Hirelings vs. Shepherds 1 of 2: The Biblical Hallmarks of a Pastor
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On today’s program Brannon plays shocking and truly disturbing video clips that include two different “pastors” mocking those in their church that want to go deeper into the study of God’s Word. You will be shocked by the names these “pastors” call those in the church that want to more deeply study God’s Word. Another “pastor” tells how and why he picked the rock song by AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” to start off the resurrection service at his church. Hear a “pastor” tell his congregation why he does not want to eat with them and does not want to visit them in the hospital unless they are about to die. After playing some shocking video clips that Brannon believes represents perfect examples of hirelings, Brannon turns to numerous scriptures that contrast the hireling to the Biblical shepherd. What did Jesus Christ Himself say about the hireling? See a video clip of a pastor that believes that the church should look to pop culture to address the needs of the community. Brannon explains why churches are not called to look to pop culture and why is it not the calling of the church to reach the felt needs of the community or of unbelievers? Topic: Hear the audio of a shepherd as he explains why the focus is to be the Word of God.
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