The Days of Creation



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There is a lot of controversy about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1. In our analysis we will start with establishing the importance of the book of Genesis. This is because many Christians do not see the importance of creation or even the book of Genesis. Secondly, we will examine the word “day” in Genesis 1.  There are four possible outcomes to the meaning of the word “day”:

  1. The word day means a literal day implying the earth is young
  2. The word day means “long ages” implying an old earth
  3. There is not enough information to determine the true meaning
  4. It does not matter what it means

 In order to establish the true meaning we will apply the rules of hermeneutics – a BIG word. What does it mean? Hermeneutics is the study of the interpretation of written text.It is a method of interpreting the Bible. The method is called context (not opinion or majority). We must look at the context where a word is used to derive the intended meaning.


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