Large-Scale Illegal Medical Lab Discovered In California

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  • The Biden Justice Department seeks to have a key whistleblower jailed just days before he was scheduled to testify in Congress against the Biden crime family.
  • An investigation into a rogue biolab in California turns up a large-scale operation with ties to China that includes hundreds of bioengineered mice, and deadly pathogens.
  • A children’s book circulating in Canada indoctrinates kids as young as 6 years old to accept euthanasia as normal.
  • Australia becomes the latest country to clamp down on cash transactions.
  • And a former ABC News reporter is facing at least five years in prison after pleading guilty  to child pornography in Virginia.  

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Department of Justice issued a letter to a federal judge in the Southern District of New York on Saturday, suggesting that Devon Archer, a business associate of Hunter Biden, be ordered to surrender and begin his term of imprisonment immediately.

The timing of the letter comes just before Archer was scheduled to testify before Congress about the criminal activities involving the Biden crime family.

The letter requests that the court set a date and time for Archer to report to a facility chosen by the Bureau of Prisons.

“The Government has conferred with counsel for the defendant about this request and asked that counsel propose a date for the defendant’s surrender,” the agency added.

But Archer’s counsel responded, “Mr. Archer believes it is premature to set a report date in light of his anticipated continuing appeal as well as the newly-discovered sentencing error that the government has now conceded. Counsel for Mr. Archer will put in a response to the Government’s request by Wednesday.”

Despite this opposition, the DOJ continues to push for Archer’s surrender date to be set, as stated in the letter, “The Government disagrees with counsel’s position that a report date should not be set, and respectfully requests permission to respond to any arguments made by the defendant.”

On Sunday, Rep. James Comer joined Maria Bartiromo on her program, Sunday Futures, and expressed his concern over the timing and the implications of the DOJ’s actions.

Comer suggested that the move was an attempt to obstruct Archer’s upcoming testimony before the House Oversight Committee regarding Biden family crimes.

Rep. Comer explained the DOJ’s motivation behind the letter, saying, “The Department of Justice is trying to nudge the judge to go ahead and sentence Devon Archer for something unrelated to what we’re going to be talking to him about tomorrow.”

According to Rep. Comer, the Biden team has made numerous attempts to intimidate witnesses, to cooperate with the DOJ, and to interfere with the House Oversight Committee’s investigation. He believes these actions amount to a violation of the law, possibly constituting obstruction of justice.



In other news, CBS 47 in Fresno County, California, reports that an investigation into a warehouse uncovered a large-scale illegal medical lab complete with bioengineered mice, infectious agents, over 30 refrigerators and freezers, some of which were non-operational, incubators and more, leaving officials shocked and the public worried.

The lab, which was inspected in April, reportedly had nearly 1,000 mice “genetically modified to catch and carry the Covid-19 virus,” among other pathogens.

Local, state, and federal agencies are all involved and what prompted this investigation was a simple garden hose that was discovered in March to have been illegally attached and coming out of a wall in the back of the building.

It was inside an ordinary warehouse located in the City of Reedley that a disturbing and shocking discovery was made back in April. Investigators entered the warehouse on July 5 and made further shocking discoveries.

Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba said:

“This is an unusual situation. I’ve been in government for 25 years. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Even county health officials were left in shock.

Assistant Director of the Fresno County Department of Public Health Joe Prado said:

“I’ve never seen this in my 26-year career with the County of Fresno.”

What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility.

“So there was over 800 different chemicals on site in different bottles of different acids. Unfortunately, a lot of these are being categorized under unknown chemicals,” Prado explained.

The discovery was made after a local code enforcement officer noticed the garden hose poking out a back wall of the building.

“Frankly, we knew that should not have been there and when she went to investigate, she found that there was activity or operation or something happening within that building. There was a special room that was built housing about 1,000 white lab mice.”

What they found was absolutely terrifying.

Prado said:

“Through their statements, they were doing some testing on laboratory mice that would help them support, developing the COVID test kits that they had on-site.”

Also found were thousands of vials, many of which contained biohazardous materials including human blood and other unknown substances.

According to court documents, officials with the Centers for Disease Control tested what they could and determined that at least 20 potentially infectious viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents were present including E. Coli, malaria, and COVID.

Over the course of several weeks, officials with local, state, and federal agencies worked to remove the materials from the location.

Officials are still trying to figure out what type of operation was taking place inside that building. Prado said the owners operated under the name Prestige Biotech and the company president was not forthcoming with information.  

Court documents reported by NBC News claim “the other addresses provided for identified authorized agents were either empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified.”


A children’s book in Canada is pushing kids aged 6 to 12 years old to believe that euthanasia is a normal part of medical treatment for any sick person who chooses it.

The Medical Assistance in Dying Book (MAID) was written for children with several activities to help them through their feelings.

The book even describes the three shots that are given to kill people.

Life News reported that children are introduced into the medical killing fields by Canadian Virtual Hospice with its Medical Assistance in Dying Activity Book, described as being for children ages 6–12. In it, the child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia:

  • “The three medicines work like this: The first medicine makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn or snore or mumble.”
  • “The second medicine causes a “coma.” A coma looks like sleep but is much deeper than regular sleep. The person will not wake up or be bothered by noise or touch.”
  • “The third medicine makes the person’s lungs stop breathing then their heart stops beating. Because of the coma, the person does not notice this happening and it does not hurt. When their heart and lungs stop working, their body dies. It will not start working again. This often happens in just a few minutes, but sometimes (rarely) it can take hours.”

And if the person asks to die, the book says there is no changing their mind:

“As much as other people may want to change their mind, the person who is choosing MAiD probably wishes just as strongly that they could change their illness or condition and how it is affecting their life. When someone decides to ask for MAiD, it is usually after thinking very carefully and having very hard feelings for a long time. They may feel that nothing will change their mind because there is nothing that can help their body or their suffering get better.”

So in the end, it’s all about feelings. A person may “feel” their situation is hopeless regardless of the medical facts. They’ve decided they prefer death, and today’s doctors of death will support them in that decision, maybe even encourage them to go down this road. These kids will grow up thinking this is normal. Disturbing, to say the least.


Ron Schilling reports that a former employee of University of Virginia Health, who was wrongly denied a religious exemption from the vax mandate, has prevailed in court, striking a blow against Covid tyranny.

Judge Claude Worrell ruled that plaintiff Kaycee McCoy must be rehired to her old job at University of Virginia, with back salary plus interest.

The ruling against UVA was handed down on July 27.

McCoy, a 10-year employee of the UVA Health System who, along with hundreds of others, was presented a coercive “get vaxxed or get out” mandate notice in August 2021.

McCoy applied for a religious exemption, submitting an online request and also a mail-delivered letter from her pastor, explaining her sincerely held religious beliefs and why these would preclude her receiving the experimental medical treatments, all of which were tested using cells from aborted babies and at least one variety of the shot included such cells in the serum itself.

On September 30, 2010 McCoy received an email from a UVA committee “comprised of human resources personnel,” which denied her request for an exemption. In an October 4 response, McCoy inquired as to the reason for the denial and offered to submit additional documentation.

Defendant UVA did not respond.

An October 14 email from UVA to McCoy stated that all decisions of the “committee” were binding and that there was no appeals process. In addition, McCoy was notified that she was suspended from her employment immediately and that she would be discharged in five days.

Unbeknownst to the general public and most University employees, UVA’s “committee” had a secret list of only six approved denominations for which religious exemptions would be granted. It is presently unspecified how or by whom those particular denominations were selected.

The judge ruled that UVA acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner and ruled wholly in favor of McCoy.


Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) announced an $80,000 settlement with Southern Illinois University after graduate student Maggie DeJong filed a successful lawsuit, DeJong v Pembrook, alleging the institution punished her for her outspoken conservative views.

The efforts to silence her included “no-contact orders” against her and encouraging her peers at the university to report her for “harmful rhetoric.”

According to a press release from ADF:

While a graduate student in SIUE’s Art Therapy program, DeJong, like many other students, posted materials to her social media accounts, sent messages to fellow students, and engaged in class discussions on an array of topics, including religion, politics, critical race theory, COVID-19 regulations, and censorship. But because DeJong’s views—informed by her Christian faith and political stance—often differed from those of other students in the art therapy program, several of her fellow students reported her speech to university officials. In February 2022, those officials issued no-contact orders against DeJong, prohibiting her from having “any contact” or even “indirect communication” with three fellow graduate students who complained that her expression of religious and political viewpoints constituted “harassment” and “discrimination.”

Two weeks after receiving a letter from ADF informing the university that stifling DeJong’s speech based on her viewpoint is unconstitutional, officials finally disclosed the materials underlying the no-contact orders and related investigation. That same day, the university closed its baseless investigation of DeJong, but not before violating her First Amendment rights and tarnishing her reputation because of her beliefs. As part of the settlement agreement, university officials agreed to revise their policies to ensure students have substantive and procedural protections from no-contact orders so no other student will have to endure the unlawful treatment DeJong experienced.

ADF attorney Mathew Hoffmann said of the win, “Public universities can’t punish students for expressing their political and religious viewpoints. Maggie, like every other student, is protected under the First Amendment to respectfully share her personal beliefs, and university officials were wrong to issue gag orders and silence her speech.”


Banks in Australia are abruptly clamping down on cash, catching many customers off guard and furthering the push to make Australia a fully cashless society.

In late-March The WinePress reported that one of these banks, ANZ Bank, one of the largest in Australia, announced that they would be ending cash withdrawals at a “small number” of locations, and are instead directing customers to their modern smart ATMs. A broadcaster for Australia’s 7 News said this is another large step towards a “cashless society.”


Channel News 9 added: ‘Cash transactions around the country are on the decline, with Australians ditching the payment method at the fastest rate in history. With the rise of contactless payments and the boom of buy-now-pay-later schemes, the use of physical money has also drastically reduced around the world.’

Because ANZ took this bold step many analysts and economists wondered if this would influence the other three megabanks – Commonwealth Bank, NAB, and Westpac – to do something similar.

It appears that they have.

Last week Commonwealth Bank announced that they will no longer be providing cash withdrawals at a variety of locations in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Customers can deposit and withdrawal cash at ATMs minus the handful of locations that still will allow cash transactions.


The Post Millennial reports that ex-ABC reporter James Gordon Meek is now facing at least five years in prison after a guilty plea to child pornography in Virginia on Friday.  

Meek, 53, pleaded guilty to transporting and possessing child pornography and abuse material. The charge carries a minimum of five years prison time, and 40 at the top end.  

Meek made headlines last year after he supposedly went missing after the FBI raided his home. At the time, he was writing a book on the Biden Administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan.  

The announcement of his subsequent arrest in February of 2023 said the April raid in 2022 was initiated because of a lead obtained by the FBI Washington Field Office’s Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force on a Dropbox account. 

Meek had been a senior investigator for the House and Homeland Security Committee. In the past, Meek often covered terrorism, wars, and other major criminal activity.  

After the raid, a report from Rolling Stone appeared to suggest that Meek was raided as a retribution of sorts for his work as a journalist rather than over the allegations against him. Since the subsequent findings, reports have come out about the editor in charge covering up any reference to the charges. 

During the search, members of the task force obtained different devices Meek used to store child pornography.

Other evidence obtained from the raid was gathered, and Meek admitted there were “at least eight videos depicting children engaged in sexually explicit conduct.”

According to the Justice Department press release, the images and videos "depicted prepubescent minors and minors under the age of 12, including an infant being raped.”


China's social credit scoring program has just taken a new and even more ominous turn.

Now, if a person with a low rating calls you, your phone will emit a siren sound instead of the usual ringtone. Then there is a voice reminder that a conversation with this person will lead to a decrease in your social credit score.


And this is the system that technocrats and Western globalist elites want to install here in America as well as in Canada, Australia and Europe. That’s why they’re pushing so hard for digital IDs and central bank digital currencies. These will be the enforcement tools they use to punish those with low social credit scores. We must resist.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law on July 28 that will allow illegal aliens to become police officers and sheriff’s deputies. Once this takes effect, people who are actively breaking federal law will be arresting Americans if they break state or local laws.

Opponents of the bill argue that it would be “madness” to allow foreign nationals to arrest American citizens.

But that’s all but guaranteed to happen now that Pritzker has signed Illinois House Bill 3751, which states:

“Provides that an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”

According to WTVO, Illinois’ move would allow any immigrant “with legal authorization to work, or who remains in the country under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Act, to apply for the position.”

CBS News Chicago reported last month, “Federal law states that only U.S. citizens can serve as police officers and deputies.”

There has been much opposition to the bill.

Republican Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois slammed the new law allowing non-U.S. citizens to become police officers.

Miller wrote on Twitter:

“At 5 p.m. yesterday (Friday, July 28), when no one was paying attention, Pritzker signed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers, giving non-citizens the power to arrest citizens in our state. No sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens, this is madness!”

The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police declared earlier this month, “What message does this legislation send when it allows people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of our laws? This is a potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement at a time when our officers need all the public confidence they can get.”

In May, Illinois state Sen. Chapin Rose (R) said it would be a “fundamental breach of democracy.”

This from the same party, the Democrat Party, which regularly warns us that conservatives who believe in the rule of law, who are pro-life and believe in traditional family values, or who question elections in this nation are the ones who present a “danger to our democracy.”

This new law goes into effect in Illinois on January 1st, 2024, and all I can say to the people of Illinois is, don’t stand for this. Don’t allow yourself to be apprehended or arrested or in any way bullied by any illegal alien posing as a fake cop.

This is, indeed, madness.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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