How To Study The Bible, The Future of The Church and What is Biblical Discipleship
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~~This program will encourage you and reveal that the church of God is alive and well. There are young people that are interested in Biblical truth and that are growing in their Biblical knowledge. God always has a remnant and leaders of His church are coming forth in a new generation. In this program, Brannon interviews Matt Ledbetter, a thirty-three year old police detective, husband, and father on the following topics: Topic: Matt explains how he has learned to study the Bible in the last two and half years and how exegesis versus eisegesis has made all the difference in his spiritual growth , Biblical understanding, and love for Bible study. Topic: Why do so many young people in their twenties and thirties not know how to study the Bible? Topic: Making disciples for many young people simply means getting someone to pray the sinners prayer. What is neglected is stressing Biblical repentance and teaching true converts how to study the Bible so they might be equipped in Biblical truth and thus equip others. People that don't know how to study the Bible cannot teach others to study the Bible. What are the dangerous consequences of this wrong view on making disciples? Topic: Why do so many young people see social justice as the calling of the church? Topic: How did the peers of Matt respond when he taught a class exposing the unbiblical teaching of Rick Warren and his model for the New Testament church? Topic: How is Matt now impacting the life of others with the Biblical truth he has gained and is gaining as he continues to study, learn, and rightfully divide the Word of Truth?
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