Transhumanism and The Great De-Banking: Global, Draconian And Devastating

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In a recent interview with TV host Brannon Howse, technocracy expert Patrick Wood shed light on the hidden forces driving globalization and the troubling rise of central banks as key players in the power structure. The discussion delved into the dark underbelly of the banking world and its ruthless tactics against individuals and entities challenging their narratives.

Wood began the interview by discussing his book, "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism." He explained how he conducted a network analysis to identify the driving forces behind globalization. Recalling a similar exercise with Anthony Sutton in the 1970s, Wood decided to analyze the membership of the Trilateral Commission, a powerful group often associated with influencing global policies. The results of his investigation were shocking: the influence of commercial banks, such as Chase and Citigroup, which were dominant 40 years ago, had receded. Surprisingly, central banks had now taken their place.

According to Wood, this shift in power is significant because it reveals that the original power brokers, starting with the Bank for International Settlements, were now firmly in control of the global agenda through the central bank system. Globalization, as we know it, seemed to be dictated by these central banking entities.

The conversation then turned to recent incidents where banks wielded their power to suppress dissenting voices. Wood cited the example of Dr. Joseph Mercola, who runs one of the world's largest alternative medicine sources, with millions of monthly website visitors. JP Morgan Chase, the bank associated with Mercola, abruptly canceled his commercial account, along with those of his family members, sending a chilling message of control and intimidation.

Another instance involved Nigel Farage, a prominent figure in the Brexit movement. Farage's bank of 18 years cut ties with him, seemingly due to his political views. This sparked outrage among the public, leading to the CEO's eventual resignation, a possible result of mounting pressure and impending lawsuits.

Wood warned that these actions by banks were not isolated incidents but reflective of a broader trend of silencing dissenting voices. He described the banksters' tactics as "scorched earth policy" akin to mafia-style tactics, aiming not only to silence but also to crush opposition completely.

Brannon Howse expressed concern over the danger posed by these powerful entities. Wood agreed, emphasizing that the iron teeth of these banking giants were sinking into the flesh of anyone who dared challenge their narratives. This alarming trend showed no signs of abating, and Wood predicted more aggressive actions against those who opposed their agenda.

As the interview concluded, Howse announced Technocracy News as a keynote speaker at the upcoming Ozarks Worldview Weekend. The lineup included influential figures from different fields, united in their mission to challenge and expose the malevolent forces driving global technocracy.

In the face of these revelations, it is evident that the world is witnessing a fierce battle for control, where central banks and global financial institutions exert their power to stifle dissenting voices. The sinister alliance between technocracy and transhumanism remains a potent force, threatening individual freedoms and democratic values. Only by remaining vigilant and informed can we hope to confront these challenges and preserve a world where free speech and critical thinking are cherished and protected.

Click here to watch this program now:

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For a free, no obligation packet of information on precious metals or putting gold into your IRA please text your name and address to Wes Peters of Swiss America or call him at 602-558-8585. 

This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
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