Over 7,000 Pastors Join Team to Re-elect President Trump
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Brannon Howse: Joining me, however, right now is Joe Hoft. Joe Hoft is down in Miami at, I think, President Trump's golf course down there in Miami for a big event with General Flynn, Clay Clark, and Mike Lindell, I think is going to be there as well. Joe, thank you for joining us tonight. Real quick.
Joe Hoft: Hey, it's great being here. Brannon. How are you doing? Good.
Brannon Howse: It sounds like you're having a fun time in the background, from what I'm hearing.
Joe Hoft: Yeah, Yeah. There are some people still in the room, I'm hearing at Trump Doral. So it's the Trump facility here. Not far from downtown Miami. It's. I don't know if you've been here. It's my first time here. It's amazing. I have not been.
Brannon Howse: I've been to it's one of the Mar a Lago, but not there.
Joe Hoft: Yeah, Yeah. It's one of the top courses, I think, in the country. I've heard of Doral, you know, and it's so pulled up today for the first time. Came down for an event this evening here and it's pastors for Trump and so maybe you've heard of Jackson Lameyer and some of those guys that have started this group, Pastors for Trump. They said tonight they got like 7000 pastors that are on their team now. And they bet that's I.
Brannon Howse: Bet that's more than they had in 2016. And you know why? Because finally, some of the pastors are realizing their pulpits are about to be shut down. They're about to get the old pastor, Art Pawlowski, treatment as he got in Canada, who was on my show the other night, where he's being charged as the first person under this legislation, this charging him as a terrorist for speaking about, you know, speaking at a truckers rally. He was on the radio with me in the car, headed to that event, then spoke couraged them, offered the Lord's Supper to them, and told them to stand peacefully but stand there. He's looking at ten years in prison for preaching a sermon to the truckers on the border there. And yeah, I think some of the pastors in America are realizing they will get the Pawlowski treatment, so they're finally waking up. What's sad is I couldn't get them to wake up in the 80s and the 90s and the early 2000s when many of us were out there saying this. But now a lot of them got their ox in the ditch or about to. They're waking up. Hopefully, it's not too late. I'm glad more are waking up, though.
Joe Hoft: Yeah, it's fantastic. So we had Pastor Lameyer and a couple of other pastors who work within the Oklahoma area. They were fantastic. And then I had the opportunity to speak, which was just a tremendous honor because also here were General Flynn and Roger Stone. So actually Stone was the final speaker and a couple of others. This Jimmy Levy sang a song that was just beautiful. The room was it was a free event. This place was packed. And I sent you I guess I sent you a couple texts through a Yeah, through text about what's going on here. It was amazing. It was uplifting. I was moved by the entire event.
Brannon Howse: I just. I'm going to send this to you, Thomas, to see if we can maybe play this video footage because I'm looking at it. Indeed. The room is packed. See if we can get that up there real quick. Logan, if you don't mind, um, let me ask you before we run out of time about this article over@joe.com Joe hoft.com super majority of Americans, 69% believe the Biden gang's crimes are related to foreign influence peddling are a big deal. Again, Americans are getting tuned in finally.
Joe Hoft: Hey, man. And this is coming from Rasmussen Reports. So they've got a pretty reputable research firm and survey outfit and they come up with this today. Yeah. Almost 70% 69% of the people of the voters are now saying, hey, this Biden thing is huge. And so that's big. And it kind of it ties into what we saw a couple of weeks ago. And I think we mentioned this on your show before, Brendan, how we found out that 60% of Americans believe that the 2020 and 2022 elections were stolen. And another survey Rasmussen said that something like 65% of Americans believed that the feds instigated January 6th. So our message is getting out. Brandon. I mean, this work that we do to share the truth is important. But it's being heard. And you know, there's a huge they've sold out this event down here this weekend with Flynn and Stone and I think they have about 80 speakers. They're going to be there's going to be some great entertainment and incredible work from people talking about COVID, talking about the election and, you know, really praising and praising the Lord as well. So, um, it was an honor to be here tonight, you know, and the word is, is we're you know, nobody's listening to CNN anymore. And, you know, last night for CNN, that was a devastating moment. They had an opportunity to interview President Trump and they brought that that Caitlyn Collins out. And she was nasty.
Brannon Howse: She was nasty, wasn't she? I thought President Trump was very patient with her, to be honest.
Joe Hoft: I tell you, you know, I think anybody that would watch the whole thing would be eventually like, yeah, right on. The wonderful thing of that last night, too, was how there were all these Trump people in the crowd that were, you know, praising Trump. It's so refreshing to see that because we're the majority, you know, we're the majority. And he simply destroyed that young lady. But with the truth she didn't want to hear. She had a couple of lies, etcetera. And so, you know, it didn't help CNN at all. I think the news you know, overnight and this morning was that, well, here we go. Cnn You're still the same old CNN that we knew you got rid of these clowns that were on your show, but you're still a clown show. And, you know, you just have new clowns. So, yeah, good news for us.
Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed. Indeed. Good news for you guys. What other what What other. Thomas. I'm about to send you Todd Benjamin's number unless you have it. Or I'll send it to you. Let's get him on and we'll use some of his footage as a B-roll because he's going to be reporting live from right on the border. So we'll grab him real quick before we run out of time. Before I let you go, Joe, what other articles and things are you working on real quick?
Joe Hoft: Yeah, well, I think I've mentioned I just finished my third book on the steel and I mentioned that again tonight. That's kind of hopefully come out by the end of the month and this one's on the cover-up and all that they did to, stop anybody from looking at this thing and from overturning it because they knew it was stolen. We all know it was stolen. And so that's a big piece. I think, um, there were a couple of other great pieces overnight. I mentioned this Doral event and there was a lot on Trump's, um, Trump's debate performance over the last day two there's, a lot is going on. Nothing really to highlight right now.
Brannon Howse: Okay, Joe but Joe Half.com is the website but the headline tonight 7000 pastors have signed up to work for the re-election of Donald Trump. Hey, man. Wow. Yeah.
Joe Hoft: And moving event tonight. An honor to be here.
Brannon Howse: Thank you for the live report from President Trump's course there in Miami. Thank you. Thank you, Joe.
Joe Hoft: Thank you, Brannon. Thanks for all you do. You too. You're sharing the truth.
Brannon Howse: It's a team. It's a team effort. Thank you. Check out joe.com, folks. Joehoft.com. Joehoft.com.
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