Col. John Mills on Why President Trump is Innocent of Federal Charges

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Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the broadcast. Joining us tonight is going to be Colonel John Mills. Hey, Logan, not Logan or Thomas, whoever's in there, can you go over to that network we were with a while ago and see what's going on there so we can dip in when President Trump arrives. Arrives. Okay. That's what's going on over there now. All right. When President Trump comes to the podium, will you let me know and we'll try to cut away to a few minutes for that dip into that? Joining me tonight is going to be Colonel John Mills. He has something to say about what's going on with this bogus federal indictment of Donald Trump while we're also hearing from the Senate floor. About a bribery scheme involving the current occupant of the White House, the squatter Joe, LGBTQ sniffing children. Biden By the way, did you see all that going on today at the White House, taking our our American flag, old glory, and flying it yesterday as a gay pride flag? On the White House. And I think it was Billy Graham who said years ago, if God doesn't soon judge America, he might have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, of course, God would never have to apologize because he's never wrong.

Brannon Howse: And the reality is, I think God is judging America, sadly. And many of us are sitting here having to take part of it because we're in this nation. And one of the signs that God is judging a nation, well, there are five of them. When God's given over and judging a nation, you find him right there in Romans chapter one. The nation accepts the Lgbtqia plus transgenderism perversion as normal. They worship nature rather than God. They become a nation of fools. That translation means vain, useless and futile in their thinking. Corruption, narcissism, greed, all kinds of violence. Go read Romans one. Leaders that are corrupting know the righteous judgments of Godbut encourage people to do well. Practice that which is against the character nature of God. Anyway, by the way, how do they know what the character nature of God is? How do they know? What are the righteous judgments of God? Because it's written on their heart and their mind. Their conscience bears witness Con means with science means knowledge. They sin with the knowledge they're offending a holy and just God. Because the moral law is written on their heart or their mind, their conscience bears witness. Joe Biden and the queer gay, LGBTQ transgender garbage that went on yesterday.

Brannon Howse: Was that yesterday or today on the on the White House lawn? It was disgusting. Everybody and their grandmother areshowing it. I mean, I really don't even want to show it, but I will show you just a little bit. You guys got my computer in there. All right. Let me show you a little bit of this here. Here we go. Where did it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Here we go. All right. White House slams inappropriate and disrespectful behavior of Topless trans guests at Pride event. Well, what did you think was going to happen when you invite this group of people to the White House and there is the trans flag, the gay flag, right in the middle of Old glory? And of course, what happened was and I'm not going to show the video, folks, but what happened is this is a dude. All right? This is a dude on the right covering its breasts. Okay. That's a dude that has had surgery and had just had a picture with Joe Biden. How appropriate. In my opinion Purves. And what did Joe Biden say? We'll play the audio of this. Let's listen to what Joe biden had to say.

John Mills: Welcome to the white house. Thank you.

Joe Biden (In video): Happy pride month. Happy pride year. Happy Pride Life.

Brannon Howse: Happy Pride Life, huh?

Joe Biden (In video): Transgender children. You are beautiful. You are heard. You belong for understood. You are loved. And you belong to the bravest and most inspiring people I've ever known. I mean, you're welcome. Good folks.

Tiktoker Video: Can we take a little video? Hi, Mr. President. It is an honor. Trans rights are human rights.

Brannon Howse: And, of course, that dude dressed as a girl is the one that took its top off while ago on the White House lawn. And then the White House apologizes for being disrespectful. Really? Seriously, you're going to denigrate the American flag, the people's house. And being involved in all this perversion of trans children. We just heard from creepy, Crazy Joe. And then they're going to apologize. Oh, that was disrespectful, what they did. Wait a minute. You set the standard, buddy. You set the standard. I never. I could have never imagined. I'm going to try to be as nice as possible, but I'm going to be truthful. I never imagined such white trash could occupy the White House. I never imagined such absolute white trash. Could occupy the White House.

Tiktoker Video: Oh, it's a. Remember? The monuments, right?

Brannon Howse: Are we all right? We're going to stop right there. We'll pull that down because that is, again, supposedly a dude. And that was in the White House. And then the White House wants to act like, oh, that was disrespectful. No, you set the standard, Joe. I mean, can you imagine what China and Russia,and these other nations are thinking tonight as they watch this display on the White House lawn? They're about to go to war with us. And really and many regards, we're already at war. And this is what. Is going on. Again what absolute human trash the Bidens are, in my opinion. Let's go to Colonel John Mills before I say something I regret. Colonel Mills, welcome to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

John Mills: I just joined what happened in the last few minutes?

Brannon Howse: You're joking right?

John Mills: Now I have to take care of something. Just if you would recap the last few minutes. So you.

Brannon Howse: You don't know what I just did my monologue on?

John Mills: I'm just kidding. Okay.

Brannon Howse: You're not going to make me recap that, are you? Come on.

John Mills: Yeah. Had to take my earphones out. Just about exploded my eardrums here. I'm going to file for another. Another disability. Go.

Brannon Howse: Did you ever think in all your days you would see this on the White House lawn?

John Mills: The days will become more and more depraved at all times. And so professing them to be professing themselves, to be wise, they became fools. Romans 122. We got nothing but fools now. So no, no, don't do not fret. God is in control. So these Looney Tunes, they got their 30s of fame and. Two years from now, they'll be outraged by something somebody else is doing. So, you know, they created this cesspool. And you know, what is it? There was some report the other day about somebody who, uh, I guess a woman who converted into a man, and now she goes, It's so lonely being a man. I saw.

Brannon Howse: The video. No one told me being a man was so lonely.

John Mills: Yeah. Welcome to my world. Yeah, exactly. But Looney Tunes. So let's. Let's.

Brannon Howse: What about. What about the occupant in first lady up there, you know? Doing the whole LGBTQ thing and denigrating the White House and disrespecting the American flag like they did that.

John Mills: Well, they should. DOJ should assign a special prosecutor to investigate. They did. Improperly present the flag and disrespect it. So we need to appoint a special counsel, a special counsel to investigate them and press charges. But I think what's really funny is when both of them were they're kind of retro both fo. Dr. Jill where did she get her PhD from or is it an I don't know what I don't know what it is? But what cracks me up is when they both wear their retro 1970s sunglasses, they both look like extras off of the set of Dirty Harry.

Brannon Howse: And so it's disgusting. Well, so. For President Trump had to go to Miami today. He got he was indicted, as we all know. He's been charged 30-some-odd counts, 37 counts, whatever it is. And I know you have something to say about this because this is kind of in your wheelhouse. Having served on the National Security Council staff for two presidents, you know all about the Presidential Records Act and classified material working inside the White House and the DOD. Tell us what's going on here. I mean, I have an article over at Worldview, if they go there tonight, We've got a lot of new articles up there tonight, and I have an article up there. There we go. Federal Indictment of President Trump raises concerns of political Setup and Double Standards. And I'm talking about my interview with Joe Hof last night. And the National Archives did not want to help President Trump pack up his things. It seems like this was a setup from day one.

John Mills: Oh, it was a setup. And so we've weaponized everything about the US government. These folks will rue the day they started this and they did start this. You know, Norm Eisen, the primary author of this indictment, is a total wacko political hack. And actually, I think I remember him when I was at the White House transitioning from Bush to Obama. And, you know, he waved around this executive order from 2009, Executive Order 1352613526. And this is, you know, he, and he acts as if in 2009, I knew this was going to get President Trump in 2023. Well, I got out of that executive order. Never, ever, ever let anybody cite an executive order without them, actually reading it. And so I went through it. And I think it's I think this strengthens President Trump's case. I'm going to send my review of this executive order again, executive orders one, three, 5 to 6. And I'm going to send it to one of the president's lawyers because let me Section 1.3 Classification Authority. Classification Authority. The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by the president, the president, and the vice president. They are classification authorities. That means they can declassify. There is nobody higher than the president. It says right here in Norm Eisen's 2009 executive order.

John Mills: So and remember this whole executive order. People forget this executive order was done because it was this is if you look at news articles of the time, this was done because they wanted to show that the Obama team was the most transparent, transparent administration in history. That's the whole reason why Norm Eisen, the total wingnut wacko who appears to have penned the foundation of this indictment and goes, and in CNN two days ago, it was my executive order from 2009. I think he needs to read his executive order. There are other things in here. But that's the whole purpose of this thing that came out so they wanted to parade and spike the football in the end zone. We're going to be the most transparent ever. Well, they weren't and they aren't. And they've had they actually during their eight years, they made more national security prosecutions for failing for leaks than all other presidents combined. All other. So the most transparent had the most prosecutions. That doesn't make any sense. So, um, let's go on here because there are several other really good nuggets. If Norm would bother to read the executive order that he has, you know, he probably had a 21-year-old, uh, uh, intern, right?

John Mills: This will, he bashed, the, the, the young man or woman. Unidentified Okay. One of the other parts. Think again. This is part of section 1.4. Oh, no. 1.5 Duration of classification D, No information may remain classified indefinitely. It will be declassified. I'm sorry. There's guidance on that. There's guidance on that. Okay. Section 1.7 Classification prohibitions. Uh, uh, uh, prohibitions and limitations. Uh, in no case shall the information be classified continue to be maintained as classified or fail to be classified to conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error. Prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency, i.e. the Biden agency. Restrain competition. Prevent or delay the release of or the release of information that does not require protection in the interests of national security. Blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah, blah. Okay. Again information. According to Norm Eisen's 2009 executive order, it will not remain classified indefinitely. That was actually already established in US law under Title Five, Section 1.7 classification. We can't just classify things to hide things. So, you know, they're so worried about this. Is there something they're hiding in there? Uh oh. Is it the Ukraine information? Is it possibly Ukraine and all the fraudulent information about the Bidens and China and Ukraine?

Brannon Howse: So that is what President Trump took from the White House, which was his legal right to take? Is that what they maybe he had at Mar a Lago and they used the FBI to raid his home to get that because he had the goods on the Biden corruption that could put Joe Biden in jail?

John Mills: Yeah. Possibly. Possibly. This is. This is a weaponized fraud. The archivist failed to provide proper transition support to a president. This was a setup from day one. It is their job to box up these documents. But there are many other good things here. Classification challenges here, authorize holders of information who in good faith he was an authorized holder, you know, So, uh, it's improper or encouraged to expect it to challenge the classification. So they're supposed to challenge the classification. I got a number of these things here. I don't want to dominate the time here. Declassification or downgrading of transferred records. It shall be deemed to be the originating agency for this order. Uh, so transferred in conjunction with the transfer of functions, the receiving agency, the President, the, the former President is the receiving agency, so he's now deemed to be the originating agency for this order means this Norm Eisen silliness. I think this actually may turn out to be a vindicate of President Trump here because this is a fraud. So let me ask.

Brannon Howse: Before we go to FBI whistleblowers, Kyle Serafin and Steve Friend on reports today, many of them, one of them, Biden, allegedly received a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian executives. Fbi docs show that's over at Worldview tonight. Um. Yeah yeah. Let's go to all.

John Mills: This was all done to hide the release of the FBI 1023 That is where they record possible illegal acts. And it appears this was the 5 million of Burisma money. But this is not the only one. So there is. It's the tip of the iceberg. Tip of the iceberg. So what do you predict happens?

Brannon Howse: 37 counts. Does this ever go to trial? Does it get thrown out somewhere along the way? Do they convict Donald Trump and does he go to jail if?

John Mills: Do they convict Donald? Here's, uh, I think unfortunately, if they convict Donald Trump on anything, it is the end of this country. The Americans, a large portion of Americans will no longer ever again trust their government. This will be an clear the government is weaponized against political opponents, which means the people they represent. Also, it will be the end of this country. So are we headed toward time?

Brannon Howse: Are we headed toward civil war? In other words, are they? Because if you were to predict this ten years ago and you were to lay this scenario out right now, the common response from most educated people would be that'll put us in a civil war. I mean, the American people are going well. So the question is, do you think this is pushing us toward some? Are they trying to gaslight us toward some kind of civil war? Because remember, now they're talking about the, you know, basically predictive programming that the right wing, the right-wingers are going to attack the power grid and bring it down. So is this all being set up? They indict Trump. They lay this narrative. Then they bring down the power grid and a false flag or someone else does. Maybe China or Russia do it because again, they're like, hey, let's throw some fuel on this fire over there in the US and help bring in chaos. After all, that's what they would love to do inside our own country. Right? So is this laying the narrative for indicting Trump, stirring people up, laying the narrative that the right-wingers are going to bring down the power grid and do something, something they shouldn't be doing, and they don't do it? Some provocateur does it for them or some foreign actor does it for them. And again, this is all set a scenario for massive conflict. I mean, if you were orchestrating this as Russia or China and using the useful idiots you have installed in the country, would this not be part of your job to let America destroy itself from within? And when you stand by and watch and fan the flames from the sideline.

John Mills: Well, Norm Eisen and crew have to do this because they know if they are found out, they are going to jail at a minimum for the rest of their lives. This was part of the big steal. But the way I like to say it to everybody. 84% of us who believe that there is a deep state that I ask everybody here instead of saying words like civil war, we need to divide the country between red and blue. And you know what? By the time the election comes around in 2004, at the rate California and New York are losing population and they corrupted the last census, there should have been no more House members handed to the red side anyway. And again, we caved on that. We should have fought that. But so instead of.

Brannon Howse: A great civil war, instead of a great civil war, you're calling for a great divorce like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

John Mills: I'm saying red goes to red-blue. And, you know, the people are going to decide this. And what's going on right now is a vote of the people anyway. So, I mean, this is anybody, Gavin Newsom, anybody who wants to advocate blue utopia.

Brannon Howse: There's and you heard on my news report tonight, he's proposing a 28th Amendment, you know, in his quest to take away the Second Amendment. While he claims he's going to leave it, he's going to. Which is so ironic, As I said in the news tonight, he wants to stop 18-year-olds from being able to buy guns, but he wants kids that are 11 and 12 and 7 or 8 to take hormone blockers and cut off their genitalia.

John Mills: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Without the parents being informed at all.

Brannon Howse: They'll even take the kids from the parents if the parents don't agree.

John Mills: Yeah. Now it's happening right now regardless. People are voting with their feet and it is an accelerating loss of population for California and New York. It's unstoppable. Despite open unsecured borders. They can't bring in enough people to make up for the loss of people leaving California. So the people are deciding anyway it's happening anyway. And by the 24 elections, I would say at the current rate, it is going to be dramatic. And if the 24 election is a there's election malfeasance. Uh, watch out, watch out. It's the divorce that is going to happen. Divorce, I prefer to say divorce over civil war. The only problem is we got this big country to the left, China, which is the puppet master. They have problems of their own. Don't ever underestimate the problems they're having at home. But, boy, you know, and first, in the opening phases, if there's an if there's a missile exchange and it hits the continental US, it's all blue cities that are going to get hit first. So isn't that going to be, uh, isn't that going to be ironic? So, uh, what, just everybody keeps. Hey, keep those iodine tablets. Stock up on some reserve. Uh, if you people ask me all the time, do I? Should I leave? Where is mine? My blue state? Should I leave and go to a red state? I say everybody's gonna have to decide this on their own here if you don't have a compelling reason to stay in your blue state, I say go, go.

John Mills: So you know why stay in a place where they, you know, but at a certain point in time they're going to collapse and we move back in any way. So San Francisco is just what is it, the 20 top hotels in San Francisco are on the verge or are beginning to declare bankruptcy because they can't get enough government money to pay for all these illegals and drug addicts to stay and trash these hotels anyway. And and? What is it? One of the big downtown malls that I used to go to in San Francisco. Holy 30, Mean holy. 40 years ago when I was a little kid, we had relatives in San Francisco. It was a pretty decent place to visit. It was a wonderful downtown mall that essentially the owners, the real estate owners, have essentially handed the keys over to the bank and we're done. We can't we're done. We're bankrupt. We can't do anything. So it's going to resolve itself. Everybody, unless you have a compelling reason to stay in blue, go to red.

Brannon Howse: Wow. The nation will The nation will And Colonel John Mills's book is there the nation will and he'll be one of the keynote speakers live in person along with Mike Lindell, General Michael Flynn, Doctor Peter McCullough, Colonel John Mills, Rebecca Walser, Patrick Wood, Andy Woods leaving somebody out. But that's an incredible lineup. Alex Newman It's filling fast our 20th Ozark weekend.

John Mills: Looking forward to it. Colonel Rhett. John on Substack, Colonel John on Substack. And where I'm going to it's going to be about another week or two. We're going to have a big announcement of something that's going to be appearing in my store. Okay. People are going to be excited about it.

Brannon Howse: Well, we are excited about it. All right. Thank you, Colonel. Colonel John Mills. All right,

John Mills: Brannon, thank you.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Colonel John Mills checking in. Check out his site.

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