Joe Hoft on The Steal, The Cover-Up and What is Next in 2024



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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Joe Hoft. Joe, as you will see right here is the author of a brand-new book. I interview him about at least once a week. But tonight I wanted to have him on to highlight his brand new book, The Steal Volume three, and that is the cover up. Joe Hoft of Joe, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Joe Hoft: Hey great to be here. Real happy to be here.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Great to have you with us, Joe. All right. So the cover up, this is volume three, the cover-up. Who were the players in the cover up of this election? Steal?

Joe Hoft: Great question. Um, yeah, Maybe I should even step back a moment. I just kind of say so. My books were the first one was setting the stage is maybe we've been through this a few times, but it was all the events that occurred before the election, the preparation, the planning, and then then they're even even when it was over, how they announced on Time magazine, you know, what they had done, you know, it's like a criminal cannot sometimes just get away with something. They've got to tell somebody. And that's what that Time magazine article was, how they admitted and really bragged about what they did. And then the second book I went into in the first book has all sorts of stuff on big tech, big media, all the just the absentee ballots, China, etcetera. Then I jumped into the second book, which was on Here's what happened. And everything was broken on day one. And day one was when they when we were locked out of the rooms and we couldn't get in. And here's President Trump up 2.7 million to Biden's 1.4 million on Election Day in Pennsylvania. And yet somehow over the next day, three days, actually, we were locked out of the rooms. We couldn't get in there. I've talked to people like Rudy Giuliani who said they they finally called him and said, Rudy, you got to come see what's going on.

Joe Hoft: And he got to Philadelphia and they wouldn't let him in, even though the by this time it's like day 2 or 3. And they've gotten a court order to to to go in the police wouldn't wouldn't allow them to come in so and the people inside and and so they were stuck outside and so in Pennsylvania during those first three days after the election, they manufactured around 2 million ballots, of which 80% went to Joe Biden and voila, Joe Biden won the election. And so that's when the election was stolen. That's when we should have stopped and we should have said any of these ballots, if we can define what they are, should not be counted. We need to do it over. And that's what should have been done. If we had if we had courageous men and women of integrity, that's what would have happened. But across the board in these swing states, similar situations where we were locked out of the room and that was when the election, as I said, it was stolen then. And then we then we dug into the numbers. We could see the numbers didn't make any sense. Talked today on my radio show, on Radio Live at three, Jeff O'Donnell, who's done some more research on these numbers, in the patterns in the data and being a corporate auditor and an executive over in Hong Kong, if you see patterns in data, they're not supposed to be there, then that's kind of that's alarming.

Joe Hoft: And that's something that you begin then to focus on and dig into to see why is this happening. And we did. And we found out a number of things. First of all, we found out absentee ballots came in and we don't know where they came from. There was no chain of custody. These ballot drop boxes we found later, like in, for example, Wisconsin, they were eventually two years later, deemed illegal, and yet they were used and yet they still accepted the the results, a couple hundred thousand ballots, even though they only gave the election to Biden by 20,000. We had a massive vote drop in in these in these states and you know all of that and so that's you know, the second book was all about here's all the stuff that happened. And certainly we talk about systems there. And now this third book was in the cover-up. And I started to realize as I'm getting into it, um, that it was they, they spent as much effort and as much time working on the cover up as they did the steal.

Joe Hoft: And they had to cover it up. They had to make sure nobody was going to dig into this thing because they knew it was a lie. They are whoever was behind this election steal. And there were many people. And that's kind of how I start the book off. I talk about how, first of all, law enforcement wouldn't enforce the law. So we were kicked out of the rooms and nothing happened. And Bill Barr, after these things were raised to him, he said, oh, we've investigated everything. And and there's you know, we found nothing. And then we find out, you know, a year or two later from a FOIA request that the FBI has no reports on any investigations related to the 2020 election. So Bill Barr lied to us. And then so we weren't getting any help there. So Rudy Giuliani and others. I got together and decided, let's go out to these legislatures. They have the right to they have the final say. That's in the Constitution, the US Constitution, and in many of the state's constitutions. And he got out there and these guys, you know, the Republicans, even though they were Republican legislatures in all these swing states, they wouldn't listen. Some people did, many did. But like Rudy said in talking to him a week or so ago, he says, But but the thing is, there were three or so people in each one of these states that prevented them then from, you know, from really looking into the results.

Joe Hoft: And these were Republicans. And remember, when he went to Michigan, I couldn't tell who was the Republican, who was the Democrat by the questions that were asked. These people were just nasty to him, people on both sides. And I think Rudy did a fine job. He had two weeks to put together his data. He said 95% of the data he got was from people sending it to him. He had these affidavits, a thousand affidavits. There's more than enough information. And you know what he said to me here recently and don't mention this in the book, is he said, you know, but the thing is, we we have a record now. We have a record in these states of all this information that shows that the election was still stolen. And he said, and as time goes by, more and more, this will become important as people look back and say, my God, this thing was stolen from Trump. And so then when the legislatures wouldn't work, we went to the courts and and and and the same thing I've Sidney Powell had four cases, big cases for Georgia and Arizona and Michigan and Wisconsin.

Joe Hoft: And three of them faced Obama judges. So she didn't have a prayer. And all these cases across the board, they wouldn't look at due to standing. And then Texas comes out with a case for like 21 states joined Texas, as well as the president and number of members of the House. And what happens But the Supreme Court wouldn't look at it. They said there was nobody standing. President Trump was president of the United States, had his election stolen and he didn't have standing. It's what the Supreme Court did. And so that was, you know, so it was just unbelievable what we were seeing. So the courts wouldn't act. And then that led us to January 6th. And I go into great length talking about January 6th there and all the things that happened. And and, you know, one thing they did that report, Liz Cheney and Pelosi did their report from January 6th. They they mentioned one person in passing who died that way that day, Ashli Babbitt. There were three other individuals, three other Trump supporters that died that day. Four people died that day. And they omitted three of the people from the report. Four people died and they omitted three of the people from the report. I mean, just goes to show what a sham that absolutely was.

Brannon Howse: And you mentioned the subtitle. You say the nonelection. This is in the subtitle, The nonelection System Secret the nonelection system Secret. What's the secret?

Joe Hoft: Yeah. And so, you know, yeah. So I go through all this and then and then more recently we come up with this information. We've talked about it on this show before we found out, hey, there's, there are these systems, they call them nonelection related systems from being pro and no inc and and these systems, these companies that we've never heard of before that we're finding out well, they've got entire election systems that are in use across the country may be in most of the states and certainly in most of the states, if not maybe all. And these systems, what they provide is a voter, a voter roll system where you can update. And my understanding is you can update and change voter rolls. They've got a system that'll that's print on demand. So on Election Day, you need some ballots, you can print them on demand. And they've got systems that tell you exactly where you're at on Election Day, how many people have voted, and where your candidate stands. And this information is going to these corporations somehow and they're selling these this module and making money, selling it. And this information is going to God knows who, whoever wants to know where they stand during the election. And then they can, you know, print ballots once they find out where they stand and they can update the voter rolls as well.

Joe Hoft: So these new systems seem very, very consequential in probably the 2020 election as well as other elections that might be where where these patterns were generated in 2020 through these election systems that we haven't even touched. Hardly. And we know some about it, but not a lot. And we do find but the thing is they know on demand exactly how many people voted each day, you know immediately up to date. And here's the thing. These are the companies that are pushing these poll pads that you now go in. You go in when you vote, you go in even though you signed a piece of paper when you voted, they want you to sign this poll pad. And if you've ever signed your name, think it's a scam because nobody can sign their name in a poll pad with their finger like they can with a pen. So they're erasing our ability to, you know, to validate, you know, the voter if it's based on signature validation. So they know exactly either through these poll pads or or through this other thing that we uncovered, which is called Albert Sensors, which is data that's going to the and flowing to the.

Joe Hoft: This entity is called the CIS, which is a non-profit that isn't even it's not even government entity. And all the counties around the country are sending their up to date data immediately to this CIS. And, and it's we can't get the data because they're not a government entity. We can't FOIA this, this entity and we don't know what they're doing with it. And they make the county sign. Once they get the data, it's theirs and the county can't come back and take it back. Wow. So it's this is a whole system that's over here that we're just kind of gathering information on it. So as this was something more recent and I put in a chapter on this as well as how it's tied nicely to the really to the communication aspect of our elections, which is this thing that Representative Anna Paulina Luna shared in front of Congress. Uh, where these entities, including the CIS, including Cisa, all these entities that are tied to these voter machines are the same entities that are involved in censorship of conservative thought.

Brannon Howse: So basically the deep state, the deep state propagandist and censors are all tied back to the voting machine information.

Joe Hoft: Yeah, it's very, very, very close. And what are they?

Brannon Howse: Odds of that?

Joe Hoft: What are the odds here? Yeah, the same entities here and the same entities here are the same ones that are involved now in the United States. And they're not being managed by the government and their elections, certainly election systems, but they claim that they're not. So there's no auditing of these.

Brannon Howse: So that means you got corporations, corporations, and the intelligence arena picking our elected officials. True or false?

Joe Hoft: No, we're not. We're not. And we you know, we've had more evidence of this, what, two weeks ago when that Holderman report came out, I think we talked about that as well here. It just validated everything we've been saying. The Cisa even went in and wrote about Halderman's report without releasing the report. But the report says, hey, these systems are not secure And the system in that case was Dominion and Georgia. And they are saying that a bad actor can get in relatively easy and and and change the results of an election.

Brannon Howse: And of course, you probably saw over the weekend, I think it was in Michigan where President Trump was speaking and he is now openly calling for paper ballots. We announced that tonight on Mike Lindell's show. President Trump is now calling openly for paper ballots.

Joe Hoft: Amen. I mean, you know. We have to these systems are broken. And here's the thing, too. This new non this new election technology ties seamlessly to Dominion as well as to the Erik system for voter rolls. So it's all connected. It's all tied together. And we don't have any control over it. We don't know what's going on. And we do know that clowns like Joe Biden, who couldn't even get 2000 people in his rallies somehow beats President Trump with 1.1 million people at his rallies in 2020. So it's you know, it's ofcourse, it's a sham. That's the thing. That's what I love about this show, Brannon and others, is we're just we just tell people, hey, just trust your senses, you know? You know, look at your eyes. Don't let these people say, oh, no, that's not what you're seeing. Absolutely. It's what we're seeing when we see data and I say this from a professional auditor, you know that I've done audits around the world. I love saying that because it feels like it gives me some credibility. Yes, it does have and I have. And I've never seen this kind of stuff before. And I tell you again, in the corporate world, this stuff would never be allowed, ever. And and I'm telling you, for if they told me, I went in to do an audit and I couldn't look at the system, we'd be done. That'd be fine. I'd walk out, I'd write my report. I cannot make an opinion on this. And that's what they should have done in 2020. They should have said instead ofcertifying these garbage results, they should have said, we can't decide, period, because of the massive amounts of corruption through the systems, the machines, the processes, etcetera. And yet overall these people failed us. They failed us and the world never would have happened.

Brannon Howse: Take a look at the screen, folks. You've got to get the book. Joe Hoft, Part three, The Steele Volume three, the cover-up. And there's the subtitle right there. And he gets into it. He gets into it. Let me blow it up a little bigger so you can read the subtitle. There it is. You've got zero enforcement evidence ignored by the courts. January 6th, the audits, Hunter Biden's laptop, the censorship complex, the nonelection system secret, and what's next, Joe? Great job, Joe. Where can they get it?

Joe Hoft: Thank you. Yeah, they can go out to Amazon. Get it, the paperback. We're still waiting on Amazon to approve that. But right now, the soft copy is available. And so for like a Kindle or if that's how you like to read, then we'll get the paperback out there hopefully tomorrow or maybe even tonight. We'll see. But as soon as Amazon approves it, it will be available. And it's I think it's a must-read. I think you'll be shocked. I think, you know, looking back, you'll be like God, how did they do this?

Brannon Howse: How did they get away with it?

Joe Hoft: Yeah. And Rudy gave me a nice compliment on this. When I had him on my show, he said, You know, Joe, as he said, he built all this evidence. He goes, It's really important to what you're doing. You're laying out the evidence for this. And, you know, and that's what we got to do. And and I think I'll tell you, Brent, I think I'm the only professional auditor that's looked at this stuff.

Brannon Howse: You're the only one that I know of. And I appreciate the service you're doing. I know you could be retired fully and walk on the beach over your shoulder there out that window that we normally see. But instead, you're slaving away, putting out the documentation to help the American people be informed and be vigilant. So thank you for your service to our country.

Joe Hoft: Thank you. That's nice of you.

Brannon Howse: Check out the book The Steal Volume Three The cover-up by Joe Hoft. He's here pretty much every week as a regular guest at as well.

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