Did Governor of NH Have Peaceful Political Opponents Arrested and Will it End His Political Career?



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Brannon Howse: All right, Ivan. I think we woke him up from his nap. We'll squeeze Ivan in here so that we can then go to Dr. Andy Woods with the Middle East update. Ivan, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Ivan Raiklin: Deep state marauding. You know, sometimes it's tiring. So that's why I have to take naps every once in a while.

Brannon Howse: All right. When they said told me in my ear, we can't reach Ivan, I said he's probably gone to bed.

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah, whatever. No, I'm here in Connecticut en route to New Hampshire. I'm having dinner with some Patriots here. There? Let's just say, remember Maryland, Todd? Yeah, well, I'm meeting with basically one of Marilyn Todd's proteges here in Connecticut, and we're coordinating our efforts to expose the corruption here.

Brannon Howse: Well, tell us. Well, tell us what's going on tomorrow. I've been following this case where someone said the word amen at a meeting and got arrested is what's going on with that case.

Ivan Raiklin: So nine people were arrested in October of 2021 by a governor, the failed governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. Total China first commie Republican.

Brannon Howse: Right. His daddy was a mouthpiece for George H. Bush's chief of staff, I think for George Bush. But I think he got busted for flying with firewood or something on a private plane or something. I can't remember.

Ivan Raiklin: Yeah, exactly. So his daddy did that. So anyway, you know, think Deep State. Absolutely. So this guy has the gall to arrest silent protesters that turned their back against him during a executive council meeting back in October of 2021 because they didn't want him to accept 27 or $28 million bribe from the CDC so that they can implement the face toilet mandates, the PCR testing mandates, the injection mandates, and then also the subsequent conniving racist training, as well as mutilation training and manipulation of the children, which most of us don't like. So instead of hearing not even hearing them out, allowing them to stand with their backs turned to him. He proceeded to text message the state police there to go ahead and arrest him. Well, tomorrow is the trial for one of those that ended up saying amen. And many of those nine New Hampshire residents that were arrested were arrested because they asked why their friend was being arrested. So once they pulled one person out, then somebody is like, hey, why are you arresting him? And then Marilyn Todd's husband was arrested and she's like she asks, why is he being arrested and got arrested as well? Well, meanwhile, we have this thing tomorrow, and I think this is going to be probably the event that's going to ruin his political career because you have a confluence of events going on. You have the trial that's supposed to take place tomorrow where he's going to be exposed as violating the First Amendment.

Ivan Raiklin: He's going to lose miserably. I suspect he may just actually withdraw his case against these people. I'm hearing rumors that that may take place. But in addition to that, tomorrow, Trump is going to be in town and there's going to be events. So it would be nice for President Trump to go ahead and demand or expose the corruption of violating the First Amendment of these nine New Hampshire residents and blame it on Sununu and essentially compare that to what Chris Ray and Garland are doing with targeting Catholics, right in Richmond, Christians all over. And so I think he needs to put Sununu at the same level of inept, illegitimate and lawless corruption of the FBI and DOJ that's been exposed through the different committees in Congress. And essentially their protege in New Hampshire is Sununu. So he needs to be impeached. I call on him I've already called on his impeachment. I'm going to call it in again. And if I have an opportunity tomorrow morning, if there's enough press out there, my rhetoric is going to be much more scathing than what it is here. And hopefully, he shows up. But I doubt it because he's a toxic, feckless coward. He probably won't show up because if he comes in to testify at this trial, it's going to expose his interactions with the state police. He knows he's wrong. And so now we're just going to have to escalate, expose him. And the legislature needs to feel the heat.

Brannon Howse: So the bottom line is, you're telling me the bottom line is the Sununu, the governor of the state, used his power to have the state police arrest people that were just giving him political headaches. Is that what I'm hearing?

Ivan Raiklin: Silent, peaceful, turning their backs during an executive council meeting. And then he demanded that those individuals be arrested. But guess what? You violate my Constitution. Chris, if you're listening in. Guess what? We, the people are going to violate you.

Brannon Howse: Do you want to describe that? Clarify that just so you don't get in trouble?

Ivan Raiklin: You can interpret it how you want, but everything I do is always legal, moral, and ethical, but to the maximum level possible.

Brannon Howse: And that is coming from former Green Beret and constitutional attorney Ivan Raiklin, right?

Ivan Raiklin: Yes, sir.

Brannon Howse: All right.

Ivan Raiklin: The most peaceful and patriotic way possible. And our peacefulness is just. Increasing by the minute hour.

Brannon Howse: Did you just say hour peacefulness? Did you just say hour peacefulness is increasing by the minute?

Ivan Raiklin: It is.

Brannon Howse: It is.

Ivan Raiklin: It's only going to get more and more and more peaceful.

Brannon Howse: So do you want to check? Do you want to check back in with us tomorrow?

Ivan Raiklin: I would love it.

Brannon Howse: Let's do that. Ivan, what's your substack? Ivan.substack.com.

Ivan Raiklin: Yep. Had changed. And we're exposing these guys mean. Basically what I mean by that is when you shine a light on individuals, you know, a hundred lumens, that's okay. Do you see them? 200. A thousand. I'm trying to get 1 trillion lumens shined on these corrupt scum. And if it happens to be a little bit too much for them, well, then maybe they need to get out of the spotlight before it hits the trillion lumens.

Brannon Howse: Well, there you go. There you go. All right, Ivan, thank you for being with us, my friend. Go enjoy your meal. Tell Marilyn Todd I said hello.

Ivan Raiklin: Yes, sir.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Ivan Raiklin checking in, folks.

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