Religious Simpletons That Mocked Our Network Are Being Exposed Through Coronavirus Food Shortages

Many people thought it was crazy when our broadcast network was advising my radio audience for years and years to be ready for a black swan type event and stock up on emergency supplies. The fact that our website sold freeze dried food & other emergency supplies was mocked by neo-calvinists who work for nationally known ministries. Their online insults and memes were extremely rude and un-Christian, but only affirmed the fruit that pours forth from their unbiblical doctrine and dangerous ministries. Their unbiblical theology is being exposed even now in a long TV series featuring Dr. Andy Woods at

Yes, we offered a service to our people so they could put into place an emergency plan my family and many of our broadcasters have implemented. We used the funds from those sales to expand our network technology & to continue to offer free TV & radio to the world.

Many in our audience followed our advice, and now during this Coronavirus crisis—with stores lacking in supplies—we are receiving large quantities of thank you messages for helping our audience. They are thanking us for helping them to understand the times and the clear and present dangers facing America.

The good news is we saved the social media posts from the religious simpletons who mocked our audience and our network. These people are dangerous, not only because they are the very definition of simpletons, but many of them teach a false Christianity, a works-based gospel, and have been heavily involved in transforming America and the American church so American Christians roll over to socialism and tyranny. I expose many of these individuals and their organizations by name in my November 2018 book, Marxianity at


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