John Durham's Sham Investigation and Cover-Up For Hillary, Comey, Brennan, and Obama

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Brannon Howse: All right. Good evening and welcome to the program. Glad you are with us as we are here. Brannon Howse live on Wednesday night, June 21st. I guess it's the longest day of the year, June 21st. There you go. We're going to be joined tonight by Ivan Raiklin stirring testimony on Capitol Hill. Ivan Raiklin is our correspondent on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. And then we're going to be joined by Mike Lindell. We have news tonight that Ron DeSantis will be doing a fundraiser on June 23rd. Wait for it. At the office in Washington, DC of Dominion Voting Systems. That's right. That's the headline tonight. If you go over to Worldview Your daily aggregated news site, Ron DeSantis holds a DC fundraiser at Dominion Lawyer's Office. So reports the national polls tonight. There's the headline right there and there is the promo for this. Fundraiser. There's the headline Ron DeSantis hosts a DC fundraiser at Dominion's Lawyer's Office. Well, there you go. Do you need to know anything more? Isn't this same guy that also set with the Dominion lawyer, Libby Locke? Hmm. Something is up. Mike Lindell will have plenty to say about that. Then we'll be joined around 830 Central Time by none other than General Michael Flynn. He's going to respond to several things, including including China setting up a military training base in Cuba. And we also have a report tonight, a quick video report by Colonel John Mills. It's very short, but he recorded one and sent it to us. You'll find that very interesting. Joining me now is Ivan Rakhlin. Ivan, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Ivan Raiklin: Hey, Brannon. Good to be back. I'm. Yeah, I'm no longer up there in the house, so that was a long epic hearing, about six hours long with a little bit of break while they did some voting. Uh, absolutely what I expected, which was it was a limited hangout. Basically, it was dragging the information out that we've already known for several years if we've been following this story. I think we can encapsulate it literally instead of sitting through the six hours. What I recommend everybody to watch is literally about the three four-minute colloquy between Matt Gates, John Durham, and the rest of the DOJ and the FBI. It's basically encapsulates what I've been saying for, oh, I don't know, four years about John Durham. If he was serious, there would have been something done in the first 48 hours of him being appointed. Kind of like remember on January 8th when the raids started happening against the party's political opponents that were exposing their corruption? That's when people, you know, take things seriously when they're getting exposed. John Durham wasn't doing anything because all he was there for was to cover up for the previous cover-up of the previous cover up of the previous five cover-ups that started with the illegal spying on the Trump campaign with an absolutely fraudulent initial, uh, Woods file in order to defraud the FISA court, to grant a FISA, a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to illegally spy on Carter Page.

Ivan Raiklin: And then everything since then have been cover up after cover up. Now, everybody except me says that it all all you can blame everything on the left, on Hillary Clinton, on Biden, on Hussein, on all those people. But as you know, Brandon, I look into who has an R by their name and let's take a look. I think Chris Rea, wasn't he teed up by Chris Christie and Mike Pence to be the director of the FBI? And what about some other ones like Rod Rosenstein? Wasn't he the one that was appointed by George W Bush to be US attorney in Baltimore, who was then the only US attorney to remain in place through Obama and then was elevated to the deputy attorney general? You kind of see how the link analysis goes from there.

Brannon Howse: Anyway, Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. We're going to play some clips. I'm going to put you on hold for a moment. I got to run real quick. You're not you're not on a time tight schedule, are you, tonight? Are you going.

Ivan Raiklin: To. But please don't run as slow as Chris Christie.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Hold right there. I'm going to put you in the bullpen. We have teased. We have teased it. Folks, you need to tweet, text, email, letter. Facebook, truth, social, frank, social, whatever it is you do, that's what you need to put out right now that we just gave you a little taste of what Ivan Raiklin, our correspondent on Capitol Hill, is about to bring. And we are about to bring you some stunning video clips you have got to see again. Very important to understand what's really going on and get above the propaganda and the disinformation and the misinformation. All right. Joining me now again is Ivan Raiklin. Ivan, we set it up. We cued it up. Let's go to the first video. I have Ivan. This is Matt Gates. Matt Gates takes it to John Durham, basically telling him, you know, you've not done anything. You didn't even you didn't even really work hard at tracking down someone. You found their lawyer, you found their cell phone, but you couldn't even find them. Some guy went overseas.Right? The. Oh, did Ivan freeze on us? All right, you guys, get him back. While I go to the clip, here is Matt Gaetz taking on John Durham. John Durham said some very good things today, but John Durham, like so many of these guys, they get appointed. They don't ever do anything. Watch what Matt Gaetz had to say today to John Durham. Watch this.

Matt Gaetz: Yeah, I agree with Mr. Biggs. You've given us testimony today that you're disappointed that the FBI didn't cooperate more. Right. That was your testimony said that.

John Durham: Yeah.

Matt Gaetz: So we're disappointed, too. But the difference is when regular folks do things that are wrong and unlawful, there's typically a greater effort to try to get those people before a grand jury to to utilize criminal process where appropriate, not not for other purposes. And it's just like, oh, well, Bill Priestap, the guy who might have set this whole op in motion, he just didn't want to talk to you about certain things and you were reallyac?commodating to that. And then Mifsud, the person who juices Papadopoulos to create this predicate that you find improper, you guys. I mean, did you ever know who his lawyer was?

John Durham: Mifsud's lawyer talked to his lawyer in Europe? Not I don't know if you could.

Matt Gaetz: Find the guy's lawyer, but you couldn't find him.

John Durham: We contacted somebody that we knew had had had represented him and part of the effort to try to locate him.

Matt Gaetz: And you got the lawyer and then now you're sitting here in front of the judiciary saying you could find the guy's lawyer, but you couldn't effectuate the service of a subpoena because you couldn't find him. First of all, that sounds.

John Durham: May or may not know. We wouldn't have the authority to serve a subpoena overseas. The lawyer didn't know where Mifsud was. He was in communication with him, but he claimed not to know where he was. And we were trying to arrange an opportunity to talk to Mifsud.

Matt Gaetz: Did you take possession of two BlackBerry phones from Mifsud in any way?

John Durham: Some phones were provided to us by so you could find.

Matt Gaetz: The phones for the guy. Correct. Do you see how silly this looks like? You found the lawyer, you found the phones, but the actual dude who got ordered by Western intelligence to go start this thing you couldn't find? It's. It's kind of laughable. It seems like more than disappointment. It seems like you weren't trying to expose the true core of the corruption that you were trying to you were trying to go at it another way.

John Durham: Yeah. As we said in the report and as I said in my opening remarks, we pursued the facts as best we could. Well, how about this false that we have?

Matt Gaetz: How about this fact, Mr. Durham? The entire Mueller team does a hard reset on their Apple phone and synchronization to wipe away evidence. Did you investigate that?

John Durham: I've read that.

Matt Gaetz: Why did you investigate it? Who gave the order on the Mueller team? To wipe the phones?

John Durham: That was not something that we were asked to look at and we didn't.

Matt Gaetz: That's not true. Mr. Durham. That is not true because I'm holding the document that authorizes your activity. And it specifically says the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It's imperative. Mr. Chairman, I seek unanimous consent to enter into the record the order that says that you're supposed to investigate these things. And so whether it's the Mueller team, Mifsud. How about Azra Turk, Azra Turk, What's Azra Turk's real name?

John Durham: Do you know that I'm not going to be disclosing the names of FBI personnel that are otherwise unavailable?

Matt Gaetz: But an FBI? So the FBI sends somebody to go honeypot George Papadopoulos, who gave the order to do that.

John Durham: I think that's beyond the scope of what's in the report.

Matt Gaetz: It's literally the scope of what you're charging. Order is who put it in motion. We get after it was put in motion, the FBI did a bunch of wrong and corrupt things. Totally understand we're trying to deal with that. But when you are part of the cover up, Mr. Durham, then it makes our job harder.

John Durham: Yeah, well, if that's your thought. I mean, there's no way of dissuading you from that. I can tell you that it's offensive and that the people who worked on this investigation have spent their lives trying to protect the people in this country and pursue within the law what it is that we are authorized to do.

Matt Gaetz: You tried two cases, lost both of them and then the one plea guilty plea you got Clinesmith Clinesmith is back to practicing law in Washington, D.C. today.

John Durham: That's beyond my control.

Matt Gaetz: Right. But the fact that you allowed that plea to occur. Right. And then the punishment was insufficient. The fact that you didn't charge Andrew McCabe, you didn't convict the lying Democrats or the lying Russians. You didn't investigate Mifsud Or the Mueller probe, even though as we sit here today in Blackletter, that was your charge. Have you ever heard of the Washington Generals?

John Durham: The Washington generals? Yes. Yeah.

Matt Gaetz: And they're the team that gets paid to show up and lose, right?

John Durham: Well, you know, I'm sure that the players who exerted blood, sweat, and tears don't view it that way. But you might think they do.

Matt Gaetz: I think they do because the job of the Washington generals is to show up every night and to play the Harlem Globetrotters and their job.

John Durham: I'm thinking I'm sorry for the different. I was thinking of a different one.

Matt Gaetz: Yeah. So their job is to and I'm kind of wondering and it just seems it just seems so facially obvious that it's not what's in your report that's telling. It's the omission. It's the lack of work you did. And for the people like the chairman who put trust in you, I think you let them down. I think you let the country down and you are one of the barriers to the true accountability that we need.

Brannon Howse: Wow. Matt Gaetz drops the Hammer. So John Durham, he says, John Durham, you were part of the cover-up. Ivan Raiklin. Were you in that meeting up on Capitol Hill today when that went down? Were you there?

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah, absolutely. I was in there and I was actually off to the side. Depending on what you were viewing, C-Span or whatever, you could see me in the background. And there were a couple of times there was one previous time that Matt Gaetz was able to engage as well. Before that, when Congressman Massie allocated him a few seconds. And you can see me in the background shaking my head or laughing. But bottom line, here's my assessment. Matt Gaetz encapsulates the entirety of the four year sham investigation by John Durham. I've always said this person within our movement said, Oh, no, Durham, No disrespect to Kash Patel or any of these other folks that said, Oh, Durham's going to bring receipts. He's going to bring the heat. I argued that if he didn't bring the heat in the first 48 hours, guess what? There's not much going to be going on in the next subsequent 48 years unless we do something ourselves. And so there you have it. Matt Gaetz called him out. A couple of things I want to highlight. Number one, remember he mentioned the name Azra Turk, who's Azra Turk and what's her real name? And John Durham says I'm not going to be identifying names of FBI officers. Azra Turk was sent as an operation by the FBI to go ahead and try to Honeytrap who? George Papadopoulos, the first one of the four targets of the crossfire.

Ivan Raiklin: Hurricane, illegal spying on the Trump campaign when they couldn't find anything to predicate their spying. Then they tried to create the frame so that they can investigate someone through an illegal entrapment and a honey trap. He, John Durham, was there to cover up the cover up of the cover up of the cover-up and the initial transgression. This moment of history, all started two weeks after Michael Pence was foisted on Donald Trump to be his VP pick. That's when the unit party sprung into action to try to stop Trump from winning. And then if he won, they escalated it further by removing anybody that could go ahead and expose the illegal spying. General Flynn, for example, then covered up the initial spying on Carter Page with the illegal FISA to start the listening in on the campaign and then with the smearing campaign of George Papadopoulos with attempted entrapments. And there you have it, mean everything after that illegal spying are fruits of a poisonous tree. Everything including the raid on Mar a Lago. Guess what? The raid on Mar a Lago was to seize the evidence that Trump had declassified. That would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the FBI did exactly what I just explained.

Brannon Howse: So are you telling me that Donald Trump declassified certain documents, which is his prerogative to do as the president of the United States? The top, you know, really the top intelligence guy, Everyone answers to him, you know, commander in chief. You're telling me he declassified documents he had a right to declassify, to bring with him that prove that he was being set up and crimes are being committed, in other words.

Ivan Raiklin: All right.

Brannon Howse: He was he had all the documentation to show these were dirty, dirty, dirty cops.

Ivan Raiklin: And he was going to use it. And his Rico case against Hillary, the DOJ, and the FBI, and a guy by the name of General Flynn, who you said is going to be on the show here shortly, was probably I don't know. This is my assessment. If I was advising his attorney, he would have probably also used the documentation now that it was declassified to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and win his Rico case against the DOJ and the FBI, DOJ, and the FBI. And I would argue that George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and Paul Manafort would then also have the necessary evidence to go ahead and debunk the entire thing. From Adam Schiff to Eric Swalwell's of the world on through up to Hussein and Joseph Robinette, Chinese Communist Party Ambassador Biden, and all the rest of them.

Brannon Howse: So the raid of Mar a Lago was all about getting back that information that would prove all their high crimes and treason. Yes. All right. Before we go to Mike Lindell, here's another clip. This is Harriet Hagman. Tell our audience who she is and what is she about to do to Durham.

Ivan Raiklin: All right. Harriet Hageman. And got to bounce, too, because I already promised I was going to be on a show two minutes ago. Another one. This is my seventh interview today because of this. Anyhow, uh, here's the deal. Harriet Hageman. If you don't know who she is, she's the congresswoman that obliterated, destroyed, and smeared, what's her name? Lizzie Cheney's face in the mud dragged her face along the entire concrete existence of Wyoming beating her by. I don't know. I think it was by 99 points because Liz Cheney polls at the same rate as Mike Pence zero. So, anyway, Harriet Hageman is a congresswoman freshman from Wyoming, and she exposed the level of deceit, corruption, rot, disgust, and poison that is represented by the officers and institutions of the DOJ and the FBI. So please listen in. And I got to go, bro.

Brannon Howse: We'll play it. And we're going to go to Mike Lindell. Thank you, Ivan. Yes, sir. All right. Listen to Harriet Hageman today and then we'll go to Mike Lindell. Listen to this.

Harriet Hageman: Mister Durham, in reviewing your report, I sincerely wanted to understand the work that you did and decipher the various investigations that we have been discussing, the origins, the history, the backstory, the who's the whys, the what're the what ifs and the how? I desperately wanted to figure out what happened to what was once our flagship law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the DOJ, to determine what went wrong and to evaluate how we can go forward from here. I have listened with great interest, hoping to find some answers to the burning questions of the day, and I have reached a few conclusions that I do not believe are subject to dispute or debate. Now, I truly appreciate your regard for the agency. You have dedicated your career to. I am sure that as your investigation progressed, you must have been truly saddened by what you found. What you have exposed, however, is that we are dealing with something so corrupt and so rotten that no amount of face paint, deflection, or whitewashing can fix this. You have been asked lots of questions about predicates, protocols, the Steele dossier, the Australian connection, Mr. Papadopoulos, Mr. Carter, the FISA court, and the Crossfire hurricane, among others. Your responses have been enlightening, but let's get to the brass tacks. None of those people or documents or reports were relevant to the FBI when it identified Donald Trump as public enemy number one. What do I mean? The accuracy and veracity of the Steele dossier were irrelevant to the FBI. The accuracy and veracity of the reports coming from the Australian embassy were irrelevant. Irrelevant to the FBI. The fact that the Russian experts in the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies had no evidence of any kind of relationship between Mr.

Harriet Hageman: Trump and Putin or Russia were irrelevant to the FBI and the fact that there was no verifiable evidence such as testimony, documents, videos, or recordings of Russian collusion was irrelevant to the FBI. Nothing. And I repeat, nothing that the FBI did was designed to show that Donald J. Trump was a Russian asset. That wasn't the purpose of the entire charade. How do I know this is true? Because they told us so. The very people who cooked this up and the ones who ran this entire operation. Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Kleinsmith Steele, the DNC, Perkins Coie. It was never their purpose to prove Russian collusion. And, from the very beginning, they knew that no such thing existed. They knew that the entire Russian collusion narrative was fabricated by the Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her mishandling of classified materials and destruction of official emails. But they didn't need to prove Russian collusion. They just had to keep the investigation alive. And so long as they had a complicit press and so long as they had people in this very body who has been here, one of the gentlemen who has been here much of the day, who would go on TV every night and lie about the smoking gun, they could further their personal and personal and political agendas. I no. The purpose of the Crossfire hurricane wasn't to prove Russian collusion. It was to destroy Donald J. Trump. And they told us that with the text messages that are set forth on pages 49 and 51 of your report, 49 and 50 of your report.

Harriet Hageman: And then if they failed at blocking Mr. Trump from being elected as president, Well, they had a backup plan. They had their insurance policy to use Strock's terminology, which was to make it impossible for him to govern, to use whatever tools were available to taint his presidency. The. The intimacy of his election, his ability to work with foreign leaders, and to make everything about Russia, Russia, Russia. And how has this corruption and rot manifested itself in our everyday lives, in our national culture, and in our ability to solve the problems we are facing? It has destroyed some of the key foundations of this country, a foundation built on equal protection, on the belief that justice is blind, on the belief that you will be held accountable if you commit fraud of the magnitude of what we have been discussing here today on the belief that due process, justice, and constitutional rights are more than mere words. It has left a smoldering hot volcanic mess where the soul of this country used to be. All because a few people in the FBI decided they wanted to destroy a political candidate and ultimately a president and anyone associated with him. While these folks set out to destroy a presidential candidate and later a presidency, the fact is that they destroyed so much more and that will be their ultimate legacy. One casualty is America's faith in our institution, and another casualty is the erosion of a justice system that is supposed to apply equally to all Americans, but that has been weaponized to protect the favored few elites, the Clintons, the Bidens, while targeting political enemies. Wow.

Brannon Howse: That is very well said.

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