China Setting up Military Base in China and The Threat of Pearl Harbor 2.0



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Brannon Howse: Glad you are with us. It's going to be joined tonight by David Pyne. We got some disturbing news to add to the list of disturbing news, and that is China setting up a military training base in Cuba 90 miles off our coast of Florida, of course. And then Leo Holman joins us with more information and evidence. We are pushing closer and closer to World War three. Now, if that is not bad news enough for you, I could continue the rest of the 90 minutes with more bad news. But instead today we finished putting together a show number three in a series that I've been doing, and it's about a 36-minute show, and we're going to bring that to you as the final part of tonight's show to offer you some hope and some encouragement. I think you're going to appreciate this. Sent this out today to several friends. And a lot of them were emailing back of all ages and texting back of all ages, saying, thank you. I needed that. I needed that right now. So what am I talking about? Stay tuned and you'll find out. Joining me now is David Pyne. He's one of the leaders of the EMP task force, started by my friend, the late Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, who has set at this desk many, many times. David, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

David Pyne: Thanks so much for having me on.

Brannon Howse: Great to have you with us. What are your thoughts tonight, David, as we have this headline from The Wall Street Journal? In fact, let me go over there and bring it up so everybody can see. I mean, this is not conspiracy theory, folks. This even The Wall Street Journal is reporting tonight that we've got ourselves a real problem. Here is the headline, China Seeks Military Base. It's at Worldview. China seeks military base in Cuba as a response to US bolstering Taiwan, US officials admit. And there you go. Then that would bring you over to an article at The Wall Street Journal. What are your what are your thoughts about this tonight, David?

David Pyne: Well, I think it's pretty. It's an ominous development. I mean, you know, the world is getting more and more dangerous under the Biden administration. You know, with Trump, he kept us pretty safe. But with Biden, it seems like the world is on fire with, you know, of course, with communist Cuba. They previously had a Russian signals intelligence base during much of the Cold War, you know, with a Chinese military base, which it appears that they're in final negotiations for a Chinese military base on Cuba's northern coast. They could base nuclear bombers there. They could base capable nuclear stratospheric balloons. Um, they could they could base hypersonic missiles. There are just all kinds of things that could do they could they could have special forces troops based there. Um, you know, perhaps even a naval base. They could build a naval base. Uh, certainly. If in the end, in the event war broke out, they could use Chinese troops on Cuba. You know, Cuba's main island, too. Um, you know, take over our base naval base in Guantanamo Bay. So it's, it's it's something to be very concerned about, I think.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, it is. And it shows the level of aggression and ramping up by China. It also, I think, shows they don't fear the United States of America, do they?

David Pyne: No, they don't fear us at all. They view us with great contempt. It's interesting, you know, I mean, Blinken is he was pretty close to the Chinese when he worked at the pen Biden administration. He had offices next door to the Chinese communist nationals at the Pen Biden Center had classified information there. So you would think that they would they would treat him with more respect, but they have more contempt than respect for, you know, the folks that are essentially working on their behalf. What a a member of the Center for Security Policy recently called Chinese China's foreign policy and national security dream team that the Biden administration hired essentially a bunch of, you know, pro-Chinese appeasement hacks. Think, yeah.

Brannon Howse: Indeed they did. You have a very interesting I'm trying to bring it up here on my computer. You sent me over an email tonight. Let me find this, guys. I just had it up here. But then it closed on me for some reason. But here is a very interesting yet troubling article from the I guess this is Eurasian Times. Look at this headline, guys. Chinese bombers spotted with what is this kinsaleyc hypersonic missile that Russia has deployed to threaten the West. What is this about, David?

David Pyne: Yeah. So of course, we you know, the Kinsol is one of Russia's premier nuclear super weapons that Putin showcased in at a at you know, in slides at his 2018 meeting in which he wanted to, you know, warning warn the West that, you know, to stop expanding NATO and stop, you know, moving against Russia. And you know, this is this article indicates that it looks like Russia has, you know, given, uh, given kinzhal missiles to China and like likely China's beginning to mass produce them. Kinzel Uh, Kinzel Missiles are air launched, ballistic missiles. They're hypersonic missiles. They travel at about ten. So they could, you know, let's say that China decides to, uh, to deploy one or more h-6 nuclear bombers to Cuba at a new Chinese airbase in Cuba. They could potentially fly one of these h-6 bombers, which is equipped with two kinzhal albums to the Gulf and then fire them without even entering US airspace. Uh, if those were equipped with super warheads, they could take out our entire grid within with ten minutes warning.

Brannon Howse: Uh, you know, of course, this fits again with our friend Dr. Gordon Chang, who has tweeted out a few months ago now that, you know, when we go to war with China over Taiwan, they will put down our power grid. By the way, get that damn Bongino clip ready again, please. They will put down our power grid. They will have their shock troops, which he said last week on this show. China is pushing shock troops into the US. The 1,000% spike in military age males from China. He said those are their shock troops. He tweeted out that they would be carrying out bombings across the country as they put down our power grid. I mean, this is like living the real, uh, Red Dawn, which we know was from 1984. Somewhere in there was real Soviet military plans. They remade the movie, but I guess they didn't want to offend China, so they ended up making the adversary North Korea. Right.

David Pyne: Yeah, that's right. I mean, that was actually a really, really good movie. Red Dawn. Both Red Dawn, of course. But the second one was was better because it had weapons. And that's the real biggest threat we we face today as a country. Uh, super weapons could kill up to 275 million Americans within a year, according to the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, for which I serve as a deputy director for national operations and the US has no defense against. Or even nuclear weapons from Russia or China. We're really we've left ourselves completely defenseless and in what amounts to the biggest dereliction of duty I think that US leaders have ever have ever committed. So that's a very real and dangerous threat, I think.

Brannon Howse: Well, I put out a documentary in What Did I do that documentary, Sabotage. I put that out in. 2018, I believe it was. And in that documentary, I talk about the Club Chicago launching systems. I'm going to bring that up here in just a second and show you guys Did we find any of the clips from my sabotage movie, guys? Okay, I'm going to just go to I'm just going to go to some footage I know that's on YouTube. And while you're talking, can you tell while I'm playing this video, I'll play some of this video footage. While you're talking, Tell our audience about the Club Chicago system and why it is a very serious and real threat to the United States of America. Please.

David Pyne: Yeah. So the China, of course, has the biggest fleet of container ships in the world. And so these club shipping containers, essentially it's a supersonic cruise missile, nuclear arm, typically that fits in in a 20 to the 40-foot shipping container. You know, we only inspect 1% of the shipping containers that come into the US mean we're not for their size. You know, China could be you know, shipping club KS within, you know, within the interior of the country but they certainly have. I mean, I would I think we need to take it as a given that they've parked club cars that are, you know, some of our major ports, certainly Los Angeles, Long Beach, perhaps others as well. And those, you know, the export versions are pretty short range, maybe 300km. But they could certainly take out a lot of our military bases in the region. San Diego, you know, and l.a. Perhaps San Francisco. But then the long range versions are about 1550 miles. So if you had a, a Russian domestic produced, you know, a club with Russian, you know, Russian forces or Russian missile troops in Cuba along the cuba's northern coast, they could easily range the Washington, DC and far beyond. And the flight time of a club flight time of a club would be a little longer, you know, much, much longer than a Kinzel. But it would still you know, it'd be a major threat, I think.

Brannon Howse: Of course, you've seen this footage. Don't don't. You don't need to put me back. Put that up there, guys, please. This is the club, okay? This is some of the footage that was put out by the company that manufactures it. I think you can buy one for about $10 Million, which frankly, is nothing when you're giving billions of dollars to Iran, and billions to to other countries. As we've done these, you know, ISIS makes a lot of money. I mean, 10 million is nothing for them. The Taliban's got tons of money now. And, you know, of course, so does Iran. And so Russia has these are a company out of Russia is manufacturing them. And this is their own promo that you'll find on YouTube. I did extensive research and reporting on this in 2017 and 18, and they included this in my documentary Sabotage which came out in 2018. As you guys can see, it is the size of a railroad car or what you'd see on the back of a semi truck. Perfect timing. There it is. And with the command from a satellite or however they want to give it a command, the lid can pop up. There you see them putting it on a cargo ship. The lid pops up and you have 2 to 4 silos with the ability to shoot missiles. And of course, if they armed them with a nuclear device in the end, you could create an EMP and put it up over the US and put down the grid a couple of years ago. David, I think you'll probably remember Iran put one of those looking containers of some kind of launching system on a cargo ship and then videoed it and put it outbragging that they had a launching missile launching system on a standard crusader ship. Do you remember that?

David Pyne: I do. Yeah. And, you know, I ran Peter pray for his, uh, his tragic passing last year from cancer. He he and I both assessed that Iran had had developed weaponized nuclear weapons, and nuclear missiles over with the last several years. So I believe Iran's already a nuclear state. And if they have, they have clubs on a ship. Those very possibly could be nuclear arms.

Brannon Howse: When you say they might have them in our port, explain to our audience, what you mean. You mean they may have already been brought in? I know some of these companies that screen these containers are Chinese companies, are they not? And so are you saying they could already have these pre-positioned in the US? I know that. I know that Russia and has translated into English put out a report on Pearl Harbor 2.0. We reported that many years ago where they were saying that they would release these things right on off our coast and bring them up our riverbeds.

David Pyne: Yeah. Mean don't know. I wouldn't assess that they've sent them beyond the ports but I mean I go to California all the time. I'm from Southern California. We take Long Beach Harbor tours and there's just tons of containers just stacked all over the port. You know, we can't handle the traffic. And those you know, it's very, very possible with only 1% of all containers that come into the US, US ports being inspected by customs that they they could have club cards in some of those containers. So I think we need to plan, you know, worst case scenario and assume that there are nuclear missiles stationed in some of our largest ports.

Brannon Howse: How does this relate now? Ah this topic of the club relates to Cuba opening a military facility, training facility in China, opening that in Cuba for China to open that in Cuba. How does that relate to Club-k? Because it does connect, correct?

David Pyne: Yeah. Mean we're talking about, you know, Chinese military supposedly, you know, so-called training facility that's located on Cuba's northern coast. So as I mentioned, that could include a, you know, a port port facility that China could expand, turn into a naval base, but certainly an air and likely missile base. Uh, and they could, you know, they could transport Club KS from even if there's no port located there, they could transport Club K's all around the country. And if those are Russian, you know, long range club. Ks they could hit D.C. They, you know, and far beyond all the way to probably to, you know, Maine or Massachusetts.

Brannon Howse: And you and you probably know we reported on this in my documentary sabotage that. We have now our country. Our government has given a contract to run some of these ports to a guy that Jafar family, Mr. Jafar and his family, They are tied right back to this Gulftainer company. You're aware of that, right?

David Pyne: Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of troubling situations like that. I mean, the dating back to the 90s when we, you know, we we let the Chinese essentially take control of Long Beach, some kind of Chinese company, and run it. And I think that's likely been repeated in other US ports as well.

Brannon Howse: Tell me about a report that I'm going to bring this up so folks can see it. Here it is from the EMP task force. Tell me about this military balloons threat to the United States airspace, because they could they they could release a lot of balloons. If China wants to start set up shop there in Cuba and let them let them loose. I mean, they've even some of these adversaries of ours have even talked about delivering. And we wrote about it going back many years on our website. I went back and looked and showed the screenshot. We worked with Dr. PRI and reported on using a balloon system for a delivery mechanism for an EMP attack on America.

David Pyne: Yeah. Dr. PRI, he wrote books, you know, at least 1 or 2 books about the balloon delivery threat. And we see that materialize before our very eyes, you know, with this latest Chinese strategic or rather stratospheric balloon that transited the entire US over seven days unmolested, you know, only shot down after it. It had, you know, flown across the entire country. So I think the Pentagon has identified perhaps as many as 80 Chinese balloons at one point or another that have been flying all over the world, particularly in the Western Hemisphere. And those, you know, they likely have produced hundreds, at least hundreds of military balloons, all of which could be nuclear capable. You know, we know that that technology existed back in 1980 to miniaturize nuclear weapons down to £200. You know, it could be far, far less than that. It could be, you know, £55. We produce that kind of technology, I think in the 50s or 60s with our Davy Crockett, you know, five kiloton warhead or perhaps, you know, it was adjustable. So, yeah, that's a real threat. And those could be deployed with super weapons and they could be deployed to hit us, you know, outside of US airspace if they were to fly, you know, half a dozen or a dozen of those along the coast, they could blanket our entire coastline with perhaps up to 400, 450 miles inward, you know, to get if they were high enough, you know, stratospheric balloons can travel up to, I think, about 32 miles at their highest altitude. So it would depend on what their altitude capabilities were in terms of the damage they could they could cause. But certainly they could take out our grid without even entering US airspace. Wow.

Brannon Howse: Look at this. This is a map from his report here, folks. This shows the three different power grids in the United States. Of course, Texas is its grid. And explain to our audience how. This fits into our conversation here showing these three grids.

David Pyne: Yeah. So the way the US is set up its grid. There are three grids as shown on the map. The Western grid, the Texas grid, and the eastern eastern grid. But of course, all of these are connected some to some extent. It's unclear, as you know, if the western and eastern grids went down, for example, the Texas grid would likely go down as well and vice versa. So, I mean, there is some possibility that if only one grid went down, that the other two could be restored. But, you know, I mean, there was a 60-minute special with with my friend Mike may be, in which it was basically revealed that with as little as nine strategically located substations, if those were attacked even by terrorists with kinetic weapons, the entire grid could go down for up to three weeks. And if it goes down over three weeks, it could take several months or more to to restore. So we're talking about the potential for you know, millions of Americans to die without power and food, transportation and fuel.

Brannon Howse: And then we saw the picture. What was being reported? I don't know if you saw I'm sure you did some guy coming over the border reportedly carrying like a shoulder fired, you know, launching system off his shoulder. We know there are like, I don't know, 5000 of these MANPADs running around Venezuela. Who knows where a lot of those are anymore? A lot of these folks that are coming into the US are coming to us from Venezuela and coming up to the US. So we've already seen a picture that has been verified by some news sources down in the border and over the border. Being a guy with a shoulder launching system, have you seen that? And number two, I mean, how many of those would you have to have to just take out entire substations? I mean, forget shooting at them with a rifle, as some people have apparently done, taking out the coolant system. Just just just use one of those on it. I mean, can you imagine if you hit some of these power substations, seven, eight, nine strategic ones with those things and walked off?

David Pyne: Yeah, the Russians have developed, you know, thermobaric round RPGs, so rocket propelled grenades, and those have eight times the power of TNT. So if you just have one of those and, you know, one round hits, hits a substation. I mean, it's going to take it out. Another big threat, of course, is our suitcases, conventional suitcases that are non-nuclear. Could be could be used to take out power stations without even being, you know, up to a block away, you know, perhaps. So you could have a car drive up, you know, someone detonating the conventional EMP and then, you know, making his escape somehow, you know, running away, I guess. So, you know, so you can use those you could use nuclear suitcases, you know, back in the 90s. Colonel Stanislav Lunev, a former Soviet KGB colonel, revealed that the existence of nuclear suitcases, perhaps even in the D.C. area. So there are a lot of different threats. And we're very ill prepared as a country to defend against them.

Brannon Howse: Some people inside the intelligence arena and those who were part of the government and retired take this seriously because we have heard of extremely wealthy people building multi-million dollar bunkers. Now, I would think these guys are not looking to build multi-million dollar bunkers because they just love to go down to the ground and live for a few weeks or a few months just because it's just so luxurious to live in a bunker underground. My guess is most of them have only stepped foot in it 1 or 2 times, if ever. But they're there and they've spent millions of dollars doing it. Some of them have already set up places like that over in New Zealand and other places. This is not a secret. I mean, this has been, you know, news stories have been done on this. Why is it that we have so many people that were once in the government building bunkers? What do they know? I think they know what we're talking about tonight, and I'm not privy to it. But everybody pretty well knows it covers this topic. There was an awful lot of construction going on a few years ago at the White House, and many believe that they built a lot more bunkers and a lot more underground stuff there on the front lawn of the White House. We all watch the machines and it was being reported on by people. So, again, all of that to say clearly the government is aware and concerned about this as a threat.

David Pyne: Yeah. I mean, you know, it's it was ludicrous living through the end of the Cold War and having all these people declare that the, you know, the the Russian nuclear threat magically disappeared. I mean, they had the most nuclear weapons by far of any country in the world. They still do. They had 40, 44,000. You know, at the end of the Cold War. Today they have perhaps 8 or 9000. You know, we only have 750 less. And, you know, so the nuclear threat is has not gone away. It's gotten it's gotten a lot higher, you know, because we're constantly provoking Russia and China to attack us by, you know, threatening to defend Taiwan by sending $200 billion worth of aid to Ukraine, according to Ukrainian sources, including about 47 billion in arms. And, you know, we've helped help the Ukrainians kill tens of thousands of Russian troops. We've helped them, you know, target and and set fire to Russian military strategic facilities inside the Russian Federation itself. And I think they're going to be looking for payback. You know, I've been expecting some kind of cyber attack, massive cyber attack that Russia is planning. But I think the reason that they haven't done it against the US homeland yet is I think they're waiting for China to to enter the war. You know, once China invades Taiwan, you know, all bets are off. We're going to, you know, if if if the US defense Taiwan militarily they're going to they're going to attack us with everything they have, starting with cyber weapons.

Brannon Howse: I want to play a clip I played the other night, but I want to play it again. Dan Bongino, someone put this out on social media. Listen to what Dan Bongino recently said. This is clearly starting to penetrate the mainstream conservative world, even though we've been talking about this stuff for, you know, ten, 15 years now. Let's watch this.

Dan Bongino (in video): Keep your head on a swivel. What's happening in China right now?

Dan Bongino (in video): I said to my wife, I'll say to you, I said to my daughter, I've got a plan for all of them right now about what to do. You know, nobody thinks anything's going to happen until it does. To quote a awful movie, not an awful it's entertaining, but. Movie quotes are dumb, but in that World War Z movie, nobody thinks anything's going to happen at it does. It's right. We thought the same thing about Ukraine. Putin's not going to invade Ukraine, right, folks? China could hit Taiwan any day, any week. Bbc left-wing outlet, of course, but China simulates hitting key targets in Taiwan. Be very careful. That happens folks. The world is going to change in seconds. It's true. Seconds. Yep. The possibility of an EMP attack here. Worldwide trade is going to get shut down. Interest rates are going to go through the roof. Stocks are going to tank. This could happen fast. Please be prepared. Water have the ability to start a fire, not fire like arson like fire to cook and maintain your heat, water, or boil water. The best day of your life. You throw all this stuff out, get some charcoal, have a grill, have some emergency food. Have a way to defend yourself. Yep. Make sure your house is secure. Don't screw around, please. This is serious stuff. The world can change in a second. I've been warning my wife about this.

Brannon Howse: Is he right?

David Pyne: He's right. But, you know, there are some ways out of this mess, one of which is to establish strategic clarity. You know, we see a lot of neoconservatives calling for strategic clarity to that. The US will defend Taiwan no matter what if China invades. That's exactly the wrong move in my in my opinion. We need to have strategic clarity and tell them that we will not get involved militarily in a war with Taiwan. We need to, you know, say that we will defend every single Pacific treaty ally that we have in the Pacific Indo-Pacific region. But, you know, that does not extend to nontreaty allies. You know, Taiwan is a is has been a long time US ally. It has not been a treaty ally for the last 44 years. I would advocate it at the time back in the 90s and perhaps the 80s as well as advocated that we provide Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan with nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. It's much too late to provide Taiwan with nuclear weapons. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is undeterrable, in my opinion. The only way we could deter it or prevent it would be to to, you know, either sponsor or allow for some kind of reunification agreement along the lines that I've talked about on my real war Substack at Substack up there.

Brannon Howse: What is that? There we go. And if they want to find some of the reports we were showing on the screen tonight, they just go to EMP task or where.

David Pyne: Yeah, is our task force website. So I'd encourage all of your viewers to go there and you know, volunteer to donate your time and money to help us get the word out. You know, we are a nonprofit. We're a congressionally authorized board, but we are a nonprofit. So we.

Brannon Howse: Could have hardened this grid and done something. But there's like 2300 utilities and they don't want to do anything.

David Pyne: Yeah. So, you know, I was just talking about with some friends of mine on social media that, you know, the Pentagon is unable to account for trillions of dollars worth of funding and it would only cost 50,000,000,001 times, a one-time amount of 50 billion to harden the entire US grid against attack. A hardening of the grid, you know, would not provide a total defense against the attack. But just as in the case of missile defense, if we were if we build, you know, thousands of missile defense interceptors, it wouldn't be sufficient to shoot them all down. But we don't need to have a total deterrent, you know, total capability to, you know, to defend our country against a nuclear attack without being, you know, to deter the threat. Because it's it's the fact that we're completely defenseless against a nuclear missile attack from Russia or China or North Korea and satellites. That's what maximizes the chances of such an attack materializing.

Brannon Howse: From ABC News this is from June 20th which is I think today. Yeah, the Pentagon accounting error provides an extra 6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid. I mean, they just got so much money, they just print the printing presses over there. I mean, they just crank up the printing presses. They can't even account for it. So that's more than enough. More than enough to harden the grid. You could have done it for how many? What? 2 billion? 50 billion. 50.

David Pyne: 50. 50.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Okay. All right. But that's a small price to pay for the country, right? And how much have we given to Iran and all these other countries? How much we have given to Ukraine so far?

David Pyne: We gave 196 billion to Ukraine according to Ukraine.

Brannon Howse: So half of that we could have used to harden our grid.

David Pyne: 25% of it would have been sufficient to harden the grid. So where where are the government's priorities? We won't defend the border. The Biden administration refuses to defend the border against Chinese special forces infiltrating millions of illegals, you know, criminals and, you know, child abusers and whatnot. And we spent 200 billion, you know, to defend Ukraine, which is not even a US ally. We have no treaty or security commitment to it. And it's completely oppositional to US national security interests to fight a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine because it maximizes the chances that they will strike us hard with unconventional weapons like cyber super and nuclear weapons. So, you know, we need to follow what Trump is saying, DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswami, and that is to cease all US aid, not just military aid, but also financial aid to Ukraine until they negotiate and implement a peace agreement ending the war in Ukraine.

Brannon Howse: Let's give that substack again. Put it up there. and emp task force are correct.

David Pyne: That's correct.

Brannon Howse: Awesome. David, thank you for your great reporting and great work for our country.

David Pyne: Thank you so much, Brannon

Brannon Howse: Thank you. David Pyne Checking in. Check out his substack and

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