descendants, and what that land means to you and your family and your future? Your next generation is this You find this becoming an emotional issue for you, not just emotionally with a righteous indignation, which I think you're right to have. But do you and your family find yourself sometimes shedding tears over this?
Jared Bosley: My wife definitely has She's scared to be alone at home here now after this incident, just because it seems like they're. They're targeting me. I've been a voice the whole time. I'm keeping everybody down here kind of together as one unit. And we got everybody up and down this pipeline. It's just one big pipeline family anymore. And it does get to be an emotional deal. I mean, I know ladies that are 80 years old that are fighting this, and I couldn't imagine even trying to explain this to my grandma and grandpa. And my dad is 73 years old, 74. We're supposed to be retired fishing, having a good time. And now he's having to worry about all this stuff. It's just a lot of added things that mean it's a stressful job anyway. It really is. There's just a lot. You're busy all the time. You're not going camping and fishing and doing those things. You hope to retire so you can maybe do some of those things sometime. But now it's taken away from his retirement and any spare time we get, it's we're, we're doing pipeline things that's our pastime now but it's for our complete future and I ain't going anywhere. None of this pipeline family is back.
Brannon Howse: I want to go back to the charges by the survey company. You're telling me that you never even saw them? You never had contact with them, you never talked to them? They ended up leaving by the time you got there. Is that correct?
Jared Bosley: Yep, that's correct. I was on the phone with my wife, they claimed.
Brannon Howse: Yet. Yet they claim you made all these threats against them, but you weren't even physical. You weren't even laying eyes on them?
Jared Bosley: No, I was ten miles away, and that phone call was six seconds long. I got it all documented. My phone, her phone, the phone records. I was on the phone with her for six seconds and there got claims saying I was worried about the trash out there and they're going to pick the trash up. And then the next sentence was, Oh, I'm coming there to kill you. And then after that, they talked to Tara. Well, do you want us out here? And she goes, I don't know how I'm supposed to answer this with the judge's orders, but nobody wants this pipeline. And she just left. There was nothing about any threat. I've never said anything like that. I said you have to respect the judge's orders. That's supposed to be how I guess these things work, whether the judge is wrong or not. He bangs the hammer and whoever's favor, I guess that's who wins. And so far, he's kind of been behind summit on these deals. And it's kind of frustrating.
Brannon Howse: Let's talk about let's talk about the system in South Dakota. I know. I know Aberdeen. I've been to Aberdeen many times over the years. I spoke at Aberdeen Christian School. I spoke at the church that started the school and sponsored the school. It's a Baptist church there that the pastor of the church and is pretty well-known nationwide. Pastor Salem. He died last year. I think he was 90-something years old. I knew his wife, Beulah, who died several years ago. So I knew Pastor Salem. I knew Beulah. I had spoken at that school in church several times over the years in Aberdeen. My wife had gone with me on a few of those trips as well, and I know that area well. I've done a lot of hunting and spoken down in Huron, South Dakota, at James Valley Christian School and a lot of the churches down there not too far away. Huron is not too far. I'm on a station in Huron. My radio show covers South Dakota, so I've spent a lot of time in South Dakota. It's been a few years, but I have spent a lot of time there. I know what the people are like and this is a culture.
Brannon Howse: This is a culture. This is a way of life. This is history. This is a heritage. It is, as you've described, multi-generational. It is their livelihood. I'm speaking to the audience now. They. They go through horrible weather conditions and droughts and they try to make a crop. Raise cattle and make it to the market and make a living. Pay their notes and keep going. Yeah. And now you have people showing up on their property without permission to survey so they can use eminent domain and take their farmland. Now, are they offering you any money for the farmland and how much are they trying to take from you? And what if they do get it? What will that do? Because you've already referenced you won't be able to do certain things on your property. So how much are they trying to get from you? Are they offering you compensation financially? Not that it matters because they could offer you 2 million. If you say no, that ought to be your right because this isn't a school. This isn't a highway, not an airport. So answer those questions for me, please, so we can get a better understanding of what they're doing to your family.
Jared Bosley: So they're trying to get I think it's close to 100-foot right-of-way kind of type of deal they want and the easement. But how they come through everything is like a diagonal across the entire quarter. So it comes through and they say like the one meeting they said they were trying, oh, they're avoiding wetlands. Well, where they're going through is the widest part. And kind of this creek that's by the farm here and they don't. And so north of the farm, there are 20 acres surrounded by trees. And then we cut that up into lots or we got trees planted. It's still farm ground. Well, they're going to run right through the middle of that. So if they put anything in there, they cut holes in the windbreaks, and then you can't build anything close to there. You can't mean you can't plant trees. Even putting a fence up is going to be tough. And for one. This stuff is very dangerous to have any of this stuff around you. I mean, even just farming over it is going to be pretty damn scary, really. They only want to go on the ground four feet. Well, if we get the right conditions in the fall and it's wet, these machines can sink in the ground four feet pretty easily. And that's But it just cuts everything off.
Brannon Howse: You hit that thing, you hit that thing and you got an explosion. Is that what you're telling me?
Jared Bosley: Correct. This is a 24-inch pipe at 2,250 pounds of pressure. I'm on the main line back here. And it's yeah, it's more than a bomb going off because when that compressed CO2 hits the air again, it turns into like dry ice kind of and it comes out and it expands again super fast and then it's heavier and air. So then that big vapor cloud will come right down kind of through this low creek area. My house, the cows, everything's on it. I mean, you you get in that cloud, it's over. I mean, you don't even get to see your critters die. You get to die right with them. And it's there's no science behind this stuff. I don't know why they think they need to rush through it other than the fact that it's just a big money grab for them right now. And if I mean anybody who follows anything, there's not any extra money out there in America. I don't know why they think they need to keep pushing these deals.
Brannon Howse: Well, I'm seeing here from one tweet, one tweet by Greg Price says here, Former South Dakota GOP state chair Dan Lieberman is a senior advisor on this project. Is that is that right, Margaret?
Margaret Byfield: You know, I'm not sure about that. But Jared may know being right there in South Dakota.
Jared Bosley: Yes, that's right. And I believe he is also a. Kind of an attorney deal for the Saudi Arabia prince over there. There are a lot of ties in there when you get circling and looking at all this stuff. Our mean, our governor ran on property rights. That was the number one bullet point on her campaign page.
Brannon Howse: And now what is she doing for you? What is Kristi Noem doing for you if she ran on property rights? What is she doing about all this?
Jared Bosley: Completely silent. She won't say a word about it. She says it's out of her hands. It's in the pussy's hands. I personally talked with.
Brannon Howse: Is it out of her hands? Is that it? You did. How'd that go?
Jared Bosley: She told me it was out of her hands. And I said, But you're the elected governor of South Dakota. There has to be something you can do. And she just told me, Am I supposed to fight all your battles? And that was the end of the conversation with you.
Brannon Howse: She said she said that to you. She said, Am I supposed to fight all your battles?
Jared Bosley: That's exactly what she said.
Brannon Howse: And how did you take that remark? How did you take that remark?
Jared Bosley: Jared Kind of like a slap in the face like that. Mean you run on one thing and then totally turn your back on it when it's the, you know, the issue. It's just it's a frustrating deal. You know, she's got.
Brannon Howse: How about the people around her? Does she have people around her are formal people around her that are caught up in this little circle of people that are going to benefit from this project?
Jared Bosley: Uh, I feel like yes, there is. I don't know all the names of everything, but I. I know, like, some solutions were a big deal to her. Her. They were the platinum donor at her inauguration. I mean, you can cut. The writing's on the wall there. I believe she has some family involved with this jet fuel plant in Brookings, South Dakota. And that jet fuel plant needs these pipelines to happen. Well, I mean, if you just start following kind of the money, you always you things are really.
Brannon Howse: What jet fuel, what do jet fuel pipelines have to do with carbon capture? Now, aren't we now talking about something completely different?
Jared Bosley: Well, that's what they tell us. One thing that they're going to bury this in the ground in North Dakota with this pipe. But now in the last few weeks, you start to hear how they can start to make jet fuel out of this out of carbon dioxide. So they tell you one thing, but when you follow and look into more things, I don't know if they're all tied together, but it sure looks like it to me.
Brannon Howse: So it's what do you think about all this, Margaret?
Margaret Byfield: You know, I'm still kind of taken aback by the governor's comments. I mean, this is profit over people. This is her constituent. She was hired to do exactly that, fight these battles for these people, especially if she ran on property rights. I mean, I'm still kind of stunned. That's the first time I've heard that. I just you know, for an elected leader to say that is just it's just I mean, honestly, I'm kind of speechless on it. I've worked with a lot of really good elected leaders. And it's just it's a little unprecedented.
Brannon Howse: Well, you know, she comes off on television as kind of this conservative from a ranching farmer family of South Dakota, you know, kind of a MAGA, you know, America first type gal. But the more I hear about her from people in the state doesn't seem to really match up with what we see on television. In other words, there seems to be a different persona in the state than those of us have outside the state. Is that a fair assessment, Jared?
Jared Bosley: I'd say that's very fair. I mean, I believe the one commercial she had was talking about her father or grandfather, and it said, Kristi, don't sell the land. Don't sell the land. They're not making any more. Well, here we are. This land that these people want to come across is not for sale. It doesn't matter what they offer us. We're not taking it. We don't want this hazardous pipe. There's no reason to put plant food into the ground. And I mean, she ran on. I mean, don't sell the land. But if it's not her land, guess fine enough. They just come to take ours And.
Brannon Howse: So none of this is going across her family's farm? Is that what I'm hearing?
Jared Bosley: Not that I know of.
Brannon Howse: Well, not that it matters the price, but just. Just curious. How much do they offer farmers? How much are they offering for your little area that they're wanting?
Jared Bosley: Well, for half a mile, I think a rough deal is maybe a hundred grand, but that's crop damages for three years. When you break back the crop damages to the per acre, they're not even half of what the auction prices are around here. It's just a slap in the face of what the per acre is on it. You know, it sounds good if you you know, you figure good corn prices and a good crop. I mean, that lump sum sounds good. But when you take off the crop damages for three years. There's not a lot there for the per acre. They still aren't offering it all close to what they should be. And like I said, it's not for sale, you know, and they think just three years of crop damage is this dirt through here. It only has about six, or eight inches of black dirt on the top. You disturb it with a pipeline. It isn't going to come back and be productive ever again. That's just how it is through here. Some places, you know, where you got six-foot-deep black dirt might be a little different there, but it doesn't work here. We've had pipelines. There's, you know, we got water lines and stuff through here and that wasn't a battle. We understand water. I mean, we get the water for the cattle for us and that's when they follow kind of the roads and make straight lines instead of just diagonal across. They just they don't they don't care what they bulldoze through. They tell you one thing, something else kind of seems to happen. And the more I learn about the background of all this carbon capture and stuff, before two years ago, I could say I didn't know a lot about it. And you do research every night when you get it. Now you're an expert.
Jared Bosley: You know a lot about it. So that's so.
Brannon Howse: Tell me, Margaret, before we go to Rebecca Walser, tell me, Margaret, South Dakota is not an anomaly. This is not a one-off. This is going on all over the United States of America, right? Margaret?
Margaret Byfield: Yeah. In this particular series of pipelines, there's more than just summit that's involved in this. There are some other companies, too, but it's going on in five states. So you've got Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota, Kansas. These are all involved. And the landowners in all of these states are having to deal with exactly this issue. I think South Dakota is just the first they really targeted, unfortunately, because, you know, and I don't know if that's because the elected leader of the state hasn't stood up against it.
Brannon Howse: That's what that was about. I was about to say, maybe they targeted South Dakota because they will realize they had a governor they could roll over.
Margaret Byfield: Yeah, you know, but right now, South Dakota is in the crosshairs. And, you know, one thing that I think really hits home to me is I had the real pleasure of speaking to a group in South Dakota a few months ago. It's families feeding families, and they're a group of farmers in the southeastern part of South Dakota. And Julia, who you've interviewed, comes from there. And when I spoke there, one of the questions that came up was how many people in that room were still farming the land that their predecessors, their families secured during the Louisiana Purchase. So when Jefferson made that purchase and he opened up, he didn't call up Bill Gates or Summit Pipeline to ask how much of this land do you want. You know, at that time in our history, our founders still knew that in order for us to be a free nation, it wasn't just the Constitution written on paper. The people had to have the ability to own the property and therefore limit the government. That's what secures our constitutional principles. And so, you know, when he made the Louisiana Purchase, he opened that entire purchase up to private settlement.
Margaret Byfield: Anybody who wanted to go out and stake that land and make it a good piece of land and profitable could do so. And so in that meeting, you know, that question was asked how many here are still farming the land that their predecessors farmed? And there are so many hands that came up in that room. And it was really cool for me to see and be in a room with people who had cared for the land. Generation after generation after generation like that. And they loved that land. They don't want to leave that land. That's their home and that's their heritage. And so, you know, that's just for me. It's just it's so sad what our nation is allowing to happen with these private companies. And we need elected leaders that have a backbone and are willing to stand up and take these on, and forego the money. The money is not going to get you into heaven. You know, you can't take that with you. And you've got to start putting the people first. We have to start doing this in this country.
Brannon Howse: And this is not. Limited to this project and then it's over. You have alluded before that with this project comes all kinds of additional problems that could then be impeding their rights and how they can use their land and all kinds of things they have to go get permission for. So it isn't as simple as here's $100,000. Give us a little easement. Not that simple. There's all you've explained all kinds of other problems. This is going to create. Tell our audience about that before we conclude.
Jared Bosley: Yeah, it's very dangerous. Margaret.
Brannon Howse: Margaret. Either one. Either one. You go first, Jared.
Jared Bosley: Well, I just want to keep everybody informed. And this starts with property rights. Property is anything you own. So it's land this time. Farmland this time. How long before they start coming to people's houses and telling them their house is too big for two people? They shouldn't have that. Or nope, we're going to bullshit, you know, bulldoze your house down and put up apartments here. It's more efficient. I mean, these things, firearms as you talked about earlier, you know, if you collect guns, what do they say? You can't you can have one for pheasants and one for deer or something. I mean, they're just they're coming. This is a property rights battle. And if this eminent domain thing goes for private companies, foreign-invested, private companies, it's we're losing America the way it feels.
Brannon Howse: Yeah, we are. You're absolutely right, Margaret, You talked about these restrictions and things that will come with this. What additional things could his family be facing if they don't agree or even if they agree to this? But if this is forced on them and this is put on their property, what other problems down the line does that create for them as far as things they have to go and now ask the government for permission to do?
Margaret Byfield: Well, that that right away they're going to have to ask permission for everything and then that's going to take precedence. So much of their farming activity now is going to have to be looked at as to whether it possibly could harm that pipeline. And that's what changes everything. What they can use to keep the weeds out. And that's a big problem with pipelines all across the nation especially pipelines that go through farmland. Is is once that's opened up, you know, you have to keep the weeds out, or else everybody's farmland next to it becomes a weed patch. They're trying to grow corn, but instead, they're growing corn and weeds and it devalues all of their product. And so there are so many repercussions. You know, we've talked about the danger of the pipeline and all of that. But, you know, it's fundamentally this is a pipeline that has no benefit to the people. You know, we heard Mark say the last time we were on the call how they have gas pipelines that, you know, come across their property and they really don't have a big issue with that because they know that at the end of the day, it's actually a public benefit. And so they're willing to do their part. This doesn't have a public benefit. This only profits company that have foreign investors that are stood up by our tax-paying dollars through the subsidies and tax credits. And to get there, they have to condemn this man's property and other landowners' property in South Dakota. And it is fundamentally unjust and shouldn't be happening in our nation.
Brannon Howse: In conclusion, what can we do? How can we help, Jared? What should we be doing?
Jared Bosley: Oh, there's a website. So there's a website. South Dakota property rights.com. Property rights.com. That has a lot of information there. There might be some type of donation thing on there. I'm not sure Mark would know more about that. But one other thing with this pipeline is the liability side of it for insurance like your farm insurance and that. They don't know how or what they're supposed to do. These insurance companies, they don't want to insure anything like this. I mean, you know, they don't know how to handle it. Well, Summit tells you. Oh, don't worry about that. Well, ask the people in Mississippi what would happen when that pipe blew down there. They all filed lawsuits and then the company just filed bankruptcy and left and just hung everybody anyway. So there are a lot of other things that you don't think of right away, but those are real things also. And we've all been you can't get an insurance company to give you an answer. This is so new. They don't know enough about them either how to, you know, have your liability insurance on this. Because once you make a trench, put a pipe in it, say you're coming across it with a combine and it sinks in and falls and breaks it, well, who's at fault then with all of this? They it's there are just a lot of things that way. As you said, you can't put any buildings around it. It's changing how you're going to look and drive over that. I mean, with every pass, you'll be nervous going across the top of it. So it's there's just a lot of things. But if everybody could check out that property rights.
Brannon Howse: Check out the website.
Brannon Howse: My screen is SDpropertyrights.com. There it is SDpropertyrights.com. A lot more information here. Push people to it. Check it out. Find out what they're doing. Look at this pipeline. Look at this summit pipeline, folks. Wow. Look at that. And this again is supposedly capturing Co two, which is plant food. So I don't understand why they're doing that. Anyway, it's such a stupid thing to do. It's a dangerous thing to do. It's a stupid thing to do. It's not necessary. There's no environmental benefit to doing this whatsoever. This is just a scam, in my opinion. Kind of like the Federal Reserve. They've created another scam and then they can now charge and swap carbon credits and all kinds of other garbage. What a scam. That's my thoughts, my opinion. If anyone disagrees and come on here and argue with me. But look at this pipeline. And this again is going on with other companies all over the country. So folks go to SD property rights.com SD property rights.com. Closing comment Margaret.
Margaret Byfield: You know, first let me just say, Jared, thank you. Thank you for standing up for this. And thanks for coming on and telling your story. You know, sorry that you're having to go through this, but you've got a lot of good friends and we're very, very proud to be able to stand by you guys as you guys stand up against this. And the only thing.
Brannon Howse: Have you been interviewed, by the way, Jared? Have you been there? By the way, Jared, by any other television programs or radio shows?
Jared Bosley: Yeah, I was on Fox Business on Monday and I talked to Daryl quite a few times on 550, and there's another show in Rapid City he wants to talk on on Friday. Like it's it's a lot. I don't do a lot of public speaking, but kind of learning to do this whole thing I guess.
Jared Bosley: One good thing about this pipeline. I've met so many good people. It's a pipeline family now. Like it's there be close friends forever because we're kind of fighting a pretty good battle here. And yes, you are.
Brannon Howse: You are. Absolutely. And I appreciate your coming on and having the guts. You're going to say something, Margaret and I cut you off. You get the last word, Margaret.
Margaret Byfield: No, that's that I just really appreciate what they're doing. And Brandon, you too. I mean, you're the first to give this story airtime, so we appreciate that. You're always good to step up and take on these issues when nobody else will. So we appreciate it.
Brannon Howse: Well, you're very kind. Jared and Margaret. Margaret. What's your website, Margaret?
Margaret Byfield: We're American stewards. Us. And also we have a Twitter account. We put up a story. We did kind of a background story on this that if anybody wants to get a little bit more background, my husband wrote it, Dan, whom you've met and that's ASL, underscore Liberty. Our Twitter account. So you can go there and read that.
Margaret Byfield: Yeah, Americanstewards.com. And the Twitter is ASL_liberty.
Brannon Howse: Okay. All right. Keep us posted. Jared, Margaret. You guys got our contact info. You keep us posted any time you need to come back for an update. Please do. Because this is vital. Because this is going on nationwide. Thank you, guys. Wow. There you go, folks. Very important stuff.
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