Brannon Howse: July 31, 2018
Guest: Andy Woods joins us for Ask Dr. Woods. Question: Is John 15:2 speaking about believers, because it says, "Every branch in Me?" Is vs 6 about unbelievers because it says, "If anyone does not abide in Me?" In vs 2 it says, "He takes away." Where are they taken if they are believers? Question: What is the biblical view on drinking and smoking? Is this Christian liberty? I always thought an occasional sip with dinner and festive occasions was OK. Question: How could the Lord hold all things together in existence when He was a baby? Question: How should we as believers interact with our homosexual, unsaved family members? How do we love and embrace them without embracing their lifestyle? How can we exemplify Christ without ignoring or accepting their choice of sin? Question: Since Christ returns (2nd Coming) at the end of the 7 Year Tribulation on Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) and literally fulfills all 3 Fall Feasts (consecutively), I was wondering if that means the 7 Year Tribulation actually begins just 7 years prior to Christ’s Return around the fall Feasts time? In other words, does the Antichrist “confirm” the “peace agreement” with Israel in the Fall (around the 3 Fall Feasts)? And does that “confirmation” start the countdown of the 7 Year Tribulation beginning with the 3 Fall Feasts and ending 7 years later at the Fall Feasts with the 2nd Coming? Question: Do the 2 witnesses show up at the Western Wall during the Fall Feasts at the beginning of the Tribulation? And, is it Enoch or Moses along with Elijah?